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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.07 MB, 2782x1402, 20210105_073558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7261808 No.7261808 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: battlestations/setups

>> No.7261818
File: 1.62 MB, 3322x2850, 835E6597-A95F-4BFF-B2C3-AA6E117E623C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii U and PS3 in the living room, and all my handhelds on a shelf.

>> No.7261863

Sigh, so many thrift store trips and still I haven't a CRT. I'm wondering if I should just buy online before prices get even higher. Used to have 2 but I regretfully tossed em before gaming gave me nostalgia boners.

>> No.7261867

Many thrift stores stopped accepting CRTs years ago.

>> No.7261878

>logo not flipped

>> No.7261880

I remember being in a Goodwill around 2015 and remarking that the $20 bill I had could get me 20 tube TVs, and that I was limited by the space in my car rather than their value.
Take me back.

>> No.7262292
File: 2.67 MB, 2304x1728, Fully_armed_and_operational_battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am saving up to get some more SD cards.

>> No.7263765

stop peeing on your snes anon

>> No.7264439

cute figures anon

>> No.7264456

Why did you not buy every TV and make multiple trips?

>> No.7265063

Is that a retron?

>> No.7265079

>Horizontal stand

>> No.7265519

clean your TV...

>> No.7265571

How's it "based"? (if i'm understand this retarded zoomer slang correctly) It blocks vents.

>> No.7265614
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found a free 27" tv off craigslist today.

>> No.7265616
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>> No.7265620
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>> No.7265649

Jak II but no Jak 3. wtf anon

>> No.7265659

>sóytron 5
>mini consoles
confirmed sóy guzzler

>> No.7265662

jak II best jak no debate

>> No.7265665

What’s the purpose of multiple televisions? I’ve seen quite a few people that have two or three CRTs in this kind of threads
>all those Xbox games
>none of them being JSRF
You’re missing out, in case you didn’t already know.

>> No.7265696

i found the floor tv free on the side of the road and i said why not, it'd be cool to have an old floor tv. my snes is hooked up to it. the one on top of the floor tv is the main tv now, and the monitor on the left side is for the dreamcast because its VGA and it looks much better than if the dreamcast was hooked up thru component on the tv. some people just like collecting them. they all look and sound slightly different than each other.

i've played jet set radio, not a fan of it. im only trying to have games that i enjoy playing, not just to collect. unless its resident evil. i'll buy re games for the fuck of it even if i dont have the console. thats why i eventually bought a sega saturn, i had the longbox saturn re for a long time before i even had a console to play it on.

>> No.7265719

If you weren't a zoomer you would understand that the early models of the PS2 had the vents higher than later revisions.

>> No.7265783


Because its literally based? It's based on a vertical stand. You're a retard.

>> No.7265875

even if its best you should still pick up a copy of Jak 3

>> No.7265961

Never seen this much chink knock off crap in one photo. Disgusting sight!

>> No.7266560

Because I didn’t want them. I had no use for them at the time.

>> No.7266565

Are you going to real thrift stores or Goodwill? Go to a family owned place.

>> No.7266573

I’m usually not a fan of media on hanging shelves, but that looks nice.

>> No.7266585
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>> No.7266589
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>> No.7266593
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>> No.7266620


Sorry anon, I know you're trying your best but you might as well just use emulators or a Wii if you're not using any real hardware. Flashcarts and CRT are based though.

Always enjoy seeing your setup and all your RE stuff.

>> No.7266631

Probably gonna give my shit a good dusting and take another picture later.

>> No.7266660
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Clen hous

>> No.7266664
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>> No.7266670

Is postal 2 retro?

>> No.7266691

what a mess

>> No.7266727

For Christ's sake get a storage unit or something if you don't have the room for all that shit.

>> No.7266745

>Swedish Erotica

>> No.7266759

Haven't seen you in a while. I enjoy that you're actually building a collection and see new stuff added to it. You got some legit good stuff there.

>> No.7266765

WTF is Of Cars and Men? Is that GayPorn?

>> No.7266806
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, 20210107_113727 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My setup isn't amazing but it works. I have speakers but I use headphones 99% of the time. I can't really show my collection because it's mixed with non vr titles.

