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/vr/ - Retro Games

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722126 No.722126 [Reply] [Original]

That feeling when you have to redo the same level over again for the 10th time.

The Genesis was the first console I played, around when I was 2 or so. Fucking loved it. Back then we didn't care that games were so hard, if anything it was just motivation to keep playing them and trying again.

Now people just bitch and complain if their interactive movies make them try the same level more than three times.

>> No.722138

It's a shitty way of punishing the player, but the alternative we have now is worse. It's not fun to play the same level over and over, and that's what games should be, fun. The reason we put up with this shit as kids is because we didn't have very many games and the other option was to just not play video games.

>> No.722143
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This is how I felt about tricky parts in La-Mulana the wall jump sequence to get to Pazuzu for example. But once you get past it, it's the best feeling.

>> No.722158

Not all the time. It always depends upon the game. A lot of the time you can actually do even better on previous levels or sections which allows you to have more life/lives/continues to properly do that section. Also can promote experimentation to everything up to that point to try to do things faster as well.

>Now people just bitch and complain if their interactive movies make them try the same level more than three times.
Well there is a problem with it, technically the games are longer now than some amount of the games back then. You can't compare a 30~60 minute Genesis game to a six hour current generation game. Continually redoing big sections can become tedious. Another thing I believe has made redoing levels less acceptable these days is emulation. We just have so many games at our finger tips these days compared to back then in which we often waited to get a new purchase as kids. Some amount of people just don't feel like they have the time to invest in continually repeating levels.

>> No.722167

That's one of the things I like about retro games. They're so hard they feel super satisfying when you finally beat them. I once spent most of my summer vacation before I finally beat Castlevania 3.

Sure some games are so hard they make me rage quit and I want touch them for a few weeks or months, but I prefer it to today's bullshit of paying $60+tax for an 8 hour game I'll never touch again.

>> No.722184

>You can't compare a 30~60 minute Genesis game to a six hour current generation game.

While that is true, they're only that short once you master them. The first time beating Castlevania Bloodlines took me three weeks, but now I can do it in roughly 70 minutes.

I still have more fun playing Megaman-hard games than an 8 hour game I'll beat in one sitting.

>> No.722185

I was so happy that I beat Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japanese version) a couple of years ago, I took pictures and sent them to my friends.
Nothing feels quite like the pay off you get for putting hard work into a game.

>> No.722187

I've been trying to beat Dangerous Dave and the Haunted Mansion for a while now. Four lives, although it is easy to get extra lives by accumulating points, and one-hit kills with no checkpoints. You have unlimited continues, but you have to restart from the *previous* level rather than the one you died on.

>> No.722191

>for the 10th time.
What pussy-ass games do you play that ten replays on a 1-minute long stage is too much?

>> No.722192



>> No.722193

One of my most fun games to play is Star Fox 64. I can beat it in 20 minutes but the time I've spent replaying it is still a lot more than other newer games.

>> No.722205

I am not denying it, it is just different design philosophies and content.

Though I like the shorter games myself because they tend to trim out a lot of unneeded content for a consistent, action packed, experience thus often having very polished games in my opinion.

>> No.722207

Try Welcome To The Machine in Ecco the Dolphin

>> No.722216
File: 68 KB, 650x440, hi-res-136387730_crop_650x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around when I was 2 or so.

>> No.722324

Yeah, I don't remember shit from when I was 2.

>> No.722353

In the very least you were 4, and even then it's unlikely you were playing video games. When you're 2 you have no memories, much less motor skills

>> No.722418

>Another thing I believe has made redoing levels less acceptable these days is emulation. We just have so many games at our finger tips these days compared to back then in which we often waited to get a new purchase as kids. Some amount of people just don't feel like they have the time to invest in continually repeating levels.

I know that feel, I got a big problem with dedicating myself to games on my flash cart because there's so much to play. I bought a flash card for my DS and bought a 32 gig micro sd card for it. I put every GB, GBC,NES,SNES, GBA and DS games I would ever want to play on it.

With such a large selection I keep getting distracted and have been game hopping to several other games rather than dedicating myself to one game until I beat it. Sometimes when I look through the long lists to decide what to play I end up not playing at all and shrug it off as "Eh, I can always play it later."

A lot of times when I'm free to play games I just want to relax and not have to learn a new game's mechanics, so I end up playing some simple GB game instead of all the other games. I think I ended up playing more out of my games back when I had less to choose from.

>> No.722436

Speaking of which, I finally beat Bahamut today and made the Arino pose reflexively.

>> No.722447

I was playing my NES when I was 2.

Wasn't any good at it obviously, but still.

>> No.724248

I know a guy who said he'll quit a game if he dies 10 times. He was completely serious. He's a couple years older than I am and grew up with the NES, so I don't know what his deal is.

>> No.724297
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Genesis is notorious for limited continues.

Fuck you too, Bloodlines.

>> No.724305
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That's fucking hardcore.

>> No.724310

I reset a game if I die once, so I can see where he is coming from. It's just a beautiful thing mastering a game no mater what the difficulty level is.

>> No.724309

There are passwords. You shouldn't need more than 3 or 4 lives to beat the last stage.

>> No.724361

The biggest difference between then and now are primarily based on the limits of their respective technologies. I remember the first time I used Game Genie and blew through Double Dragon in like 20 minutes I was shocked. What gave the game longetivity back in its day WAS its insane difficulty.

These days, if a major publisher tried to do that, the shitstorm would be unimaginable. The advance in tech means bigger and longer games. We have no one to blame but ourselves, because that's what we demanded.

>> No.724364
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But I suck...
Yes I know this is Simon from SCV4

>> No.724378

>playing vidya

No you weren't you fucking liar

>> No.724385
File: 569 KB, 737x1014, this is why no one likes mega man and bass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.724407


This, especially if it's a part I know I shouldn't have a problem with, that shit really kicks you out of the zone.

Frustration will just lead to the same thing happening all over again.

>> No.724440

>not Dynamoman

>> No.724454

>implying both aren't a pain in the ass

>> No.724464

I was playing Atari when I was 2.
And by playing, I mean apparently I sat in my dad's lap and herpaderp'd with the controller while pretty flashy things happened on the TV.

>> No.724478

I hate megaman zero.

I mean I love the game, but I hate how it works. Don't wanna load a save and lose that progress? You can just give up. Heh. Just fucking try it, faggot.

>> No.724587

My mom used to have an atari when I was a toddler. I remember trying to play it when I was about 3 or 4.

>> No.724635


As with >>722324 , >>724464

I played my Dad's NES when I was 2 or 3. I remember the game I played the most was top gun.

>> No.724840


No I meant he is so casual he can't handle defeat and gives up. He's the reason why NSBMW has the level auto-play feature.

>> No.724872

I'm in the same mess, Bloodlines is like the only main CV I can't beat. I've heard if you die and select new game and don't change characters it continues from the stage you game over'd on, but I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.724880

Some stages are easier with different characters. Stage 5 is much easier with the spear guy. Overall though, Eric is very overhyped in terms of power. He's slower than Morris and seemingly can take a little less damage.

>> No.727341

I'm struggling to think of anything besides Sailor Moon that had it's characters play fully original, animated videogames that played like actual games within the show.

>> No.727352

When I played Gunstar Heroes I thought of the "Sailor V" game from the show.

>> No.728172
