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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 285x349, Hiroshi_Yamauchi,_former_Nintendo_president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7235053 No.7235053 [Reply] [Original]

"[RPG players] are depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games." -Hiroshi Yamauchi, 1999

>> No.7235062

"People who make shit threads like this are losers who sit alone in their dark rooms and stew in their own filth." -Me, 2020

>> No.7235063

whats there to discuss? he was right

>> No.7235086

Hiroshi was rich and powerful, and also right. But what he missed is the appeal of that when you're a wagie. After spending a day with shitty coworkers and dealing with your ingrate children then having a slow paced game with a pretty world and no one asking you for shit is great. The player is depressed because of these things and the game is their only break.

>> No.7235091
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>Failure will not be tolerated, but betrayal? That must be dealt with far more severely...
– Hiroshi Yamauchi, 1997

>> No.7235095

Are you a professional quote maker

>> No.7235117
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>wake up
>think about nintendo
>think that by making fake miyamoto and yamauchi quotes, you will get nintendo fans angry, and other people to hate on nintendo
>none of it happens
>repeat everyday anyways

>> No.7235119

He could've saved us from the Jarpig menace

>> No.7235128

Except Yamauchi's quote on jarpigs is real.

>> No.7235163

this was cope from an old boomer who watched as his company went from "synonymous with the word video game" to less than 50% marketshare in the span of about 6 years largely because of RPG's from sega and sony like FF7 and sakura wars

>> No.7235171


>> No.7235201

"Yes, I am. Thank you for asking." -Me, 2020.

>> No.7235208

yamauchi and miyamoto both hated rpgs jesus christ just look at miyamoto's wikipedia page

>> No.7235214

N64 still sold 33 million units worldwide even in spite of having no RPGarbage.

Based Nintendo always wins.

>> No.7235225

>sakura wars
lmao who???

>> No.7235242

>N64 still sold 33 million units worldwide even in spite of having no RPGarbage.
half of those sales were for people wanting to play pokemon games like stadium, which have the most basic bitch jrpg gameplay there is
insanely popular (in japan) franchise that ran stage plays and shit for years even after the games themselves stopped being good.

>> No.7235252

He's not wrong.

>> No.7235260

definitely cope given that dragon quest was the biggest fucking deal in japan during the nes/snes era and exclusively released on nintendo hardware, but then they skipped the N64 to release dragon quest 7 on the PS1 instead (as did square with FF7)

>> No.7235270

Is half of 33 million 5 million now?

>> No.7235327
File: 189 KB, 800x1090, 800px-Shigeru_Miyamoto_cropped_3_Shigeru_Miyamoto_201911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I think that with an RPG you are completely bound hand and foot, and can't move. But gradually you become able to move your hands and legs... you become slightly untied. And in the end, you feel powerful. So what you get out of an RPG is a feeling of happiness. But I don't think they're something that's fundamentally fun to play. With a game like that, anyone can become really good at it. With Mario though, if you're not good at it, you may never get good."

>> No.7235470

Wtf I love Shiggy now.

>> No.7235497

>With Mario though, if you're not good at it, you may never get good."
*proceeds to put superguide and other the game plays itself for you mechanics in every nintendo game since obama was president*

>> No.7235498

>With Mario though, if you're not good at it, you may never get good.
He sure reversed course on this stance like a whiplash, like damn. I feel bad for people who quote things from people who later went back on them. You can see in realtime a person learning whatever lessons their career and experience is teaching them, and you want the unlearned version of them. Incredible.

>> No.7235506

>since obama was president
Not retro.

>> No.7235528

>whats there to discuss? he was right

"I'm too old for this 2D waifu bullshit. Go find a flesh and blood human being and fuck together in one of my love hotels, and play some Dance Aerobics for NES afterwards!"

>> No.7235541
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forgot to include related image.

>> No.7235548

so was yamauchi the last dude who ran ninty with DIRECT ties to yakuza?
always got that vibe from him

>> No.7235564

also, on that note
they str8 murdered gunpei yokoi and id put money on it

>> No.7235636

Was there ever a source for this Yamauchi quote? Any links in japanese?

