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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 558 KB, 852x480, xmasgigaleak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7195614 No.7195614 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: https://yuki.la/vr/7083480
Main leaks doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/176d5yx2GtWDudFNQW4mJC8QYE1B4uJdhk0HD45nandU/preview?pru=AAABc6glni8*Nod1apmLlYQx_yaFwqa_nA
Leak stuff that's been processed and put together to make it easier for people to look through and use.
Uncle Cucko's Gigaleaks Discovery MegaDoc (fuck the one that was ruined): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jgFww7DE3lwVeZ3THkt7PI-Ci4Tm-sgjcQ1F-ENqR1I/edit?usp=sharing
Rundowns, Thread links, and (Broken) Download links: https://pastebin.com/XyRs7Qkf
New finding drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1odcOwqYIn8JoWXsuM_oGNaTeiMbRVQD7?usp=sharing | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qb9FEWnDNmDlwYfAKwO7V_U0tJ8Ko7l-?usp=sharing
Filthy, filthy Argonaut e-mails: https://pastebin.com/0m0Fs0Xw
Star Fox leaks rundown w/downloads: https://pastebin.com/DetbmHRx
Booru: https://superdonkey.booru.org
Link to Gigaleak 3 files:

bbgames ezbuilds:
Dr. Mario 64
Super Mario 64
SDK For bbgames
Majora's Mask

>> No.7195621
File: 76 KB, 248x248, ProtoMiyuSmug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was teased in the leak before last that Christmas 2020 would be 'the big one'. We should keep our expectations in check, lads, but have faith and hope for a few minor Christmas miracles from Uncle Nintendo all the same.

What are you hoping to see in the next leak?

>> No.7195673

Spaceworld content would be cool

>> No.7195695

Snes and agb lotcheck please. HG/SS and Gen 5 Pokemon source would also be good.

>> No.7195757

That's 15gb.

>> No.7196298

how about snes and n64/64dd

>> No.7196307
File: 96 KB, 320x240, C7FB06DF-AF1B-421D-A7DF-78969CAB89B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder not to engage with anyone implying Shigesato Ito had any involvement in the development of a Zelda game. This ham-fisted false narrative is being pushed by an individual who wants to create “lore” where there is none. This is absurd for the following reasons:

1. In this interview https://www.glitterberri.com/developer-interviews/miyamoto-horii-discussion Shigeru Miyamoto mentions that he’s worked with Shigesato Itoi on the story of “games”. Note that Japanese has no plural and he’s likely just referring to Mother, as this interview took place in 1989. He goes on to state that “The stories of Mario and Zelda titles have always been supplemental to the actual gameplay.” Does this also imply that Itoi worked on the story of a Mario game? Of course not. Miyamoto is essentially name-dropping his friendship with a prolific writer and pop culture figure to another industry friend. It is not explicitly stated what the two collaborared on. (But it’s obviously Mother)

2. Shigesato Itoi was an incredibly successful writer of several best selling books. The notion that he would not only write the very minimal story and dialog of a Zelda game, but that it would be scrapped and no credit or acknowledgement of his involvement would be made, is an utterly moronic idea. Someone of Itoi’s notability would clearly be used in the marketing of the game, and his ideas used in every aspect of the game design, as in the case of Mother. He would certainly be credited for his work, whether used or unsused as well.

3. Zelda A Link to the Past already has a script credit: Kensuke Tanabe. At the time, a member of R&D4 who had worked on several Mario games, he would be the likely choice to produce the script for a Zelda game, not a best selling author and copywriter.

Thank you for your time and I hope this puts that nonsense to bed. Please don’t spread gay cancer any further.

>> No.7196351

if the guy has other leaks, i hope that one of those has some good pc stuff in it.

>> No.7196997
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Look, you're probably 100% correct on this, but all I'm saying is look at these scrapped alien looking sprites from LttP and tell me it's not an appealing idea, Shigesato Itoi being involved with the story. Remember that there's also that early concept art of Zelda in a retro-futuristic space outfit. Clearly they were trying out some very different story ideas early on.

>> No.7197016
File: 71 KB, 500x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7197272

the mario sunshine prototype wit human NPCs.

>> No.7197307

So if this is the “big one,” what will be in it?

Earthbound 64?
Mario 64 2?
Zelda 3?
Resident Evil 0 64?

>> No.7197456
File: 111 KB, 215x254, firefox_2020-12-20_16-17-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it won't be
there will be no leak
there will never be another leak
unless we hack nintendo in minecraft

>> No.7197484

mother 3.

>> No.7197513

mother 3 comes and then its buggy af and the disappointment will come

>> No.7197609

Ok. Experimenting with sci fi themes doesn’t prove or even suggest Itoi was involved in any capacity. Itoi working on Zelda is gay headcanon. The end.

>> No.7197854

I mean, no shit it'd be buggy? It's been long stated by the devs that the N64 version of Mother 3 was nowhere near completed by the time it was axed, does anyone believe there's some sort of sekret completed build out there?

>> No.7197925
File: 1.04 MB, 256x320, eva1_pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump thread; i always get exited over leaks and shit coming out

>> No.7197932

i think the hype over it is unhealthy

>> No.7198170
File: 153 KB, 733x1091, bayteh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7198190

>clayfighter special edition: canceled
>clayfighter extreme (playstation port of 63 1/3): canceled
>clayfighter port/remake for modern platforms: canceled
>clayfighter 63 1/3 released unfinished, title is probably a reference to this
>finished clayfighter 63 1/3 was a Blockbuster rental exclusive and still didn't have Hobocop
This series just couldn't catch a break. The games that were released weren't very good though.

>> No.7198494
File: 107 KB, 501x428, 1_tom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any N64 Rare-related content could be neat, specifically with either Banjo-Kazooie, DK64, or Dinosaur Planet.
Bonus points if they manage to find some Megaman Legends / Rockman D.A.S.H. prototypes as well. Or even hit the big ones and release non-Nintendo stuff like a Crash 2 prototype.

>> No.7198534
File: 1.84 MB, 540x430, tumblr_nzudtxF5BA1qc8jh0o1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I completely forgot that Christmas was hyped up since these threads have been dead for ages. Here's to hoping for something completely off the wall that nobody expects I guess.

>> No.7198993

Eternal Darkness please

>> No.7198997

Don't forget
>Ex Interplay employee goes on /v/
>Shows cancelled Clayfighter game footage on a webm
>Archive gets fucked some time later
>Nobody saved the webm
>Footage is lost forever

>> No.7199039

If Legends 3 Demo exists it will almost certainly come from a 3DS lotcheck.There's a possibility that it could come from the Capcom leak as well

>> No.7199301


>> No.7200337

bump of life

>> No.7200350

whatever happened to those capcom leaks and the dmc 2 source?

>> No.7201041

I think this thread may have been made a bit too prematurely...

Still ongoing, the hackers who compromised Capcom are still leaking what they grabbed bit by bit on their onion site. Not /vr/, but the man responsible for killing Marvel vs. Capcom had an embarrassing document leak. On Halloween 2018, he showed up to a meeting to discuss Capcom Cup loaded drunk, denied he was drunk, fucked off to a different conference room, then started vaping "an unknown substance". As a Marvel vs. Capcom diehard, I think about that a lot.

>> No.7201329

I'm an expert on the so-called """"""""""gigaleaks"""""""". I am willing to speak to the press on behalf of the game preservation community.

