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7284271 No.7284271 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing in the remake matches this majesty

>> No.7284274

does the remake include cloud's rape scene?

>> No.7284292

It same thing, fool.

>> No.7284352

It's literally not. Confirmed for not playing either one.

>> No.7284356

>It same thing, fool.
WTF you talk like FF7 character

>> No.7284485

there ain't no getting offa this train we on

>> No.7284513

I makuh duh big shit in yo mowf cloud. Open wide you white honky

>> No.7284578

FFVIIR killed what little faith I had left in SE. I am glad I have FFVII but sad the company that I knew is dead and gone

>> No.7284590


There's a lot of Dickensian sadness in the Midgar section that might be kind of missing in the remake. There's this melancholy all over the place. The slums seem just too perky and fun in the remake. A lot of god damn sun too which is ridiculous.

>> No.7284614

Everything that was subtle and poignant and tender in the original was made so overt and over-the-top in the remake, it's like the game is constantly patting itself on the back for the achievements of a totally different game.

At the same time, playing it is an oddly satisfying affirmation of the merits of the original. Weird

>> No.7284671

Not the same hot tub scene but they invented a new gay guy who makes Cloud star in a drag show.

>> No.7284679

I agree but I started to appreciate the differences once I realized the core twist of the game explains it. The original game was largely sadder in tone and I still think the new version of Honeybee Inn is way to expensive and high class to be below the plate but given that the remake's main conceit seems to be centered around second chances I think the happier atmosphere works.

>> No.7284717
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Crisis Core was already overdramatic, but I wonder how the remake will handle Zack's death. The orginal was just brutal in its simplicity of the scene. Unceremoniously gunned down. Hell, him and Aerith might not even stay dead in the remake.

>> No.7284732
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I still can't believe that SE are selling people a padded out reimaging of FF7 in three separate parts for full price each. If you are slow as fuck, Midgar might take you 5 hours? The first part of the remake padded Midgar out to 40 hours? It does not make sense.

>> No.7284741

I'm convinced Aerith is the safest character in the game now. Sephiroth knows it's his second run and killing Aerith is exactly what fucked him over in the first. Killing her would be counterproductive. Even if Aerith was resigned to trying to keep events from derailing now that that train isn't on its tracks anymore anything can happen. I fear for Barret. Waaay too much of him and Marlene in the remake to not be foreboding.

>> No.7284869

did you not play the remake? they already did that scene and zack comes back to life via magic

>> No.7285462
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>VILLAIN gets a second chance

>> No.7285906

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.7285941


エアリス then

>> No.7287387

nobody but hardcore weebs gives a shit about moon runes

>> No.7287393

I unironically love everything about Stand Up and the entire makeover scene

>> No.7287404

Barret already died and got better though. Even President Shinra survived. The Remake is a sequel to the first game.

>> No.7287409

He's Soldier, you already see Cloud and co. getting shot like hundreds of times and fighting giant warmachines for like 30 hours before you can even reach that scene.

>> No.7287412

>The Remake is a sequel to the first game.
Then they fucking lied didn't they? They didn't make a remaster. They didn't make a sequel. They sold everyone a fucking lazy lie.

>> No.7287423

Her name is just the words Air and Earth mashed together anon. Almost all (usually a little more than half) characters in Final Fantasy games have names that sound like normal English names but aren't because they're from a different dimension and it makes it more phantasmal.

>> No.7287425

It's both a remake and a sequel and it's actually wonderful because you get to hang out with your best friends.

>> No.7287457
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both Tifa and Aerith's names are based on Tiferet/Tifereth, among other allusions to Kabbalah.

>> No.7287490 [DELETED] 

No wonder FF7 is the kike's pick of FFs

>> No.7287504

Its more clever than you're giving credit for. I used to think the title was dumb: FFVII Remake. But it turns out the title has the double meaning of being an in-universe remake too. I was lukewarm on the game until I started piecing together that it was Mortal Kombat 9 on the sneak.

>> No.7287508
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>tfw my wife literally walked in during this scene and was like wtf are you playing

>> No.7287509

don't tell me they're doing a cycle thing like Type-0

>> No.7287513

Exactly. That's classic misdirection. Barret survived because the continuity nerd ghosts enforced the original storyline but now that the ghosts were beaten there's no more plot armor.

The original game did something similar with Cait Sith. He "died" in the Temple of the Ancients to lull the player into a false sense of security that the game wouldn't kill a party member.

>> No.7287515

Aerith getting wet by it was interesting

>> No.7287520

Doesnt seem like it. More like the new Star Trek movies with a possible DC comics style multiverse hinted in the ending.

