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/vr/ - Retro Games

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721560 No.721560 [Reply] [Original]

Post five (or more) retro games you last finished and rate them

>The Revenge of Shinobi
3/5 - Kick ass art direction, music and "hello lawsuit" bosses but the sometimes overly unfair and plainly ill thought out design choices messes with the flow of the game and makes it feel a tad bit dated (And the final maze/boss fight just isn't fun at all).

>Silent Hill
5/5 - A true masterpiece. If you're a horror fan of any kind you owe it to yourself to play trough it!

>Metal Gear Solid
5/5 - Another one of Konami's PS1 days hot streak. An obvious must play!

>Metal Gear (NES)
3/5 - An obviously butchered port of the MSX classic but still gets the essentials right. One of those games that you have to play over the mediocre beginning to get to the fun part.

>Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
5/5 - Improves upon its Genesis predecessor in almost every way and might just be the most fun 2D Ninja action platformer of all time (yes, even better than the Nes Ninja Gaidens!)

>> No.721608

>Kid Icarus 3D whatever
3/5 - Very pleasantly surprised with the backgrounds, but Kid Icarus really hasn't aged well. That said, I still -enjoyed- playing it and thankfully knew you needed a certain number of points to get health bonuses at the end of levels. I also did all of the dungeons myself without map consultation. Fucking Eggplant Wizards.

>Super Mario RPG(hard mode mod with complete rebalancing, new items, skill changes)
5/5 - Everything I loved and more. Bowser? Can kill you in THE FIRST FIGHT if you fucked around with the fight against the Terrapins(the one fight against them is a group of four and they have stronger attacks, obviously). Mallow? NOT USELESS IN COMBAT ANYMORE at the beginning, he actually HAS attack power, has an item that can increase his Magic Power for a loss in attack power, making him more conductive to the rougher early start of the game. I fucking love this shit, it's so good.

4/5 - Just as amazing as always, but the low amount of tracks and the retarded difficulty of Master Class is... special. Silence best track ever no ifs ands or buts

>RPG Maker(PS)
???????/10 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmnmudEqdTY

>Illusion of Gaia
6/5 - Muh dick.

>> No.722025

>Run Saber
3/5 - I like the soundtrack. Final boss is a letdown with wasted potential for a nice design.

>Super Metroid
6/5 - Still one of my favourite games it seems. Who knew.

>RoboCop 2
4/5 - I forgot how ridiculous the Civic Centrum building gets, but it was still fun. Final boss makes it all worth it.

>Super Star Wars
3/5 - Easier than I remember, though the Inside the Sandcrawler was still the bitch of a level I remember it being. I miss Lucasarts.

>> No.722039

Whoops. Forgot to list #5.
>Mega Man X6
4/5 - Soundtrack is still god tier. Nightmare Zero slapped me around for awhile for reasons I don't know that are entirely unrelated to me going into the fight without any armor.

>> No.722104

Mother- A pretty alright RPG for the nes with a pretty nice story compared to other games at that time. The music and atmosphere of the game was awesome. The random frequent battle encounters on the other hand, were not.

>Mother 2 (Earthbound)
5/5 - The game itself is the definition of strange and eerie making you want to keep playing. The music is fine (With some exceptions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq3Gd7nnFPQ).). The story was great and the unique events in each city was fun to play through. The final boss was so fucked up (In a good way) that I'm sure I'll never forget.

>Mother 3 (Not so retro but whatever)
4/5 - It felt like I was playing Super Mario Bros Saga, in other words an awesome GBA game. The story was full of feels and personally the best plot from the three games in its series. Unfortunately there were not as many cities as mother 1 and 2; and it didn't really give you much places to explore. The final boss was the easiest of them all in exchange for FEELS.

Super Mario Bros
5/5 - Yeah I just passed it recently and it was fun.

Legend of Zelda II- Adventure of Link
5/5 - While many people disliked it because of its difference to its prequel, the game itself was an awesome 2d sidescrolling adventure with lots of challenges and RPG elements. One of the best in its series.