>> No.7201378

Any early builds of F-zero games, I don't care which.
Kirby Air Ride 64/Kirby Return to Dreamland for Gamecube
Anything from N64 Dinosaur Planet
Anything from Gamecube Kameo
Zelda 3 for NEW
>an appealing idea
That's all it is, fuck off.

>> No.7201497

An actual, playable build of Zelda 64, the earlier the better.

>> No.7201510

>On Halloween 2018, he showed up to a meeting to discuss Capcom Cup loaded drunk, denied he was drunk, fucked off to a different conference room, then started vaping "an unknown substance".
Holy shit, source.

>> No.7201525


Check out SSF2T Old User's attachments on his post. It's the Incident Report - John Diamonon word document.

>> No.7201887

This is glorious.

>> No.7202043

Give us Zelda 64 if it's there, PLEASE.

Or Ura.

>> No.7202101

Capcom Cup?
Those are both my posts. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.7202196

>Nintendo ninjas are real

>> No.7202206

Uh oh, what happened?

>> No.7202227

Document leaks show that they stalked 3DS hackers and kept dirt on them

>> No.7202229

>Capcom Cup?
A Street Fighter circuit Capcom runs.

>> No.7202438


>> No.7202470
File: 764 KB, 1630x1168, EpufMI7XIAA4lUu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7202471

is being talked about here, also link to doc in question

>> No.7202502

Well, fuck.

>> No.7202539
File: 7 KB, 587x444, 1608618067035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit even had a codename

>> No.7202579

Oh shit guys I see a van sitting outside my hou

>> No.7202590


a nintendo ninja just flew over mine

>> No.7202613

>Belgian waffle

>> No.7202691
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, nintendo ninja aerial division.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7202980

What do you expect, most Mother fans (in the west) sadly have serious mental problems.

>> No.7203057
File: 81 KB, 754x638, 1553151124819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this even legal ninty are weirdos

>> No.7203076

grow up

>> No.7203082

you dont think its weird for a billion dollar corporation to stalk an individual?

>> No.7203089

if i think its weird or not is not the topic.
i just was hinting that it's common and legal(since in most cases it's their only weapon to defend themself) practice in any industry when the company rightfully fears to get sabotaged, espionaged, endangered etc.

>> No.7203104

What is TFC?
What is bbgames?

>> No.7203138
File: 38 KB, 587x371, sk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Switch private keys were in the leak

>> No.7203148

hopefully the chinks make a flashcart soon

>> No.7203157

That's good, I love my hacked switch and everybody deserves in on the fun

>> No.7203210

That's not entirely true. They could push a new additional one for all new games, and just leave the old one for compatibility. Of course that would mean you could easily pirate/create flashcards for the old ones. But well, over the old key it would ofcourse be a matter of time to exploit it to even start newer games with new keys.

>> No.7203231
File: 132 KB, 719x540, 20201222_093321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7203234

Uh oh spaghettio. Flashcarts incoming.

Yeah I suppose that would be a problem, but flashcarts are a foot in the door to potential softmod on newer systems like the Lite which would otherwise probably remain forever unhackable since the only entrypoint possible at all for the Switch isn't present on them

>> No.7203237

Mega RIP

>> No.7203242

Nintendo Ninjas sounds too Reddity for my tastes, just call them the Copyright Gestapo.

>> No.7203248

Anything Spaceworld and N64-related.

More Gamecube era stuff leaking.

>> No.7203268

The term is way older than Plebbit, newfag.

>> No.7203350

>nintendo ninjas are real

Fucking kek

>> No.7203359

t. Nintendo ninja
no seriously, what's your problem?

>> No.7203361

wait so the Xmas leak already started?

>> No.7203362

This is supposed to be a teaser, not the big Xmas leak.

>> No.7203371

just a little appetizer to get you in the mood I guess

>> No.7203428

I hope its gonna be an big one, maybe he means lots of useless stuff, something realy cool, or lots or realy cool!

>> No.7203715


>> No.7203751

I work in an industry where surveillance of individuals is needed at times and this is pretty tame compared to what we do.

>> No.7203940

When will we be able to spoof nintendo online services?

>> No.7204062

its already technically possible - you can use cfw or ssl exploits, for example, but reverse engineering the protocols used by the games and recreating server behaviour accuratly, when you don't have access to the server is, needless to say, difficult.

>> No.7204082


anything MML3 related

>> No.7204152
File: 362 KB, 640x480, Link_and_Ganondorf_Fight_SW2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this please

>> No.7204153


that was just a short little cutscene anon

>> No.7204164

I am aware, but I want the assets to be dumped

>> No.7204350


>> No.7204578

This. Imagine being able to view that scene in HD, how cool that would be.

>> No.7204947

Any new leaks relating to Nintendo DS games?

>> No.7205163

no, but there was an unreleased mcdonald's training game dumped last month.

>> No.7205182


>> No.7205187

*probably soon

>> No.7205832

Warcraft orcs and humans, diablo 2 and starcraft source code (maybe warcraft 3)

>> No.7206021

>unreleased mcdonald's training game dumped last month.
A game to train workers?

>> No.7206032

Yep, it's literally a training game

>> No.7206057

And it's not some cheap thing either, it feels like a lot of effort went into it. That video is mostly bloat talking about the background of the game and how he got a hold of it, so I linked directly to the point where he actually starts playing it.

>> No.7206315


It's common practice to hire private detectives for shit like this in any industry. Grow up, get a job, learn about life and the world, then you know it's more common than you think. Especially at big companies.You don't have to be a shill or anything for it to know about that stuff.

>> No.7206341

Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite video game of all time. If there was shit from Sunshine found in the leaks I might be inclined to poke through them myself instead of just sticking around these threads watching other people post stuff. If we got the prototype build shown off at Spaceworld '01, or shit, even the E3 '02 build that more closely resembles the final, I'd be fucking ecstatic. I'd love to see how the game got pieced together, how much work was put into the train system and the cut levels, and all those cool differences between the final and the prototypes. Spaceworld '01 would be especially cool because A: we know it features prototype maps for Delfino Plaza, Bianco Hills, and Ricco Harbor at the very least all of which are completely different, and B: Other weirdo shit that just didn't make it into the final like the human girl and the Sol coins. Seriously, I'd lose my shit if Sunshine stuff got leaked.

>> No.7206372

Did you even read the document? There's a line between what a private detective does, which is ask around, do research, and observe individuals and report back anything suspicious/noteworthy to his client, and actually compiling personal information on a private citizen the way Nintendo did. I'm 36 and have a job, but "growing up" has nothing to do with this regardless, prick.

>> No.7206374

Wasn't it confirmed at some point that whatever Ura Zelda was, it just ended up being OoT Master Quest? Forgive me if that's completely off mark, I'm not too well versed on the Ura Zelda stuff, but I wanna say I heard that before or at least something regarding Ura becoming Master Quest.

>> No.7206389

Ura Zelda = OoT Master Quest if you take Miyamoto's word for it. The alternative view is that Miyamoto is a lying faggot because old interviews still exist where he describes Ura Zelda in much grander terms than "we arranged some blocks in a few dungeons".

>> No.7207027
File: 6 KB, 210x240, ,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get the new leaked switch stuff?

>> No.7207029

Far from the first person saying it's actually common practice, and nothing illegal about it
I'm rather pleased they attempt to remove hacking by contacting individuals and giving them a job instead of going directly to lawsuits
I'm nowhere near a law cuck, without a lot of these hackers, emulation wouldn't be where we are today, but messing with a currently selling hardware is retarded and you're sure gonna get in trouble

Nothing is 100% confirmed, but it's looking less and less likely that anything else but the maps were done. Altho, if Nintendo has the entire CVS repo intact, it would be a complete cinch for them to make the Ura Debug rom with just the maps and nothing else

>> No.7207043

Prolly some tranny discord server. Ask around on The Cutting Room Floor's, they might know something.

