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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.11 MB, 911x684, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7240045 No.7240045 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7240048

No it hasnt

>> No.7240050


>> No.7240069

Is this the toy fair one? The one that Naka said was lost? If not I'm not too bothered

>> No.7240095

hidden palace is playing it on twitch
its not "the beta", but it is a beta.

but honestly at this point in sonic modding anyone could make a beta.

>> No.7240101
File: 113 KB, 994x695, EqmXT6YXAAEpCdI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7240107

Cool source bro!

>> No.7240115

>the ball from the chain box actually has physics and can roll where you put it

Mario BTFO

>> No.7240124

Is this one of the betas that showed up on Nick Arcade back in the day?

>> No.7240125

I'm impressed one was found at all.

>> No.7240137


>> No.7240149
File: 1.42 MB, 1911x904, 132321321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7240167

>classicuck shit
who cares? sonic started with adventure.

>> No.7240181

You know how I know you jerk off to sonic the hedgehog?

>> No.7240184

You're thinking of the one where one of the devs got punched in the face and had the cartridge stolen at a toy convention. That one was dumped within hours.

>> No.7240217

Seems like both the spin dash and peel out were planned at this point but scrapped until later

>> No.7240237

The one that was dumped within hours was Sonic 2.

>> No.7240280
File: 51 KB, 525x354, 1609366630032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggga, sauce now. that sounds hysterical.

>> No.7240289

you better have a source on that.

>> No.7240292

Ok, where. And is this the one seen in Wayne's world

>> No.7240294

Dayum, Video Game archivers are some gangsta niggas

>> No.7240423

Anyone got a mirror, cause fuck making an account to download it

>> No.7240443

just downloaded it right now with no account, what are you on about?

>> No.7240453

Google "Simon Wai prototype". Someone hit one of the devs as they were getting into an elevator at the 1992 toy fair in New York and grabbed a briefcase that had the cartridge in it. Probably just an opportunistic robbery rather than an Ocean's Eleven plot to leak Sonic.

>> No.7240471
File: 18 KB, 413x395, CuYhJ-4UkAAfnA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocean's Eleven plot to leak Sonic
>punch dev in the face and run

>> No.7240518

What's the proof that this is a legit prototype?

>> No.7240527


>> No.7240528
File: 306 KB, 640x480, barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never punch a Sonic dev in the face

>> No.7240530

It was uncovered by the guy who found the Sonic 3 proto. It's not easy to hack a game, especially like Sonic 3, and make it seem unfinished too.

>> No.7240532

Everything shown matches up with a known prototype

>> No.7240546

Yeah but that Sonic 2's, it's not Sonic 1. It's been online since the 90's I believe.

>> No.7240557

not their fault you got filtered by a fucking barrel lmao

>> No.7240572

>It's real
What the fuck.

>> No.7240579

Cope is in the retail version...

>> No.7240608

Really? I don't remember it, but it's been like 15 years since I last played Sonic 1 to completition.

>> No.7240715

To be fair, that is exactly the behavior I'd expect from the Sonic fandom.

>> No.7240849
File: 1.11 MB, 498x424, 1609364296563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we almost suffered the barrel's horror in Sonic 1

>> No.7241261

it is "the beta"
the tokyo toy store demo you're probably referring to was far from being a beta

>> No.7241267
File: 246 KB, 580x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm playing the friggin' WAYNE'S WORLD PROTO OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. This is the best late Christmas present ever.

>> No.7241273
File: 11 KB, 640x480, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(Prototype)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone please interpret the moon runes on the bottom sign and tell me what they mean?

>> No.7241294

You can't say it is "the beta," because almost assuredly there were multiple beta versions, like with Sonic 2.
Based on this and the look of the cart, it seems like this build was probably used for a range of early promotional stuff, maybe conventions?

>> No.7241313

yeah i guess it was more of an alpha or proto

>> No.7241336
File: 54 KB, 458x765, firefox_2020-12-31_23-51-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find anything about a dev being punched or even a briefcase having the cartridge in it.