>> No.722123

3/5 *

>> No.722417

(all these are no savestates)

>Twinkle Tale
3/5 - I liked the weapon switching system, but the challenge is a little low because of too many safe spots.

>Ecco the Dolphin
4/5 - Great atmosphere, feels more modern than its age. Good challenge. Some annoying bits of level design that feel like they rely on luck.

>Super Mario Bros. 1 (no warp, no 1up farming, no continues)
5/5 - Almost perfect. Better than SMB3.

>Mega Man 2
2/5 - Metal blades lol. Also farmable powerups. Overrated casual shit.

>Espgaluda (no continues) (yes, it's /vr/, PGM hardware is from 1997)
5/5 - Great scoring system that really makes you think and plan ahead. Not nearly as punishing as systems like DoDonPachi. Difficulty is low for a Cave game with the exception of the final boss.

>> No.722473

>Chrono Trigger, snes
5/5 - how in hell didnt i play this masterpiece sooner

>duck tales, nes
4/5 - easy but fun platformer, with great music and great mechanics for its time

>quackshot, megadrive
3/5 - fun platformer but i dont think it aged well, nevertheless it is a good and fun videogame

>shinning force, megadrive
4/5 - really simple and straightforward tactical rpg, good story and good battle system, with a lot of broken stuff, but still very nice game

>> No.722523

>Mega Man 2
>2/5 - Metal blades lol. Also farmable powerups. Overrated casual shit.
O shit look at this badass

>> No.722552
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>everyone posts, no one reads: the thread

>> No.723992

Speak for yourself.

>RPG Maker(PS)
Worth checking out or a relic of its time considering how easy it is to use and publish from similar makers on PC?

You're a Mega Man 4 fan, aren't you?

You gonna play Shining Force 2 next?

>> No.727229

>Batman NES (Sunsoft)
4/5. Fucking hard as nails but so fun. Music is good, but the best songs play during the story scenes and not during the gameplay. Visuals look dark and moody and just plain nice. Gameplay is fantastic. The reason for the point deduction is how just plain unfair the game becomes. There's obstacles that require luck and not skill to get through without losing health on the last few levels and the last few bosses are way harder than what they should be. Especially that Fist of the North Star guy.

>> No.727484

Mega Man 2 is the only MM I've played. I'll consider that a recommendation for MM4.

>> No.727501

Rockman DASH 2
5/5 - Final boss was fucking hard, otherwise very enjoyable. The ending was so sad, poor Megaman.

3.5/5 - Very different for a Quintet game. Went on a bit too long for my liking and the final boss was a pushover.

4/5 - Loved this. Had some rage inducing bosses. Quintet's first action game for SNES so the controls are a bit clunky.

Soul Blader
5/5 - Short and sweet.

Radia Senki
2.5/5 - Bullshit ending and the game went on way too long for its own good.

>> No.727681
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X6 can be a little unfair at times, and Zero's Up+Square move has made me suicide way too many times, but I really enjoy the game.

I still have a copy of RPG Maker on the PSX. Wasted too much time not getting a game finished.

You might also want to check out Mega Man 3

Games I've finished recently.

>Mother 1
4.5/5 - I loved the story and the atmosphere of the game. And the music. THE MUSIC! The mechanics of the game are a bit clumsy compared to Dragon Warrior 3 and 4, but I got used to them. Currently playing the sequel.

4/10 - Despite how disc 2 turned out (lol, chairs), I liked the story and most villains, but the protagonists who don't get enough focus hampers it (Billy, Rico, Maria). They used just the right number of cutscenes to get the right effect. Combat both inside and outside of mechs was awesome and I rarely had to grind.

>Chrono Cross
3/5 - I liked the concept of the game and how it could build on Trigger, but I think a bit of the execution wasn't pulled off very well. The first 2/3 of the game having almost no relation to Trigger and then the 1/3 pretty much requiring having played Trigger was very jarring. Never could quite get used to the combat system or really understand exactly how the mechanics work. Otherwise, it was alright.

