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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7194557 No.7194557 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

>> No.7194691
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I snagged up a Sony PVM, so far I've just been playing my N64 on it (it has s-video in natively and looks phenomenal). What other consoles should I pick up for it? I've been keeping an eye out for a Genesis and possibly a SNES (though obviously SNES is awfully pricey these days)
I already have an SNES classic and a Genesis mini (please no bully) so im not like desperate to buy something just for the sake of buying something, im just keeping an eye out.
But what other consoles are like, "damn yo, you know that soul you've been lookin' for? well listen to THIS"?

>> No.7194729

Has anyone been dedicated enough to make and maintain a list which separates which games look better or were definitively meant to be played in RGB, which look best in composite and which were meant for S-Video even?

>> No.7194752
File: 1.43 MB, 2236x1948, TFIV 14-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Svideo will look roughly equal to RGB
SNES resolution does not allow anything fancy over composite, no reason to not go at least svid (also, play it loud ad)
MD, if you see vertical dither all over the place, it's composite, else play RGB. (and no, Sonic waterfall is not all over the place).
In fact some manuals have RGB screenshots.

>> No.7194757
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It's way too subjective, the only thing that could be considered objective would be which games took advantage of dithering effects (like the famous sonic waterfalls) or which games anticipated the 4:3 stretch (like chrono trigger)

>> No.7194770

>which games anticipated the 4:3 stretch (like chrono trigger)
That has nothing to do with signal quality

>> No.7194772

>manuals featuring RGB
wow i'll bet someone was mad about that
imagine taking all this time guessing and checking your color outputs just to have the manual publisher wipe their ass with that hard work

>> No.7194786

it's true, but it's still worth mentioning if someone was building a "how was each game meant to be played?" database
most nintendo games didn't consider 4:3 stretch, they just didn't care about it
since we're talking CRTs then it doesn't matter

>> No.7194790

I figured MD is composite heavy, with RGB-targeting games being the minority.
What about Gen 3 or lower? NES games look much different over composite, IMO the art looks far more precise and detailed, the outlines / 'lineart' especially looks quite thin in RGB

>> No.7194795

Western games are composite heavy, far less on euro and japan games
Japan devs had arcade background and euro had 16 bit computers, both were RGB.

>> No.7194798

I mean, it's something you'd either have to mod yourself or buy pre-modded, but RGB NES is to die for if you're a NES fan. Just did it to mine and it looks fucking beautiful on my PVM.

>> No.7194803
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imagine losing all this detail because insisting on playing over butterspreading composite

>> No.7194805

yeah I'd agree regarding the megadrive, it's dithering city. If you're running that hardware in 2020 you probably would want to just be using composite.
Gen 3 and lower it really comes down to preference, I think. It's pretty clear cut that Nintendo just developed games on computers so the "intended" picture is square, hard pixels. the famous how-to-draw kirby is pretty good evidence of this. But who cares about authorial intent? Personally I prefer composite.

>> No.7194812

lol stop the glue
TF4 is too detailed to be played on composite.

>> No.7194820
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>> No.7194826

>Sister Act 3 is actually coming

>> No.7195138
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I just use YPbPr with a SCART adaptor, which is what my has and what I would use as a kid, since the console comes with it.
I don't really care anymore. I just want to go back and be comfy.

>> No.7195226

Are all viewsonic monitors sought after? I've always had a A90F in the basement that I never thought was anything special.

>> No.7195256

you could probably get a couple hundred bucks for that if you found the right buyer

>> No.7196225
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20201220-095350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this cute & sexy Trinitron VGA monitor with Vaio speakers for my DC.

>> No.7196239
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pulled this absolute behemoth from a trash pallet the other day at work. doesn't turn on.
worth repairing?

>> No.7196241

Hell no

>> No.7196243
File: 1.37 MB, 2848x1602, 1016201631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNC inputs on the back caught my eye

>> No.7196253

I withdraw my previous post, good job.

>> No.7196281

best I can tell it's been in a very infrequently used server closet for 15 years or more. powered on but in its low power state.
fuses look ok. gonna take it apart over the holidays when I get more free time and have a chance to research the model a little more.

Hitachi Accuvue HM-4721-D
1600 x 1200/75Hz
30-95 kHz
fuckin 75 pounds
19.7 X 18.5 X 20.0 inches

>> No.7196370
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What are you planning to use it for?
240p/480i linedoubled to 31Khz or PC stuff?

>> No.7196380

i'm not sure yet. when i saw it I immediately thought Dreamcast, but I don't actually know a lot about that system.
Mostly wanna get it working first, but I would need to look into what uses would really shine on it.

Of course, all this assuming the tube is at all in decent shape.

>> No.7196878
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>> No.7197047
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So, do I buy this off a crackhead for 50 bucks?

>> No.7197049


I once found a widescreen hitachi monitor with BNC inputs. Roughly the same size as a fw900. It was at an old video editing studio that I was buying PVMs at. I didn't have enough money to buy the hitachi after buying the PVMs. I went back the next day but nobody were there to take my money.