>> No.7241379
File: 254 KB, 100x86, head-explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7241395

Naka-san getting all excited when hearing about Sonic 2 beta is adorable. I hope we find the Sonic 1 toy show prototype one day so someone can send him the ROM. That's the one I'm sure he'd be the most excited to see again.

>> No.7241397

Is it bullshit?

>> No.7241413

of course, but i assumed "the beta" he was talking about was the much more sought after (but much less documented) tokyo toy store demo
this version is one of many potential beta versions that exist(ed), but the TTS demo was a pre-alpha at best

>> No.7241416

That was part of a prank they played during the livestream. I only caught the end of it but the gist I got was that it was a tribute to Adobe Flash, which is dying in less than an hour. :(

>> No.7241426
File: 54 KB, 540x720, 1585430790579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xe believes these betas are real

>> No.7241441
File: 63 KB, 600x650, soniclaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only real betas here are the beta males who actually like classic sonic.

>> No.7241451

anyone over the age of 10 who likes modern sonic is terminally gay

>> No.7241458


>> No.7241460
File: 78 KB, 640x480, bench tails adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, there's nothing wrong with modern sonic fans at all

>> No.7241469 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 983x883, 1596312624738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic sonic is exclusively liked by trannies, so...

>> No.7241472


>> No.7241480

>1 png of a fake article
wow you sure got me buddy

>> No.7241482

Feels good to be a cis modernchad

>> No.7241493

Can trannies stop ruining other things and resume ruining their bodies? This shit is why people hate them.

>> No.7241502

What’s level select/debug mode codes?

>> No.7241505

Rom link?

>> No.7241514


>> No.7241516

Just hold A and press Start on the title screen for level select, the code isn't required. For debug mode hold A while selecting a level from the level select.

>> No.7241531

Those aren't kanji. They're just squiggles, similar to the English-looking characters around them.

Though I suppose there should be a Deep Lore explanation of an undecipherable writing system known only to Sonic and company. Need that Negative Aura Energy.

>> No.7241569

It is absolutely real, or the most elaborate hoax ever concocted. And no, I dont just mean the gameplay itself.

>> No.7241573


>> No.7241603

Sonic CD also has squiggles like that in Collision Chaos, doesn't it?

>> No.7241663

Fake news.

>> No.7241697


>> No.7241705

>elastic ring = sex
I fucking hate tranny culture

>> No.7241734

they will claim everything they can is trans to try and normalise it

>> No.7241774

Welcome to the new normal.

>> No.7241797

what, did you shit it out?
speak english

>> No.7241803

>what, did you shit it out?
yes, why?

>> No.7242032

Looks somewhat korean?

>> No.7242038

Good catch. They're not kanji looking, but they are a kind of squiggly fake language:
I was thinking Chinese too, but if they were Chinese characters the Japanese reading anon probably would have recognized them as such.

>> No.7242039

The english-looking characters are all actual letters and numbers though

>> No.7242048

When I aimed the Google Translator camera app at it, it thought the characters looked most like Japanese and Chinese (no real matches, but still), but it didn't detect Korean at all.

>> No.7242053 [DELETED] 

dumped is literally the correct term.

>> No.7242059

>Dayum, Video Game archivers are some gangsta niggas
pirates, retarded faggot. the piracy scene is what preserved everything from back then, stole the prototypes or original copies of titles from these fares. happened often. today's "game archivers" are parasites on another generation's ass that leeches all of their work. none of these modern faggots have the testicles to do what pirates did back then, never have ever dumped a megadrive cart or had to disassemble motorola 68000 machine language to fix bugs or remove copy protections. none of them.

you compulsive lying fantasists just can't help yourselves but to make up bullshit stories every damn day of your lives.

>> No.7242061

You're either really old and decades out of touch or English is your second language. Either way, what an embarrassing post.