>> No.7287527

That's even worse ;/
Why do they DO this? It always makes for a sloppy mess of every setting

>> No.7287548

The Remake is pure shit. Something special tuned into something mundane and common place

>> No.7287593
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 47EEC2E2-1AE0-4D69-90C3-A36048B4A0AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remake included a sepheroth fight in midgar because dopamine addled zoomers can’t stand the dramatic buildup of a looming threat and need le instant action with le long haired kingdom sharts man

>> No.7287606

Ff7 was never that special. If you were a mall goth maybe.

>> No.7287630
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 08692A27-6D85-4DCB-9513-316A61D77F42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More like the new Star Trek movies with a possible DC comics style multiverse hinted in the ending.


>> No.7287631

They haven't actually explained the why behind the time travel. I'm an admitted comic book junkie though so this is my shit. It feels like X-Men Days of Future Past. It's heavily implied there are two Aeriths, the "current" one and the future one that you see in the lifestream in the original ending. And the current one seems to have gotten hit with her future self's knowledge in the Remake's intro. She gets startled out of her meditation compared to the original. I appreciated the subtlety of it all. The Remake makes all these little changes to the narrative that makes you think "oh they changed that, they expanded that, they added that" but you start to notice that, no, its not just change for change's sake. The changes are plot critical hints that something isn't right. Sephiroth is even more nefarious. He uses his future knowledge to pull some serious indirect warfare by showing the party half truths of the future so they'll go off script. Aerith meanwhile is resigned to staying on the rails because she knows they ultimately win. The choice is between doing it the same despite the known costs to guarantee stopping Sephiroth versus taking the train off the tracks to aim for something better at the risk of giving Sephiroth a second chance.

>> No.7287748
File: 13 KB, 480x360, squeenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to square
>where the stories are nonsensical
>and plot points don't matter
>let's have Yoshinori and Yoshitaka up first
>Yoshinori, you have to tell a story that completely changes plot, theme, and character personalities with each act
>Yoshitaka, in one picture, draw the main character and plot of the story in the style of Patrick Nagel

>> No.7287864


>> No.7287872

shit i should pick this up again. made it to the chocobos when i dropped it

>> No.7287874

what a worthless cunt

>> No.7288104

The character personalities are pretty much on point in the Remake though. The only change is Aerith's brief moments of dismissive resignation but that's a plot point.

>> No.7288745

I didn’t saw any bath scene when I played maybe it was hidden but I think this would have been post if it was.
Also they tried to turn the gay moments as something cooler, I mean in the original it was mainly for the joke, in the remake it’s still for the joke but they also try to imply it’s also for the art. I’m still sad for no bath scene.

Also there is no more that blowjob scene which is implied when you are watching by the locks of the door in the weird bee bar.

>> No.7288818

They straight up show Zack alive at the end for some fucking reason, no idea how this is going to work at all considering it happened before the plot divergence and it's also the reason Cloud is the way he is at the start of the game
The part that irritated me was that the cast had no idea what was coming and then saw a vision of Red XIII running with his cubs in what really isn't a sad ending and they were like "OH FUCK WE HAVE TO STOP THIS"

>> No.7289410

Just goes to show that not even Square Enix themselves understood the plot and themes of FF7.

>> No.7289424

They saw more than that. They saw Meteor fucking up Midgar along with it. Sephiroth basically implied that it was a human extinction event while conveniently leaving out that A) He got his ass kicked and B) Aerith manipulated the lifestream to save the world. They reasonably, albeit mistakenly, concluded that they were fucked if they didn't change course.

>> No.7290272
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, FFVII - Crisis Core 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerith wanted his cock being rubbed on her face.
>Cissnei wanted him to bang her flat ass, that's why she show her flat body to him so he coild awake his pedo side.
>Tiffa wanted to get info about "special someone" at all cost, that's why she show her self like that to zack.


>> No.7290335

They are doing it because they know people will pay for it. Quality of their games has been dropping for the past decade but they have been making even more money, so it only re-affirms to their executives that they should follow the industry and be as scummy as possible.

I don't think there are many companies in the gaming world that aren't dishonest shysters. I come on /vr/ to try and remember a time where even though these practices existed and were understood, they weren't the industry standard.

>> No.7290346
File: 804 KB, 448x256, 1479797138595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sephiroth's intro in FF7 is absolutely brilliant.