>> No.7207172
File: 761 KB, 573x800, foxonlynew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dinosaur FUCKING Planet

>> No.7207452

That would be the holy grail.

>> No.7207463 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 800x1134, Kimba_Scan-Magazine-464-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait there's a new leak?
crossing fingers for anything Kimba 64-related.

>> No.7207474

Holy shit i've never heard of this shit before.

>> No.7207480 [DELETED] 

it was being developed by the Mario 64 team.
Very little footage of a really early build exist.

>> No.7207514

I want a NES, Snes and N64 rom lot check at the very least. Potential for a bunch of unreleased games and games translation like we got with the GB one
Ideally we'd get megatons like Mother 3 64, Spaceworld rom folder, actually working OOT CVS repo or something. I wish for something that would shake the scene for a while
Or more dumps of really interesting shit like the first 2 megaleaks, just really interesting development material that you really weren't meant to ever see along with high quality renders and pictures of cart shit and manual stuff
I don't get the request like the pre-Wind Waker demo. I meant, sure it would be cool, but let's say we have the models and possibly the video file. Ok cool, but what then? Wouldn't you wish for anything better than that?

>> No.7207994

So, what happened? Only Switch crap?

>> No.7208004

So yeah, yes. Only official documents and the likes, along with some 3DS document and apparently a demo (yet to see a video) and 3DS Pokemons I believe?

>> No.7208013

>after finishing everything, you can enter into the world, into the basic design of the same
>I wanted to create some extra dungeons and challenges for those who had completed the quest
>It's very much a parody game based on Ocarina of time, but with new dungeons to explore. It even features the same storyline
>The story in "Ura Zelda" will be similar to Ocarina of Time but with new maps and scenarios"
>"Ura Zelda' will use the existing Ocarina of Time cartridge but with different dungeons, and new locations for the treasures
>Ura Zelda isn't very different from the Ocarina of Time; it's more of a second quest. People who played through Ocarina of Time would be able to play through Ura Zelda and get a few laughs at some things, find some things more difficult, and take a few varied paths.
Miyamoto literally said over and over and over "it's basically the same game, with different dungeons". The way he phrased it was just vague enough that people could read too far into it. The only thing that doesn't really match up with what Miyamoto said is that he mentions some humor that didn't make it into Master Quest. I assume some of the dialog was going to be rewritten to be sillier.

>> No.7208034

Not sure where you're taking these quotes, but I remember clearly him hyping it the fuck up with crazy ass features that never came, with him clearly saying he wanted to take advantage of what the 64DD could do

>> No.7208061

Someone on reddit, that I found by googling "Ura Zelda Interview" compiled every quote Miyamoto made about the game (he also makes his own stupid analysis of what Miyamoto's saying, so you can see how people can read way too far into some of those quotes). The "hype" really was just people misunderstanding what Ura Zelda was and not from Miyamoto himself, who was constantly trying to downplay expectations. He even says they only made it for the 64DD because the add-on discs were cheaper than making a new cartage, not because they really wanted to use the 64DD technology (although he does mention tossing around ideas for utilizing things like the internet functionality, but it doesn't sound like anything they were adamant about).

>> No.7208068

At least in interviews, Miyamoto promised too much like new areas, new items, new dungeons... It was, according to an interview, 99% complete, but who knows how much of it became Zelda Gaiden and then Majora's Mask.

>> No.7208076

>but with new maps and scenarios
I think this is a key element on understanding or misunderstanding Ura.

MQ doesn't have new maps, it's the same maps just re-arranged and the exact same scenarios.

>> No.7208082

I think the "new maps" were just talking about the dungeon maps, which is why it caused so much confusion. The "new scenarios" were likely the cut jokes he mentions in other quotes.

>> No.7208084

I'm not sure if I'd go and trust his after fact interview, he could very well have done that to shut up people as they've been asking for years at that point
It does look like they weren't able to implement any N64DD stuff, but it doesn't discount that anything else was in the work
The real question is, are the dungeon maps truly all that's left, made and finished? Were they planning to overhaul Hyrule map too? Any N64DD features that are finished or half finished that never got to see the light? Etc...
The reddit dude have a good point with the no 64DD references in the Ura debug rom. As said earlier, the leaks proved Nintendo still has working CVS directory, so just grabbing the finished dungeon to compile in a new rom is an absolute cinch for them, but I guess we'll never know until we get this stuff specifically from a leak

>> No.7208096

If anything, the Ura debug ROM shows it was simply a ROMhack stitched together quickly, probably to move Wind Waker preorders as that was the worst-recieved Zelda at that point.

I remember reading back then in [spoiler[mexican[/spoiler] gaming mags there's been a ton of Wind Waker trades/refunds after the costumers got the Master Quest pre-order disc.

>> No.7208102

Honestly, the only "gag" I can think of in MQ is the Cow switches in Jabu Jabu

>> No.7208106

>The reddit dude have a good point with the no 64DD references in the Ura debug rom.
That's not even true. The Ura debug rom didn't have any new 64DD references that weren't in Master Quest, but Master Quest had a fuckton of DD remnants sitting around in the data like disc error messages.

>> No.7208113

Those messages are also in the retail cartridge, though.
It's possible to see them with GameShark codes to make a dummy Disk save data and forcing it to load.

>> No.7208130

And those messages prove that it wasn't just the dungeons copy/pasted into a copy of OoT. Master Quest really is just what was finished of Ura Zelda.

>> No.7208137

No, he's saying that all this shit already existed in the retail non-master quest release
As said, looking on tcrf wiki and such, there seems to be nothing further new about the MQ rom or the debug rom, nothing strange about it, no further N64DD references it seems, meaning they could've just easily put the finished maps on a rom and called it a day, since they have access to the full source anyways
So it doesn't confirm or deconfirm anything until we have the full development data to see

>> No.7208145

Wait, how do you even come close to that conclusion? Even if you take "new maps" as "same old dungeons just revamped a bit", where's the new scenarios? Where's the supposed parody shit?

>> No.7208148

>No, he's saying that all this shit already existed in the retail non-master quest release
Finally, an anon with reading comprehension.

>> No.7208150

I think this is the reason there are still people who swear up and down that Ura Zelda was supposed to have a bunch of crazy shit. Lots of early internet rumors with no source. It doesn't help that gaming magazines at the time used images of shit like the Unicorn Fountain when talking about it.

>> No.7208154

Thing is, you don't say "new maps" when meaning "slightly revamped dungeons".

>> No.7208162

>take a few varied paths
What did miyamoto mean by this

>> No.7208165

The parody shit (which were probably the "new scenarios") is basically the only promised feature that's strangely absent. Maybe they just decided it was dumb and cut it before the final build?

>> No.7208173

When youre miyamoto you probably do.

>> No.7208190


The alpha build of Smash Bros 64 with James Bond in it.

Screencap this.

>> No.7208208
File: 157 B, 27x20, -vr- - Gigaleak Leak Thread 25- Pre-Xmas Gigaleak Hype Edition - Retro Games - 4chan 23-12-2020 15-29-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7208213

>The alpha build of Smash Bros 64 with James Bond in it.
Huh? Were they using him as a test character due the success of GoldenEye?

>> No.7208224


You won't regret this.

