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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.10 MB, 4128x3096, qualitysolderjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7284372 No.7284372 [Reply] [Original]

just mod your hardware bro!

>> No.7284379

compress your boring pictures before you post them retard

>> No.7284386

needs more flux bro

>> No.7284397

>people on /vr/, youtube, and fucking anywhere on the internet:
>"if you wanna get into soldering, get some old broken electronics to work on, that way you lose nothing of value if you fuck up"
>every retarded zoomer who wants to learn how to solder:
>"Time for my first attempt at soldering! I'm gonna mod my working and important to me console, what could possibly go wrong?"
Every time. I still can't figure out how a generation who was RAISED with information at their fingertips is completely and totally unable to use their brains to access this information.

>> No.7284493

Companies made millions of these consoles. The only way to make these things legit rare and expensive is to get an army of zoomies to actively destroy them. It's really very simple.

>> No.7284496

check your privilege boomer

>> No.7284498

is a 1.1 MB jpeg really too big for you?

>> No.7284523

Zoomers are cancer.
>Be raised normal and have touched a tool more than once.
>GB battery is dead
>Get supplies
>Use basic motor skills that aren't destroyed by ADHA and masturbation
>Touch the hot stick to the metal points four times and I am done.
>Do this a few more times
>Ok it looks like an RGB mod is only a couple dozen points and they provide detailed instructions and will even sell you pre cut wires or matching ribbon cables.
>Ok my first mod is done in half an hour
How is this difficult? Can kids these days not follow instructions? It goes together one way.

>> No.7284529

Zoomers are what happens when you don't beat your kids.

>> No.7284542
File: 513 KB, 400x225, 1608699174762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmmm for my first soldering job I should just MOAR SOLDER XD MOARRRRRR SOLDERRRR

>> No.7284624

just use flux, any flux is fine

>> No.7284626
File: 1.07 MB, 3024x4032, openxeniuminstall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7284656

This is a really fixable, just slather some flux, get your iron nice and hot, and use some solder wick. If that's too hard get a cheap as fuck desolder pump.

>> No.7284658

it is when you compare it to the content of the image

>> No.7284663

You're almost certainly a zoomer yourself, but that logic has never made sense to me. If zoomers are the result of boomer parenting, and zoomers suck, doesn't that maybe indicate the boomer generation is shitty too?

>> No.7284675

fair point; if you're phoneposting i imagine it sucks donkey dick waiting for the full image

>> No.7285654

Pablos using his moms phone and she only gets a few MB of 2.5G data on her 3rd shithole plan.

>> No.7285948

not retro

>> No.7285949

this, but literally.

On Murica, it is.

>> No.7285950

>putting kapton-tape over metal-contacts which will never ever be in danger of coming in contact with anything
At least it's not hotglue.

>> No.7285958
File: 179 KB, 1156x1308, g9k0pn321ta61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sub-leddit is giving be the creeps, jfc

>> No.7285960

this is a retro board. At least OP should have used a 56K warning

>> No.7285961

>those solder joints

>> No.7285967

t.a faggot

>> No.7286069

not him but both tapes appear to be used to prevent any movement, not the metal contacts. The solder point on the right looks weak and could break with a loose wire.

>> No.7286082

>Zoomers are cancer.
As if most boomers could do any better.

>> No.7286108

soldering is an art form

>> No.7286121

Everyone knows connecting all the solder-points creates a SUPER solder-joint that increases the console power by 400%

>> No.7286217

Because fibreglass pen was too much to use

>> No.7287045

"Boomers" are the ones who discovered these mods.

>> No.7287075

I never learned how to solder and the one time I tried I almost destroyed a component.

Also I am 34 you fucking child.

>> No.7287398

Just watched Ben Heck butcher an X68000 video board doing unneeded recapping. Piss poor desoldering technique ripping out fucking vias then having to kludge in wires as a fix, all when the problem was a bad molex connector.

If that was my mint X68k that would drive me nuts, Jesus christ:

>> No.7287442

>Use basic motor skills that aren't destroyed by masturbation

>> No.7287448
File: 715 KB, 2560x1536, retardatwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard on reddit wanted to remove his NES' expansion port for no particular reason.

>> No.7287450

You fucking retard.

>> No.7287468
File: 16 KB, 512x176, beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just mod your hardware bro!
I'm ready. R8 my new soldering iron, can't wait to put a region switch in my mint Turbo Duo.