>> No.7266887

Definitely a nice CRT you got there.

>> No.7266895

I always try to find the worst games to put onscreen for battlestation threads.

>> No.7266901

Sorry for the terrible camera quality but thank you. Found it at a thrift store in 2019. The geometry is a tiny bit off but I've got it the best that I can.

>> No.7267238

Not as bad as my camera quality, honestly.

>> No.7267256

Needs at least 2 more Akarin figures, but pretty comfy

>> No.7267457

What Akarin figures? I don't see any.

>> No.7267537
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, Smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Akarin figures? I don't see any.
That is what i mean, he needs some! Imagine your life without Akarin? it would be as empty as pic related.

>> No.7268207

>I can't really show my collection because it's mixed with non vr titles.

do it. literally no one is going to bitch, and if some autist does, its because they are being sarcastic

>> No.7268234


Hindsight is always 20/20 in retrogaming.

>> No.7269072

Are you in the middle of nowhere? If not, just use FB marketplace, offerup, or even craigslist. No reason to pay out the ass for a CRT which most people still consider to be trash ewaste

>> No.7269078

>Custer's Revenge

>> No.7269108
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>> No.7269376

I don't have a real copy, running it from an Uno flashcart but having access to the entire 2600 library and all its homebrew is pretty comfy.

>> No.7270339

Yeah. It’s alright. That feel doesn’t even compare to the memories of tossing boxes and manuals for NES and SNES games when I was younger.
And the time I junked my Dragon Warrior VII case and inserts because it was cracked, too young and stupid to realize I could just get a new jewel case.

>> No.7271504


>> No.7271558
File: 1.37 MB, 3970x2467, 20201231_132955_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to >>7269072
This is the only time I would tell anybody to start a FB account. Marketplace 8/10 times is better than Craigslist because all the boomers and gen X'ers have all the good old shit, including CRTs, and GFB is so ubiquitous even in that age group, that it's THE best place to find old shit online, including CRTs. Also, join the CRT collective on FB.

>> No.7271619

Small but simple, I like it.


Mid-80's microwave-looking tubes are the best.

>> No.7271767
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literally everything in the thread is good besides the obvious shitposts

only recommendations are to keep controllers & cords stashed until theyre actually needed.

>> No.7271772
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>> No.7271782
File: 973 KB, 4032x3024, 6257392F-FA22-415D-8F94-C99D74FB0793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close up of tank
>dwarf seahorses
>breeding in captivity
>require live foods twice a day
definitely not recommended whatsoever
i do love them though

>> No.7271787

Pretty good anon.

Fish are cool, but they're a pain in the ass to take care of, contrary to preconceptions.

>> No.7272538

What model television is this?

>> No.7272547

Apologies, It's a Panasonic ag-500r

>> No.7274491
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>> No.7275001

i miss my wiiu now

>> No.7275125
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20201215_184203_538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely ugly stand made out of a modified dresser, and a OCD sufferer's nightmare with the speakers, but it works.

>> No.7275148

I still use my wiiu from time to time but the fucking battery isnt worth a shit and the OEM "battery expanders" are all super overpriced/fake
I literally use a small extension cord to get the power supply close enough to me so i can just leave it plugged in while i play

I do like the WiiU though, very underrated console. I feel like they'll be mega expensive someday despite the entire library getting ported forward.

>> No.7276040

Comfy and good use of space. I like the CRT monitor a lot too.

Yeah not great-looking but it seems to get the job done.

>> No.7276084

What's better in your guys' opinion, JVC D-Series or Sony Trinitron? Trying to decide if it's worth picking up a D-Series one day in addition to my Trinitron. My flat screen Sony already has component, but I like the idea of having a curved screen CRT with component too. Mostly would be playing 240p.

>> No.7276185

With more skillful execution and a larger dress this would look great. When you make something better in the future do some planning and put the shop skills to work. You may be surprised how this kind of stuff makes you into a handyman.

>> No.7276194

If we don't get ports of the Zelda HD remakes this year for the anniversary I will be getting a Wii U. It is the only Nintendo console I am missing.