>> No.7242186
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x720, cimxbhoDil718XhB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7242191

the crab enemy is cute

>> No.7242192

Great news. Even through i still think Sonic is bad. It's the poster child of conflicting design.

>> No.7242217

This post aged poorly kek

>> No.7242219

Aura on this gif is....I dunno.

>> No.7242224
File: 650 KB, 320x610, big think.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. It's the poster child of conflicting design.

>> No.7242240
File: 281 KB, 710x500, 1430114281369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're talking about the often mentioned problem people have where the game seems to encourage goes fast but then it's got all these places that inhibit it? Not too sure myself.

>> No.7242248

imagine being filtered by a Sonic game

>> No.7242267

People actually like modern Sonic games?

>> No.7242301

Define modern.
People generally liked boost games and some of them think that it's the best Sonic gameplay style.

>> No.7242317

>webm with transparency

>> No.7242331

Sonic Mania was better than your most modern favourite.

>> No.7242349

All the good stuff there ended after Chemical Plant
Almost like in Sonic 2 lmao

>> No.7242354
File: 652 KB, 1920x1080, 5a737cdfce9de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean Bean Robotnik was mega hype.


>> No.7242401

I know all prototypes are desired but was this one particularly sought after? I thought the only Sonic 1 beta people talked about was the Tokyo Toy Show one

>> No.7242404

Sonic games are pretty much like really shitty rejected Mario levels

>> No.7242416

Very cool and impressive that someone managed to find a rare build of 30 year old software.

But this build doesn't have anything we haven't seen yet. It's still pretty close to the final. There are the UFO's in Marble Zone, the meme ball in GHZ, and SYZ and LZ use different background tiles. That's it (I think), aside from some things obviously not working/missing compared to the final.

I wish we managed to unearth that old build where Sonic had a completely different sprite set and the gameplay mechanics were very rough and barebones.

>> No.7242435


>> No.7242454

Personally, I wasn't as interested in the barebones TTS beta, as in later ones, as screenshots from them looked insteresting.
I especially like the look of Clock Work Zone.

>> No.7242501

the golden age (1999-2009) was the only good era of sonic.

>> No.7242512

Positive aura

>> No.7242519


>> No.7242534

You're the poster child of conflicting design. Fucking casual scrub. Stick to Mario.

>> No.7242535

Hahahahaha this delusion
Mario to this day hasn't come close to the OG Sonic games
The level design in Mario is a joke in comparison

>> No.7242537

Back to >>>/sthg/ with you tranny

>> No.7242546


>> No.7242547

The biggest difference is the music.
The drum sample is much higher quality in this beta.

>> No.7242548


>> No.7242563

Golden age, WTF?

>> No.7242572

Come on! Sonic games have been absolute trash after the 16bit era. Nobody really likes that rubbish.

>> No.7242581

Cope deviantart tranny

>> No.7242592

Advance 1 was decent and Sonic R is a guilty pleasure but yeah

>> No.7242685

Even my 4 year old only likes playing Sonic Mania. What a kindergarten Chad I raised.

>> No.7242715

Happened to me too while fucking around, lol
I also noticed that when you get a game over the timer keeps going while everything else is frozen. They hadn't mentioned that in the Hidden Palace page so I wonder if they didn't even notice.

>> No.7242809

Sonic games have been absolute trash since day one

>> No.7242847

ITT: Nintenfag cope.

>> No.7242934

>It's still pretty close to the final.
Not really. The music is all done but there are no bosses outside of Green Hill Zone's, no lamp posts, most of the Acts don't have an end of zone sign, and some just can't be beaten without debug because of unfinished and inaccessible paths (Labyrinth is not only missing its water, but all of its springboards too). The Special Stage lacks an emerald to collect or any to way lose, and even rolling into a ball can sometimes glitch Sonic through a wall or floor. This beta is pure jank, with only four or five playable acts, really.