Think about it like you're playing for the first time

>villain is Shinra, evil company
>they're so fucking evil we can't beat them and everyone gets captured
>suddenly the guards are all dead
>blood trails everywhere
>sword embedded onto the main villain
>so this guy is even worse than the guys we couldn't beat
>hear stories about Sephiroth, how ruthless he is
>still no idea what he even looks like

>first time actually get to SEE him is in the flashback
>you get actual GAMEPLAY combat playing alongside him and him as a party member with insane stats just to show how fucking strong he is

It's fucking brilliant. FF8 is my favourite but Ultimecia is a failure in comparison.

Now the issue is, now EVERYONE knows what Sephiroth looks like, so they couldn't have repeated that. it only works once.

>> No.7290375

They sound like English names but aren't because they are transliterated from another language and then translated again. Example:

Cloud = klaʊd
クラウド = KU-RA-U-DO (koo-rah-oo-doe)

Japanese syllables must always end in vowels, save for the presence of "n" and "m," which themselves cannot begin a syllable. Thus, when transliterating from any language with languages which can have syllables ending in consonants, Japanese adds sounds. When translating back from this, without knowing context, a translator may improperly translate it.

Ku-ra-oo-doe = Claude

Thus, you sometimes have incorrect translations of names that are common in translated works, sometimes purposefully so. Some characters may have names of everyday nouns or adjectives that are not regularly used in Japanese and so may sound like exotic names, but if used in English would not carry that same flair. As a result, translation can be a bit of an art in even the most straightforward localization process.

My apologies if you already knew all of this. I felt it was something worth commenting on regardless.

>> No.7290413

I've 100%'d the game. It's about as subtle as a hammer to the face. It completely shits on every theme the original game built up in favor of adding even more nonsense like Advent Children did. For God's sake, Sephiroth shows up in the first five minutes to pester Cloud like a jilted lover, then follows him throughout to just laugh like the fujobait later content made him out to be. Instead of seeing interesting moments we all grew to love from decades ago restored with new content, we're instead forced to listen to incoherent content shoved down our throats and expected to like it for the simple fact that it looks pretty.

The ONLY part of this game which I felt did justice to the original was the nighttime environment of Wall Market, with its eclectic booths and rundown yet lively signage and people. I honestly have no idea how SE could have managed to bungle presentation of the rest of the game, other than that they were lazy and looking to cash in. It would have been easy to make an oppressive, dirty underground as in the original. Instead, even at the beginning of the game in Sector 7, the Sun is bright in the sky. What a shame.

>> No.7290440

They did, you're right, but the very first vision they got was Red running in a field with his cubs. The quote was something along the lines of "What was that?" "A vision of our future if we fail today." This was before they saw meteor or anything like that, and they still reacted to it the same way. Regardless, the giant purple monster of fate showing up out of nowhere and Sephiroth cutting open portals to these sort of things like he was Vergil doesn't really make sense in the context of the game either way.

>> No.7290445

>For God's sake, Sephiroth shows up in the first five minutes to pester Cloud like a jilted lover, then follows him throughout to just laugh like the fujobait later content made him out to be.
Yeah exactly. Which is why the twist is awesome. The game reproduces a gimmick of the original--constant misdirection. The original game sets up a ton of plot points and character cliches that seasoned RPG players in 1997 would just take for granted. Cloud is a tough guy. Tifa is slutty. Aeris is pure. All traditional cliches you'd never question. Then as the game moves forward and the rug keeps getting pulled out from under you. Tifa is shy. Aeris is clever and manipulative. Cloud is a random mook.

The remake does the same thing. "Oh here we go. Sephiroth doing his pointless bullshit again." You're SUPPOSED to roll your eyes. Invoking memories of Advent Children is intentional. It supposed to feel cliche. But then you realize that it's not random. Sephiroth's extra pestering was to delay Cloud so he wouldn't meet Aeris. That's why she was being harassed by the ghosts. They were keeping her in place. What starts out like expected Square Enix unsubtle bullshit is turned on its head as the motivations fall into place and you pick up on the twist. Sephiroth's early intervention looks like empty bravado on the part of the designers but is a rational decision in-game once you piece together that Sephiroth wants to change as much as he possibly can.

>> No.7290572

But it is incredibly cliche. He could have easily done that without consistently pestering Cloud, laying on top of him, and acting like an utter clown. I'm sorry, I'm glad that you liked the addition of these time ghosts, but I feel they are an utter affront the plotline of the original game. This being a sequel to the original game instead of a remake as we were led to believe is in my opinion a total disaster. I genuinely have always just wanted to see a Final Fantasy VII with better graphics and perhaps a clever spin on dialogue or events that would not translate over well to a more 3D environment. I think that is what most were looking forward to with this title. But THIS? It's borderline farcical. There was absolutely no need for this, nobody asked for it so why invent needless time-travel, multiple dimensions, fighting fate, all things and themes that were in no way present in the original game.