>> No.7287560

I only watched a little but beyond just being more gentle what did he do wrong?

>> No.7287561

I used the kapton tape so the modchip doesn't short out on the DVD drive
I gave the second wire a couple of light tugs and it seemed strong. I pre-tin everything and use the smallest amount of solder that I can so everything stays clean and reversible if needed.

>> No.7287563

>Retard on reddit

>> No.7287565

Also I like kapton because it doesn't leave residue

>> No.7287570

He ripped out a few vias (plated through holes) and had to use bodge wire to fix the damage. Proper desoldering equipment and a bit more finesse and you wouldn't have a hacked pcb. Maybe I'm too ocd, but hacking is good when you are making portable 2600s an shit, not so much for something you are trying to keep original.

>> No.7287692

>never soldered before

do people really? everybody has dead electronics lying around, rip one open and practice soldering for 30 minutes before ruining your shit...

>> No.7287716

>Because fibreglass pen was too much to use
that's the least of their concerns.
how the fuck does this happen? this makes me feel sad.

>> No.7288054

>i'm retarded and can't do simple things
>i have the mind of a child
>Also I am 34 you fucking child
Few things in this world are more hilarious and cringe than watching a useless shitstain of a millennial manchild trying to play the age card

>> No.7288101

nobody ever mentions desoldering is significantly harder than soldering
and make sure you're at the perfect angle for each solder connection, don't even attempt until you 100% are
those 2 tips are the secrets that nobody tells beginners for some reason

>> No.7288754

I suppose now would be the time to mention that if that's your experience you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7288771

> everybody has dead electronics lying around,
i don't know how to solder at all and whenever i ask i just get insulted.

>> No.7288867

yeah, but don't tell the boomers that.

>> No.7288913

Desoldering is pretty easy, the problem is having the right tools. That 2 dollar piece of copper wick? Try again chief. That 5 dollar solder sucker? Maybe, if you spend an hour.

You can get basic 2 or 3 pin components out with basic tools, but if you want to desolder a chip, you want a tool that actually works.

It's funny, soldering used to be a lot easier. Then they banned lead in solder and everything got far harder and more brittle. Now you need to coat shit with flux to even get a connection with "modern" solders.

>> No.7288916

>be 12
>buy psx mod chip
>comes with piece of paper showing where to solder
>never soldered before
>no internet to watch soldering videos
>borrow dad's soldering iron and god knows what kind of solder was lying next to it
>rip open psx
>everything goes better than expected and I'm still using that modded psx to this day

>> No.7288920
File: 195 KB, 800x800, 1578529391328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7289207

From what I see, problem with the with is using too low temperature and tip with not enough thermal mass
Dunno where you live, where I live if you are not doing any industrial scale type of electronics, as and hobbyist you can use lead solder freely and its readily available. Basically fuck higher melting point

>> No.7289234

Why don't you have dead electronics lying around, you dumb dumb poo poo head?

>redditot can't into desoldering
lol. What a faggot. I love how tards try something with basic tools, fail, then buy expensive tools and fail, and assume the problem is that the task is hard when it's actually that they're retarded. I pull high pin count parts with nothing but wick and a $5 soldering iron all the time. Occasionally I use a solder sucker. I'd love to hear what special tool you need to remove a dip-4. Please enlighten us all.

>> No.7289263

Tell me more about how you're doing that on modern dogshit boards without plated through holes and thinking you're hot shit. Go remove a NES PPU with your solder wick and then we'll talk.

It's a pain in the ass without a decent desoldering station. Can you do it? Sure, given enough time. Does anyone want to spend 2 hours on one chip? Not if they aren't fucking insane.

>> No.7289289

This zoomer has no soldering skills. He is to be disregarded.

>> No.7289648

>modern dogshit boards
Not retro zoomie. Also lmao at your epic fail. You're so stupid you don't realize you just outed yourself as a clueless fuck who's just saying words you heard on youtube. You'd better go watch that youtube again and pay more attention this time.
It's fucking hilarious to watch retarded little faggots project their inexperience and lack of skill on to others. I can pull a dip-40 in a few minutes with a cheap soldering iron and some wick. It doesn't take a desoldering station. It just takes not being a dumb inexperienced no-skill kid.
Still waiting for details of your "decent desoldering station" that you bought so you could remove dip-4s. If you don't actually have one because you're just parroting youtube that's ok. Just let me know what kind youtube told you you need.