>> No.7242950


>> No.7242953

God I wish I could punch Iizuka in the face

>> No.7242978

>Then one day out of nowhere, it finally happened. On a day just like any other ordinary day, Buckaroo generously appears with exactly what we were searching for since we began all those years ago. Thank you for making this release possible!

well that explains everything

>> No.7243006

That's what I said, some stuff is missing. And that's not really interesting in and of itself. There's not much cut content here, aside from the UFO's (the tiles for which were found in one of the mobile releases IIRC years ago anyway) + the old bg's for SYZ and LZ.

>> No.7243041

That's fact that fans have been trying to get their hands on this prototype for the last thirty years would suggest otherwise.

>> No.7244010

based indeed

>> No.7244220

Most of the Sonic prototypes leaked via either contemporary BBS hacking or magazine review copies. I'd be surprised if any magazine actually got a copy of the TTS demo on-hand, and so if Sega doesn't have it then nobody has it.

>> No.7244441


>> No.7244443

this happens in labyrinth zone's tunnels too

>> No.7244482

trannies live so rent-free in /pol/'s head that they have to make whole ass fake articles by them

>> No.7244483

can't we have a Sonic thread without retarded trannies trying to classify certain years as "shit" or "not shit"? what is so fun about it that you have to repeat the same stupid shit in every thread. fuck. yes i mad and you should learn to cope with your brain damage somewhere else
Sonic Was Always Good

>> No.7244486


>> No.7244503

>muh trannies
the only collective of fags who don't like sonic are bitter 40 y/o snes fanboi ign journos or forever-online chuds who hate sonic because muh furfag degeneracy or whatever

>> No.7244504

Stop being so obvious and I wouldn't say it

>> No.7244513

you can't even pass via text

>> No.7244523

i'm not your rent-free meme/fetish

>> No.7244546

meme fetish is as meme fetish does
just go outside and be normal, it's not rocket science

>> No.7244553

>muh normal
you're crying on an anime imageboard about trannies having the wrong opinon of sonic

>> No.7244559

I dumped it nearly 30 years ago when I saw it at Toy R Us and thought "What kind of retard would actually buy this piece of shit?"

>> No.7244569

Listen, just because you're incapable of reading subtext or detecting the layers of irony to my statement, it's really not my problem. Please go back to doing something you're more accustomed to, like spamming /b/ and /gif/ with sissy, cuckold, and BBC porn all day, every day.

>> No.7244581

jesus anon why dont you take your fetish fic somewhere else

>> No.7244624

Cope with what? That we all get to enjoy this long sought after and amazing piece of history, featuring almost everyone's favorite franchise? Delusional faggot.

>> No.7244846

no u

>> No.7244867

The absolute state of /vr/
Impossible is nothing

>> No.7244873

That's the Prophecy...

>> No.7244952

How did I not notice that he was in his AoStH outfit before? What a cool detail.

>> No.7244985

That prototype is unfinished. Not worth playing.

>> No.7245012

That's.. usually what a prototype is.

>> No.7245015

Naka gave it a like on twitter

Who knows

>> No.7245018

Poorfag is disappointed ROMs aren't spat out here

>> No.7245083

You didn't notice it because that's an edit.

>> No.7245091

wheres the rom

>> No.7245124

the usual place


>> No.7245462

oh, nice to see people still remember them. If CGI anime had this aesthetic people would complain less.

>> No.7245615

If Sega doesn't have it a former employee could've absolutely gotten away with taking it home. In fact I'm pretty sure that happened at NOA with one of their copies of Earthbound for NES.

>> No.7245620

Ah. That would explain it.

>> No.7245630

https://hiddenpalace.org, but next time, read/ctrl+ through the thread and/or search engine the subject term so that you don't need to ask such questions, mang. Save such questions for after doing all the above, as you will actually contribute to the rest of us, including yourself, by pointing out that a rom like this is actually extremely hard to find and might necessarily need to be shared here. Take care and enjoy the game, anon.