>> No.7290592

Judging by the chink furniture Fon Corneo is paying for it and he gets money from horny shinra dudes on top of all the illegal shit

Also cat slide was cute

>> No.7290612

I love the time jannies because they're actually the autistic audience who sperg out at the slightest of changes. And I do understand criticism is valid and deserved for any game, but sweet jesus the shitstorm over Tifa's tittied proved they were right. So does a lot of this thread. Its hilarious.

And everyone has the potential to die now. Not just Aerith. Its not about saving Aerith, Biggs, and Zack. It now means anyone can fucking die. They originally wanted everyone but your main 3 most used party members to die (probably like a horror movie considering all the horror movue influences) and Nomura and someone else convinced rhemnto just kill Aerith.

>> No.7290627

I'm not saying its for everyone. I guess for me if they're going to do a straight remake I'd prefer a straight up reskin of the original. I was super critical of FFVIIR during development because I saw all the tonal changes coming a mile away. The subterfuge of those changes being plot critical rather than just typical S-E fangasm circlejerk (and that I was tricked into thinking it WAS just a circlejerk for the first hour or so) impressed me because I seriously didn't think the current Square Enix was capable of that level of self-awareness. Maybe its because they hid it so well and allowed me to be a cynical bastard is what helped. If they spoiled it up front I may not have been as happy.

>> No.7290631

Funny thing about Tifa is the added sports bra offends me far less than Barret's stupid sunglasses.

>> No.7290653

>you get actual GAMEPLAY combat playing alongside him and him as a party member with insane stats just to show how fucking strong he is

Yeah, he one pieces the dragon that knocks out Cloud, and that’s before he’s anywhere close to full strength and merging with Genova.

But no, Zoomshits needed the fight NOW.

>> No.7290916
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>I love the time jannies because they're actually the autistic audience who sperg out at the slightest of changes. And I do understand criticism is valid and deserved for any game, but sweet jesus the shitstorm over Tifa's tittied proved they were right. So does a lot of this thread. Its hilarious.
You mean fans being upset that square enix fucked up a simple thing, just like we knew they would? Just like every game company seems to be doing? so now instead of just a bit of updated graphics and perhaps a few qol changes, it's a whole new game. Should've called it final fantasy VII 2: electric boogaloo. Just more bullshit like crisis core and all the other shit square did to milk as much out of the franchise as possible. Im not even mad, just disappointed.

>> No.7291069

>I love the time jannies because they're actually the autistic audience who sperg out at the slightest of changes.
It wasn't as effective as the sperging brought out in the last GoT season in contrast to the books. In the first case it was more of an impossible outcome which the TVfags didn't see it coming. Which made the saltmining all the more enthralling.
But in the case of FF7R it's pure condescending meta suberting retardation all around. Nobody was satisfied with Square for the better part of the last decade. No sensible FF7 player expected anything from this Remake, specially given the treatment the Original Received through the years with the Compilation games, the butthurt 6fags that did their endless youtube essays and the cosplayed faggots of every cringe convention that got their attention in their adolecence 15 years ago. FF7R tried to pull a Kojima and failed. Will you be the retard that will do an youtube essay calling it a brillance in a few years too? kys.

>> No.7291297
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>> No.7291309

So what about Squall?

>> No.7291349

His name isn't Claude it's Cloud, like the things in the sky, it was always Cloud, it was never meant to be Claude

>> No.7291372
File: 274 KB, 736x486, 6353c09a871d6484ee45a375701c64ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit hard to read in this image, but this concept art seems to confirm. Cloud is written in English.

>> No.7291402

How could they forget Rad Racer II?

>> No.7291407

Why are they splitting Super Famicom and Super Nintendo like that?

>> No.7291414

Yes. I know. I am trying to explain exactly why his name is indeed NOT Claude anon.

>> No.7291719

Thank goodness Evangelion fans aren't like you.

>> No.7291780

Yeah, we're not anything like Eva fans!

OUR sacred cow actually came out in 2020!

>> No.7292059

His name in Japanese is スコール (sukooru) [soo-koe-roo]. A very easy mistranslation that could happen here would be Skull. Though I believe by '99 that sort of mistranslation is rare, I doubt you would see that in any previews unlike FFVII with Claude, Ellis, Bullet, etc.

>> No.7292067

It was called Evangellion Rebuild. At least it wasn't called Remake anon.