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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7284101 No.7284101 [Reply] [Original]

>scrubs on /vr/ actually believe that jumping is required to defeat enemies in Zelda II
lmao at you faggots. The jump attacks are literally there for low skilled players. Every enemy in game can be defeated with standard low and high strikes if you have the skill, AS THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED.

>> No.7284107
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>> No.7284110

You're a no skill faggot then.

>> No.7284183

> Source: Dude trust me
> Dude, I'm cooler than you because I intentionally fight enemies in a less optimal and more time consuming way.

>> No.7284263

I don't care if it's "intended" or not. I just swordfight because it's more fun, challenging and engaging.

>> No.7284273


That sounds good and it's probably what I would do if I had come to this game as an adult. I first played it as a kid though, and after discovering (or being told??) the jumping stab technique I always used it because it was strongest and that's how I understood things to work: you use the strongest thing. I probably tried trading blows more conventionally once in a while, just out of curiosity or something, but I never even considered the idea that it might be more fun to play that way all the time. I was a foolish child. I would try it that way now. I guess I will if I ever play this game again.

>> No.7284368

did you finish the no jumping run yet

>> No.7284401

>you must consume the piece of media in the way I think the creator intended
didn't know my 10th grade English teacher was on /vr/

>> No.7284480

Literal fucking scrub lol
Doing it now, actually. COVID and all.

>> No.7284581

The sad thing about threads like this is that I'm perfectly supportive of interesting self-imposed challenges, but the OP is so fucking hostile and pretentious that there's just no point in engaging. It's not like he'll talk about what parts of the game are most challenging or highlight which dungeon is changed the most for the experience. It's not even like his promised video series is available to show that his challenge is actually possible, which some people dispute. He's just talking smack and tossing out bait and any hope of a productive or pleasant conversation is long gone. If you love this game so much OP, why not make it seem lovable?

>> No.7284618
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Not OP, but I can tell you spoon feeding people like that doesn't work. If people can't get good at a game, it means they are scrubs who will never understand anyway. I've been around long enough to realize that there are only two types of people; those who can man up to a challenge, and those who just want to complain about everything.

>> No.7284620 [DELETED] 

Unironically git gud you fucking loser. The levels of COPE in this post are astounding.

>> No.7285668
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>playing zelda II

>> No.7285878

I love the design of the Iron Knuckles, the blue variants look great.

>> No.7285880

but why haven't you beaten the game the moment you turned the console on?

>> No.7285895
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You'd like that, wouldn't you?

>> No.7286076

you will never be a woman

>> No.7286661

>the OP is so fucking hostile and pretentious that there's just no point in engaging
That's at least 80% of the threads on /vr/. This board has turned to such unusable dogshit. What the fuck drives these insipid little twats to do nothing but make garbage threads like this all day so no one has any real discussion? Most likely they got shitposted against hard at one point and decided they just want to dedicate their lives to "revenge" now.

Case in point, another post with absolutely zero substance. Nothing but bland ego stroking and attempting to create artificial divisions between classifications of player that exist only the poster's mind. There is no invitation to valid discussion, only bait.

>> No.7286680

>getting baited this hard

>> No.7286683

>getting "baited"
>implying this isn't an actual serious issue with this entire board

>> No.7286685

haha jump attack go brrr

Why both when the path of least resistance is there and has been apparent for 30 years?

>> No.7286689

no, it don't go brrr
only in the original sentence does going brr even make sense, you retarded zoomer nigger, I wish I could kill you right now

>> No.7286695


>> No.7286703

But why would you even play zelda II in the first place? Love yourself.

>> No.7286742

>bait everywhere
>all over the floor and surfaces, in every room
>slipping around on it
>"it's fine, i love this, imagine getting baited lmao"

>> No.7287143

>Don't use a mechanic that makes game fun to play!

Says autist

>> No.7287147
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