>> No.7235681

lol prolly not
that said he always gave me a serious organized crime vibe, and i cant imagine someone like that would be too into fucking dragon quest

idk moon so i put the quote into https://www.deepl.com/translator and it spit out
idk how accurate that is, but its the best online translator ive ever used. i know it handles chinkrunes quite well as ive used it in the past.
but maybe if youre feeling autistic, you might be able to find it

>> No.7235686

i also replaced the generic [RPG gamers]
with "they"

>> No.7235694

I'm pretty sure Yamauchi wouldn't use a word like "Gamer", hardly any people used that term in the 90s.
So, after all, it's just another gossip without actual source. I actually want this one to be real though lmao.

>> No.7235702


>> No.7235719

>I'm pretty sure Yamauchi wouldn't use a word like "Gamer"
im actually not too sure
its definitely possible that the nips have/had some sort of slang term for "gamer" back then. i know they have all the "-con" terms, like lolicon, otacon etc for far stranger "hobbies"

>> No.7235727

nah I doubt it, japanese used "player". Or maybe "user". Gamer seems like a 2000s neologism more than anything.

>> No.7235729

Based weeb-basher boomer
Fuck menu navigators

>> No.7235742

>Gamer seems like a 2000s neologism more than anything
yea no doubt
if anything, this "translation" of the "quote" has been modernized in order to bait more fags

prolly just fake an gay tho

>> No.7235749

you ever consider that someone could act against their beliefs to make more money?

>> No.7235753

>Except Yamauchi's quote on jarpigs is real.

I think he said that as an insult to SquareSoft after they decided to cut ties with Nintendo and develop FFVII on the PSX.

>> No.7235757

Pokeshit was the number one reason people bought gameboys

>> No.7235758
File: 98 KB, 1200x800, 20081111248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Crash Bandicoot proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good."
-Ken Kutaragi, 1996

>> No.7235762

is an n64 a gameboy?

>> No.7235764

I'm thinking the quote is fake and people post it just because it's funny to imagine it's real.

>> No.7235779

It was mentioned on Giant Bomb and IGN.

>> No.7235789

No, but you’re conveniently forgetting that RPG’s kept Nintendo’s entire handheld division alive for multiple console generations

>> No.7235793

I thought it was Tetris

>> No.7235795

Yeah it was probably posted in many other forums and western sites, but where's the japanese article?

>> No.7235812

now THAT seems believable

my dude, the original gameboy was released almost a decade prior to pogaymens. and it absolutely dominated the handheld market from its release until it and its descendents like GBC, GB pocket was phased out for the GBA. if anything, pokemon just got people to buy one of the newer models like the GBC.

but the GB was an established name for years, with a huge player base for basically its entire life cycle. people bought it because it was arguably the only ACTUALLY portable handheld on the market, and unlike the game gear and lynx, had a battery life of over 45mins. and also, because the GBs initial release came at the time where "a nintendo" literally meant "a videogame system"

>> No.7235814

Is it really that bad? Honestly I haven't played a Mario past Galaxy, which wasn't too casual once you got to midgame or so.

>> No.7235820

and super mario land

>> No.7235824

I've been playing RPGs all my life and I'm clinically depressed, the quote in OP checks out

>> No.7235828

link's awakening, niggas.
also unironically the Mortal Kombat 2 port. MK2 was the only good handheld MK game, it sold many GB and GG units back in 1994.

>> No.7235845

No it's not. Mario Odyssey can get fairly difficult.

>> No.7235871
File: 499 KB, 1600x1195, game_boy_tetris_pack_frontJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought it was Tetris

Sold 35million units worldwide, but was also the pack-in game from launch (1989) to about the mid 1990's.

>> No.7235880

i dont think that one was a launch title tho, was it?
but yea that games fucking fantastic
speaking of LA, idk how you feel about randomizers, but the LA randomizer is pretty darn fun
you should try it

>> No.7235892

>i dont think that one was a launch title tho, was it?

Links Awakening was a 1993 release. The GameBoy launched in 1989.