>> No.7208273

Sakurai said they never considered him for Smash, but the proximity mine did get into Smash 64 and Melee (in some regions, it was replaced by the Perfect Dark proximity mine)

>> No.7208274

In all honesty it sounds like Ura Zelda is half master quest half Majora's Mask. Ura Zelda got gutted and revamped into MM and the few scraps they couldn't use there were dumped into OoT Master Quest. At least that's how I'm putting this information all together.

>> No.7208305

Honestly I'm convinced that that's wishful thinking at this point. I'm not sure if a single remnant of that game still exists.

>> No.7208314

Don't remind me
I will never not be butthurt about missing that

>> No.7208326

There was a playable demo at Spaceworld.

>> No.7208334

IIRC, Itoi confirmed that game was 63% completed and that he has a copy of that build in his belongings at home.

>> No.7208353

Oh shit, really? If Itoi has it then surely Nintendo does, right? Maybe there is hope.

>> No.7208374 [DELETED] 

There was a playable proto when they were developing M3 on GBA. It definitely still exists.

>> No.7208491

>new maps and scenarios

>> No.7208516

Part of me believes that became Majora's Mask.

>> No.7208527

Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't someone find an earlier version of MM's Spider House mini dungeon among the leaks OoT files?

>> No.7208535

Yep, it was.

>> No.7208554

That clinches it for me, then. MM cannibalized portions of the Ura Zelda/Zelda 64 DD project in order to meet deadlines faster. It was Aonuma's first time directing, so it probably couldn't have been helped.

>> No.7208614

If I recall correctly, the Spider House found on OoT files do have "DD_" on their names.

>> No.7208627

there was an OOT boss rush too, wasn't it?

>> No.7208637

Yes, as well as Ikana's well.

>> No.7208653
File: 278 KB, 450x338, 1564982294147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nintendo leakers actually co-ordinate and back their shit up like sane people
Meanwhile I can't find a working link to either the Tron Bonne or Umbrella Chronicles leaks only the DMC2 one.

>> No.7208675

nintendo leakers care about the stuff getting out there, ransomware gangs just wanna put pressure on their victims to make them pay, so a shitty tor mirror with ultra slow speeds is good enough for them
it took me weeks, but i think i managed to finally download all capcom files, if you have any idea what the files/folders are called i can throw them on anonfiles for you

>> No.7208704

think i found tron bonne, zipping it now

>> No.7208728 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1591368754816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, they aren't really available anymore. Not even sure if the DMC2 one I found was actually the source.

The most important one is "CAPCOM4_ID442.7z" which should be around 1.38gb. (Tron Bonne source)
The others are "Capcom3ID451.7z" with 2 files totalling at around 11.2gb and "CAPCOMPart2ID.7z" which should be a three files at around 21.1gb total.
Would be nice to get all three but the first two are the ones i'm really hyped about.

>> No.7208737
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1591368754816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, they aren't really available anymore. Thanks a lot!

The big one is the folder PS_トロンにコブン or if archived "CAPCOM4_ID442.7z" which should be around 1.38gb. (Tron Bonne source)
The Umbrella Chronicles one is Wii_バイオハザード アンブレラクロニクルズ or if archived "CAPCOMPart2ID.7z" which should be three files at around 21.1gb total.

>> No.7208739

God bless you, Anon. If nothing else happens in this thread, at least you helped a stranger get hold of some much wanted leak material.

>> No.7208751

oh shit you're right, i didn't realize their site went down! i hope i've got everything

i already found them, tron bonne is uploading to anonfiles right now, umbrella chronicles is zipping (into /tmp/, i didn't realise how big it was this is gonna be interesting lol)

leak onto other as you want others to leak onto you

no homo tho

>> No.7208754

based and corporate espionage pilled

>> No.7208776


tron bonne sauce is up, umbrella chronicles is 15% through zipping. anonfiles probably won't do, i'll look for different storage while i'm in a dnd session smell ya later nerds

>> No.7208781

ofc my stupid ass forgets to paste the link...

>> No.7208791

Cool and thanks again.

>> No.7208980

What do we do if we get a build of Ura that shows that naysayers are faggots and MQ wasn't Ura all along?

What if there are two builds and the more complete one is gutted out of new content, being just MQ?

>> No.7209012

I don't think we'd never get a full build, at best, maybe development data that we could hack in
It most definitively sounds like Ura was a cancelled project, due to the failure of the N64DD, and then partially absorbed into Majora's Mask, but who know the extent of what we'll find, if ever

>> No.7209021

small enough for anonfiles (18gb) but only a few mb/s upload, might take like two hours

>> No.7209023

At least we know the Spider Houses and Ikana Well from Majora's Mask were supposed to be Ura expansions. Hyrule's map coordinates in the code mark Hyrule Castle Town as being the "center" of the Hyrule Field Map, despite the final retail version we see the castle at North-most and there's nothing beyond.

Is it possible Ura could've expanded the game world further?

>> No.7209029

That's up in the air I guess. I personally was quite disappointed to hear back then that master quest didn't even change Hyrule Field
No clue where Ikana Well and Spider Houses could be located in OOT, but the fact that they exists as development data might show intent that new areas, or a complete hyrule field overhaul, might've been considered

>> No.7209051

I'm taking a shot in the dark here but, this is my theory timeline of events. My Red Rupee Pill, if you will:

>Ura adds new dungeons and sidequests but the story remains largely the same
>After all, it is written, only Link can defeat Ganon (Great!)
>Aonuma complains this is just basically making a second version of the game
>Aonuma and Miyamoto argue
>Miyamoto tells Aonuma to then make a new Zelda in one (1) year
>As a result, all the assets and new areas become part of Zelda Gaiden, which was also slated for the 64DD to keep track of the days of the week
>As a result of this loss/repurpose of assets, Miyamoto has to state that "it's not much" contradicting earlier interviews to save face in case of backlash
>64DD tanks, Ura gets quietly cancelled, Zelda Gaiden gets ported to cartridge as Majora's Mask
>Wind Waker pre-reception is BAD.
>"Miyamoto-san, we still have the redesigned Ura dungeons from the base game, though"
>"Add that as a pre-order bonus, we'll say it's finally Ura and salvage Wind Waker's sales".

>> No.7209057

>Didn't call it Red Rupill.
Wow, I'm stupid.

>> No.7209310
File: 554 KB, 1731x1173, well theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the ikana well appears to be associated as a replacement to jabu jabu while the spiderhouse to deku tree. it doesnt seem like they have ever gotten to a point where these locations would have actually gone but i imagine the well would have fit in the famous zora domain underwater doorway.
the only major issue is that if it were to go there it would be always submerged since theres no "pool exit cliff" if you know what i mean. that is, only if you went there AFTER the ice thawed. if it was still frozen that creates a new issue of there being no way to get through the ice to enter.

>> No.7209350

the underwater doorway is too weird IIRC, while it's very black, it apparently doesn't follow other doorways, a treasure or a heart piece would most likely have been planned to be there instead

>> No.7209354

The problem is that we don't know, it could've been a pathway that was just slightly edited before going gold. It's an extremely suspicious alcove.

>> No.7209357

>well the ikana well appears to be associated as a replacement to jabu jabu
Funny enough, I was reading the TCRF article on OoT's source leak yesterday and the stuff related to Jabu Jabu's belly is in-code adressed as Water Temple.

>> No.7209375

there's any related to 3ds such a program to video conversion or some?

>> No.7209384

The exit leads to Zora's Fountain... I wonder...

