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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 141 KB, 800x400, zelda2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7216367 No.7216367 [Reply] [Original]

>the post that kills the boomers

>> No.7216386

Looks OK, but the ear flopping is a bit overkill.

>> No.7216405
File: 338 KB, 456x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that people seem to understand -how- NES games look, but can't understand -why- they look the way they did. The tiles needed to draw Link would easily fill up the NES' meager 2KB of VRAM, to say nothing of how wide the sprite is and how it will only accentuate the NES' flickering. If it was for something like a one on one fighting game, it could work well, but not for a busier game like Zelda 2.

>> No.7216406

This, Link's ears have never been floppy. His hat? Yes, but not his ears.

>> No.7216414

>floppy ears
>floppy hat
>slouched posture

>> No.7216415

if he was more upright like Wind Waker's running animation this could be okay but as-is it's too weird

>> No.7216416

>pensive combat marching turns into a diarrhea rush
No thanks.

>> No.7216427

We need to go floppyer

>> No.7216431
File: 358 KB, 680x582, sorry kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chad waddle vs the virgin charge

sorry kiddo but indieshit re-imaginings are not welcome at /vr/

>> No.7216442


>> No.7216449

based muammar educating the zooms

>> No.7216513

i like it

>> No.7216519
File: 91 KB, 469x452, 86w95e2xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7216534

The flaw here is that Link only has one animation speed, so him running full tilt doesn't really work for the speed that Zelda 2 plays at. It'd make spacing between a Darknut look ridiculous, if it was used in an actual game, like he'd be playing Smash Bros Melee in a tournament.

>> No.7216553

soul vs soulless

>> No.7216563

Yeah Nintendo are/were lazy piece of shit we know

>> No.7216574

the latter could work as a dash but some frame removal could work.

>> No.7216575

why does he grow a single boob

>> No.7216593

Theories are out there that Link may be trans.

>> No.7216604

He's a bimbo.

>> No.7216620

But Kirby?

>> No.7216621

yeah dude lets just double the number of sprites needed for the player character just to give him a marginally better run cycle that couldn't reasonably blend into any other animation quickly, it's not like zelda 2 wasn't already hammering the NES to begin with.

>> No.7216631

Kirby is only 16 pixels tall and wide and his animations, as varied as they are, are only a few frames. His walk and run animation are exactly the same, just sped up and given dust particles to sell the illusion of speed. The enemies were all small and compact to help minimize the dreaded flicker of the NES. Likewise, Kirby's adventure is 478 kilobytes, almost 6 times the size of Zelda 2, which was 84.

>> No.7216765
File: 23 KB, 400x200, no guys you don't understand it's a direct upgrade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7216771

I love this even though it triggers all the idiots here. It's all about style. I'm done with technical limitations.

>> No.7216773

Only thing I'd change is the ear flop, otherwise this pretty solid.

>> No.7217060

>of course it's hardware accurate, it uses the same color palette

not only is that multiple tiles wider which would eat into the NES sprite limits thus forcing sacrifices in gameplay, all those frames for all those tiles would eat up an enormous amount of the limited space in vram

>> No.7217064


>> No.7217067

>when you have a limp dick for a hat

>> No.7217069

so are you going to animate every sprite in the game at that rate or just have this completely out of place main character?

>> No.7217074


>> No.7217082

by that logic why stick with the limitations of the NES palette? or the resolution? might as well render Mario at 4k with 10bit-per-channel color, HDR, and raytracing

>> No.7217090

lol, you're a loser to me. i don't care what you have to post.

>> No.7217095

imagine having so many frames for each animation.

Original: you press the attack button, the enemy immediately gets hit
Remake: you press a button, wait for 20 frames to do their thing, enemy eventually gets hits

"But it looks smooth!!!" was the meme that killed the Gamecube generation as well. Putting a thousand frames for each animation "just because they can" and gameplay ends up less tight.
Even AAA devs realized their mistakes and went back on this shit.

>> No.7217098


>> No.7217104
File: 3.23 MB, 253x224, dddosCD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want nes animation porn look up moon crystal

>> No.7217109

Post the Metroid one as that’s the only one that’s actually a vast improvement

>> No.7217113

Hahaha it's so bad.

His sword now looks like the dildo attached to a motor for camwhores.

>> No.7217114

Jungle Book on NES has very detailed Mowgli animation and it works

>> No.7217115


>> No.7217136
File: 32 KB, 400x200, 439CD307-7D1E-4778-A781-6A29C29012C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217146

I like this one.

>> No.7217154

That's exactly what killed Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and made Kirby & The Amazing Mirror playable - they dialed back to near-NES Copy Ability responsiveness.

>> No.7217161
File: 7 KB, 80x160, treasurekidbig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217162


>> No.7217184


>> No.7217187

first one is the game as-is and how it should be, "remake" looks like some indie faggot's attempt at copying nes era games. stick to shit like tlou2 and overwatch or whatever you kids play, you have abysmal taste.

>> No.7217195
File: 110 KB, 878x438, 1590255845062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217217
File: 6 KB, 130x149, Tyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217330

Moon Crystal is very much inspired by Prince of Persia, but at least it's not a straight rip off of the animations like many games did.

PoP plays awful exactly because of the long ass animations: press a button, gotta wait for the action to happen. Everything is delayed.