>> No.7245661

could there be stuff hidden in rom

>> No.7245854


>> No.7245859


>> No.7245884
File: 11 KB, 320x224, Sonic1ProtoLZ-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone brought up an interesting point. labyrinth has these bisected cylinder nook backgrounds that were removed later. since theres no water by this point what if they didnt know their own limitations and thought they have air pockets instead of bubbles to get air? they seem to be spaced evenly. what if their thought process went from air pockets>goggles monitor>bubbles? then again they already have the proto bubble gasping sprite in the game which throws this all out the window.

>> No.7245887
File: 35 KB, 320x224, Sonic1WaterConceptLZ-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick concept i put together

>> No.7245973

What are you talking about? Those levels wouldn't even run properly on a stock Super Nintendo.

>> No.7246003

Nice idea, but not possible technically (that pocket) due to how drawing water is handled in the Sonic games.

>> No.7246010

GTFO zoomshits

>> No.7246034

thats what im getting at with the not knowing their own limitations thing. as theres no water yet maybe they thought it was going work differently when they created the layout

>> No.7246406

Not really. Consider that TTS was one year before the game's release, and not much more than a short tech demo. You may, however, find http://www.nintendoplayer.com/unreleased/sonic-crackers/ interesting in this regard.

>> No.7246467

>We know one exists, but from what I've gathered it's a complicated situation. My understanding is that the guy who could get it to us has issues with his dad, and the cartridge is in his dad's storage
He could be referring to a later proto, though

>> No.7246543

wtf i've been away for a week due to surgery. please post rom or something

>> No.7246571

It's on hidden palace

>> No.7247672

what a fucking autismo lol nobody is reading all that

>> No.7247676

Not him, but thanks for being so nice, Anon. People on this site are so angsty and rude all the time, so it's nice to see some be genuinely helpful and kind to someone else for a change.

>> No.7247713


>> No.7248602

>persecuted hero plots
>hero vs empire plots
>smb toads
>jp poison
>alter egos
>long haired males
>babies who play with dolls/trains
>grammatical particles
all "claimed".
never underestimate trannydom's lebensrausm.
just accept the benis sissy hypno, anon. it will be easier.

>> No.7250301


>> No.7250346

It's funny seeing people lose their shit on Twitter over Sonic's "Win animation (one frame)". When the sprite is actually tucked away somewhere in the final ROM and been documented on TCRF for years.

>> No.7251567

So...What did the big three (Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima, Hirokazu Yasuhara) think?

>> No.7251589

the rom is dated after ces but before nick arcade, not the holy grail tokyo toy show build, but awesome either way!

>> No.7252787

posted on tcrf a few hours ago.

>> No.7252793
File: 7 KB, 256x256, Sonic1_16Bit_Proto_LZ_Chunk_C_UWFinalPal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nicer if i actual posted the picture

>> No.7253017

Socialism doesn't work. Get a job.

>> No.7253331

It's really funny, they really project all of their insecurities hard on trannies lmao

>> No.7253341

Can the Genesis do mid-scanline palette changes?

>> No.7253376

The animation could still play if Sonic breaks the surface.

>> No.7253471
File: 46 KB, 169x178, 0346834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the up direction on my dpad was bust

>> No.7253476

never wanted to til the dreamcast

>> No.7253561
File: 13 KB, 124x172, Screenshot (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget its this animation. the one used in the final game isnt even in the proto yet. i dont know how the air system would work with this current sprite if the bubble system wasnt planned. it wouldnt even work with the goggles.

tcrf posted this along with >>7252793
>Brick wall tiles, which aren't seen in the final, cover certain areas of the stage. In the final game, these would mostly become areas with water bubbles that are opened with a button. Interesting to note is that the final underwater palette, before palette cycling is applied, matches the palette for these bricks.

>> No.7253565

I guess there's still the problem that Sonic's palette would still be different. Maybe Sonic didn't have a water palette at the time?

>> No.7253605

Naka liked Hidden Palace's tweet about it, but he hasn't commented yet himself.