>> No.7209385
File: 149 KB, 357x403, marioawe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything N64 era, even if highly unlikely. Kirby Bowl, Zelda 64, the precious precious SM64 builds (desu all builds would be amazing, and not just 22). Some SNES stuff would be cool too as well, mainly Super Mario World. Imagine if they leaked all they had pfft nah

>> No.7209394

I >>7209051
I don't think Ura Spider House and Ura Ikana Well were thought of as new areas internally so much as they were to be fully realized versions of areas they had begun to work on back when the main game was still slated for the 64DD, but were all but scrapped when the project was moved to cartridge. In other words, I don't think it's a coincidence that OoT already has a spider house (the Skulltula home in Kakariko Village) and a mini dungeon at the bottom of a well (also in Kakariko). These are only diminished forms of what they actually wanted to do and perhaps would have done if Ura Zelda went as planned and those areas weren't absorbed into Majora's Mask.

>> No.7209395

You know what, anon? You might be onto something.

>> No.7209407

>These are only diminished forms of what they actually wanted to do
But the Ikana Well is so... basic
How can the Kakariko Well be a "diminished" form of it?

>> No.7209415

Not him but probably, we got only the oldest version available. It is posible there are multiple revisions.

Alternatively, it was scrapped really soon when it was confirmed the Disk version of OoT was getting canned in favor of the cartridge version.

You know, I remember a long time ago reading this post I can't find about the final Bottom of the Well dungeon in OoT in reality being what was supposed to be the Hyrule Castle sewer system to go meet Zelda. With comparisons to the sewer in ALttP and TP.

>> No.7209425

>How can the Kakariko Well be a "diminished" form of it?
Internally, Bottom of the Well is referred to as the child's Shadow Temple. It's entirely possible that the entrance was somewhere else and the well was its own thing until they moved the child's Shadow Temple portion there.

>> No.7209432

I could've swore the Ikana Well was much larger, but my bad if I was mistaken. It has been years since I last played that part of MM.

>> No.7209439

It is larger, but it's an incredibly basic design. Just straight hallways with square rooms off to the side every now and then.

>> No.7209442

Maybe it was never truly finished and by the time MM's dev came around someone came up with the Gibdo thing?

>> No.7209453
File: 405 KB, 989x893, oot mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that was the case then there would be no reason to NOT have place thaw right after finishing the water temple and returning to a prior state like kokiri and goron locations. it probably wouldnt have taken much time to program since they already had the map at working capacity in the first place.
dont forget oot was released with the full intention of the game being expanded with the dd. they just didnt know what they were gonna do at the time so they probably just added open ended locations and mysteries

its a shame that we were fortunate enough to get actual oot dd locations from the leak yet it STILL provides ZERO insight to ura. with the exception that now we know there was a boss rush mode.

actually i heard it was the sewer system used in the forest temple. i made a simple picture a few leak threads ago showing my theory

>> No.7209457
File: 243 KB, 1024x1366, Spooky Mask by GTAtomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo guys, I had a fucking epiphany.
Internally, the Spooky Mask is called REDEAD_MASK, so what if Ura would've expanded on the mask shit? as they are, they're worthless items, in the final version the only one which has an actual effect is the Mask of Truth.

Right, so what if the Gibdo thing was originally planned for Ura, giving them stuff to ease their regrets, but instead it would've been ReDeads and you would've used the Spooky Mask.

Dampé freaks out at you wearing that mask, implying it's a funeral mask, so the ReDeads would've been like "a dead child."

>> No.7209464

There was talk of it expanding on masks, including the ability to upload your own designs in conjunction with Mario Artist

>> No.7209471
File: 2.15 MB, 682x442, 1596076358162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209475
File: 323 KB, 760x1058, hyrule sewer theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209480

Hrm, there IS a well at the center in this pre-render...

Could be either Ikana well or: >>7209475

Right? So I MIGHT be onto something with the Gibdos asking you for stuff tying back to Ura.

>> No.7209662
File: 24 KB, 128x128, HighOnQuack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo so i haven't kept up with this since like september. i remember getting mad at that one namefag who kept posting his romhack.

so whats new?

>> No.7209673

That romhack was completed and the namefag never posted about it again. Also people are expecting a new leak around christmas eve.

>> No.7209684

good. im happy he's gone

>> No.7209693

That Falco is in some real bath salts

What romhack?

>> No.7209697

The guy doing touches to a Dr. Mario 64 rom with stuff coming from the gigaleak.

>> No.7209717
File: 103 KB, 685x529, Metroid-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance more footage or info on whatever this image is? looks third person over the shoulder Metroid RE4 style, could be early Prime, maybe the end of the Morph ball exit animation but i'd still like to see more of it
Also more info of Metroid Dread, hopefully?

>> No.7209734

>could be early Prime
It is early Prime. That map is in the final game, it's the second room in the Chozo Ruins. That's one of the few early screenshots of the game when it was still using a 3rd person camera.

>> No.7209740

>switched genres without even changing levels
kek what a piece of shit

>> No.7209750

changing a camera angle doesn't change a genre
the reason they changed to a first person camera is because they were having trouble with the 3rd person camera in enclosed areas

>> No.7209760

oh ok, my bad then, Thanks.
Was prime going to be on n64 originally? Samus look like very n64 in this
>third person
wow, I would've loved to play one like that, not like Other M but like RE4/Godhand ots style.

>> No.7209774

It was always a gamecube game, but Samus' early model was fairly rough.

>> No.7209807

It was Miyamoto's call to change perspective because according to what I've read, the First person engine was much more solid than the third person engine, plus the pespective making exploration and examination of elements and suspicious areas easier. Same reason why he also considered asking for OoT and TP as First person, but Koizumi and Aonuma respectively declined.

>> No.7209831

The official word is that he suggested it. People always make it sound like he forces things on everyone.

>> No.7209832

They always talk about Miyamoto's "bending up the tea table" or something like that as keyword for "weeks of work wasted"

>> No.7209840

I suppose that's true

>> No.7209902
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 1607704090823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda 64 A+B or A+C period build when.

>> No.7210034

any new unreleased games in this leak havent kept up with it wats interesting

>> No.7210042

US localization of X, the 3D game Argonaut made for the GB.
An english localization of one of the Robopon games.
Super Donkey, apparently a Donkey Kong game that became Yoshi's Island after Rare got the liscence to make DKC.

And the quintessential Nintendo 64 cancelled game that everyone was hoping for: [spoilers]Mirror House Cornflakes.

>> No.7210139

by lurking harder, newfag tourist

>> No.7210171
File: 239 KB, 262x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of these E3 DS Demos or prototypes of well known DS games

>New Super Mario Bros
>Animal Crossing GCN port
>Super Mario 64x4
>Sonic DS
>Mario Kart DS


>> No.7210425

Where's the bottom pic from?
This is the Prime we should have gotten.
It literally does. Primefags have no appreciation for Samus' acrobatics in the 2D games. Once the point of view switched to first person the only option was to limit Samus' jumping abilities, sort of like... whats the word... oh yeah, a first person shooter.

>> No.7210563

He only does that when hes in charge of the project.

>> No.7210634

>Where's the bottom pic from?
Forest temple.

>> No.7210643


way too much soi in that video idk how anyone can stomach this kid I only made it a few minutes

>> No.7210796

If you find the files for the Great Ace Attorney localization (between part 7/8) please and thank you

>> No.7210872

So is the Christmas leak a bust? Have we been bamboozled?

>> No.7210903

we don't know yet

>> No.7211097


>So is the Christmas leak a bust? Have we been bamboozled?

>> No.7211101

have there been any earthbound 64 leaks?