>> No.7197248

Why not just give him some Crack?

>> No.7197291

do you have any more scans like this ?

>> No.7197297

that shits like 5 bucks
if it isn't, jew it down to where it is

>> No.7197615

Trying to find an 8 pin mini DIN male to female SCART cable for my PVM, only seeing shit from Europe (am a Burger). Are there any places in the States that sell these things?

>> No.7198053

looks awesome, do pc 98 emulators work? would love to play that one

>> No.7198769

"Look better" is subjective. But "meant to be played" is easy. Just look at the time period the thing came out and what was the norm of the time. Developers would have made sure that their games looked appropriate on the displays that the consumers were most likely to be using.

>> No.7198775
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>Developers would have made sure that their games looked appropriate on the displays that the consumers were most likely to be using.
demonstrably false but still overall not a bad way of approaching things

>> No.7198781

Almost nothing was "meant" for S-Video. Generally retro games were meant for either RF or composite and anything a higher end consumer TV could do beyond that was gravy. They were designing for the lowest common denominator though because they needed to make sure someone playing on a 13 inch hand me down from the mid-80s could actually see what the hell was going on.

>> No.7198786

Clearly the right is what the consumer was meant to see though.

>> No.7198790
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>> No.7198825

5 bucks? This set is from 77. It's a damn antique.

>> No.7198826

What were the targeted consumer high-end PC resolutions before the widescreen / HD era? I'm assuming 640x480 in 1994, 800x600 in 1997, 1024x768 in 2000. How about the early and mid 2000s? I realize the monitors are capable of 1600x1200 and above but I don't remember anyone actually playing on it before 2004 or so, not without absolutely cutting-edge hardware at least.

>> No.7198857

Ok crack head

>> No.7198934

I'm saying that if I offer him 5 dollars he's not going to take that, seeing as similar sets are going for upwards of 200 bucks refurbished online.

>> No.7199281

holy shit

>> No.7199287

Didn't want to make a new thread for this, hope this isn't too off topic but does anyone know any good scanline filters? I've usually just picked a shitty included one but after seeing actual quality filters I wanna try them out, as getting an actual CRT is impractical for me.

>> No.7199297

they have nice aesthetic, but are know to last a long time then fail spectacularly. They use a lot of custom transistors that are impossible to replace and use non standard colour decoding because the japs wouldn't pay a license fee. Getting an RF modulator to display colour on some of them can be a pain in the arse. If it works it's worth a lot more than 50 though.

>> No.7199356

Is it worth upgrading to component over svideo? I'm using a 20" trinitron and pretty much only use it for saturn and PS2, would the jump in quality be worth it for those specifically?

>> No.7199380

On a 20”? You won’t notice much if any improvement.

>> No.7199460

>retro gaming is incredibly niche in my area
>crts stay on craigslist for years
>retarded old farts try to sell them for $50
>wait and laugh as they lower the price out of desperation, get them for peanuts
>have a few nice CRTs on my radar, feeling lazy, not in a hurry to pick them up
>some fucking nigger(s) snags ALL OF THEM in a week
>all the good stuff is gone, 15-17" crap only
>there's a new listing, nice monitor, it doesn't have a stand
>figure no one's gonna bother and take it easy
>gone in three days
I blame e-celebs and myself. I'd like to guess that my retarded zoomer peers probably watched some fucking nerd neck ADHD basement dwelling soiboy nigger faggot cuck troon's autistic ravings about how awesome doom eternal looks on a CRT, but only the good ones are gone. They picked them out, and only the shit is left. God, there's a last one that's not complete ass, but it's stored in some fucking subhuman troglodyte basement with no floor, what seems like a literal hole dug in the ground. The poor thing's covered in dust and dirt, and probably filled with it.

>> No.7199701

nah only have TF4 in japanese. Euro manuals are B&W.

>> No.7199991

You only have yourself to blame for being a lazy nigger.

>> No.7200024

But like I said, these CRTs were there for months, years.

>> No.7200030

and if you weren't so fucking Jewish you'd have one

>> No.7200223

Yeah and listings don't last forever, even if prices hadn't gone up you should have went and got one you lazy nigger, if prices hadn't gone up they'd have gone "well I guess nobody wants it" and put it in a bin. Stop being lazy and get something you want when you want it, especially when its dirt cheap.

>> No.7200296

just make a lowball offer. you have nothing to lose

>> No.7200564
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Kind of what I'm thinking.

Anyone know of a decent switch box? This is the only one on amazon without shit reviews.

>> No.7200936

I literally just got this one and it's decent. Haven't had issues yet.

>> No.7202035 [DELETED] 

I’m not a perfectionist, but I was hoping to get a somewhat decent CRT. I’m focusing on 6th gen consoles through component at the moment.
I can get a Trinitron KV-32FS210 for $50 locally. I’m having trouble finding out if this is a decent price or worthwhile in general, other than it having the Trinitron name. Anyone have any insight?

