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7244168 No.7244168 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game good or is merely "an improved GoldenEye"?

>> No.7244179
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both premises are the same fucking question

>> No.7244180


>> No.7244195

GoldenEye is shit, though. A game can improve upon it without fixing its core issues.

>> No.7244206

its worse in many respects

>> No.7244208

What do dislike most about goldeneye? If we don't know we can't tell you if it changed in perfect dark

>> No.7244217

Clunky aiming and moving is the biggest culprit. It's not designed well for moving and shooting.

>> No.7244269
File: 74 KB, 193x247, SHAWK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer no skill cunt can't adapt to new challenges...

>> No.7244272

Use the other control style that's more like modern controls. It's in both GE and PD. If you have two controllers or are emulating you can do dual analog

>> No.7244278

That game had literally the best multiplayer of any game I had played up until that point

>> No.7244291

Goldenete and Perfect Dark on N64 are shit, but the PD 360 port is amazing. It's too bad the GE 360 port got cancelled, because then I'd probably love that, too. They were ambitious games held back by their hardware, the Timesplitters games are what those N64 games could have been if they just came out on 6th gen hardware.

>> No.7244330


>> No.7244520


>> No.7246846


>> No.7246860

Perfect Dark is an actual masterpiece and if not for the hardware and controller holding it back there is no doubt in my mind it would be the greatest first person shooter ever made. It is leaps and bounds ahead in terms of overall design and content of any other FPS ever made.
It also has an absurdly good soundtrack, aside from the vocal choir effects the instrumentation used on this sounds CD quality, probably the best use of MIDI on a Nintendo console.

>> No.7246989

>but the PD 360 port is amazing
pleb opinion

>> No.7247070

It's great on PC with an emulator and mpuse support but still not as good as NOLF

>> No.7247138

Based post.

>> No.7247271

>actual masterpiece
lmao, this game is a fucking trash can. the singleplayer missions are garbage and run at 8fps, there's voice acting but only Joanna sounds halfway decent and it's compressed as shit, the music is not fucking "CD quality" and is basically a MIDI synth board with a few dozen sounds re-arranged for each track (half the tracks are also just sped up versions of regular tracks), the weapons are almost universally impotent with particular weapons (e.g. laptop gun, farsight) having a clear advantage and rendering other weapons obsolete. some weapon are nearly identical to one another and serve no unique purpose, too. the multiplayer is decent but the framerate issues with more than 1 player and lack of online features give it limited appeal compared to PC shooters of the time. the story is a load of hogwash about a dyke and a jew saving a black president and an alien from an evil shapeshifting white man, and they couldn't even be bothered to animate characters' lips so I can't fully enjoy the progressive feminist story.

go play a good shooter like Quake 3.

>> No.7247274

You have no right to tell me what I play is actually not good.

>> No.7247280

a response that quick without any semblance of an argument is indicative of anal pain

>> No.7247346

If you’re emulating you can use mouse and keyboard, and treat it like DOOM. Just do that.

>> No.7247492

oh yeah i love the level designs so much man. i love how even the 'good' levels before it turns to alien shit...are shit
love sliding doors in an office then going to another floor of the same thing

>> No.7247508

Expanding on this, if autists ever showed the same interest in PD as they have for Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time I think significant improvements could be made. One thing that would make a major difference would be slightly faster reaction times from enemy AI.

Also post favorite PD music

>comparing PD to PC FPS games
Half-Life is better than Quck, sorry.

Your weapon criticism is completely wrong, since in single player mode theres a clear and gradual progression in available arsenal. Youre rarely given in a level a weapon that is much stronger than that of enemy AI unless theres a clear purpose for it. In the later levels the more powerful weapons are evened out with the scaled up difficulty of the missions, e.g., you start Carrington Institute with AR34, but youre put against shielded guards with K7 Avengers.

Your criticism of the plot is also retarded, considering you mention fucking Quake as a good FPS, what the fuck is even the plot of Quck? And who the fuck plays a video game for the story?

>> No.7248608

The fact that you consider a multiplayer-only shooter to be "good" makes me disregard your opinion completely. Now Quake 1 was a good shooter. Give me well crafted single player atmosphere and balanced monsters over esports dogshit any day.

>> No.7248616

the fact you think a game cant be amazing while omitting a traditional singleplayer campaign is evident of you being inexperienced and low IQ. quake 3 is the greatest shooter ever made, bar none. btw stop posting this exact pasta in every thread with a mention of quake 3

>> No.7248629

It pretty much is, it has the same graphics engine with improvements with the same slowdown in the same situations. Hackers have even ported levels and weapons between them. In the same time quake 2 went to quake 3, turok 1 to 2 and 3. The alien designs were a bit wierd compared to golden eye. It impoved physics a bit since you can push some objects now and the split screen modes were good. Also consider the improvements of graphics in wipeout to wipeout 3 in a similar time.

>> No.7248631

Multiplayer-only shooters are for no-life simpletons who would rather master pointless strategies and exploits than have a captivating world-building experience. Besides, Quake 3 isn't even as good as UT.

>> No.7248658

are you seriously trying to argue that playing quake 1's tech demo sp is more intellectual than quake 3? you are retarded bro lol

>> No.7248685

>Virtual 1 on 1 poo flinginging more intellectual than atmosphere driven solo experiences with differing pallets of enemies and level based challenge

When multiplayer is treated as anything other than a side dish to the single player campaign, they're appeasing the lowest common denominator.

>> No.7248710

What opinion? It's factually a good port with no downsides. You just wanted a (you) so here you go.

>> No.7248715

The 360 port has no hardware or controller limitations and thus is perfect.

>> No.7249213

It's an original game and all double 0 seven games are shit for not being original. People only liked shit like Golden Eye to play with their friends or it'd not have even became popular, just like cod is normalfaggy shit too.

No normalfaggot remembers Perfect Dark for this reason, as it is actually worth playing by yourself.

Shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends right now?

>> No.7249217

>I am the best at games that I compete with against my fellow normalfaggots.

t. >>7249213

fuck cod and metroid is better

It's called having taste and or actually liking video games, rather than using them like a sport to attract companionship. Your type is like a gamer girl.

>> No.7249231

its got auto aim you fucking faggot

>> No.7249242

>I suck at everything but I can beat my roommate at x game!!
>checkm8 atheists!!!!!

>> No.7249262

It's alright. Not worth playing anymore in my opinion. Better off playing Turok.

>> No.7249270

I dislike that I can't play it with an N64 controller or even with button movement

>> No.7249271

Or TimeSplitters 2 if your looking for something similar but 100x better and not on the n64.

>> No.7249292

timesplitters seems like a good game ruined by a lack of violence.

>> No.7249802

if you have friends you should try co-op or counter-op with a friend, on the hardest difficulty, local multiplayer.

its better than halo

>> No.7249809

turok sucks, perfect dark is literally the only fps you should bother playing for that generation

>> No.7251145

Doom 64 > Perfect Lag