>> No.7211110

No, stop asking. Folks around here tend to get irritated whenever somebody asks about that in particular.

>> No.7211115

Can someone please leak the Spaceworld build of Mario 64?

>> No.7211125

That video would be watchable if the nigger didn't act like an overdramatic faggot in acquiring the game.

>> No.7211143

"Almost" Christmas means it's not Christmas (yet)!

>> No.7211165

This will always be funny to me

>> No.7211439

FFVII SNES edition.
Rayman SNES.

>> No.7211503

So, does Pokémon Gen 1 source code still exists or the autist really deleted it in a shitfit?

>> No.7211531

It's been many months since I paid attention to these gigaleaks. I just want to know: has anything related to N64 Sin & Punishment leaked? Specifically, perhaps high-quality recordings of the music?

>> No.7211546

Don't believe so, most of the more recent leaks had to do with Switch-generation Pokemon and Wii firmware.

>> No.7211554

What is it about Pokémon that attracts so many autists capable of coding but zero interest outside Pokémon?

>> No.7211575

I'm not really sure what having the ability to code has to do with selecting what gets leaked?

>> No.7212247
File: 1.14 MB, 1415x912, firefox_2020-12-24_16-57-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212252
File: 390 KB, 480x355, firefox_2020-12-24_17-02-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212304
File: 283 KB, 525x409, firefox_2020-12-24_18-39-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212341 [DELETED] 
File: 943 KB, 1024x768, vlcsnap-2020-12-24-18h48m37s018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212380

IIRC we already got the NES/HVC lotcheck and it had nothing
I'd love to see more unreleased NES games just as much as you though

>> No.7212384

You're just hyping up a another pokemon leak,and it's not like a certain prototype from a famous nintendo 64 plumber game

>> No.7212389

Was it really a full NES lotcheck?

I recall there were NES roms and we got a lost hockey simulator from the first leak, but it wasn't a full lot check wasn't it?

>> No.7212393

It was like every retail NES and HVC rom, but only those
Hit the Ice wasn't even from that archive, it was from an email attachment on Nintendo's servers

>> No.7212405

have fun

>> No.7212413


Can anyone check what is this? Not trusting this 200kb file lol

>> No.7212415
File: 2.07 MB, 2048x1536, vlcsnap-2020-12-24-18h48m37s018(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to the ppg discord
its a shitty family guy meme

>> No.7212484



>> No.7212493

Surely you can conjure up more dolphin porn than that.

>> No.7212496

I'm amazed these retards are still at it. Not a single one of their fake bullshit fooled anyone in any of the old threads and yet still they try.

>> No.7212564


>> No.7212615


>> No.7212651

>password is 100+ random characters
Why is the leaker like this?

>> No.7212696

Why is the zipper like this?

>> No.7212714

A present from me,enjoy!

>> No.7212729

nope. not even worth a (you).

>> No.7212834

Pack it up guys, it's nothing for us.
Switch Bootrom leaked and some Let's Go stuff.

>> No.7212851

You have any evidence to back up this claim?

>> No.7212863

nothing at all

>> No.7212867

See if I can do this right.

>> No.7212882
File: 164 KB, 500x392, 989a1480c924980649a7cc5b36e21ee8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so now that the source code is leaked does this mean we will be getting a PC port of misadventures of tron bonne?

>> No.7212890
File: 83 KB, 300x225, unnamed (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



mmm root beer

>> No.7212894
File: 63 KB, 320x240, unnamed (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212898
File: 938 KB, 500x480, ezgif-5-04125a4820ce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212901


>> No.7212906

Well fuck me this might make owning a Switch worthwhile

>> No.7212937
File: 324 KB, 500x350, tumblr_m0oom5idt81qb1m9to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212947

This isn't going to magically make good games on the switch.

>> No.7212952
File: 3.56 MB, 324x212, ezgif-5-33d71a95642e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212960
File: 1.04 MB, 500x453, ezgif-5-1eebd6a1a91b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212963

stop spamming the thread

>> No.7212964
File: 3.76 MB, 316x193, ezgif-5-f79c4ac06f5f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212965

wrap it up guys, its over. we got some bootrom and some boring beta build for a shitty pokemon spinoff. it's over guys. WRAP IT UP

>> No.7212971

No but it'll give us free games.

>> No.7212972
File: 334 KB, 500x394, 2e2499e6d59d3c0717f1448c86ac65c1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7212978

christmas is ruined

>> No.7213034

if we're really lucky the bootrom with finally drive nintendo to drive to wack0's house and jail everyone wack0 sent files to

>> No.7213039

its like sonic a magnet for autism

>> No.7213197


>> No.7213450

Can someone whose computer isn't a total piece of crap try this? I got it to load in one emulator and it looks like just Mario 64 hacked with the HUD of the Shoshinkai demo, but I can't be sure.

>> No.7213459

whoops passed the fuck out and forgot about it, sorry fellas
merry christmas

>> No.7213464

What? How
I could emulate N64 games on my 700MHZ I don't exactly remember what fucking processor it was (before even dual core, 20 or so years ago) PC, how the fuck can't you emulate an N64 rom or run the Mario port, if that's indeed what it is

>> No.7213468

just a beta hack

>> No.7213476

It's a SM64 hack where Mario is replaced Tomoko from Watamote. Not the ROM I wanted, but definitely the ROM I needed. Thanks, fake leaker-kun.
I was exaggerating how slow it is, but I was only able to get it to load in the special Goldeneye/Perfect Dark version of 1964 that I downloaded ages ago, except now the emulator isn't recognizing any of my key inputs and I don't know where my gamepad is, so I could only watch the gameplay demo at the start screen. Anyway, I hate when people lie/exaggerate how easy N64 emulation was 20 years ago but I'll wait until after Christmas to call you a faggot.

>> No.7213478
File: 40 KB, 1024x1024, blob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi mum I'm the first Christmas leak reply

>> No.7213482

>17.8 GB
Good grief. Welp, there's only one way to find out...

>> No.7213487

No, I swear to god I could do Mario 64 with UltraHLE back then on my supra normal setup despite most of the games for that emu requiring a fucking voodoo card, but somehow SM64 just worked with it
I don't exactly remember what emulator I was using back then, but I remember playing Majora's Mask on the same setup before western launch, the menu screen was glitched with a billion ocarinas

>> No.7213495

any for 3ds?

>> No.7213501

godspeed anon, let us know how much of that is dolphin porno

>> No.7213529

look at what ive replied to, this is stuff from capcom leaks that i've re-upped.

the actual leak happened a while ago, it's an eevee.zip with some (probably pokemon prototype) nsp that i didnt put on my switch yet to test yet and the bootrom source code for the switch, which should make hunting for a new bootrom exploit real fun


>> No.7213532
File: 114 KB, 677x718, spiritkush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving the leakers my energy

>> No.7213535

>bootrom source code for the switch, which should make hunting for a new bootrom exploit real fun

>> No.7213541
File: 28 KB, 680x491, eccoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there go my hopes for 17.8 GB of dolphin porn.
haha, based

>> No.7213542

ya once someone digs through all that and maybe finds a new vuln

>> No.7213553

Fingers crossed

>> No.7213557

sorry senpai, best i can offer is a delphine porn mega link

>> No.7213578

I appreciate the kind offer Anon, but I've probably already seen the best of it.
Unless whatever her Christmas video is was more explicit than the bj/facial videos she released a while back, but I doubt it.
Here's hoping some kind individual in the hacking community decides to release some old Nintendo thing they've been sitting on for a while. I'd be happy with anything /vr/ related at this point.