>Wild Guns
4.5/5 - Motherfucker, this game is hard! Played two player with a friend. Fun and challenging gameplay, awesome graphics. Classic Natsume awesomeness.

>Spiritual Warfare
4/5 - Unlicensed Wisdom Tree NES game, and unlike most of their games, this one is fun if you can handle the fundamentalist Christian themes. Actually a competent Zelda clone. The game becomes fuckawesome when you get Samson's Jawbone and the Sword of God.

>> No.727687

Whoops. the Xenogears rating is supposed to be 4/5.

>> No.727770

Love that game. And love the CX episode where Arino gets so lost in just enjoying it he forgets he's on tv and silently plays on.

>> No.728018


Dungeon Man music was the best piece from the entire game. It even says so on that sign.

>> No.728569

>Final Fantasy IV (SNES version)
3/5. Wasn't bad, but certainly one of the weaker games in the series out of what I played. The combat wasn't very interesting, the story jumped all over the place and fell apart by the time you reached the moon, and I didn't care much for the cast. I hope this is mostly a result of the poor translation and easier difficulty in this version.

>Final Fantasy V (Gameboy Advance port)
5/5. The story isn't very complex, but it's a lot of fun and I love the party. The job system is probably my favorite battle system in the entire series too.

>Megaman X
4/5. It's a very solid Megaman game, though I wouldn't say it's the best one. It's only real flaw was how ridiculously easy the game was.

>Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
5/5. I've never been the biggest fan of the Classicvania games, preferring the Metroidvania titles, but holy fuck this was a good game. Only thing that bothered me was the cheesy anime cutscenes, but other then that it's easily my favorite Castlevania.

>Super Mario Bros 3.
3/5. I've owned this game since I was a kid and was never able to bring myself to beat it. Pretty good platformer, but to this day I'm still not fond of it and place it pretty low on my Mario tier list. Can't explain why it doesn't click with me, since I don't really know myself.

>> No.731263

Are there any Classicvania titles you've yet to play?
You should definitely check out Bloodlines, ReBirth and Chronicles if you haven't.

>> No.731276

people always go balls deep on Cross because of Trigger, always rustles my jimmies mad. I get the whole
>its billed as a sequel thing
But it just proves to me how upset/nostalgiac people are over trigger more than ANY fucking RPG on the planet. Its maddening. I get -your- personal criticism, but there are countless rpgs out there that ARE direct sequels/prequels (in name or plot) that deviate from the path in some way or have a pessimistic outcome compared to the "original" title.

>> No.731280

No one would care if Cross wasn't a lame and forgettable game.

>> No.731412
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>But it just proves to me how upset/nostalgiac people are over trigger more than ANY fucking RPG on the planet.
I don't see why some Cross fans get upset when I simply point out some flaws in the game. The game isn't bad, as evidenced by the rating I gave the game. I enjoyed playing it.

> I get -your- personal criticism, but there are countless rpgs out there that ARE direct sequels/prequels (in name or plot) that deviate from the path in some way or have a pessimistic outcome compared to the "original" title.
I never said that I disliked that Cross tried to do something to differentiate itself from Trigger; on the contrary, I like it. The problem is that they didn't do a good job differentiating itself from Trigger. The final boss being the Time Devourer/Lavos/Schala and the amount of links to Trigger in the last 1/3rd of the game destroys the justification for even attempting to differentiate from Trigger since this automatically makes Trigger's story intrinsic to Cross's. And once again, I enjoyed the game. I liked the themes with the consequences of time travel and alternate dimensions. I didn't mind that they killed off Robo, though the way it happened should have been different. The story centric characters are very interesting. You need to get over the fact that some people think the game has flaws. Every game has flaws.

>> No.731472

I've mostly played through the NES and SNES titles.
All three of those games are some of the few I haven't gotten around to yet.

>> No.731630
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Been spending a lot of time on the MAME lately.

>Pang (aka Buster Brothers)
4/5 This is actually pretty fun for a generic action-puzzle game where you shoot at balls. Good for mindless entertainment if you have a few minutes and need to relax.