>> No.7253704

i wonder if this is the build he wanted to include with sonic mega collection

>> No.7253806
File: 23 KB, 472x440, chib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D Sonic is bad because you have to get good at the game in order to be good at the game

>> No.7253828

excuse me, but who are you quoting?

>> No.7254008

No, he wanted to include the multi scrolling tech demo one.

>> No.7254240

I find it helps to edify one another fren.

>> No.7254246

>punch game dev in face
>grab suit case
>turn around and flee
>game dev grabs furry tail hanging out top of my pants
>pull away with all my strength
>buttplug comes loose
>game dev sprayed with watery shit
>get away humming mission impossible theme
>go home
>play sonic prototype
>go back to wipe a second time because I didn't get it all the first time

>> No.7254247
File: 29 KB, 256x302, sonic-cope-beta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to make this edit

>> No.7255351
File: 95 KB, 292x257, kekles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the effort put into taking the proto screenshot to be the exact same as the final version anons commonly use on 4chan
It's the little things.

>> No.7255398

kek, nice

>> No.7255442

>Imagine still giving a shit over this
Punching Kishitmoto for all of his hack games + fluke that was Colors and the entire SEGA exec staff for 06 is far more a priority.

>> No.7255487
File: 136 KB, 612x600, _XxTGLxX-1346084777925857282-20210104_072314-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I stopped going to /v/. Tired of these nignog retards shitting up a Sonic thread because their era isn't getting pandered to them anymore. No one cares.

>> No.7256738

As always, in the early "only screenshots" days everything seemed more magical.

>> No.7256767

True. Really, the most interesting find to me was the Labyrinth Zone layout thing mentioned earlier in the thread. Too bad they couldn't implement it, the air bubbles suck the air outta me.

>> No.7256807
File: 29 KB, 340x148, 9806188200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, I think the initial idea for this zone was really be a maze and you are looking for air in those airpockets, probably they abandoned that idea for technical problems and went to the glasses

>> No.7256818

Naka is too busy driving his ferraris around, and probably has a guy hired to automatically like every Sonic tweet that gets made.

>> No.7257017

Rondo Duo

>> No.7257167

Sparkling Zone background too, and Splats coded in another zone was a nice surprise (with what have have been its intended colors). Some people were also saying in stream chat that the Marble Zone layout must've meant Taxman played this version. Did we know about the original Ball Hog behavior too? I think that's new.
I'm almost sure now that the 8-bit Sonic 1 level theme for Scrab Brain and Labyrinth Zone were composed for the 16-bit game. Just look at the early background. The dim atmosphere with mysterious lights seems like such a fit for the more adventurous 8-bit theme. If an earlier prototype ever surfaces, I bet we'll all get Sonic 3'd.

>> No.7257465

>the Marble Zone layout must've meant Taxman played this version. Did we know about the original Ball Hog behavior too?
Why? Did he use the proto ball hog behavior in mania?

>> No.7257492

ah, looks like people knew about the beta ball hog 10 years ago. Some people made some guesses about it. How would the tax man have known about the beta layout for Marble Zone though?

>> No.7257508

but they said piracy isn't stealing...

>> No.7257863

He "coincidentally" implemented the drop-dash from the Sonic 3 beta too he may have had access to betas on demand.

>> No.7257874

t. bro arrest
don't reply to him

>> No.7258083

he probably denies it so he won't get dogpiled by autismos, which is fair

>> No.7258116
File: 8 KB, 320x224, S1br004[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, people even thought it used different palettes because of the washed out magazine shots.

>> No.7258240

theyre just leaking all this shit to implicate you before biden comes into office and TPP is resurrected

>> No.7260121

Thanks for reading my mind and confirming my hypothesis I had in my head the other day about this hack, anon.

>> No.7260206
File: 20 KB, 281x217, sonic_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no signs of Madonna

I'm sad.

>> No.7260230

Perhaps someday, anon. This is just a big deal because it is the FIRST EVER Sonic 1 proto found, which gives people hope that others will be, as well.