>> No.7290023
File: 861 KB, 1577x1183, 20181228_194355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first and probably last solder job
only other thing involving solder id wanna deal with is N64RGB
how is the difficulty of that? everyone i asked before i did the PSIO said id end up bricking it because its not a first time tier job

>> No.7290027

The picture only needed to be 720p at the most, not fucking 5K or whatever that is.

>> No.7290030

i ran out of flux bro

>> No.7290043

You idiots can argue about whatever you want, but my original point still stands; it's harder to desolder than to solder.
Practice both on scrap.

>> No.7290102

>it's harder to desolder than to solder
just pull on it really fucking hard
like wtf?
its ez

>> No.7290107

Then buy the practice kits literally made for children smarter then you. Or buy some cheap shit and mess around with it. My 10 year old nephew has more common sense then you.

>> No.7290172

Looks pretty easy.
Also you stripped some wires so far it's a bit scary (but it's normal for a first time job).

>> No.7290174


I'm 28, never soldered in my life, and I fucking soldered a 3D printer's hotend to an aviation connector on my first try using clearance shit from home depot.

Its so fucking easy

>> No.7290219

oops i meant N64 HDMI
seems like it needs some kind of ribbon soldered on

>> No.7290242

I dunno why that anon mentioned the wire you can't tell shit about it's rigidity in that photo. The tape obviously isn't there for the wire.
The drive is far away enough from the drive that there's no way it'll short. Anyway we can't tell shit about your skills from that picture, all the joints are on the bottom of the board and through hole soldering is kids stuff.

>> No.7290243

You can do it if you have the right tools and take your sweet time. I don't like to use extra flux.

>> No.7290249

That happens because Ben is too cheap to invest in a desoldering gun and doesn't use a shit ton of flux when he removes old caps and stuff. To be fair these are 30 years old now at least, it makes sense to recap.

>> No.7290254

Desoldering is definitely easy with the right tools and technique. Use the right tip, get good, thick wick, use lots of flux and introduce fresh solder to leaded and use low melt on newer hardware.

>> No.7290262

Post a video to prove it. Removing NES PPU is a huge pain in the ass even with a gun. I use low melt and bathe the thing in flux and it's still a hassle.

>> No.7290791

i hope you realise photos use entirely different standards than video for resolution

>> No.7290814

Get a brain first, then we talk about privileges you retard.

>> No.7290820
File: 2.28 MB, 2616x3024, IMG_20200307_171636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how we doo iiiiiittt

>> No.7291389

voultar does it like it's nothing

>> No.7291467

Please learn use to flux

>> No.7291470

>prove yourself to a retarded child
lol. no. Removing an NES PPU is only a huge pain in the ass for a no skill faggot. It's truly hilarious how you fucking zoomers think watching a youtube video magically gives you the same skills other people acquired over years. You literally can't believe you aren't the mostest bestest person in the world at anything you try to do because you've been coddled and lied to your entire life.
You can find plenty of videos on youtube where people remove a large pin count through hole part quickly and easily with a gun. Why don't you go watch a few of those and then come back and cry and cope and blame your lack of skill on your gun having artificial difficulty and lag

>> No.7291481
File: 14 KB, 142x250, 1588838057116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stripped some wires so far it's a bit scary

nothing a little (lot) of hot glue won't fix

>> No.7291510
File: 3.67 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200319_204543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man. I have a cheap chink gun and these are a piece of cake to pull if you know what you're doing. It's a fairly simple mod.

>> No.7292046

Insecure much?

>> No.7292243

>be insecure about being called a faggot zoomer
>n-n-n-o u
zoom back to tik tok faggot zoomer

>> No.7292267
File: 721 KB, 4096x2304, 1610096761922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've striped 2 OG xbox mobos trying to fix/mod them

>> No.7292456

all you have to do with desoldering gun is
1) add fresh solder
2) not overheat the pads
that's literally it

>> No.7292737

Yeah. It's not rocket science and with a 5 minutes practice anyone should be able to develop the skills required to clearly remove a dip-40 in a few minutes using a desoldering gun. Maybe anon doesn't know you need to plug it in or something?

>> No.7293090

I used to think I sucked at soldering. Well guess what retard, just pick up an iron and work on some easy shit at first. I recap consoles like it's nobody's business nowadays

>> No.7293515

install a mod chip and be done with it
then again, you ARE retarded...

