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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7270113 No.7270113 [Reply] [Original]

Should you read or watch video game guides? What are the pros and cons?

>> No.7270123

You should kill yourself, that's for sure.
Alternatively, back to >>>/v/

>> No.7270134

Calm down. I am asking a serious question.

>> No.7270146

Do whatever you want, it doesn't matter.

>> No.7270152

If that's your idea of a serious question, then all I have to say is fpbp

>> No.7270191

Why are you so concerned with how other people play games? Why are you so concerned with what people think about how you play games?

>> No.7270237

Because he's an insecure zoomer faggot.

>> No.7270243

I only play retro though. I just want to know how people play their games.

>> No.7270249
File: 122 KB, 368x598, page1-368px-Phantasy_Star_II_Hint_Book_US_Book.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about guides as if they haven't been there from the start

Nigger PHantasy Star 2 CAME WTH A 100% GUIDE IN 1989

Use a guide when you get stuck. Using maps and item reference is okay. Otherwise you're just going to map it all out anyways. If your game comes with a mapper like Legend of Grimrock you shouldn't refer to the guide. Hidden items shouldn't be found on the 2nd playthrough.

>> No.7270310

>Japanese version has no hint book
>American version not only comes with a full walkthrough of the entire game but the text on the front says to "study it carefully" rather than to only use it if stuck
What did Sega mean by this?

>> No.7270314
File: 1.05 MB, 2016x1512, mega-drive-phantasy-star-ii-guides-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Japanese version has no hint book

>> No.7270319

Read, of course. Why the fuck would you go to a YouTube video?

>> No.7270332

During play I'll look at a guide only if badly stuck. Using guides all the time defeats the purpose of actually playing the game - might as well just watch an LP instead.

After finishing a game sometimes I will look at guides to find out about things I missed, just to satisfy curiosity

>> No.7270440

That didn't come with the game though

>> No.7270652

I think guides are only defendable in casual play for obtuse shit like the original Zelda (though that itself came with a guide in some instances if I recall).
Most games don't need a guide for casual play. However, there are instances where a guide is defensible.
Had it not been for guides, I would've never known about being able to save Barry in the original Resident Evil. I figured he would always die, I didn't think I'd have to actually wait for him to get the rope.
Things like finding 100% of collectibles is also justifiable if the collectibles are only there to pad out a game, but you're autistic if you get all of these then. Not saying this applies to all games, but for a non-retro example, you can never justify collecting all those gay fucking feathers in Assassin's Creed 2. Awful game by the way.

>> No.7270658

If you were asking a serious question you wouldn't have started the thread with a shitty bait image. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7270662

There is a point where time being wasted far outstrips any sense of satisfaction there would be in finally figuring out what to do. Some bonus rooms in the DKC games were very obtuse to find. Constantly replaying the levels over and over to find them quickly becomes a chore. I try to avoid using guides if I can but there is always a point where my patience runs out.

>> No.7270681
File: 27 KB, 495x495, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are genetic garbage.

>> No.7270685

Things like bonuses are there just for that, as bonuses for folks who like a certain game to a crazy degree and want to take apart and explore every inch of it. So after time they'll stumble upon something new and feel that sense of discovery again. Many guides are made for lazy autists who think in order to "beat" a game they have to do 100% of the content so they'll read guides or watch videos before even starting to make sure they don't miss out. But the irony is that the real fun of most games is the discovery and experience of doing it yourself and by trying to not miss out they usually ruin the whole game.

As many times before I maintain every game should be beaten blind the first time through unless you get super stuck on one section. Then if you loved it guides are there to help you find secrets the next time you play, but if you didn't love it those secrets don't matter and you can move on to something else. Playing with a guide the first time really just robs you of the experience of actually playing a game and turns it into paint-by-numbers where you press buttons instead of using a brush. To each their own, but I don't get why anyone would do that to themselves.

>> No.7270770

the problem with that image is that it doesn't describe it a game it describes a movie

>> No.7271129

depends on the game, nowadays I don't have much free time and I like some long JRPGs, if it's too old and doesn't give me much of a hint on what to do or where to go I keep an gamefaqs guide close, but only look at it after spending sometime stuck.
I find guides interresting to use for games you are interested in but are bad or don't really like the gameplay that much, een if I didn't use a guide for FF7 can't say I enjoyed combat but I really loved the story and world, so I don't think a guide would hurt someone's experience with it(as long as the choices are still the player's).

>> No.7271280

That image is pretty dumb. Branching paths are an interesting idea but they can be frustrating even if you aren't trying to minmax your playthrough.

>> No.7271303

>Some bonus rooms in the DKC games were very obtuse to find
The original DKC always bugs me. Like 90% of the bonus rooms are either in plain sight, or hidden in a one of 4 or 5 walls that generally contain a bonus room so it's not even a chore to be methodical enough to find them. Hell, if they give you a barrel chances are there's a bonus room within a screen or two and pretty much always to the right. But then the last 10% requires you to just blindly throw yourself off cliffs and see what happens. Makes me think there's a bug, like the map was supposed to scroll another 8 pixels but someone forgot a flag, or someone deleted a banana that was supposed to be suspicious.

>> No.7271314

This. Go left for cool cutscenes and the sword of unlimited usefulness and a flag that gets set for more cool sidequests later in the game.
Go right to get to the boss early and get fucked over with no chance of returning.
Or go straight ahead for a pointless slog where you get a couple of potions and some armor that's 1 level below what you just got, then reach the boss.
Yeah, I vote for using guides to tell you how to avoid the "not fun."