>Smash TV
3/5 I love the concept of this game, but sadly, it gets really repetitive after the first stage. Simply wonderful ultra-violence, it just needs something else to do between shooting down thousands of NPC goons so you don't get bored.

4/5 I know this is just DEA propaganda, but the gameplay is actually pretty fun. Only game i know where you can either shoot or arrest baddies. Arcade is way more explicit than NES.

5/5 Amazing side scrolling action-adventure. Nothing at all like the NES game. Last few bosses take a LOT of practice to defeat, but it's worth it once you get good at fighting them.

>Golden Axe
2/5 The enemy AI is really cheap and annoying to deal with. If there's more than one enemy on the screen they will always and automatically position themselves in a pincer attack. The action is rather dull too.

>> No.731667
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Part 1 of 2

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
This game is amazing and pretty much destroys the previous installment in basically every aspect. The music is just terrific and some of the best stuff the SNES has ever pumped out. The platforming is mostly spot on, the only complaint form me being the fact you have to land precisely on some objects without really knowing where your "center" is as you're jumping, but eventually you get used to it so I'm willing to let it slide. I recommend the game to anyone who has even the slightest inkling to pick up a great platformer because that's what this is.

Samurai Shodown II
This game is probably the best installment of the Samurai Shodown series. It brings all the characters from the original and adds 3 new characters including the ever iconic beast girl Cham Cham. The combos are easy to learn while still taking practice to master. Every character plays differently and there are no real clones to be found. What kept me from giving it a 5 is the obscenely hard computer opponents after the 3rd round that undoubtedly cheat as they pull off unbelievably unfair maneuvers. Still a great game and my favorite fighting game of all time.

>> No.731683
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Part 2 of 2

Princess Maker 2
I just want to say that I adored this game so much and I really wanted to give it a 5. This game is basically about management of your daughter's life, a daughter that was awarded to you by the heavens for defeating Satan. Now with this management obviously comes many options, and in all the freedom you are given you can end up with a lot of different outcomes at the endgame, which really adds to replayablility in case you want to get them all or a certain one. The only reason I couldn't give it a 5 is because I honestly found the game to be too easy and exploitable and it became somewhat tedious when most of your time is spent making your daughter work jobs and take classes. Now there is a little quest mode that plays like an RPG which was also somewhat fun but felt really unpolished in some ways. So I recommend to this game to anyone who wants to raise a princess but don't expect a huge challenge out of it.

Road Rash 64
Fuck Mario Kart, fuck Sega All Stars, Road Rash 64 is the best arcade racer with combat elements to date. In fact, the combat in this game is pretty much the centerpiece of the gameplay. You will be racing sure, popping a wheelie to jump over a car or another racer's bike, but most of the time you will be punching, kicking, tasing, spraying, and bashing your opponents senseless. Nothing feels quite like knocking someone off their bike, or kicking them into an oncoming car or telephone pole. I can't give this game a 5 (even though I wanted to) for a few reasons. Firstly, the soundtrack is pretty cool but there simply aren't enough tracks and you will hear repeated ones often. Also, without the expansion pak the game will look like a complete mess. I still recommend this game to anyone who likes arcade racers with a little oomph.

Sorry I decided only to do the last 4 because I'm lazy.

>> No.731696

Oh yes, disc 2 was a fucking tragedy. Even the creators weren't happy with how it turned out, according to the Perfect Works guide. One of them even said he didn't get to put HALF of the stuff he wanted in the game due to time and budget problems.

Such is the case with the entire Xeno series. Shoot for the moon but run out of rocket fuel and fall to your doom.

Just to be fair i rate Xenogears based on what disc 1 is like.

>> No.732915

>Megaman X
5/5, one of my favourite snes games, i play it all the time when i'm bored, i like how it's short so you can beat it in one sitting

4/5, my favourite FF game next to 5, i really like the leveling system.

>Street Fighter 2010

3.5/5, really good,but time limit was kinda ass, could've been better but still a classic imo

>Zombies Ate My Neighbours

4/5, I played this when I was young and the chainsaw guys and their music scared the fuck out of me too the point were I wouldn't play the game any more, still a classic.