>> No.7293757

I have a 1.6 xbox, it's not that easy

>> No.7294812

>browsing ebay, looking at second hand limited run consoles that sell for $300-800
>some fucking euro puts a listing up for a $400 gamecube
>"yeah so i modded it and removed the disk drive and original fan so you can use sd cards and play any game instead !"
>asking for more than average DESPITE removing parts of the original hardware on a LIMITED edition console because he thinks modding it has increased its value
that is peak retardation anons.
oh no, you know, can't just mod a $20 purple one, nah do the mod and remove original components on a $400 instead and think that equates to an increased value because gee i don't know, it's not like people are buying the limited edition ones because they have unique parts or anything.
fucking smooth brains i swear

>> No.7294817

I might be wrong, but did you crimp molex connectors and then solder them to the board?

>> No.7294860

>do people really?
Younger folk these days think that everything is pick up and play. Then they do stupid ass shit like buy a dremel with a grindwheel to ghetto rig a laser sight onto a firearm that doesn't have any railings, only to slice their wrist bones open because they never touched any of the above as my 11 year old nephew learned 2 months ago.

>> No.7294880

>I still can't figure out how a generation who was RAISED with information at their fingertips is completely and totally unable to use their brains to access this information.
Simple: they take it for granted because they don't remember what it was like to not have all of that information always accessible.

>> No.7294889

because theres a lot of information but theres also a lot of disinformation. Back then it took you a while but you talked to some people, got a proper book and went on with it, now you look it up instantly but instead of the proper and complete method 90% is clickbait "well, akshually" type of shit

>> No.7294890

Honestly the real issue with soldering is being afraid of fucking up, which is a lot easier to come by when it's something that personally belongs to you, is non-disposable, and costs a lot of money. Build up confidence with practice boards and wires personally I suggest getting some of 10 and 26 gauge wires, those size thresholds represent the most difficult soldering jobs you could do with a normal iron and just keep fucking around until you're comfortable to do the real thing.
That actually looks pretty decent and honestly you shouldn't be worried so long as it's not messy or cold.

>> No.7294998

I did this shit too. I have to imagine I probably ended up with plumbing solder in something at some point when I was a stupid kid but everything works still.

>> No.7295064

it is if you do it the right way.
Use brain

>> No.7295069

You'd be surprised, this technique often isn't as fool proof as you think it is. Especially when you're dealing with unleaded solder. It's easy to burn off pads because the solder isn't getting hot enough, and there's also the factor of people not using Hakkos and using China shit.

>> No.7295148

This is certainly a big part of it. The other is that there's a difference between information that's available and information that's learned and understood. You see this all the time with people talking about a subject as if they know anything about it when all they did was skim a superficial article or listen to a sound bite.
Disinformation is one of the biggest problems the world faces today and the like and upvote culture compounds it. In a non-retarded world videos of little sperg failing at desoldering would earn them nothing but shame and ridicule. But in this fucked up participation-tropy you-do-you every-opinion-is-equally-valid pls-no-bully world they get nothing but praise.

In both cases it's very difficult for someone who doesn't already know the subject to tell who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't.

>> No.7295237
File: 878 KB, 2560x1920, JnTSGDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my work.

>> No.7295436

i still have to tell people in their 20s how to uncompress files. digital natives my ass.

>> No.7295493

Ah yes, the Drakon special.

>> No.7295636
File: 175 KB, 600x300, needs-more-cowbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised at all that it's not easy for a tard who learns how to do it wrong from youtube. For the rest of us it's a piece of piss. Desoldering/soldering may be the single best example of "a bad workman blames his tools".

Needs more hot glue

>> No.7295813
File: 424 KB, 454x423, mega_amp_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a MegaAmp in the mail a couple days ago. thing is so damn small. i'm scared

>> No.7295876

missed a spot

>> No.7295880
File: 890 KB, 305x320, 1610513218680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be back in high school charging retards $50 bucks to install their mod chips (no refunds) and making more money than you are now as an adult

>> No.7295985

There's no right or wrong way to do anything really. As long as you're satisfied with the results that's all that matters.

>> No.7296013

Spoken like a true idiot. You're only as good as the tools you use.

>> No.7296054

Is that a bloodborne weapon

>> No.7296189
File: 326 KB, 1024x768, 1607510510832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7296264

chad, hot glue haters are gay.