>> No.7271327

i much prefer games as a be well crafter and thought problem to be solved, which is fun to do, the customization and branching shit is for minecraft zoomers addicted to streaming themselves playing roguelikes

>> No.7271335

sometimes for minigames because i was never a big fan of those. I also hate crafting and shit like that, if there's something like card game, monster breeding or some obtuse gambling minigame i will speed it up and find a guide for a good result without 90 hours of padding finding out myself

>> No.7271487

0/troll. Everyone knows /vr/ can't read. You can find multiple examples in every thread.

>> No.7272835 [DELETED] 

Doesn't negate it didn't have a guide NOW DOES IT FAGGOT?! FUCK

>> No.7274180

yes,why not?

>> No.7274218


>> No.7274268

We should watch video games instead of playing them.

>> No.7274287

depends is it armed and delirious kind of obscure.

>> No.7274297

I'm currently playing Zork adventure games. This game requires a manual and a pen and paper to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Has anyone here finished Zork games without a guide?

>> No.7274324
File: 68 KB, 720x540, Possum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watch games I don't intend to play, for entertainment
For real situations where I want information I go for text guides, it's much more convenient, you can reread the same paragraph as many times as you need easily, ctrl+f to search, they have a more problem solving focus and are generally more exaustive than video playthroughs, also you don't spoil yourself as much and can enjoy the visuals, music and gameplay of new stages for the first time while playing yourself and doing the exploring

>> No.7274338

Because they saw the opportunity of selling it knowing that the RPG addicted japs were much more likely to spend money on such a guide than a western public that didn't really care for the genre
tldr japs played more repetitive spreadsheet menu navigator games and had the habit of buying guides

>> No.7274487
File: 58 KB, 550x575, Reading is UnAmerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you babies are still playing games instead of watching them on the tube.

>> No.7275294

That guide book was basically just a series of maps and what was in the stores in towns. It didn't tell you how to fight anything, what level to be, a master list of items, spells, or items, or any actual strategies.

>> No.7275298

That's also why more game lore and official art were in guides.

>> No.7275414

Watching a guide, what fucking zoomer shit is this? You always use text unless you need to actually see something specific, but most things could be conveyed with a picture.

>> No.7275476

I can't remember the last time I played a video game without using a guide.

>> No.7275493

>first play through of terranigger
>vote for the drunk in the election because I think it’s funny
>locks the world out of like 60% of further progression

>> No.7275683
File: 110 KB, 488x816, 1606478667693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a few games in the last 5 years and this is my exact experience, I fucking hate it.

I want the game to really respond to how you played it, but people want to also get the endings they didn't work for, but they're not willing to play through it again some time in future, they think that I'm forcing them to replay it right now, immediately after the first time, and make arbitrary different choices to see the outcome they want and they get really fucking mad about that.

Yet if you design so that 100% of content can be seen in one playthrough, you get blasted for lack of replayability.

>> No.7275691

If the game has several branching paths that are equal I will try to play it without a guide. If it has one path that is considered best yielding a "best ending" then I will most likely use a guide on second play-through.

>> No.7275694

for action games they are shit. i remember a text guide for cv3 that just said shit like "defeat the axe lords, go up the stairs. be careful of the gargoyles and use your dexterity to get through" but by seeing a video i could see what method the player was using., which is always cool, i like how much you can express yourself through strategies in a seemingly linear and basic game. but i obviously figured out my own method before looking it up online

>> No.7275703

terranigma or shadow president?

>> No.7275708

Only when you absolutely have to and only for the exact information you need, nothing more. For example, if you've never played a Soulsborne game before and you pick up Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1, you'll need a guide to explain how the stat scaling on your weapons work because the games only provide tooltips for that from DS2 onwards and it's too obtuse to figure out by itself without wasting needless amounts of time. Don't decide to keep that guide open after you figure it out though because you'll end up like the obnoxious soulsfags who claim they beat most of the bosses on their first few turns. It's really not that hard if you watched a 30 hour video walkthrough and know all of the attack patterns before you even play the game.

>> No.7275728

someone should add "hurr I dont have time to explore and find out stuff for myself, I'm a busy person"

Always hated this fucking argument.

>> No.7275797

i see games with obtuse and cryptic progression paths as projects that i'm not afraid to leave half way done. without using a guide it takes me months of on/off play to complete maze filled dungeon crawlers, or point and clickers with stupid puzzles and that's perfectly fine.

>> No.7275805

If you want to I guess? I mean I personally only do it if I'm looking for a specific thing cause I don't see the point otherwise.

>> No.7275874

What kind of games have you made?
If your audience doesn't want to play through your game again to see other endings it means the moment to moment gameplay isn't enjoyable enough to replay.

>> No.7275945

Pros: You'll be warned of stupid stuff like counterintuitive solutions caused by bad localization, permanently missable items and game-breaking glitches. Cons: Plot spoilers

>> No.7275958

I pretty much only resort to a guide if I get stuck on something to the point that I stop having fun. Also if it's a long game with a lot of missable content/branching paths I'll probably just look up all the shit I missed to see what it is, too many videogames to play I'm not usually interested in immediate replays.

>> No.7275967

I wish there were more guides that just pointed out solutions to counterintuitive puzzles and problems but didn't spoil solutions to the logical good ones that I would have solved with enough time and thought.

I hate reading guides and realizing the solution was really simple and staring me in the face. I don't mind it when the solution was something stupid which I wouldn't have been able to solve on my own or only would have solved by trial and error.

>> No.7276021
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devs should kill themselves for expecting players to do that they should just make fighting games lol