Moon Crystal is like that to some extent as well but it's nowhere near as bad as PoP.

>> No.7217335

PoP is overall a better design. Moon Crystal is fun but the boss battles are broken and the novelty of the fluid animation wears off soon.

>> No.7217352

Why bother with the worst Zelda game? Remake a good one, like the original or the Oracle games

>> No.7217372 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 480x480, 1608992897668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217604

Find me the 70 year-old that's going to be seething over what you've posted. Imbecile.

>> No.7217616
File: 379 KB, 1400x1050, 1167010975283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You WILL post the green frog and all of its permutations.

You WILL post the feels guy and all of its permutations.

You WILL use one or more of the following words in your posts
>meme, alpha, beta, blackpill, boomer, bruh, chad, chud, comfy, consoomer, cope, cringe, cuck, discord, doge, doomer, dubs, enbie, kek, gatekeeping, incel, lel, lole, manlet, mfw, nofap, poggers, reddit, redpill, seethe, shitpost, simp, sjw, sneed, onions, stacy, tfw, thot, trad, twitter, upvote, vtuber, wholesome, weeaboo, wojak, zoomer

You WILL create threads using ONLY the tried and tested formulas we have prepared for you
>this kills/triggers the ...
>you will never ...
>now that the dust has settled ...
>what went wrong?
>for me it's ...
>what the fuck was his problem?
>what did he mean by this
>blocks your path
>nuthin personnel kid
>so this is the power of ...
>imagine the ...

You WON'T create original content.

You WON'T be funny.

You WON'T change.

>> No.7217668
File: 378 KB, 600x750, 6ixthies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the post that kills the boomers
That would be >>6775606 actually.

>> No.7217701
File: 55 KB, 348x325, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7217769

Get off my board.
>play les games as they were intended

>> No.7217775

Fucking moron, it’s the best game in the series.

>> No.7217783

suck me

>> No.7217787 [DELETED] 

No one's going to read this nigger

>> No.7217823

Post the edit where the hat bounces 50 pixels up.

>> No.7217883
File: 8 KB, 249x202, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7218067

I couldn't have put it past him to ramble about NES tech limitation at a UN summit.

>> No.7218131

Stupid 2cuck

>> No.7218145

Why are his tits bouncing?

>> No.7218160

This one is just tracing Super Metroid.

>> No.7218194

Ridiculous how far forward he's leaning, everyone who's been in a fight knows you want to keep your center of gravity above your feet so you can change direction quickly.

>> No.7218373
File: 44 KB, 256x256, 43A9B5BE-9D79-4193-99B8-CF27978B75E3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7218403

>I don't understand tension and stance - the post

right looks wrong

>> No.7218410


that's a full on sprint retard. If you are gonna add a sprint, fine but that has to be a separate gameplay feature. The original is a simple animation for Link hiding behind his shield in combat.

In fact, the right is more akin to those hyper detailed "Cinematic platformers". So that was a thing, more realistic detailed animatiosn. But it had different gameplay. In Z2 Link can turn on a dime and it results in fast action gameplay. In cinematic platformers it takes effort to change direction and it results in much slower action. It just depends on what kind of game you're going for. The aniations in Z2 are fine.

>> No.7218413

The original has a major stiffy

>> No.7218414

Needed to be said, thank you. People now have no idea what struggling against hardware limitations means.

>> No.7218423


>> No.7218507

Partly being a late NES game it had bigger memory bin cartridge but mostly because Jungle Book doesn't get as busy as Zelda 2 in the screen.

>> No.7218546

Right looks like he's about to eat shit

>> No.7218596

The vast majority of players spend most of their time with Zelda II eating shit, so it fits.

>> No.7218825

Kirby was also released at the end of the NES' run.

>> No.7218923

The games huge animations eventually came at a cost, such as narrow enemy variety, limited enemy actions, and some enemies are far simpler such as bosses. To make nicer animations, you could go the Panic Restaurant route and make your character bounce while they walk and animate his hat to juggle. While the walking animation is only 3 frames and the hat flop is about 2 tiles, all the minor subtleties make the animations pop out more. Panic Restaurant, alongside Vice Project Doom and Little Samson, are great examples of what the NES is capable of doing in the right hands, despite its severe limitations.

>> No.7218974

Based Otaku

>> No.7219030

I swear the original was actually 3 frames

>> No.7219085

>he ctrl+v’s while posting smug animu face

You are far worse than a frogposter. Go outside you fucking sperg.

>> No.7219414

3 sprites maybe

>> No.7219737
File: 34 KB, 400x315, 1608495487590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only doing this because I'm trying to find the even more ridiculous, hat-crushes-mario-every-time-he-takes-a-step version

>> No.7219772

Jungle Book was animated by professionals who actually went to art school....well, back when art school was actually art school.

>> No.7219781


>> No.7219810

Good Lord, it’s... it’s perfect

>> No.7219937

You WILL post gay copypastas with weeb pictures

See, you are a sheep now, you did exactly as my post said

>> No.7219948

Pretty sure the original is just faster

>> No.7219959

The only good one in this thread

>> No.7220008

Very tasteful and easy on the eyes. There is a career in indie games for you.

>> No.7220776
File: 137 KB, 93x92, tumblr_nbefhvd8OQ1rov8uxo1_100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