>> No.7202046

I’m not a perfectionist, but I was hoping to get a somewhat decent CRT. I’m focusing on 6th gen consoles through component at the moment.
I can get a Trinitron KV-32FS13 for $50 locally. I’m having trouble finding out if this is a decent price or worthwhile in general, other than it having the Trinitron name. Anyone have any insight?

>> No.7202096
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Found this in my grandparents garage, buttons are in rough shape as you gotta press down to use them (Power excluded as its a push/lock mechanism) but they work with some force and the tube is otherwise in great shape!

>> No.7202335

I have this exact same hardware with another branding (Steren). It's a passive switch, I had "snowy" interferance most of the time. It's really cheap, so you get what you paid for though.

>> No.7202460
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i already have quite a few CRTs but is this a good set? It seems to be a trinitron (which I don't have) and I honestly love the wood grain cabinet

>> No.7202714

Any suggestions on other switchers?

>> No.7203378

Anyone know where to get a PVM in the Philippines?
Brother probably fucked up my Samsung CRT TV and I want to get a replacement.
My desired PVM would be as big as possible, have 480p and YPbPr support.

>> No.7203381
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>> No.7203390


>> No.7203607

There are no PVMs in the Failippines. Every TV there is second hard consumer shit sent by sex maids in durkadurkstan and chingchongland.

>> No.7203886

definitely get this

>> No.7204184

Where to get in England? I live in a chalet and both me and a friend lift more than 200Kg total.

>> No.7204396
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What do we have here??

>> No.7204403
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>> No.7205229
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holy shit what a wack job

>> No.7205401

>big, with 480p
PVM 20L5, hope you're rich

>> No.7205416

or a cheap GVM-2020

>> No.7205437

I'm looking for something that will display Digital RGB (CGA/EGA) as well as Analog (VGA), and 15khz.

A Commodore 1084 seems to be the best option, but they cost so damn much online.

>> No.7205448
File: 301 KB, 1536x2048, ggcrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda debatable whether GGXXAC+R counts as retro, but it looks way better on CRT.

>> No.7205465

Wow this picture is ass. Take my word for it though

>> No.7205576

I believe you.

>> No.7205707

>What were the targeted consumer high-end PC resolutions before the widescreen / HD era?
My bet? Universities, governments and big companies.
I had to buy a cheap VGA monitor recently and it had the seal of an state university.
It's so strange to get a 20 inches CRT monitor that used to cost a fortune for just 4 dollars (when converted).

>> No.7205710

>15-17" crap only
What is the problem with those? Big TVs are better?

>> No.7206132

What's a good CRT that can output both 15kHz and 31kHz and is decently-sized.
It doesn't have to be a PVM.
I want it to be 16:9 but 4:3 is okay enough.

>> No.7206141

If not that, then what's a recommended 16:9 VGA monitor for Wii games?
I'll just convert YPbPr to RGBHV.

>> No.7206143

presentation monitors, rarer than even multiformat pvm tho

>> No.7206697

You're gonna have a shit time finding one. Most common options would be a NEC or arcade multisync. I have a 15K/24K/31K/38K but the flyback carked it and can't get a replacement, very hard to substitute in raster sets since they drive all voltages and if the tube needs replacement it's a nightmare since the yokes are very finicky with multisyncs. Almost always 4:3 only.
You'd have a much easier time finding a consumer SDTV + a PC monitor and far easier to repair/maintain in another decade or two. You can also get those in 16:9

>> No.7207084

How do they compare against multiformat BVMs and PC monitors in progscan?

>> No.7207090

they're better

>> No.7207453


>> No.7209056
File: 37 KB, 640x480, rthrth5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crt bros, are any of you familiar with crt emudriver?

it lets you use old amd video cards to output a 15khz 240p signal. I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me how i could then connect a gpu with outputs like pic related to a regular crt through composite video

>> No.7209112
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they're like big ass tvs that can sync from 15khz to above 31k.
BVM and PC gonna be sharper but will have limitations on sync and size.
BVM have strict freqs and also force 16/9 collapse on HD res.
PC can't do 15k (except some very old and rare ones, which are small too)

>> No.7209505

difficult to do composite, you need a good adapter. easy with rgb, and moderately easy with component

>> No.7209512

You need a composite video encoder. I think off the top of my head GBS8200 is the cheap/popular one, you'll need to use VGA out from the card more than likely (unless you have an analog capable DVI port). Otherwise just Google VGA to Composite and it'll do the trick.
Tbh the easiest option is an RGB TV, but I understand not very common in the States. You can get plug and play cables for a few dollars when you have RGB, since it's only the connection you need to adapt and not the signal.
Hope this helps, Emudriver + switchres is fantastic when you have an auto switching multisync, basically the best setup you can possibly get if your monitor can handle enough frequencies.

>> No.7209539

why would you go through the trouble of crtemu driver only to connect composite.

Just get a Pi, set the 240p video flag and be done.

>> No.7209542

No way to do that that's not retarded

>> No.7209564

Any tips for storing tubes? I have dogs and don't want them to get hurt from charge building or licking aquadag. Just tubes, no chassis connected.