>> No.7260257

>in the early "only screenshots" days everything seemed more magical.

That's because you were 6 years old at the time; the entire world was way more magical when you are young.

>> No.7260269

The developer of Sonic Mania was autistic about re-using every single beta asset they found in the ROMs or seen in magazine screenshots. If they had to re-build the level layout from 1001 magazine screenshots, they did that.

>> No.7260689

Very much so, I'd do the same

>> No.7260694


Anyone else on the download wish they actually ran with this concept? Could have saved some furries by having them be attracted to actual women.

However, I would have liked to see it because it's funny just Roger and Jessica Rabbit.

>> No.7260704

>I'm almost sure now that the 8-bit Sonic 1 level theme for Scrab Brain and Labyrinth Zone were composed for the 16-bit game. Just look at the early background. The dim atmosphere with mysterious lights seems like such a fit for the more adventurous 8-bit theme. If an earlier prototype ever surfaces, I bet we'll all get Sonic 3'd.

>> No.7260709

*downlow instead of download

>> No.7260968
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x1018, 1605917664528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7261020
File: 88 KB, 221x359, bh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he's kicking himself for blowing his load on Hidden Palace too early when the Sonic 2 proto with updated Stego sprites was leaked, or going with Mean Bean Machine instead of SegaSonic Bros. I somehow don't think he knew about the Ball Hog though, it had the perfect chance to be a MK II Badnik in Mania but it's just the usual sideways one recolored. I think one of the new Badniks in the same has zone similar movement but probably coincidental. Sega likely doesn't have any early Sonic 1 builds since Naka wanted to put one in Mega Collection as a bonus.

>> No.7261119


>> No.7261495

No, you're thinking of Oshima. Naka really doesn't interact with the fandom nearly as much.

>> No.7261516

I can't be the only one who wants to see a Sonic movie made in this style

>> No.7261585

Your not alone.

>> No.7261635

One of my favorite things about this is comparing it to the varios beta recreations

>> No.7262451

>Sonic 2 proto with updated Stego sprites
what proto is that? I want to see the differences.

>> No.7262498
File: 76 KB, 474x546, B2B85F6C-8542-4EB4-9409-03164F7F8349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>version leaks that’s 95.5% the same as the final release

>> No.7262507

bet this guy feels real dumb right about now

>> No.7262518

How can you be so oblivious? What a retard.

>> No.7262648
File: 199 KB, 871x1412, CEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CENSOR prototype, which was already technically leaked BEFORE THE GAME RELEASED but everyone forgot it existed until recently. Never think the current state of preservation is good enough, if it can almost happen to a game as prolific as Sonic 2 then there are probably countless "CENSOR"s out there lost to time.

>> No.7262932

>95.5% the same
you clearly haven't looked at the prototype at all, have you?

>> No.7262942

The basedboy face doesn’t even really make sense as a reaction here, someone just discovered memes and really wants to use them

>> No.7263287
File: 43 KB, 480x360, makeway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I don't think it would have made a difference to Stegway.
1) As TCRF says, the newer version is unpolished and has a spriting error between frames, which wouldn't haven been touched up since the OG sprites are basically raw, so the older version is good enough.
2) Simon Wai cred, people are more familiar with that prototype over all the others for jumpstarting the Sonic hacking scene and is why Proto Palace Zone is a thing.

>> No.7263327

Oh well I like the old/used version more anyway, it makes the horns stand out more instead of blend in, and the duller frill makes it look more rustic which suits a dinosaur better than the shine.
I bet it wasn't too late to replace Mean Beans with a version of SegaSonic Bros. (featuring Mighty and Ray) in Sonic Mania Plus, I mean they replaced Metal Sonic's third phase.

>> No.7264568
File: 25 KB, 480x360, SS2pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think it was stupid to take a suggestion off the Retro thread to turn the spike pit joke into the Hidden Palace entrance. Layout/gimmicks aside, S&K really was the devs' realization of what they wanted to do with it in Sonic 2, especially reworked with the Super Emeralds. Call the new zone something else, but it sure wasn't Hidden Palace, they didn't even consult any of the original team when designing it. They made it their own creation.

