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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7264416 No.7264416 [Reply] [Original]

In world where emulation is better and better how do you reconcile taking up so much of your space with outdated tech that will only break down and drain funds?
Do you pick and choose retro consoles so you only have one or two that you really enjoy/ can't emulate well or are you a hardcore archiver with every console?
I want to get hardware but it feels weird to have something that's less powerful than a phone while being bigger or something. I'm kind of interested in FPGA stuff for that reason. Are MiSTers worth it?

>> No.7264440

Partly because I enjoy how old technology works and how it looks. Part of me enjoys fixing up old electronics and take a pause and wonder how something older than me is working as it should after all of these years. If I really want to play some game I can always play it on emulator and that isn't a deal breaker for me.

>> No.7264475

How do you deal with the racism in old technologies?

>> No.7264492

With celebration.

>> No.7264498

I'm so glad 6th-gen consoles were allowed, it really improved /vr/'s quality.

>> No.7264523

>the middle of Nowhere, with her husband, Eustace Bagge

>> No.7264535 [DELETED] 

personally im the most glad that they made the cutoff date just late enough that even 7th gen games can be discussed now. Really adds some nice variety to the board that we can discuss classic and forgotten retro titles like CoD4 and Halo 3

>> No.7264553

How so

>> No.7264554
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>In a world where emulation is better
Read the filename.

>> No.7264559

I don't know what you're trying to say but it seems disengenuous because you cut the sentence off halfway to make it seem like it's saying something its not

>> No.7264572

Emulation is shittier now than ever. Before the OS had window compositing and before the obsession with emulation accuracy, you used to be able to have just near zero-lag vsync in fullscreen. I can't do that on a modern OS, I have to crawl back to like XP.

>> No.7264574

Emulation generally isn't better. Only a handful of emulators for a small number of systems are accurate and even then, unless you are displaying that emulation on a CRT, you can't fully appreciate a game. With the Genesis/Megadrive, nothing even compares to the model one's Yamaha on board synth. Even if you can get a game to run and control correctly, the sights and sounds of real hardware have yet to be truly recreated; that last statement is an objective fact, period.

>> No.7264584

When did I claim emulation was better

>> No.7264589

You didn't but op did. I only quoted the part I was contesting.

>> No.7264593

I'm OP and I didn't say emulation was better than hardware

>> No.7264595

Then you answered your own question.

>> No.7264602

Ok but we'll you're kind harassing me so I'd appreciate if you left my thread kthx

>> No.7264620
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>> No.7264636

>window compositing
Every modern OS has fullscreen unredirection.

>> No.7264689

Computers are for work and will never lose that association
Consoles are pure comfy fun. Also now that I'm an adult modding the consoles is also just adding to the fun. I know I could get some mini itx build and sperg our and emulate but it will never recreate the fun of consoles. Because the pc environment will always have to be a compromise of business and pleasure

>> No.7264720

When you own a house you have room for things anon. Mister is pretty great but I still have real hardware even though I have a mister.

>> No.7264724

I'll never own a house

>> No.7265332

don't get a fucking mister

>> No.7265416

I love emulation and its the future of retro gaming when the real deal eventually dies out, but I still love and frequently use the original hardware. I do it because I like how the consoles look, function, and having a physical library to choose your games from with authentic cartridges that are a relic from a long gone time in an all-digital age is pretty nice. Emulation is great and its actually how I got into this hobby but when you've got the space and money why not blow some of it on the hobby you love? And sometimes I prefer to take myself back to a different era and boot up my copy of DKC on the CRT I have.
I only own the consoles that I really care about or have a good library of games I see myself frequently though. Dont see much point in spending money on something if you're never gonna use it. Everything else I'll just emulate.

>> No.7265442

>up so much of your space

>> No.7265460

By not being a faggot.

>> No.7265484

How would the real deal die out? We can prolong the original hardware pretty far now.

>> No.7266638


>> No.7266689


>> No.7266696

How so

>> No.7266703
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Hardware vs emulation is just another console war; Idorts use both as needed and don't give a fuck, while retards and children shit on each other about some all-important superiority. Go validate your own choices, don't look for whiny shits online to validate them for you.

>> No.7266815

why are you being a jerk?

>> No.7266838

He's way past cool.

>> No.7267383

I don't think it really matters. I like old hardware and on some systems with a flashcart + scart/component cables + an OSSC it is basically identical to how I like to emulate things.

>> No.7267409

I just own the ones i'm emotionally attached to

>> No.7267414

They are retarded, tiny dick sucking homos.

>> No.7267415

odds are, the original tech is going to way outlast a good chunk of the "new" options to come out

>> No.7267434

>In world where emulation is better and better how do you reconcile taking up so much of your space with outdated tech
man im a hardline pirate/emufag that hasnt bought any vidya in like a decade, and even i think this statement is fucking retarded

>> No.7267461
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>Are MiSTers worth it?
No they aren't.

Faggotry Pedophilia Gay Activation? Isn't that what Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey uses?

As for being a hardware owner, I like owning original hardware as well as the games for it. I still emulate on the PC, but owning consoles and games are just a bonus for me and they have risen in value these days.

>> No.7267534

Simple. Restrains me from the impulse to use save states. Also the ds is annoying to emulate and some systems like the n64 and the sega saturn aren't fully optimized and analyzed.

>> No.7267553

>let's go to the retro games board
>to shit on retro games stuff
it's so tiresome

>> No.7267925

You are right to a degree and I actually threw out tons of old n64 games and consoles to make room because I am a truck driver, so not a lot of space, but if you owned a home and made a sick ass retro game room and made it neat, I think that is better than emulation.

>> No.7268265

My PS2 slim hasn't said anything racist in the 11 years I've owned it. No worries.

>> No.7268271

Right? This is the 3rd "anti-retro" post I've seen on this board this week.

>> No.7268293

>muh space
>muh serperior emulation
>muh no need for old plastic
Yep, it's another emukiddy cope thread.

>> No.7268316

>My PS2 slim hasn't said anything racist in the 11 years I've owned it. No worries.
>PS2 slim
umm sweaty the e fact that the PS2 sl*m exists is extremely fatphobic

>> No.7268321

Luckily for us, "fat" is not a race. :^)

>> No.7268328
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Emulating anything past 4th gen is almost always inaccurate and requires fiddling depending on the game. Orginal hardware or even virtual console on a Wii is easy, always works, and hooks right up to a CRT with composite. The games look and play right. Emulation is just worse

>> No.7268359


You should have wrote "In a world where emulation in getting better and better, how.."

Also go back to tumblr if you don't want to be harassed.

>> No.7268362

Is getting*

>> No.7269057

i blame the (You) mechanic
/v/irgins, starved for (You)s on their fast-moving shithole of a board, turn their gaze towards the quieter boards, knowing that any bait whatsoever will give them the (Yous)s they so desperately need

but then its also on us for not bothering to sage i do it too sometimes. lack of an email field still throws me off desu