>> No.7235895

knew it
t. knew it

>> No.7235904

If you combine Pokémon Red and Blue with Yellow they outsold Tetris (a pack in game) by ten million units

>> No.7235919

recent mario games are a lot more challenging than they used to be to 100% because they put in these "we'll play the game for you" modes. it's not about difficulty though so much as the idea that not anyone can beat a mario game, which hasn't been true since sunshine with that bullshit volcano level

>> No.7235935

Even then, the final level of SMG2 was way harder than Corona Mountain, and there was no auto-win feature there. I'm sure there were many people who never 100%ed the game because of that.

>> No.7236631
File: 35 KB, 317x349, 1597942753561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong

>> No.7236639

>who never 100%ed
most people don't even know there's secret levels like SMW

>> No.7236640

RPGs are for virgins.

>> No.7236642

They all do, sega, konami, capcom.

>> No.7236653
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1599873023589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
– Hiroshi Yamauchi, 1945

>> No.7236658
File: 66 KB, 840x666, 1609008294420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Hiroshi Yamauchi, at a meeting with Microsoft's former CEO, Seven Ballmer.

>> No.7236709
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>He planned to study law or engineering, but World War II disrupted his studies.

If it wasn't for WW2, Hiroshi would've become a lawyer. So next time you're playing Nintendo remember to thank Hitler.

>> No.7236717

there is really no disputing this, but should be posted on /vrpg not hear

>> No.7236764

>manage a video game company
>don't play video games

>> No.7236792


>> No.7236794
File: 20 KB, 158x166, shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They rarely do. CEOs are not autistic losers like gamers, otherwise they would not be CEOs.

>> No.7236797

>own a brothel
>don't have sex with random men for money

>> No.7236909

Bad analogy. It's more like
>own a brothel
>don't have sex with the prostitutes
which would be kind of a waste imo

>> No.7237292

but muh quality assurance?
youre telling me hed hire some other chucklefuck and pay him to do QA on all his whores?
now THAT sounds like a waste

>> No.7237294


>> No.7237310

>yamauchi a few years later
wasnt it iwata a few years later?
and didnt the wii make fucking bank?
i mean i know it was a gay under-powered meme console with the most shovelware of any console ever, but you cant argue with raw sales figures

>> No.7237319

oh yea, AND the DS
yea sure the N64 sucked and only had like 4 games even worth playing, but by the early 2000s i wouldnt have even given a fuck if i was them

>> No.7237373

>If you combine Pokémon Red and Blue with Yellow they outsold Tetris (a pack in game) by ten million unit

Pokemon was huge at the end of the life of the original GameBoy. Pokemon was released in Japan in 1996, and then in US/NA in 1998. At that point in time Nintendo had the GameBoy Pocket out in the market. But released the GameBoy Color in 1998. There was a huge spike in GameBoy/Pocket sales due to Pokemon. Sales numbers that Nintendo hadn't seen with the GameBoy since the Tetris craze. It probably also helped sell GBC units as well.

>> No.7237730
File: 70 KB, 452x640, 72524d5b_wired1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glorious interview.

>> No.7237750

You guys do realize this was him coping over Square Soft not wanting to deal with cartridges, and this autism fit led to most third parties going to Sony.

>> No.7237791

He looks like he wants to be white, how based is this guy! A true anti-weeb.

>> No.7237798

>made billions off of chinpokomon

>> No.7237815

Pretty sure it was the not wanting to deal with cartridges that made devs want to jump ship, doubt many of them cared that much about an offhand comment Yamauchi made.

>> No.7237887


>> No.7237890

By that point he was literally a seething oldfag with crumbling business model, so barely anyone cared.

>> No.7237904


>> No.7237909

miyamoto said that in 2003 dipshit. and is it really hard to believe yamauchi hated rpgs? has nintendo ever made an rpg in house instead of outsourcing them? it was always about the money.

>> No.7237982
File: 64 KB, 720x1031, Ejl-WU7WAAABZxJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep thats me

>> No.7237996

you should play faster games then anon, so that you can have friends and maybe someday get a room with windows in it, which you can then sit in with your new friends and play fast games with your new friends that you now have because you started playing faster games and got friends

thats how it works
my dad used to work for nintendo see >>7235053 told me thats how it works, so now i know thats how it works
thx dad <33

>> No.7238036

Jarcels BTFO by Based Yamauchi.