>> No.7209612
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>> No.7209914
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five bucks for the trinitron
3 for the color pilot
both functional
murry curse miss jewgoy

>> No.7209931
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>>Try to keep it /vr/-related
No problem! What do you think about my setup?

>> No.7210081

what's the Trinitron model?

>> No.7210394
File: 49 KB, 728x546, 1603858273481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend it is a scam. I've gone through all of this years ago. I got the stupid old meme graphics cards and hacked the bios and fucked with the linux modelines and had the CGA converters and the broadcast monitors and there is no point to any of it if you're emulating anyway. Because using a scanline filter to delete every second line line of your 480 line VGA output has an identical effect to converting it to 240 line cga. And even the cheapest shittiest VGA PC monitor you found for $5 is just as sharp as any broadcast monitor or more.

>> No.7210485

You could always take the 480p vga signal from your PC and downscale it to 240p RGB or component with a GBS control board. I don’t think 480i would work with it though

>> No.7210625

you don't have to scale it or need a board or do anything. When your emulator displays those old games on a 480p display its just doubling the lines, so when you add the scanline filter you're just deleting the lines that shouldn't even be there and leaving them properly spaced to fill the screen so it just looks like CGA. I think PVMs and stuff are cool and stuff but, if you just want that crisp 240 line CGA look with an emulator you don't actually need it.

>> No.7210960

alright thank you guys, i'll just look into getting a vga monitor

because i want better emulation and the crt experience

it would be nice if someone made modern day drivers that could force modern gpu's to display 240p

>> No.7211479

>it would be nice if someone made modern day drivers that could force modern gpu's to display 240p
Install gentoo

>> No.7211558

What is the name of the monitor in your pic?

>> No.7211723

Was that recently? No Goodwills round me carry CRT anymore.

>> No.7211751
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If you're fine with not exactly perfect output then there's literally hundreds of different vga to composite/s-video converters out there. I'd expect not many of them to support 240p though but I'd be willing to bet at least one of the m does.

>> No.7213352

Bumping this question.

>> No.7213440

GDM-F520 or could be a GDM-G520P

>> No.7213678

I use crt emudriver with a ATI Radeon 5450 and connect to a Trinitron that only has s-video and composite inputs using Retrotink's VGA2NTSC (https://github.com/jnftech/vga2ntsc-kicad).). Lots of fun if you like to tinker.

>> No.7214127

I got a consolized MVS with a 15 pin video out, does anyone know if you can hook it to a vga monitor without damaging the Neo Geo?

>> No.7214145
File: 381 KB, 480x640, 1607279018492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I finally come to terms with the fact I can't have a CRT and never will have a CRT because I simply don't have the fucking room in my crappy apartment for one?
I want one so bad, bros...

>> No.7214159

Make room. Can't be that hard. Never got people that say they don't have room. Do you walk on top of things or what? Even when I lived in a small room and shared the rest with others I had plenty of room.

>> No.7214171

I'm in a one-bedroom with my mom and grandma. We have no room.

>> No.7214175

Shouldn't you prioritize sorting out your life, then?

>> No.7214187

Hey man, if you'd like to offer us a place to live that isn't an overpriced to hell, I'm absolutely all ears. But that's no longer related to the thread anymore anyway

>> No.7214202

I live by myself in a chalet with 2 bedrooms and pay 650£ per month, which is about half my wages. There's no council tax and water is free. Just have to work for things in life and how to properly manage expenses. I just started learning how to invest in the stock market so I can retire at 50 maximum.

>> No.7214243

That's very cheap. You have it very well off anon, and I'm happy for you.

>> No.7214292

not that guy, but sometimes people live with their girlfriends who have a say in the decor and items in the household. Some people don't appreciate gaudy looking decor or incredibly outdated technology taking up space in the home.

>> No.7214334

>girlfriends who have a say in the decor and items in the household
If you date someone who doesn't even respect your interests, then she's not worth it in the first place.
>incredibly outdated technology
Some CRTs can do the same or bigger resolutions and a better refresh rate then modern screens. The only thing that improved was size and energy expenditure, so I'd say they're on par.

>> No.7214581
File: 1.46 MB, 2484x2160, 1608914674954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a really nice one at work. Thought it was bw at first, especially because RF only, but turned out to be colour. It has channel, volume, power, brightness, colour, tune, auto search and display buttons at the front and v. hold and contrast wheels. As you can see there's another button for standby.
I can't find anything online about it, apart from being an equivalent of a Granada C14FD3, but even that one won't bring up anything.
The grey areas are actually black, it's just how the photo came out.

>> No.7215652

Wow, autosearch? A keeper!

>> No.7215658

Really? Isn't that pretty common?

>> No.7215723

He/she was being condescending and patronizing.

>> No.7215735

Maybe the parents won't let anon have a CRT at home, so he/she acts like that.

>> No.7215876

I was being facetious because all tv tuning features of CRTs are completely defunct. There's no point in mentioning them, they can't do anything

>> No.7215885

Analog TV is still in use in some countries, mine for example.

