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File: 141 KB, 740x516, FFVII-00101-Sector-5-Slums-Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7226314 No.7226314 [Reply] [Original]

Cloud died here when he fell from the roof of the church and the rest of the game is actually just showing what the rest of Cloud's life would be had he not fallen from the roof and died.

>> No.7226321
File: 2.98 MB, 444x356, O7GpWr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually he died when he broke his own neck doing a pointless flip stunt to impress Barrett in this scene

>> No.7226327

Stho Aerith dthent die? It wath Cloud all along.

>> No.7226335


>> No.7226372

Aerith doesn't even exist. Replay the game, you'll notice she doesn't talk to anyone except Cloud. It's all in his head.

>> No.7226427

She talks to Tifa when they meet, Aerith takes care of Marlene and Barret apologizes directly to Aerith's [sp]adoptive[/sp] mother for Aerith getting kidnapped when trying to save Marlene.

Did YOU play the game?

>> No.7226437

A strong fan theory is that the game actually doesn't exist. It's just the dream shadow imprint of this one dude that sells donuts nearby Square's office building

>> No.7226440

That's actually Cloud talking to Tifa through his tranny personality. Aerith is basically Tyler Durden.

>> No.7226446
File: 62 KB, 1024x1024, 1595537444764m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerith is basically Tyler Durden

>> No.7226485

YOU didn't play the game because YOU'RE NOT REAL

>> No.7226714

The ff8 theory has merit, this is just cringe

>> No.7226919

No it doesn't, and it isn't even funny like this one is.

>> No.7227185

The fact that this seems plausible says a lot about how retarded Final Fantasy really is

>> No.7227191

ummm ahkctually u r wrongz fuckin pleb

>> No.7227273


I was going to say that it didn't start off retarded - that the first game is just a quest to beat some monsters, rescue a few ladies, meet an easygoing robot, wake a prince, blow up some land, etc...

Then I remembered the time loop. Is this like the recurring Cids and stuff? Was Garland the FIRST Tyler Durden??

>> No.7227281

What the fuck where they thinking with these character models. They obviously look like shit now but they looked like shit at the time too right?

I actually played the game as a kid and didn't care but I was literally 7. Older kids and young adults surely were saying this looks like shit?

>> No.7227305

the chibi models were pretty average for a 1997 game. Most people didn't care because the battle models were great and the FMVs were awesome.

>> No.7227315

Played it at 13. No one I knew gave a fuck.

>> No.7227674

Not bad

>> No.7227682

I just don't get the Popeye arms.

>> No.7227896

But "the rest of his life if he had not fallen from the roof and died" starts on his ass under a shattered roof in the church?

>> No.7227954

I was 11 or 12 and didnt mind it at all. This is kinda why its one of those " you had to be there games" people cant get over the chibi models so they dont play the game. I actually remember in the year 2001 bringing this game to a friends house because he loved FF10. He couldn't get over it back then. But in 1997 it was fine. It was a weird time and 3-D graphics were a new thing. Im still greatful to have played this game when it didnt bother me. It still doesnt bother me.

>> No.7228073

Acktualy chronologically in the story Cloud was stabbed by a sword ages before that scene.

>>time to get to greatness and defeat the guy I look up to
But le mako water saved him.

Even redditors are better at this sort of shit than you are.

>> No.7228448


>> No.7228752

t. Redditor

>> No.7228812

>and died

>> No.7228820

So it's shit?
Any of that "we're all in a snowglobe" The Shining shit, or "it was all just some guy's dream," or whatever; it can all go fuck itself.

>> No.7228837

Oh great. Another FFVIII theory where sQuAlL acKuaLeE diEdeD.

Cloud is Mako-infused. He may have a broken bone or two, but he wouldn't go down that easy. Nothing Aerith can't fix.

>> No.7229002

I believe the premise of the OP is that Cloud died when he fell from the roof and the rest of the game is what would have happened if Cloud fell from the roof and survived.

>> No.7229104

after he died in the church, he started to live rent free in Aerith head, as a figment of her imagination - because he reminded her her bf Zack

>> No.7229110
File: 8 KB, 246x205, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can believe that

>> No.7229161

Fan theories are the gayest of gay. This is a wasted thread. Fuck you.

>> No.7229248

Funniest image I've seen in a while

>> No.7230684

Im really tired of videogame theoretics

>> No.7231032

actually he died as a child and the entire game is in his head

>> No.7231036

wow, do you often respond with irrational angry outbursts like that whenever someone mentions trannies? do you need to see a psychologist?

>> No.7232840

t. moronic zoomer newfaggot that's trying too hard to fit in

>> No.7232845

Not that guy you are responding to but the transexual part is fully retarded and unnecessary.


>> No.7232864
File: 734 KB, 1312x1925, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am by no means a graphix fag but dear lord both the ff7 chibi models and fmv's look so fucking bad that i could never get super invested into the game like other people.
i think its because they clash so hard against both the backgrounds and the fighting character/monster models in terms of detail.
they just stick out like a sore thumb.
very strange considering just how much better ff8's world models look whilst being in development at basically the same time as ff7 was.
ff9 reverted back to having cartoony non realistic models granted, bit at least they were stylised to look that way.
rigid popeye models of 7 are genuinely awful to look at.

>> No.7232870

follow the reply chain, kiddo

>> No.7232871
File: 14 KB, 640x452, zerowing-Cats Im straight so whatever makes my dick hard is a woman you faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't talk about the crossdressing that's in the game

>> No.7232930

Dial 8

>> No.7234885

Cloud is not dead, but Squall most certainly is.

>> No.7235237
File: 68 KB, 950x534, cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Cloud is standing up against Shinra he is actually just going to Wal-Mart and retarded from head damage occured during his time in SOLDIER, so he thinks Wal-Mart is Shinra Corp.

>> No.7235540

Wow. Never even realized this.

>> No.7237354

I did and trannies were brought up for no reason.


No one was.

squawk harder parrot

>> No.7237362

>fight club
>the sex scene where she makes him dress up
>talking through him

I get it now. I have been up for like 2 days though so disregard my anger at the jokes. I guess I aimed anger at the wrong anon and the >>7231036 was the real faggot this time

and me for being too out of it

but yes very funny

wish I'd thought of it

this is actually funny and clever yes indeed

>> No.7237385


>> No.7237409
File: 123 KB, 399x404, 1601843620636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire time from start to finish it was just you, the player, playing a video game