>> No.7276335

>JVC D-Series or Sony Trinitron

Best curved screen or best flat screen CRT. You really cant go wrong.

>> No.7276343

Would you say the D-Series is (significantly) better than the Toshiba 27A44, for example? I see one nearby. Not super picky on JVC, just want a curved tube with component.

>> No.7276372

>Toshiba 27A44

Pretty solid unit for a shadow-mask design. I would probably snag one if it was available nearby. The D-series would be slightly better, but in side by side comparison only.

>> No.7276459

Absolutely disgusting. Makes wanna go there and kick everything down, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.7276758

i might snag one regardless of its shortcomings

the entire library is free now

>> No.7276821

Hey, I just grabbed a one of those Toshibas yesterday. He cute.

>> No.7276883

I love how this thing looks. Jesus.

>> No.7276887

What speakers?

>> No.7276895

>>7266806 speakers not pictured, doesn’t count!
>>7274491 soundbar! Disgusting!
No external speakers in sight. I hate to see it!

>> No.7277118

Yeah it's worth snagging imo, even if we do get TP and WW on the Switch (I'd be kind of shocked if we didn't)

>> No.7277435

Being able to afford large, expensive speakers is not retro.

>> No.7277449
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Hello fellow CRT users. I'm trying to change my settings for screen geometry. I can't seem to fix the issue with the right corner. The TROT setting (seemingly for rotation) does nothing.

>> No.7277452
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lines on the grid are a bit warbled. Does anyone know what setting I should adjust, if it is even fixable?

>> No.7277484


Wait a second, this is cool though

>> No.7277681

there's a speaker in my pic though

>> No.7278117
File: 929 KB, 1125x1509, 2D6C75A6-AC8A-4FFC-B1B8-40B36D6DF00E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bose computer speakers @ $150 are sufficient desu

>> No.7278123
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>> No.7278858

Very cool, anon. You emulating?

>> No.7278963
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old pics

>> No.7278982

Nice Sharp Twin Famicom, anon. It's been on my radar for a long time. What do you think of it, in comparison to the NES I guess? Mostly because OG Fami only has RF.

>> No.7278993

I dislike the original famicom, it has no indicator light, so I can't tell if it's broken or if I simply am unable to find the right channel on my tv, I know it was functional at one point, but I haven't been able to get it to work for a while.
So The famicom twin works way better for me in that regard.

>> No.7279010

Not the guy you quoted but I also have one. The OG Famicom looks like shit, and I got my Twin with a new belt for cheaper than a fc + disk system.
It looks much better and I've never had problems with it, the only thing to note is that it has a slightly lower volume threshold, which can be fixed by some quick soldering, but it never bothered me.

>> No.7279014

Opinion on the Twin vs Av Famicom?

>> No.7279025

I see no reason to get an AV over the twin whatsoever. Maybe you don't wanna have a clunky 72 pin adapter on the twin to play US games, but I have a regular NES as well so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.7279026

I personally really like the AV's size, composite quality and audio quality. I've heard the Twin has muffled audio. I also really like the natural multiout on the AV for universality and mod facilitation. Just always considering adding a new dude to the group, ie a Twin.

>> No.7279028

I still want a toploader to add to my collection, but they didn't release here so I'm having a hard time obtaining one.

>> No.7279029

Yeah, the audio can be fixed like I said, and I'm not crazy about modding, to each his own.

>> No.7279035

Yeah I'll keep that in mind if I ever get a Twin, it's nice to know it can be fixed. It's definitely an aesthetic console, especially the neon green and black one.

>> No.7279046

I like it

>> No.7279250

thx anon, yeah im mame-ing

>> No.7279497
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It is a Super Retro Trio by Retrobit. It plays NES, SNES, and Genesis games, plus with adapters it can play Gameboy and GBA games too. The controllers are nice SNES shaped Genesis controllers.

It is all I could afford. They are pretty close to real hardware. I'd like to get better but I am priced out.

I use the speakers attached to the TV. They work well enough.

>> No.7279590

I gotcha. If I were in your position I would have gone for a Wii to softmod but that's just me.