5/5 fuck yeah actraiser. Boss rush fucked me over greatly though.

>> No.732935

>Panel de Pon
10/10 would get diabetes from again

That's it, that's the only retro I've finished.

>> No.733013

>Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap
5/5 - Easily the best game on the SMS. Feels like the perfect combination of Zelda 2 and Metroid, and in my opinion is much much better than the sum of it's parts.

>Solar Jetman
3/5 - A rarely spoken of piece. Interesting gameplay with nicely paced exploration. Controls can be difficult to learn but feel natural after the first zone. Worth trying on an emulator although the cartridge is cheap.

>Sonic 2
4.5/5 - A definite improvement over the original. Level design is a lot better now and gameplay is more satisfying. Difficulty is harder than one might expect but not unfair.

>Jet Set Radio
2.75/5 - I really want to like this game. It has bright colours, a nice soundtrack and looks like it should be fun to play. However the controls are temperamental and the goals unclear. I find myself getting frustrated at the game even though I know it should be right up my street.

>Megaman 3
3.5/5 - A disappointing sequel but a good game off its own merits. Controls are tight and the graphics nice. Music is on par for the series. The difficulty seems poorly balanced with full health containers being scattered throughout the stages loosely but some of the boss fights being nigh-impossible without E-tanks. The game shows that is was rushed throughout, music cut-offs, lack of intro and bad weapons that aren't fun or effective. Levels are fun to play though with unique enemies and mini-bosses. Could have been so much more.

>Super Mario Bros
5/5 - The king of platformers. Gets bloody difficult towards the end, though.

>> No.733034


Whilst you are on MAME be sure to play 'Anteater'. It's my favourite arcade game and definitely worth playing once. Shame nobody ever talks about it.

>> No.733129

>Megaman 3
If you're comparing its difficulty to Megaman 2's 'normal' difficulty in the American version, you need to remember that that was 'easy' mode in Japan. The 'difficult' mode in America was the 'normal' mode in Japan.

>> No.733165

>TMNT4 Turtles in Time
3.5/5 me and my friend slapped it in my snes and beat it in 29 minutes, was fun but not as good as I remember, prefer Final Fight, Golden Axe and Streets of Rage games
5/5 - replayed it after the sequel was announced, still one of my favorites, still not bored with it after beating it countless times since release.
>Sonic 2
3.5/5 - pretty solid platformer, had a lot of fun with it, couple levels were meh and its hard to have to stop and do precise platforming when all you want to do is go fast.
4.5/5 - beat it with a friend, still super fun, still super hard, now I need Super C.
>Super Mario RPG
4/5 - Not as good as I remembered, I like Paper Mario, TTYD and Mario & Luigi more then it now. But its still a fun rpg, with some interesting characters and battle mechanics.

>> No.733173

>Megaman 3 lack of intro

How many NES games had intros anyway except for games like Ninja Gaiden where the whole "FMV" thing was a gimmick?

>> No.733253

>Streets of rage co op
10/10 I love this game, cop op is fun as fuck and the music is amazing.

>Conker's bad fur day
8/10 Love the humour. One of Rare's gems.

>Sword master (NES)
6/10 great music and visuals for the NES, fun but I didn't particularly like the level up system.

>Megaman 3
9/10 great Megaman game, my favourite next to 2. Like all of them the controls are tighter than a 12 year old.

>Zelda 2
7/10 Dear god death mountain, I haven't had to draw a map in a game in years

>> No.733358

>Zelda II
3/5 - This certainly grew on me because I hated it at first but liked it once I got into it. Frustrating though since it's easy to get stuck compared to modern games.

>Super Metroid
4.5/5 - Awesome game, the best Metroid I've played. Great music, atmosphere and exploring. Again the only thing to complain about is that it's very easy to get stuck.

4/5 - A very solid game that lacks some polish. Even though this is probably more frustrating than Super Metroid I wasn't as bothered by it, you kind of expect it from a NES game.

