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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 532 KB, 1534x2100, batgenbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7284970 No.7284970 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>I want to play my Sega Genesis games in HDTV
>But I don't want to use an emulator
>So PC and the MiSTer is not an option
>I check out the cost of the Mega SG
>The Mega SG is ridiculously expensive
>I look at the Mega Retron HD
>The Mega Retron HD is reasonably cheaper
>But then I remembered that I already own an original model 1 Sega Genesis, maybe there's a converter cable?
>So I look for the best option in converter cables
>I discover RGB Scart to HDMI
>I buy an Insurrection Industries Scart cable for the Sega Genesis
>I bougt a scart to HDMI converter
>My items finally came in the mail
>I finally get to play Batman for the Sega Genesis on my HDTV
>I don't have to worry about sound issues when I can just plug my audio jack to the Sega Genesis, so it can connect to my stereo system
>I get high quality surround sound and the best picture quality
Best Investment Ever! I didn't have to resort to buying a stupid gimmicky FPGA device/console.

>> No.7285621

>I want to play my Sega Genesis games in HDTV

>> No.7285626

>>But I don't want to use an emulator
you should have

>> No.7285630

Is what Nincels like you should do.

>> No.7285638

I'm not opposed to using emulators. I just like using original hardware and original controllers.

>> No.7285735

>can't use quotes properly
>can't into PC
>too poor for FPGA
>apparently forgot they actually owned the console they wanted to play
>thinks SCART-to-HDMI via a converter to an HD screen is the best picture quality
retarded redditor

>> No.7287109

>Being triggered by my anti-FPGA post
t. Fag Pedo Gay Activist

>> No.7288331


>> No.7289830

I prefer RF into a CRT for genesis.

>> No.7290029
File: 489 KB, 470x456, 1608470536276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip input lag. You pay for what you get

>> No.7290550


I have that option. But I still want an HDTV option and so I went with an RGB Scart to HD converter cable solution.

>input lag
Is not something I notice.

>> No.7290561
File: 97 KB, 284x402, 1607050849995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just post this to piss people off, or were you so excited about your "accomplishment" that you decided to post it on the most elitist, in your face game forum and think you were going to get a pat on the back?? I'm actually curious.

>> No.7290598

I was genuinely exciting about playing my Sega Genesis on an HDTV. The thought of pissing people off or getting a pat on the back never crossed my mind.

>> No.7290632

Sick blog entry man, where can I find the unsubscribe button at though? Maybe even the report button, too.

>> No.7290759

>Being this triggered