>> No.7213595

Post it anyway

>> No.7213597

let's see it

>> No.7213607

from what i've seen there are a very short clip of her getting pounded and riding someone, but i think the real thing hasn't been dropped yet



>> No.7213612
File: 1.05 MB, 3000x2143, on_the_rotor_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did the japanese mean by this

>> No.7213812
File: 843 KB, 244x244, 84years.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me after it's been Christmas for a few hours and I still don't have the final dump of Sound Fantasy

>> No.7213814

>Sound Fantasy
At the risk of sounding like a zoomanon, what is this?

>> No.7213834

finished unreleased game that didn't get included on SNES Classic because it doesn't come with a mouse, from the Electroplankton guy

>> No.7213836

SNES game by Electroplankton developer.
Has a leaked beta with three modes, but the finished version (showcased in 2014in expos) has 4 modes.

>> No.7213839

Sound Fantasy isn't even the game I'd most like to see, it's just the meme game of the moment

>> No.7213848

gimme my shang tsung 1995 mario 64 already dammit

>> No.7213858

Surprised this MEGA link hasn't been posted here yet:


Legit proto dump. Nothing too exciting for Nintendo fans, at least as far as I can see, but PS and XBox fags might find something good there.

>> No.7213873

and there's my christmas present
where did you find this? i couldn't find any info about it anywhere

>> No.7213883

>over terabyte of data
>on mega
Even with something like Jdownloader 2 I suspect this to get taken down before you can download it thanks to their download limits.

>> No.7213889

That's the Obscure Gamers Terarelease

>> No.7213892

It was posted in the /vp/ thread:
Also, what >>7213889 said
And the folder is named Tera Release 1.0, so there could be more on the way, maybe? Fingers crossed.

>> No.7213918

why bother releasing more if it's all shovelware

>> No.7213920

>Halo 3

>> No.7213925

I rephrase my statement, the leak has a good chunk of shovelware and a trash game

>> No.7214096
File: 208 KB, 500x375, hankhilldolphin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love dolphin porn

>> No.7214278

Megabasterd works for files below 4gb at least

>> No.7214475
File: 141 KB, 340x189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give the ghost up just yet, boys!
As long as it's Christmas somewhere, there's still hope.

>> No.7214665

.sou anon here

i'm glad to see these threads up and running again. i'm hoping for an early mario 64 prototype/prerelease, as well as possibly some unreleased 64dd games, if the leak happens, that is.

>> No.7214883


>> No.7214887

actually I remember what emulator I used everyday that just worked on my setup, it was Nemu64. Without having special hardware, it was the one that could run the most stuff on most hardware before Project64. However, by the time Majora's Mask was out, maybe Project 64 was out? Not sure

>> No.7215721

Any chances of getting the password for Goldeneye XBLA?

>> No.7215740


>> No.7215809

>bbgames ezbuilds:
>majora's mask

>> No.7215878
File: 50 KB, 1699x562, firefox_2020-12-25_19-21-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just master roms
nobody found these

>> No.7215907
File: 69 KB, 863x1024, 1604871611245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all shovelware
>this is what the faggots at OG were hyping up

>> No.7215915

Well, it's Christmas. Any major discoveries or is it another classic case of "wow it's fucking nothing?"

>> No.7215925

Close to fucking nothing. We've got a Switch bootrom which could be of use to hackers and a beta for one of the worst Pokemon games.

>> No.7215952

Anything new relating to star fox?

>> No.7215953


>> No.7215954

What do you hope will be revealed?

>> No.7215972

To be perfectly honest? Either the 2004 4-months build of Twilight Princess (the one that was shown on E3 2004) or a Zelda 64 build from the A+B or A+C period of development.

I'm not a Mother fan, but Earthbound 64 would be interesting. The game was 63% complete before cancellation, so it'd be neat to see what was done and how hard it differs from Mother 3.

>> No.7215975

Anything about star fox since you originally replied to that? As for me, I know this won't happen but I hope there is anything relating to Metroid 1.5 (the game pitch before MP2 Echoes)

>> No.7215985

Oh my bad.
Tangentally related: An n64 build of Dinosaur Planet.

Maybe an earlier build of Assault, since that game was delayed after a pretty back E3 backlash.
Did MP1.5 even had any actual development though? I thought all was just concept art.

>> No.7215995

There was a backlash against Assault at E3? How come I don't remember this?

>> No.7216004

I don't remember the specifics, but something about Assault's original announcement went belly up for Namco.
It was intended for a November 2004 release, but got delayed a year.

>> No.7216018

Metroid 1.5 didn't make it past the Design Concept draft and it's associated concept art. The artwork was eventually re-used for Prime 2 and that's as far as it goes.

>> No.7216020

Because it looked god awful and wasn't what fans wanted at all after Adventures

>> No.7216025

I still have some hope. The hunter spire from Metroid Prime Hunters was an unused enemy design from Raven Blade or so I heard. So there's a chance some alphas for ideas with 1.5 exist

>> No.7216026

>That voice
Holy fuck.

>> No.7216037

Anything's possible, I suppose. I'm just stating what the record shows.

>> No.7216075

It looks almost exactly like the game we got, which was 10 times more Star Fox than Adventures.
Isn't it the same voice actor used in the final?

>> No.7216082

Assault is as much star fox as Adventures

>> No.7216094

Are you kidding? Adventures' flying levels are more like bonus stages between planets than anything else, whereas at least half of Assault takes place in the air.

>> No.7216102

Aside from the HUD this doesn't really look any different from the final, though the only thing they're showing here is multiplayer.

>Isn't it the same voice actor used in the final?
It sounds similar enough, but a little off, like higher pitched or something. Perhaps he adjusted his Fox voice to be deeper for the final.

>> No.7216118

And Assault has just 3 very lackluster on rail stages with noalternative paths.

>> No.7216140

So what are the all range stages to you, chopped liver? Those are a big part of what makes a Star Fox game as well.

>> No.7216143

What a fucking shame, but I expect no-less from this dogshit cocksucker year. Merry Christmas niggers.

>> No.7216167

Anon, we got the first part of the Gigaleak this year. You should count your blessings.

>> No.7216209

>finished clayfighter 63 1/3 was a Blockbuster rental exclusive and still didn't have Hobocop

you can blame nintendo for that one

>> No.7216210

All range was never a strong part of the star fox series and Assault had very repetitive and annoying ones, especially mission 9

>> No.7216256
File: 82 KB, 850x1200, krystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I'm bothering to respond since you're clearly willing to stick to your idiosyncratic idea of what Star Fox in spite of any facts I present you, but here goes nothing:

1. You say it was never a "strong" part of the Star Fox series, but that's your own opinion and not a valid argument. Excluding Star Fox Adventures, since that was a spinoff with a different gameplay style, prior to Star Fox Assault there was only ONE Star Fox game that mattered, and that was Star Fox 64. SNES Star Fox wasn't part of the series canon anymore since Star Fox 64 was a remake.
2. In addition all-range mode being available in several boss fights, 5 of the 16 stages in that game are completely all-range.
3. In attempting to be more like a traditional Star Fox game than Adventures, Assault has 3 flight-only all-range mode stages and 3 on rail stages. Your opinion of the quality of these stages is irrelevant. They are populated with enemies and objectives to accomplish and are objectively closer to the spirit of classic Star Fox than any of the boring asteroid field mini stages the Dinosaur Planet team had to scramble to quickly put together as they converted it to a Star Fox game.
4. Cope.