>> No.7238106

get off my board niggeloving faggot

>> No.7238110

He looks OLD!

>> No.7238153

Or what?

>> No.7238165

"Jaime pull up that Did You Know Gaming about Yamauchi being a monster comprised of 7 oni souls."

>> No.7238186

i'll steal your fucking identity

>> No.7238195

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.7238206

Fuck off you imposter

>> No.7238210

Or what?

>> No.7238323

Better make a trip just to be safe ;)

>> No.7238337

Fuck you, imposter.

>> No.7238347

Can you both fuck off already?

>> No.7238360

What is Paper Mario?

>> No.7238369

A second imposter? RENT FREE.

>> No.7238376


>> No.7238379

If he hated RPGs, he probably hated games in general, as Zelda 2 was an RPG. The beloved (in Japan) Mother series were RPGs. Their system seller, Dragon Quest, was an RPG series. Pokemon was both an RPG series and a ripoff ot two other RPG series.

>> No.7238384

What in tarnation is this faggotry?

>> No.7238385

I will never be a woman.

>> No.7238391

I will also never be a woman.

>> No.7238392

Back when people actually put some actual effort into fake Nintendo people quotes and it was actually funny.

>> No.7238409

A game that came out in the tail end of the N64's life that nobody bought a system for?

>> No.7238416

Yeah, sounds like cope to me dawg. Anyway
>muh SMRPG
is worshiped by Nintendofaggots (inb4, I love Nintendo) so I don't think he would have wanted to shit on that legacy.

>> No.7238535

Surprised you don't like JRPGs desu

>> No.7238553


>> No.7238578

Fuck jarpigs.

>> No.7239202

That doesn't make him any less right.

>> No.7239518

He is wrong though. The only people agreeing with him are sad losers. So, people like Yamauchi.

>> No.7239549

I bet you play RPGs.

>> No.7239895

>N64 still sold 33 million units
Most of which were in America.
Less than half of the worldwide amount of PS1's sold worldwide.
>Based Nintendo always wins.
Distant 2nd place in US and EU and last place in Japan is not "winning", Nintoddler.

>> No.7239962

>last place in Japan
I think the numbers between Saturn and N64 are pretty even, and Saturn came out 2 years earlier. Also, software-wise, N64 sold more.
Anyway, console wars are toddler-tier, if you weren't an idort you just had a shit childhood period.
Also: Saturn=N64>PS.
PS didn't have either good 3D nor good 2D, it only had decent FMVs out of the box and that's it.

>> No.7240912

Err... Miyamoto was involved with Super Mario RPG and Mother 1.
Yamauchi was having Mother 3, Fire Emblem 64, Ao no Tengai, Dragon Quest 7, under planning for the N64. Things started to go terrifically wrong around 1999.

Nintendo made a "Dream Team" list of their bestie third party developers (including devs of GTA, lmao) that had 0 nip developers. With that much salt, what makes you believe the're not above disparaging entire genres?
Especially one that's Squaresoft's main claim of fame, and that was one of the key parties instrumental in convincing other devs to support the PS1 after getting burned so hard by Nintendo's artificially complicated approval process.

tl;dr: Yamauchi said this because of pure pettiness, throwing his own devs (Mother 3, Animal Crossing predecessor dungeon crawler, Custom Robo, Shiren the Wanderer...) under the bus.

>> No.7240936

Mario nowadays is the epitome of design by committee.

Even the GBA ports were full of gaps filled with solid blocks and new checkpoints everywhere (to be fair SMB2j in All-Stars started this)
DKCR2 and NSMBU got rereleases on the Switch with a fucking god mode.

I don't think Miyamoto cares anymore. He's not even the Mario character committee. As long as it makes money, anything goes.

>> No.7240940

Literally their only good game was GoldenEye

>> No.7240947

Based Rareware, the only reason to own a n64.

>> No.7240951

This is such a retarded take. So if you're not autistic enough to get skilled at platformers you obviously can't enjoy other video games?

>> No.7240957

Isn't that basically any big business in Japan though?

>> No.7240978

how is it any different from Quake? GoldenEye was just Quake introduced to casual normals on a console.

>> No.7240992

Don't forget those Final Fantasy games that were really Romance SaGa games