>> No.7296269

Sorry kiddo, your mommy lied to you. It's this mentality that has resulted in so many of your kind ending up complete wastes of space. Sticking daddys keys in the power socket is absolutely the wrong way to live to a ripe old age. Don't believe me? Give it a try. At least one of us will be satisfied with the results.

Top kek kid. Keep telling yourself that. Keep watching those youtubes and buying the shit they shill chasing the illusion that eventually a better tool will magically make you good at something. Meanwhile, those of us who can use a $5 soldering iron to do work better than you could every imagine will continue to mock you and laugh at you for being the biggest tool of all.

>> No.7296336

i've soldered things before fuckhead just not this complicated and not this small.

>> No.7296391
File: 156 KB, 1125x1500, 1582145052816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7297474

Looks like this was designed by someone who makes most of their money doing recaps to ensure they'll have plenty of work in the future.

>> No.7297480

What's the point of v-chips in 2021?

>> No.7297545

What am I supposed to be seeing?

>> No.7297547

Whats unique about any limited edition system ever other than its purely cosmetic shell?

>> No.7297651

bitch you wouldn't know a capacitor from a transistor. stfu

>> No.7298049

gamecubetrannies are mentally ill

>> No.7298186

Why the fuck do these retards use glue? Just tape shit down if you need to.

>> No.7298734
File: 163 KB, 1702x1384, 1609431435240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a refill squiar

>> No.7298862

he literally removed the entire disk drive, on a normal indigo or black one yeah that makes sense, not on a very rare limited edition one that's drive was still working.
you basically may as well burn $200 while your at it.

>> No.7299173
File: 2.95 MB, 1588x3266, 20201114_181836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I tried to replace a GB battery I blew it up try to desolder the little tab things that were spot welded onto the battery. Even after that blunder I could still manage to figure out how to solder a PS1 mod chip in although the CD assembly went tits up and I haven't found a suitable replacement yet.
Here's the most recent "mod" I've done.

>> No.7299175
File: 952 KB, 494x257, good god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they soldered crimped connectors

>> No.7299283

Aren't you the guy LARPing living in Shenzen? How's that working out for you, kiddo?

>> No.7299295

Seems odd to put all that work into something that won't have to be replaced for over 20 years.

>> No.7299326
File: 1.43 MB, 2268x3024, IMG_1346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMS with cracked PCB around cartridge port. It actually fucking worked until i reassembled and some of the PCB cracked more. Not even sure if it's worth salvaging at this point.

>> No.7299343
File: 1.55 MB, 2268x3024, IMG_1347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7299349

Your soldering is not very good, so i wouldn't try to fix the pcb, youll probably break it. Quick question... Do you use flux at all?

>> No.7299396

lol what do you mean? most of that is soldering directly to filed traces over PCB cracks. it's not going to look good. The wires being smashed was from reassembly. I think that's what broke it after i fixed it. There's case pieces I did not account for. Yes, i used flux.

>> No.7299412

Just use a PC and emulate bro!

>> No.7299417

What's the point of asking about v-chips?

No. But whoever that is it's obviously working out great for him. He's clearly living rent free in your head and causing you to have seetheures.

>soldering two wires is a lot of work

>> No.7299420

You just outed yourself as a zoomer, because adults know there are several generations between boomer and zoomer.

>> No.7299424


>> No.7299460

yeah ordering and installing a battery receptacle, soldering two wires to the side where the terminals aren't even located, leaving it dangling around in a cartridge does seem like an odd amount of work relative to the return you're getting out of it

>> No.7299490

That better be 240V or you're screwed. 120V is not enough for an iron that size.

>> No.7299507

The terminals are on the side that has the ROM chips, plus the original battery was shipped broken as the positive side battery tab wasnt even connected to the battery. I dont like buying pre tabbed batteries because they are more expensive and I can't easily replace them with something I can get in like any store. I canalso replace them with rechargeable LIR2025 batteries if I so please.
I dont know why they didn't ship them like this in the first place.

>> No.7299730
File: 1.72 MB, 2500x1667, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that zoom and cope.
That's all of 60 seconds including the onerous task of clicking "buy". Of course this is assuming anon isn't a retarded zoomer who has to spend a few days on the internet asking if there is some sort of magical thing that can make one piece of plastic stick to another. No wonder mommy won't let you use a screwdriver.

>> No.7300590

Clearly you've never heard of the expression "a shitty craftsman will always blame his tools."