>> No.7216081

How's living in Nigeria?

>> No.7216282

wii with svideo cable works great on pvm too. then you watch movies on your glass tube and enjoy the color and quality.

>> No.7216774

plz answer

>> No.7216862

Nice, glad you found one you like. I like the design.

>> No.7216875

>Implying Nigerians know what a TV is.

>> No.7216890

Seconded. The Wii is one of, if not the best emulation machine for old stuff, specially Nintendo stuff, what with Virtual Console releases and all. This is, of course, considering you homebrew the thing, which should be mandatory anyway.

>> No.7216937

Is there a reason 30FPS looks/feels nicer on a CRT? I can play 30FPS games on my CRT just nice but if I do on my regular TV or PC monitor it's jarring as all fuck and just makes me wish what I was playing supported 60FPS.

>> No.7217016
File: 2.36 MB, 4128x1908, 20201225_014607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been playin p3 on a marketplace special (FREE) trinitron for the past few days
pretty comfy

>> No.7217019
File: 59 KB, 863x692, phillips crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Phillips CRTs?

Specifically looking at this flat screen: 27PT6441


Also, are there any s-video switchers available?

>> No.7217134

You also need it for consoles that use RF, like the Atari 2600, which I have.

>> No.7217140

Yeah, I really like the straight lines. I use a 25" Panasonic as my main CRT, but can never have too many CRTs!
Thirded. N64 is really hit and miss though. That's one of the reasons I got a monitor recently, since Project64 is almost flawless.
I don't really like JRPGs, but I got over 100 hours on P3P. Great choice.
Search for Neko Project II

>> No.7217158
File: 176 KB, 687x912, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregarding lord nintendo advice

>> No.7217658

does anyone here have a rasberry pi? apparently it can do native 240p composite that matches original consoles

>> No.7217663

Download both PC-98 emulators. Neko Project is the more advanced emulator, but Anex is good to have as well in case you can't get something to work.

>> No.7217672

It's a shame that PC-98 is 24.8kHz, making it incompatible with most CRTs

>> No.7217689

Redpill me on PVMs. Are they a meme? Should I just get a normal CRT?

>> No.7217694

Yeah, I never even tried because I unfortunately did not keep my CRT monitor. I've played on an SDTV, and I guess it works, but is much softer than intended.

>> No.7217697

>How are Phillips CRTs?
Good, not as good as Trinitrons but later models are certainly up there with JVC and Toshiba.

>> No.7217724

Question. What color temperature do you guys run on your CRT monitor?

>> No.7217848

I'm pretty sure that doesn't matter when using an emulator, hence why there's even a version for Wii.

>> No.7217903

All the ones in good condition have been picked already, the rest are being jewed hard to reddit manchilds. You would have better options in the high end consumer CRT, there are still cheap and good options.

>> No.7218095
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20201225_211153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thinkpad 40a1 dock. Just got my second monitor, but I only have one vga port. Would it be best to get a powered vga splitter or use a display port or dvi-d (no dvi-i, unfortunately) adapter? I'm looking to run one at 85hz and have the other switching between 75hz for high rez and 120hz for autism. I'm pretty split on the powered splitter vs adapter question. And recs for stuff to buy would be appreciated too.

>> No.7218114

They aren't a meme, I have a 20 inch tube and the image quality is great, but a consumer CRT is a good choice as well.
I would pay more attention to all the inputs one has.

>> No.7218237

A powered splitter for vga signals is only for displaying mirrored screens, you cannot drive 2 separate signals out of one vga port. If you want a transcoder for vga, many do not handle refresh rates besides 60Hz very well. Anecdotally I've heard that hdmi ones tend to work well, but that doesn't go for all of them. Pick wisely

>> No.7218296

Yeah, I feel kind of dumb putting that part in there now. I'm not sure why I thought extended displays.

Probably going to grab an active startech vga to dp. It says up to 60hz, but I've read that may not always be the case with these computers. I may get a delock if I am really stuck at 60hz and feel like spending $150 on an extra 25hz.

>> No.7218516

Yes, but it always becomes interlaced.

>> No.7218523

Buying it from ebay is the meme

>> No.7219116

is there any way to take a quality picture of a CRT with a phone camera?

>> No.7219134

Get the shutter speed (or mess with the ISO setting that most phones have) to a multiple of 60, and manualy focus

>> No.7219157

>nothing past 5th gen

Get over yourself, you lost, 6th gen is retro. My crt only gets used for 6th and 7th gen games.

Also, is a Sony Wega basically the best you can get without going into crazy medical grade displays?

>> No.7219398
File: 35 KB, 500x500, haier tdc1314s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to find much information on the Haier TDC1314S (13"). Is it a good CRT to pick up? I don't own a CRT and this is the only one that I found within my area that I can easily get to.

>> No.7219416

Pretty much. CRTs do wear out, so it's not worth spending a ton on one. I've been looking more into modern displays.