Metroid II
3.5/5 - Not a bad game but I'm not a huge fan of the Metroid-hunting gimick. Also gameboy doesn't seem like the perfect medium for a Metroid game because of the system's limitations graphics-wise, but they pulled it of as well as they could. The final boss was stupid also.

4/5 - I really liked this one. Awesome music. Very challenging but rewarding as well. Tried 2 and 3 but was not really hooked the same way.

>> No.733793
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Just going to do 3.

>Harvest Moon 64
4/5 - Simple gameplay that is still rewarding and fun. Lots of replayability through choosing from 5 different wives and having multiple endings depending on your actions. Only downsides are the plethora of spelling mistakes and the tediousness nature in the farming aspect of watering plants every single day. It's also not exactly challenging in that you cannot die, but getting the best ending is quite a struggle and do badly enough you get kicked out of your Grandpa's farm. Great game, on of my favorites.

Prince of Persia
Smooth animations, lots of creative puzzles and problems to solve, quite difficult with a decent learning curve that feels rewarding when you win. Only problem is that you will die many cheap deaths no matter how careful you are and some opponents are impossibly unfair. Everyone should at least give it a shot despite the flaws.

Jersey Devil
Not a bad game by any means, but not very good either. Everything is very typical and there's nothing that stands out. I did find the cinematic cartoon-like FMV sequences kind of entertaining but also weren't anything mind blowing either. Also the music is quite ecent, but far from innovative or amazing. It's just a very generic platformer that even for it's time just feels like a path already taken. You can safely skip this one but it's also still playable.

Super Mario Bros. 2 (AKA Doki Doki Panic)
For it's time I thought the choice of 4 uniquely playing characters was pretty cool even though it wasn't unheard of for the time. The level design was quite good and challenged you in different ways even threw in some tiny puzzle elements. There are some discrepancies, such as the pot room in world 6-1 which has sand at the bottom of pots which I had no idea could be picked up. The game also has a really tough learning curve compacted by the fact it only has 20 levels total. Definitely worth a play but expect a pretty good challenge on World 7.

>> No.733798


Well I lied. I did 4.

>> No.736134

>Contra Hard Corps
>Gunstar Heroes
>Kirby's Dreamland 3
Good games.

>> No.736186
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>Super Metroid
4.5/5 - Exploration was excellent, movement felt magnificent, but it's definitely not as great as diehard fans make it out to be. I personally think Metroid Prime was better.

4/5 - Overall, I'd say the map design is a huge improvement over DOOM, but the standard enemies are fairly tedious to fight with anything besides the RPG/RL. The music sucks too. Great for speedruns.

>Super Mario World
5/5 - I love this game for the sheer number of great romhacks it spawned. That said, I always found the difficulty curve of SMW to be extremely bizarre. There's about three to five horrifically difficult levels in the game; everything else is incredibly easy.

3/5 - It was the shit way back when, but it really doesn't hold up well at all these days. The arbitrary restrictions on character customization serve no purpose beyond annoying the player.

>Metal Gear Solid
4.5/5 - METAL GEAR!?
The atmosphere is perfect, the dialogue and plot is lovingly Kojima, but the general mechanics are incredibly clunky.

>> No.736489

If you think the mechanics are clunky in Solid, you should play the original 4 Metal Gears...
Still, love 'em all, even the two NES versions.

>> No.736506

Nice thread idea. Much better than the whole "let's make a list" stuff. I love reading reviews. I hope I can participate soon. I need to work of may backlog first, through.

>> No.736537

>Warcraft Orcs and Humans
3/5 - Very linear straight forward game with little to be excited about. The dungeon missions made the game, if I'm honest. I'm guessing I would've appreciated it more back in 1994.

>Alisia Dragoon
5/5 - Best fantasy platformer there is. Level design is the best I've seen. Awesome bosses, and most of all fun despite the difficulty in some parts of the game.

3/5 - Not what I thought, surprisingly easy but also surprisingly fun. Not much to say about this one. Could've been better, could've been worse.

>Phantasy Star 1
5/5 - One of my all time favorite RPG's. Half breed dungeon crawler, brilliant graphics for the time, great party members which is a must in any great RPG. A bit silly at times, but overall: Perfect.

