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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7209918 No.7209918 [Reply] [Original]

>survival horror
>isn't scary or even creepy

>> No.7209985

Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.7209991

Knocked Up was a 'horror' movie.

>> No.7209996

>the town is a cacophonous circus

>> No.7210000

Most of the earlier parts are kind of boring but the prison, historical society, and hotel are all pretty great.

>> No.7210029

the only section of the game where that might be kind of accurate is the hotel, that's the only point in the game where it mostly drops the horror for tragedy.

>> No.7210032

i stay away from that genre, hell....blight town in dark souls creeped me out

>> No.7210063

play 3
2 sucks they just ripped off the story from lost highway

>> No.7210068

3 was a bit of a mess desu, they inserted the cult shit halfway through development, originally it was going to be another one off like sh2.

>> No.7210227

Whenever people say this they inevitably have the most bland definition of what "horror" is supposed to be. It's like they don't understand genre variety or alternative themes.

>> No.7210243
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>rip off
Bad logic, everything is a rip off of something. Nearly every theme has already been touched upon before the 17th century. According to this train of thought no one should ever bother making anything. The only thing that matters is whether something is made well and speaks to you. Imagine thinking your smart because you know that Silent Hill 2 didn't invent esoteric guilt stories.

>> No.7210493

Not enough jumpscares, OP?

>> No.7211309

*tips fedora*

>> No.7211314

Not retro

>> No.7211507

Don't you have some found footage movies to binge on?

>> No.7211509

Stay mad. Die mad.

>> No.7211692

Most survival horror games are more about the environment to me then "muh scary". I've always played them more for the "feel" I get rather than the supposed scares. I don't think really any of these games scare me so much as the intrigue me if that makes sense. It's more in a sense an experience and how you react to it. It's also the little details and lore I find enjoyable. Not sure if I'm the only person who feels like this (doubt it) but I have never gone in to these games not expected them so much to be scary but more for the atmosphere and kind of like post game analysis of what the story meant etc.

>> No.7211697

>Retro games board
>Isnt retro

>> No.7211813

>Isn't yet banned

>> No.7211819

This game was terrifying if you were young enough to play it when it was released. Assuming OP is a 20-year-old zoomer who watched a youtube video of it or just recently emulated it.
You had to be there at the time. Obviously it's not scary/creepy as an adult. The atmosphere and immersion is enough to keep me replaying it though.

>> No.7211867

Agree on everything. For me the horror of is in finding suicide notes or blood splatted on the walls rather than the monsters themselves.

>> No.7211871

Just whisper op:

>> No.7211917

The guy you're quoting is wrong, while SH2 is thematically similar to Lost Highway it's nearly identical to Die Tote Stadt. I get what you're saying about themes and influences but for fuck's sake, even the naming scheme of Mary/Maria is ripped off from Stadt's Marie/Mariette.

The other games in the series do borrow themes from other sources but their stories are at least original.

>> No.7211997

Damn, that's a passive aggressive way of seething at me for not being scared from your pseud game

>> No.7212073

SH3s story sucks dick only the characters are good

>> No.7212218

There's literally nothing wrong with jumpscares.

>> No.7212297

SH3 is the most blatantly video gamey sequel, katana and all. The plot sucks like you say but it's really fun as a linear gauntlet.

>> No.7212302

Jump scares aren't inherently bad but it's nice to have some games convey a horror atmosphere in other ways than the most generic goto. It's not like there is a shortage of jump scare video games in the industry.

>> No.7212338

Jump scares are fine if they are done right.
This is a good jumpscare.
The problem is when the game has no atmosphere/immersion and relies entirely on jumpscares.
I know I am responding to a braindead zoomer though, so whatever. Enjoy your shit taste, hopefully your taste improves as you age.

>> No.7212346

>game mechanic is good if its done right
Revolutionary thoughts, who would have thought? Now stop being a faggot and pretend that horror will somehow be improved by dropping jumpscares because you're too scared to actually play a horror game.

>> No.7212351

All the classic horror games have jump scares in them. Can we stop pretending jump scares are bad now?

>> No.7212521

>game mechanic
I meant horror in general (both movies and games) you dumb nigger.

>> No.7212525

>stop pretending jump scares are bad now
Jumpscares are fine. The problem is shitty jumpscares from mediocre horror devs/directors.
Guarantee I have played more horror games and seen more horror movies than you. Get good kid.