>> No.7219582
File: 529 KB, 200x150, original_257014929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, is a Sony Wega basically the best you can get without going into crazy medical grade displays?

Pretty much, specifically to FV 300/310 series.

>> No.7219828
File: 98 KB, 1293x966, fucked crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked is this?
It formed some yellow lines type artifacting at the top in between the image and the black shortly after this picture, then it popped.
I cut power immediately after lol

>> No.7219873

it's not worth it, unless you enjoy tinkering for no reason

>> No.7219928

>My desired PVM would be as big as possible, have 480p and YPbPr support.
Hit up places that do a lot of video production, which I'd suppose would be Metro Manila. Though if you want 480p support so badly, you're better off just getting a PC CRT plus a YPbPr to VGA converter and someone's old Wega for SD content at this point. You'll save a lot of money and energy that you'd otherwise be spending on tracking down a PVM/BVM.

>> No.7219942

>Also, is a Sony Wega basically the best you can get without going into crazy medical grade displays?
I’d personally go with a Profeel or a B&O instead. They look a hell of a lot nicer than a Wega and have RGB support.

>> No.7219994

B&O tubes are not particularly nice, only above average. Beyond that you're just getting an aesthetic and a shadow mask if that's to your preference. Suggesting a profeel is all well and good, but they're as hard to get as PVMs.
The real answer as to how to find great CRTs is to look for all of these choices, and be able to tell if something is desireable or not even if you've never encountered it before. I have many sets that are amazing in their own right, but have very little information or "buzz" online. One doesn't have any documentation whatsoever, but pumps out 600tvl on a 34" display

>> No.7220073

Have the option to get a Sony PVM-14M4A for a decent price. I'm currently using a JVC BVM from 1999 (not much about it online)
Anyone know if Sony PVMs are worth picking up and I'll just store away the JVC for whenever the Sony dies out or should I just not bother?

>> No.7220128

>anyone know if Sony PVMs are worth picking up
No, they're worthless. You can give me the link to it though.

>> No.7220204

grab it, haier is decent

>> No.7220206

don't listen to this guy, that thing is worth $300 so you should buy it if it's that price

>> No.7220245

Anyone here try to use an nes hooked up through an rf to bnc adapter? I tried it myself but nothing seems to happen. Composite to bnc works just fine though.

>> No.7220252

rf is a signal type
bnc is a connector type

>> No.7220819

Not an engineer or electrician or any of that shit, but I assume that the reason the RF is not working is because the PVM or whatever it is you're hooking the RF up to does not have the appropriate modulator/tuner or means to receive the signal, whereas consumer grade TVs often do. Why would a PVM, for instance, ever need RF capability? You wouldn't be watching TV programs on that shit.

>> No.7220842

Define "no reason"
Was the popping sound indicative of capacitors blowing, or something more serious?

>> No.7220941
File: 77 KB, 887x1097, 80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit what a wack job
It looks so goddamn deranged that I might just love it to death, see if you're able to run something through it, anon

>> No.7221448

popping is probably arcing, the slapdash way to find where the problem is is to take the back off, power it on, and watch it to see where the spark is. Your best hope is that you just need to retrace some solder, but probably on a pretty high voltage board

>> No.7221883

This varies CRT to CRT anyway. Just because your CRT shows it as an oval doesn't mean they all do. SNES games are made in a variety of aspect ratios depending on the developer.

>> No.7221916

Ho much?

>> No.7221938

About $30. I don't have a great idea for what a good price is but it's the cheapest I could find around my area. All the thrift stores and goodwills just have LCD tvs or vga dell monitors

>> No.7221960

I own a 14" CRT TV that I use to play my PS2.
It's hard to explain the problem I'm having, but, sometimes, the image moves a little bit in a similar way to what happens when changing/adjusting the aspect ratio. I fear this could be the beginning of a real problem on the TV or the PS2. Does anyone know what it is? Is it on the TV, the PS2, the cables or what?

>> No.7221975

Check ebay, craigslist, facebook marketplace and olx. If there is nothing in those listed, ask the guy if he can make a discount.

>> No.7222187

Does it only happen with moving images?

>> No.7222218

I have to pay more attention, but, so far, I noticed this:
>it doesn't happen in the menu of the PS2
>it happens in the menu of Chaos Legion
>it doesn't happen on Final Fantasy X

>> No.7222296

Is any PVM good or are only the Sonys worth the money

>> No.7222383

What's the technical reason for those


noises that come from the back of my CRT(s) in the dead of night when I'm trying to fall asleep?

>> No.7222503

Expansion and shit from operation heat

>> No.7224091

i hear mine do that when its off though

>> No.7224231

very nice anon!

>> No.7224419
File: 44 KB, 700x525, dqqdqdwqdq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My LaCie Electron 22" died recently. Big rip.

>> No.7225023


>> No.7225778

Doesn't mean it can't be revived.

>> No.7226084

Probably new old stock projection CRTs.

>> No.7226129

Only Sony made PVMs.