>> No.7264642

Placing the entrance to the hidden level in that pit was literally the only fun thing about Hidden Palace in the entire Sonic 2 re-release. The level design and the boss both sucked.

But yeah maybe it would've worked better if it was a level that came up automatically when you got all emeralds.

>S&K really was the devs' realization of what they wanted to do with it in Sonic 2,
Only according to Naka, who also wanted the game to have time travel.
According to the other devs, including the ones who WORKED ON THAT SPECIFIC LEVEL, it was only ever meant to be just another level, and the master emerald was just a thing you broke to enter tubes. Nothing special.

By the way, they reused Hidden Palace to build Toxic Caves in Spinball. If you look at the background art it becomes painfully obvious.

>> No.7264715

Additionally, Genocide City's assets were recycled into A-Bomb, a Genesis game in development, and placed in Spinball when that got canned.

>> No.7264737
File: 1.08 MB, 1171x663, Mystic_Cave_Zone_Archie_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have your spike pit of doom. You can have you pit to Hidden Palace.
OR (and hear me out):
>Mistakenly falls down spike pit.
>No rings, dies.
>Moves on.
>Next playthrough (or life), mistakenly falls down with rings.
>Before invincibility frames wear off, player may notice the spikes started shaking.
>The inquisitive player comes back with more rings (or Super Somic), and after approx. ten seconds of holding onto your last rings, the spikes give away and Sonic falls down...to another zone.
>The player feels a profound sense of accomplishment over having found this HIDDEN SECRET instead of just being rewarded for failing.

>> No.7265005

It definitely would have been a lot less weird than that whole deal with Elise. At least Madonna looks very cartoony.

>> No.7266086

gotta go fast

>> No.7267021

The Labyrinth Zone Background was cool

>> No.7267051

Anyone ripped that shit yet? Looks like a nice wallpaper.

>> No.7267053

TCRF ripped the sparkling Background

>> No.7267060
File: 11 KB, 1792x512, Sonic1ProtoSYZBackground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, pretty neat.

>> No.7267635

Wow UFOs! Too bad there isn't anything else of interest.

>> No.7268209


>> No.7268223

Why did they get rid of this and put generic office buildings?

>> No.7268240

I don't know, maybe it blended too much and made it hard to distinguish the level from the background?
With that, the bumpers, and the bright "COPE" signs, it feels like they were trying to make Casino Night Zone but changed their mind at the last minute.

>> No.7268247

It was ugly and distracting.

>> No.7269859

Advance games are 7/10s
Adventure is very aesthetic but honestly a bad game
Generations was good

>> No.7271369

That ball in Green Hill was atrocious

>> No.7271395

Here I come rougher than knuckles.

>> No.7271914
File: 2.07 MB, 669x3240, sonic 2 time travel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic 2 will always be the main proto of talk then cd>1>3. 3 pretty much did everything they wanted to do since technically s&k is all the content that was cut from 3s release. 1 gets the benefit of being the pioneer so there could be a lot of oddball content like the air pockets but even for 1 it seems they did all they wanted to do. cd started as an enhanced port of 1 then gradually deviated and it has the removed ruins level. 2 on the otherhand had massive ideas with a level count that suppasses s3*and*k, time travel into FIVE eras. its a shame that they were so close to putting some of the other levels in one of the betas but they just didnt. we would have to get some internal shit

>> No.7273051

Sonic 2 was ambicious

>> No.7274091

If there's ever a Mania 2 they NEED to do this

>> No.7275282


>> No.7276435
File: 3.73 MB, 1551x1039, 303861660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day...

>> No.7276928

I don't feel good about that one anon, the way Naka describes it, I think he's pretty certain that it was destroyed or overwritten or something.
I'd kill my wife for this to show up.