>> No.7212679

I think people mostly mean they don't like games that rely entirely on jumpscares.

>> No.7213281

Resident Evil shits and farts all over Soilent Shill in terms of actually making you jump out your seat.
Also I know they're not retro but the FNAF trilogy, Slender and Baldi's Basics are unironically the scariest and most stressful games I have ever played. Call me underage, I'm 19 and I give zero fucks.

>> No.7213289

If this game doesnt unsettle you even a little, I dont know what the fuck would. What game has scarier atmosphere than SH2/3?

>Also I know they're not retro but the FNAF trilogy, Slender and Baldi's Basics are unironically the scariest and most stressful games I have ever played. Call me underage, I'm 19 and I give zero fucks.
Maybe not underageb& but definitely a fag

>> No.7213314

>What game has scarier atmosphere than SH2/3?
Resident Evil series, Silent Hill 1, Carrier, FNAF, Slender, Baldi's Basics, etc...
>Maybe not underageb& but definitely a chad

>> No.7213408

Please just don't ever post ever again. I ask you to do this as a kindness

>> No.7213620

>Guarantee I have played more horror games and seen more horror movies than you
I'm sure you have after getting so butthurt over being pointed out there's literally nothing wrong with jumpscares and you going full "m-muh bad games with them doe!"
Then don't play them? I've never heard such retarded arguments from any other genre. Somebody plays a game with bad shooting mechanics and then proceeds to say shooting sucks: why shooters have shooting? 100% it's people who are actually faggots scared shitless from loud noises and le scary images and only tolerate jumpscares in good games, either because they've been told they're good games or because even their thick skulls can recognise what is good, but not process it without coming off like a retard crying over something that isn't even bad, if anything the opposite.

>> No.7213627

Also; I'm very certain I've hit some soft spot seeing how just because I actually think jumpscares are essential to games I'm accused of being a zoomer, etc., even though literallye every single great horror game has jump scares. What I'm trying to get to is that people who complain about jumpscares don't really like horror because it's too frightening for them.

>> No.7213761 [DELETED] 
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>Please just don't ever post ever again. I ask you to do this as a kindness
Seethe, foul pseud. Finaff is unironically scarier than SH2 and there's nothing you can do to change that.

>> No.7214064

>Resident Evil shits and farts all over Soilent Shill in terms of actually making you jump out your seat.
lol retarded fingers typed this post

>> No.7214093

Why are you so overtly jewish?

>> No.7214381

>I'm accused of being a zoomer
You're being accused of being a zoomer because you do not understand the difference between a good horror game/movie, which creates a solid atmosphere and employs tasteful jumpscares versus a shitty horror game/movie which relies 100% on jumpscares and fails miserably to create a good atmosphere.

>> No.7214402

>this projection
Autism speaks

>> No.7214408

Big, unironic yikes on these "hot" takes and shit taste.

>> No.7214525

Yeah because I defended your strawman at any given point in this conversation. Stupid retard.

>> No.7214540

You did not defend shit. The fact that you actually do not understand the difference between a movie/game which employs both incredible atmosphere and tasteful jumpscares vs a movie/game which fails in the atmosphere department (atmosphere is the most important factor in horror) and relies entirely on jumpscares tells me that you actually are a zoomer. The irony of you not understanding this and having the arrogance to call other people retards is great.
Time to go back to lebbit where you belong kid

>> No.7214616

There is also the fact that right from the get go he erected his own strawman concerning your actual opinion on jumpscares of which you clarified multiple times only for him to go "NUH UH! YOU IS A SCARED POOPY SHITSHISPANTS WHO HATES """ALL""" JUMPSCARES BECAUSE THEY SCARE HIM TOO MUCH! yOU ALSO HAVE ALL YOUR OPINIONS HANDED TO YOU BY "AUTHORITIES" CUZ U CANT FORM UR OWN OPINIONZ LUL i TROLL U!' and so on and so forth. Just ignore him since he's obviously a troll and probably OP as well.

>> No.7214635

based "reddit hell 2" retard

The other thread wasn't enough of a soap box for you?

>> No.7214641

Not retro

>> No.7214681

Show me one post where I defended shitty games with your strawmen. You're arguing with yourself.
Unironically the types who go ga-ga over "horror" without jumpscares.

