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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7220936 No.7220936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Video game crash? What video game crash?

>> No.7220996

The quality crash that happened in the UK as no-quality micro computers flooded the market with unplayable trash.

>> No.7221010
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>> No.7221290

Gotta be off the ground to crash

>> No.7221386
File: 33 KB, 554x554, 114837B3-7DCE-445A-8303-F6778624AD1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean 17 year old bedroom coders were becoming millionaires over night off the back of software sales in the UK. You can’t deny reality that while the US was crashing hard and literally having to bury incompetently coded shovelware in landfills like stinky dried up turds the UK microcomputer game market was booming.

>> No.7221443

They don't care about reality. Anything so they can COPE.

>> No.7221454


>> No.7221486

why do you retards have to turn everything into a transatlantic shitflinging contest?

>> No.7221560
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>poor US, having to buy incompetently made basement shovelware
>unlike the glorious UK who had to buy incompetently made basement shovelware, but we bought so much of it that we could sustain our entertainment market on copies of Manic Miner and Dragonninja in erry home gor bless er mum

>> No.7221568

If your game market was booming then where were all the good games? You had Speccy garbage and third rate 5/6 speed ports. Your childhood sucked

>> No.7221650

Willy, Dizzy, the list goes on...

>> No.7221701

Literally posts the game that spawned an entire genre...

>> No.7221725

Stop being obtuse and accept the obvious difference between the US and UK markets
Produced too many individual copies in bulk to a market that wouldn't buy them
Produced a proper amount of units to sell to a buying market, in installments rather than in bulk
The quality of the individual games between markets is similar, no matter how many .jpgs of Pacman 2600 and E.T. you dig up, and even if it was noticeably different it's irrelevant to the actual discussion of "what video game crash".
>but Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy were influential
Because people bought them, anon, and because the basement devs were smart enough not to produce more units than they could sell that success spawned imitators and sequels. For consumers, it was "any port in a storm", not "the best port in clear weather".

>> No.7222102
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>> No.7222185
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Jet Set Willy

>> No.7222976

>video game crash: 1983
>playstation release: 1994

>> No.7222992

The crash was in big part caused by the publisher thinking they knew everything and the developers being regarded like night janitors. Same shit that’s happening now.

>> No.7223236

So, by your own admission, you had eleven years to develop IPs that would create legacies, legacies that would have you noticed by Sony, that would capture the public's imagination, but you failed, and Sony had to be reliant on us? Hm. Now shoot yourself in the other foot, retard.