>Heroes of Might and Magic 3
4/5 - Got me into the HoMM franchise. I hope the following games are just as fun. So many individual scenarios I've barely touched the main campaign until recently.

>> No.736645

i always felt that prime was just a three dimensional rehash of super. in a good way.

>> No.736647

Cannon Fodder - Amiga
4/5 - As fun now as it was back in the Amiga's glory days. Hilarious and haunting in equal measure. At mission 18 of 24 and it's still finding new ways to surprise me, but more of the later levels than I'd like rely on 'tricks' and it doesn't always feel like your first squad get a fair crack. Better control over split squads would be nice. Not perfect but magnificent. Dat intro.

Castlevania - Amiga
Toilet/5 - Absymal. Looks okay, plays and sounds like shit when held up against the NES version. Poor controls and collision detection. Messed up difficulty thanks to the odd way some enemies spawn in. Makes the C64 port look like a work of art.

Duke Nukem 3D (Megaton Edition) - PC
2/5 - Didn't 'get' it back then and like it even less now tits and swearing aren't a novelty. Wonky movement and mouselook, level design that goes down the toilet after the shareware ep, and enough hitscan bullshit to ensure it never feels flowing enough to be really enjoyable. The stolen one-liners are like being trapped in a room with the kind of nerds that can only communicate with each other via 'hilarious' movie quotes.

Doom 64 - PC with Doom64Ex
4/5 - This was unexpected! Mouse control and uncapped framerates turn this one around for me. Walks a perfect line between tension and all-out run and gun action. Doesn't quite reach the heights of Final Doom in terms of ingenious level design but still managed to throw up some nice surprises. Feels every bit like a 'true' part of the series. With the difficulty maxed it's a decent challenge even with WASD + mouse.

Arnie - C64
3/5 - Commando-ish manshoot. No music, sparse, tiny visuals even by C64 standards, and pretty minimal sound. Manages to be more than the sum of its parts somehow. Shooting is just loose enough you'll hit the tiny enemies and just tight enough you'll feel like it was ALL YOU. Quickly becomes weirdly hypnotic. Short enough a decent gamer will clock it in half an hour yet profoundly satisfying.

>> No.736686

>Super Ghouls n' Ghosts
5/5 - Total classic. Had me hooked for days trying to beat those fuckers on the second playthrough.

>Cool Spot
3.5/5 - Fun platforming, but not as fun as I remember it as a kid.

>Final Fantasy 9
5/5 - I realize not everyone loves this game as much as I do, but I view it as one of the very best FF games. Love the setting and characters, lots of side-quests/mini-games. Tetra Master has eaten up entire days for me.

>Earthworm Jim
4/5 - Doesn't hold up as well as I remember it, but still very enjoyable / somewhat challenging. Would play again though.

>NHL '94
4.5/5 - I realize >sports, but this one is so much fun in multiplayer. I'm sure playing single player would be absolutely miserable, but when you have some games going with some beers and what not, it's a total blast.

>> No.737693

>Act Raiser
5/5 Such a solid game between the Castlevania sidescrolling and the city management. I played until I maxed out each towns population, I even found out some crazy stuff like if you make it rain over Bloodlake you get an xtra life.

>Shadowrun snes
5/5 I really enjoyed this game and I bought it on a whim because of hearing about the kickstarter. Turns out it's probably better than Returns. I enjoyed the fetch quest system with "words" and hacking into computers, the atmosphere felt a little like judge dread, and i wasn't expecting it to have rpg elements but the karma system turned out great. The end of the game isn't much, they even promised SR2, but they broke upz.

I'll do the other 3 reviews later on, I get to beat Shadowruns Genesis, and robotrek

>> No.737727

Guy you were talking to. Anteater is pretty damn hard. I played for a half hour and kept getting bit by the ants. Nice game though. I like arcade games that are so old they haven't seen a quarter since the 80's.

>> No.739328

>Earthworm Jim
>Doesn't hold up as well as I remember it...

In what way? Just curious. What version were you playing?