>> No.7214683

You're also the one who started off by implying jumpscares are bad. There's literally nothing wrong with jump scares, just as there is nothing wrong with movement mechanics, some games are just bad and thus those mechanics are bad too. But of course I was saying I love shitty jumpscares or whatever the fuck you're arguing with yourself on about like an autistic retard who hasn't had a real conversation in years.

>> No.7214686

Anon....? I

>> No.7214690

>PS2 game
>isn't even retro


>> No.7214715

Oh its that SH game that has no monster variety at all.

>> No.7214721

Not retro

>> No.7214728
File: 35 KB, 680x702, 8e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I-

Y'know, you have to be white to post on /vr/, twitter tourist.

>> No.7215240 [DELETED] 

He's right you know. There's more of a unsettling, intimidating atmosphere in the first screen of Resident Evil 2 than the entirety of Pseudlent Shill Jew.

>> No.7215263
File: 870 KB, 1079x1523, Screenshot_20201225-123535_OneDrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know. In RE zombies are constantly taking you by surprise, breaking through windows, hiding in unexpected places or suddenly springing to life to chase you. The only time I got even close to jumping in SH2 was during one of the apartments where a (very muted) window-breaking sound played once.
RE is also superior in terms of creating an unsettling, intimidating atmosphere. There is more of that in the first screen of RE2 than the entirety of SH2.

>> No.7215269 [DELETED] 

Non-retro games go on >>>/v/

>> No.7215862

Why are you so overtly bigoted?

>> No.7215920

I don't get how the town can mean something different between games/protagonists. Like, I get if the events of the sequel don't tie directly into the original backstory, but Silent Hill is still the place that a crazy cult tried to conjure a demon. That doesn't change just because those specific events aren't relevant to the plot of the sequel. SH2 may be a reflection of James' inner torment but it's still probably Baal or whatever other dark forces lurk that's mirroring it back at him. The "it's different depending on the game" shit makes no sense.

>> No.7215934

it's creepy but it's mostly lacking in the "survival" end since there is barely a limit on resources you can carry and no limit to how much you can save

>> No.7216146

No clue how this trash thing got popular, in terms of fucked up horror the first game has so much more to offer

>> No.7217791

>RE is also superior in terms of creating an unsettling, intimidating atmosphere
gigalel, you had a good troll post going on until you got to here and gave it away

>> No.7217880

A lot of people don't bother to understand the story of 1, they just say "muh cult" and then dismiss it because they only want people to focus on 2. But if you actually think about it, everything in 1 was a reflection of Alessa's torment just like 2 was with James'.

>> No.7217910

Only sort of related, but do people find the resident evil remake scary?

>> No.7217921

Silent Hill to SH2fags is like SMT and Persona 2 to P4/P5fags; their loss really, Silent Hill 2 is kino but doesn't touch Silent Hill 1 that not only is leaps and bounds ahead of it in terms of gameplay, but it also has a strong story for itself.

>> No.7217931

The real redpill is not being drawn into shitposts which argue which is the best game, and just loving the fuck out of the SH trilogy.

>> No.7218132

I think if more people replayed SH1 they might enjoy the story more, it feels pretty different going through the school and hospital while thinking about Alessa and it feels like that's when you get the full picture of everything going on, whereas during a first playthrough you're kind of being kept in the dark.

>> No.7218490

Everything exists in relation to something else, thus things can be ranked, otherwise they'd literally be the same things, i.e., equal. Being able to discern what is better and worse, especially when compared to similar games, is part of having sound taste and having real opinions (as opposed to not being able to make sense of it on your own, or not at all).
Silent Hill > Silent Hill 3 > Silent Hill 2

>> No.7218581

I'm in it for the aesthetics, not the "horror"

>> No.7218601

>he never tragically lost his wife
Go outside, anon.

>> No.7219002

The gamecube game? Absolutely. The only AAA horror game to make me audibly scream

>> No.7219019 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 220x220, 1609028675895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a better game.

>> No.7220596


>> No.7220635

Bullshit. I still haven't played past the first hour because it was too damn spoopy.

>> No.7220652

What kind of a faggot are you, Anon?

>> No.7220741

It unironically is if you're a guy.

>> No.7220854

Are you retarded? I beat it when I was only 14. Kys you pussy.

>> No.7220879

It's still scary if you time-travel to 2002 and regress to 14 years old.
Not even deep night and 14" CRT with mono-sound can spook me in my late-20 now.