>> No.7226353

anyone know why my gateway VX765 just got really blurry all of a suddon? was new old stock got it about a month ago, only had time to use it this last week

turning the contrast down seems to help with the blurryness

>> No.7226428

NOS monitors can still have issues, especially if they had been stored in less than ideal conditions for 10-20 years. Fortunately, focus can be set by adjusting the focus voltage potentiometer on the flyback transformer.

>> No.7226456

My 19 Lacie died 2 years ago, the screen would squish to a single line in the middle of the screen.

>> No.7226529

ah that sucks it was fine until today, guess ill have to open it up

>> No.7226571

that's a pretty common issue, did you ever try to repair it?

>> No.7226626
File: 379 KB, 1280x1920, Sony Trinitron Model KV-1380R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this
what do?

>> No.7227090

>what do?
enjoy the composite and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.7227092

I did open then gave up when I couldn't figure out how to safely discharge, the monitor had what appeared to be something like a "stuck pixel" as well, it was a dot that was always white in the middle of the screen so I didn't try too hard. The screen was very sharp so it was just dumped it on the donation post so anyone if they wanted could pick it up.

>> No.7227103

RGB mod it, looks like it only has composite and antenna.

>> No.7227354

Based and Stereopilled

>> No.7227370

People really unironically be playing videogames on 8 inch tvs lmao

>> No.7227432
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>> No.7227437

>Are they a meme? Should I just get a normal CRT?

Yes and yes.

>> No.7228125

fix it

>> No.7228347

I'm scared of dying. It was making a high pitch whine for like a year before it died and then one day I turned it on for the day, left the room, and when I came back there was a burning smell and no picture.

The tube is passed its prime though and brightness, contrast, etc had to be cranked to max. It was fine to use as a PC monitor where I could use the Nvidia control panel to set brightness, gamma, etc but the screen was super dark when hooked up to a Dreamcast. Absolutely bittersweet seeing stuff like Shenmue run on it knowing how beautiful it must have looked back in the day.

>> No.7228350

>like chrono trigger
Even Chrono Trigger doesn't account for the stretch in many places. Like for example swinging pendulum in the intro only looks perfectly circular in 8:7 while in 4:3 it looks too wide.

>> No.7228586

You can get repair services if you don't want to get hands on.
I do lots of my own repair but actually heading in to see a tech tomorrow, got a tricky monitor with a nasty short. Don't wanna be ground for 40kV trying my luck.

>> No.7228695
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1596544080524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they a meme? Yes

This kills the PVMeme

>> No.7228772

lol how do you guys afford your electric bill?

>> No.7228868

Looks like an aesthetic monitor to me. Why the hell did they get rid of the RGB logo is what I'd like to know?

>> No.7229258

Cry when it gets broken in delivery

>> No.7229573

This video is perfect for those who say they don't have space even for an 8" CRT.
Isn't rubber or electrician gloves and insulated tools enough?
By working and investing in stocks. Plus, 1 single CRT uses less than 0.50$ if it's on the whole day. Watched a guy on youtube that has a basement full of cabinets and if they're all on for the entire day it uses about 8$ worth of electric.

>> No.7229750

Anyone else have TERRIBLE luck with these? Over the last 3 months I've had two repeatedly click on start like they are trying to settle into a display mode but can never get there. What is this? Should I even attempt to fix this with no toaster repair boomermancy under my belt? Luckily I have two more but I'm giving up on VGA CRT monitors after that.

>> No.7229951

What are we going to do when CRTs die out bros?

>> No.7229968

We buy 500$ framemeister and plug it on our 4k 3D tv's. Or figure out how to upkeep them ourselves.

>> No.7229991

I'll be dead by then.

>> No.7229992

We finally commit suicide due to one more physical manifestation of the old days fading away.

>> No.7230379

Who knows. I wish we had some big push for reverse engineering the tubes on CRTs, but we are in this weird spot with CRTs being still plentiful and super cheap. You can't manufacture new ones because no one will buy them. We will have to wait until many of these CRTs are dead until such efforts to make new ones comes.

>> No.7230464
File: 1.79 MB, 1512x2016, crt 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked it up and it turned out great! Glad I took this over the 36" Triniton, that would have been too big.

I might have scratched the screen moving it but the tooth paste trick worked surprisingly well.

>> No.7230571
File: 420 KB, 2000x1325, DSC_0019-w2000-h3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took this a while ago. Looks great on CRT.

>> No.7231072

I got two CRT TVs just to play my PS2 and I'll just move with my life when I finish all the games I want.
Sometimes you need to let it go. I will keep the memories in my heart, but I know it's over.

>> No.7231234

Based Shining Force poster

I crash whenever I use magic in battle though, for some reason >:(

>> No.7231248
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20201229_184554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this off craigslist the other day from an older gentleman, came with original remote and user manual
It was funny, he asked whether I was going to be using it for cable or satellite tv, and when I told him I was going to use it for old game consoles he just looked slightly confused
Going to be my main S-video and component TV, as composite stretched over 27" is pretty smudgy

>> No.7231614
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, 080A13A0-8C51-4772-8C48-B863029E0F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked up a G520 that is basically brand new. Really looking forward to this one.