>> No.741938

Glad to see at least two people that have recently played Act Raiser.

>> No.744869
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>Power Strike II
Great game, really gets the juices flowing. It would definitely be easier if the controls weren't so sensible, but you get used to it.

>Wonder Boy in Monster World
Great game, a little on the easy side, and it's also short, but incredibly charming.

>Lunar: The Silver Star
SEGA CD version. Another charning game, and honestly if it wasn't as charming as it is I probably wouldn't even like it. The combat and overall everything is ver straightforward and classic jRPG with a little twist with position based tactics. But the simple story really makes up for all of its shortcomings.

>Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
I'm still to beat it with Richter, if you get Maria you break the game and it becomes way easier, specially the Final Boss. It's just one of those games that goes without saying, it's fucking fantastic.

>X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Mixed feelings on this one, the first half is really enjoying and challenging, then it becomes harder and harder to the point of feeling really asshole-ish and to be honest I just stopped having fun and just finished it for closure.

>> No.744884

Exactly how I felt about Jet Set Radio, I was so ready to love this game and when I started playing I could really get into it. And I used to love THPS games as a kid.

>> No.744916

>sanic 1
easily best sonic game

>sanic 2
not that great, shorther levels, most are just medicore and unfun. Plus tails in special stages makes them lot harder than they acualy are

bit too long, and some stages just goes on and on forever, but huge improved over pervious two. And special stages are more fun.

>megaman willy wars
not good as original ones, but still fun to play, and I liked music, some are bad but most are good.

>super metroid
just perfect

>> No.745293

It was great. I love the arcade sections

>> No.745916

>Giving Zelda II a 5/5
Mah nigga.

>> No.745921

>Mega Man 2
Thought you were mah nigga. I guess I was wrong...

>> No.747964

Though I wouldn't rate Sonic 2 so low, in recent years I've also come to appreciate the original over it.
Funny how taste shifts sometimes.

>> No.751560 [DELETED] 

bump because I'll post here soon

>> No.752726
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>Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive)
4/5 - Was compelled to replay it after all these years seeing Arino suffer trough it because I didn't remember if I ever went for all the Chaos emeralds or not. Seeing how I could play this game in my sleep when I was a kid, it only took one try to gather them all.

>Metal Gear (MSX)
3/5 - Better than its "butchered" NES cousin in most ways, but as with that version I didn't like the excessive backtracking, the "how the fuck was I supposed to know that?!?" sections and instant kill trap doors. Also, destroying the Metal Gear was a chore, give me the super computer any day when it comes to disposing of it. Otherwise it was nice to play trough a version that didn't butcher the translation.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX)
4/5 - Now we're getting somewhere. Improves upon the original(s) in every way and you feel a lot more involved. I recommend fans of MGS to give it a go because it directly ties into the plot and is being constantly referenced (you can skip the original). That said, features sections of monotonous backtracking as in the first game and "wtf am I supposed to be doing" frustrations, but the sum of its impressive 8-bit 1990 parts makes that easy to get over.

>Snake's Revenge (NES) (AKA Metal Gear Contra)
3/5 - I went into it thinking it would be a shit game given its less than stellar reputation but I ended up having a lot of furn with it.
More dumbed down and straightforward than previous Metal Gear games, and kind of has the vibe of "What if: The Metal Gear series were an Arnie movie". It's far from perfect (the side scrolling sections wear out their welcome fast) but it has some kick ass music to make up for that.
Those curious should check it out in the mind that it's Snake's drunken retelling of the events that transpired in MG2:SN.

>> No.752756
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>Metal Gear Solid (Ghost Babel)(GBC)
5/5 - Now this is how you demake a game! Of course it's not a sequel or a remake to the PS1 title of the same name, rather it's an alternative non canon sequel to the original Metal Gear. But even so, it captures the spirit of MGS perfectly and downsizes it into 2D, 8-bit, small screen form. Perhaps not as involving as MG2:SN or as impressive (considering when they were released) visually, but the most fun Metal Gear title I've yet played sans PS1 Solid.