>> No.7232603

You can let it on the side but not remove it completely. If you do that you will get too depressed to move with your life and loose your childhood. You should leave it to play once a week so you never get bored for finishing too fast or depressed for not playing for too long

>> No.7233163
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>> No.7233167
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>> No.7233903

Aren't you the guy that was trying really hard to connect your computer to your tv?

>> No.7233968

Nice, bro. You'll have a blast with that one.

>> No.7233986

going to be picking up a trintron with s-video today. I haven't used s-video before. Do you guys know of any good aftermarket s-video cables for SNES/N64, or should i just get oem ones?

>> No.7234023

Any old s video cable. Just like with most things, don't get the absolute dinkiest one or there, but don't worry about getting the best one. Thicker cables are better, generally. Don't get an s-video/composite duo cable

>> No.7234347

Are there any curved-screen CRTs around 13"-15" that support S-video? I know there are PVMs out there, but they're expensive as fuck right now and I never see any locally.

>> No.7234876

Retro-Access makes a great SNES/N64 s-video cable but it's 30 bucks for a 4 footer.

>> No.7235145
File: 78 KB, 473x473, 1607503071529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one around here uses craigslist to list tvs or anything
>only place you can find CRTs is on ebay
>ordered a little 14" panasonic to play my PS1 on
>showed up today and had clearly been dropped and destroyed beyond all repair
>there's a 25" trinitron that looks great but shipping would cost a shitload and i don't have anyone to help me move it

>> No.7235239

Try Freecycle and FB Marketplace.

>> No.7235269

I forgot FB marketplace was even a thing, thanks anon. I've ordered another panasonic from ebay so if that turns up smashed too i'll probably pick up one of these nice cheaper ones from someone local.

>> No.7235281

Try freecycle first. Got 3 from there so far. Also got boxed consoles from there.

>> No.7235378

A bit late but yes and no. I like them because of their shape and how they don't require a remote. They also have picture adjustment settings easily available while consumer TVs have them hidden behind a code.

>> No.7235395

If you live in a SCART country it's rare to find an S-video TV of that size. If there are two SCART ports one of them usually accepts S-video.

>> No.7235843
File: 497 KB, 500x531, 1607266038996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon gave me the following advice more than once in these threads, have since manned the fuck up and lifted 30" tubes over my head. Highly recommend.

>> No.7235995
File: 720 KB, 1772x1329, IMG_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol looks better than my CRT that I got from my grandparents.

>> No.7236171

I don't think video games were developed on PVMs.

>> No.7236269


>> No.7236384
File: 650 KB, 1280x958, 8BD33144-F4AE-44E5-BE8F-4E6EB2AA4321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s probably been many developers who didn’t use PVMs

>> No.7236418
File: 1.13 MB, 963x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7236432

This is a clearly compositing bay, used to cut and edit footage on digital recorders. This has nothing to do with the actual game development.

>> No.7236503
File: 727 KB, 899x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game being developed
no composite in sight

>> No.7236830
File: 212 KB, 1123x1013, The-Stars-of-Famicom-Games_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7236906


This >>7236418
is clearly a compositing bay, used to cut and edit footage on digital recorders. This has nothing to do with the actual game development.

>> No.7236921

is the left screen a PVM though?

>> No.7237465
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, BD2E9D74-4222-4FBF-ADD6-BD12F53EFC1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7237913

so my NEC FE770 got broken today.
I could hear arcing inside and the screen would flicker from time time before. But today after I turned it on after a while it started to arc inside a lot. When I opened it before it was quite clean so I don't think it's because of dust. Is the flyback dying?

>> No.7237971

Neither of those are PVMs you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.7238790
File: 1.96 MB, 3454x3456, IMG_20180725_150603267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah baby

>> No.7239063

That was probably me. Lifted a 23" followed by a 25", both with stand, from a 1st floor over my head so I could see the way, straight to my car's boot. It's not that heavy if you hold it correctly and aren't a typical bookworm.
I'm proud of you, anon.
>looks better than my CRT
Computer monitors do RGB, so that's normal, I believe.
Newfags think square=PVM. I thought so too, but I kept my mouth shut until I was sure. Turns out I got a TV the other day that looks like a PVM.

>> No.7239189

I like Toshiba's but make sure you remove the auto edge enhancement that's applied. There is a wire you unplug to severe it. Check out the user manual and online.

>> No.7239534
File: 868 KB, 1500x2000, tau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 27" panasonic tau tv laying around that I recently hooked up an old pc with a geforce 8800 gt with an svideo out. When using svideo on the tv I can get a picture when windows boots to safe mode but thats it. Hooked up a svideo to component adapter I had and got a picture when i set it to 480i. Should I just leave it like that? Is svideo or component better? I want to get this looking as good as possible with what I have

>> No.7239576

its not as good as pure 240p but yeah s video is the best you can get