>> No.7216258

All Range was a massive part of SF64. If you're going to pretend to be a Star Fox fan, you gotta try harder.

>> No.7216285

>SNES Star Fox wasn't part of the series canon anymore since Star Fox 64 was a remake.
Star Fox 64 is what would nowadays be considered a reboot, not a real remake. The term just wasn't in popular usage back then. Also, at least by the time of Adventures, the Japs considered the SNES and N64 games parallel to each other. The existence of Zero and reintroduction of 2 muddies the waters though, I don't envy whoever has to make sense of the current canon for the next game.

>> No.7216294

>Assault is as much star fox as Adventures
That is to say it's peak Star Fox?

>> No.7216353

Sometimes I think about how hellish it is to be a Fire Emblem fan pre-Awakening, and then I remember people like this exist for Star Fox.

>> No.7216468

So Christmas leak was a ruse?

>> No.7216473

being alive is just one giant ruse

>> No.7216668
File: 79 KB, 653x653, 617960cfa3101bf2ed6ca9501f63b4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting patiently for the christmas leak since summer
>actually pray to god that someone somewhere has the full ocarina of time or mario 64 source code
>christmas finally comes

I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up but it still hurts. The leaks during the summer were the highlight of my year, possibly my whole life. I'm forever grateful for what we have acquired so far though: Pokemon, Star Fox, all the N64 stuff, Super Donkey. It was a good time.

>> No.7216714

We have the full Mario 64 source and OoT is about 50% done.

>> No.7216769

The hacked together source or one ripped from Nintendo?

>> No.7216772

Hacked together, it's no different from the original source. It calls all the same functions identically

>> No.7217181

Wrap it up, fellas. Santa has forsaken us.

>> No.7217192

jesus couldnt carry us. our sins were too heavy and his back broke

>> No.7217240

All range mode is also weakest parts of star fox 64 as well. There was nothing to the stages themselves besides mostly empty space fighting against not so smart AI. At least with a game like Star Fox 2 they built the whole game around its premise and you're fighting against the clock due to other things going on which makes some of the mediocre stages more fun to play. As Fox Assault, it tries to emulate 64 like the 3 on rail stages you mentioned and the pseudo sector z level with orbital gate but it is just does it worse for several reasons.

>> No.7217248

It's the opposite of what you said. The mid 2000s is the worst era for starfox

>> No.7217252

Never thought about it but you're right. It's exclusive to one vehicle and mostly about swinging around in slow arcs to ineffective targets. All range kinda sucks, a weak addition.

>> No.7217256
File: 105 KB, 454x300, miracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7217291

The full repository would have the entire development of the game though. So we'd have early builds too.

>> No.7217295
File: 209 KB, 800x600, 1559725198074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7217314

All range with any vehicle would suck if the stages and objectives in the level aren't good

>> No.7217375
File: 158 KB, 840x683, 555-5555084_grotesque-steve-steveposting-steveposting-grotesque-steve-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking forward to anything besides death

>> No.7217828

>The full repository would have the entire development of the game though
Do we even know if Nintendo was doing version control at all at that timeframe? For all we know, they could have just occasionally made backups of the entire project.

>> No.7218224

That seemed to be the case in the last leak. People could only read the files by using an outdated version control system iirc. They only shared the most recent revision with the IQue servers though.

>> No.7218430

Yes, I believe they had a CVS repo for Link's Awakening, so they started either in 93 at least. I could be forgetting some earlier games from the leak

I believe we have one for OOT, but it's completely broken and gutted

>> No.7218535 [DELETED] 

Was this real or not?
22gb of xbone security is kinda big deal

>> No.7218538 [DELETED] 

Sorry, wrong link

>> No.7218543

Was this real or not?
>mega nz / folder / kQhViKDZ#yvhndCmVuRu9gnlWXZN60Q
22gb of xbone security is kinda big deal

>> No.7218567

>pruned from warosu
I dare say it might be.

>> No.7218574

i'm kind of outdated, what leaked in the past few weeks?

>> No.7218608

There will be one more final leak on New Years Eve.
This will be the biggest leak of them all. I'm talking next gen console to replace the Switch. Even the legendary Miyamoto HR emails. It's all there.

>> No.7218612

and of course earthbound 64
and ura zelda
and spaceworld mario

>> No.7218626

Switch Bootrom, LGE source and 2 autists arguing on /v/

>> No.7218630

a big fat slice of nothing
thanks for the update

>> No.7218862

>It's all there
That part is true, riley had access to miyamoto's account. But none of that will leak anytime soon

>> No.7218863

>. Even the legendary Miyamoto HR emails.
Go on...

>> No.7218872

At least give us a tidbit. I don't care if its LARP.
How mean of a boss is he IRL?

>> No.7218892

I never saw the files, riley only posted a screencap of the email headers and they checked out. He gave everything to his RoL pals so maybe we'll see em one day, but the active leakers belong to a much outer circle and don't have any of the really cool stuff.

>> No.7218909

God damn it, why are they like this?
I miss oldschool hackers and leakers who'd dump games and shit unapologetically back in the day.

>> No.7218927

muh fame

>> No.7218980

Clayfighter title is probably meant to be like the Naked Gun movie title

>> No.7218985

We in 2077 boys

>> No.7219086

h-hey gigaleak thread so was anything found about fire emblem 64

>> No.7219472


>> No.7219483

this comment won't age well

>> No.7219685

hopefully, couldn't care less about next console or message texts

>> No.7220220


>> No.7220224

Damn dude you are gay as a bitch

>> No.7220239

gay as a bitch

>> No.7220397

It exists in the form of PRET. They have black boxed their way to source code that compiles to the byte level a direct match of what is dumped from a rom.

>> No.7220406

>Having first person shooting mechanics means the game is "literally" a first person shooter
And let me guess, Mega Man is a platformer right? Fucking retard.

>> No.7220414

It is, it has a strong focus on platforming challenges and even auto-scrollers not unlike SMB3, unlike, say, a Run and Gun like Contra.

The X series, however, has more focus on combat, especially since Wall Jump gives you a means of saving yourself from a bottomless pit, although I wouldn't quite call that a run and gun either... IIRC there's an interview with Inti's CEO about how they referenced the classic series over the X series for MMZ's platforming.

>> No.7220441
File: 76 KB, 639x595, 1240393095655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like someone who wasn't here during the gigaleak. It was truly a magical experience.

>> No.7220445

You weren't here for the first leak, were you? It fucking WAS magical. We got to see all sorts of early SNES shit we were never supposed to see.

>> No.7220449

see >>7210425 and cope

>> No.7220482

Miyamoto is a tyrant that has regular run ins with the HR department over at Nintendo Japan HQ. Business is different over there so it's not like he was threatened with losing his job, but he's been told to cool it down and stop going berserk at younger devs or foreigners.

>> No.7220521

Tell me more. Exactly what's his acts of tyranny? What goes beyond making sure people do their jobs? He hates foreign devs? Like Retro Studios

>> No.7220535

An example would be when he used to walk into the tiny office where the 2 britbongs were working on the SNES Starfox game and blow smoke in their faces while asking them (in Japanese) what was taking so long and why were brits so lazy and worked so few hours
The whole Donkey Kong fiasco with Rare which everyone knows
Chewing out junior staff working on the Paper Mario games for trying to introduce too much story or give the characters too much background lore / personality etc.

>> No.7220541

Koei Tecmo just got hacked as well
Not sure if any of the contents are /vr/

>> No.7220545

>The whole Donkey Kong fiasco with Rare which everyone knows
I don't know this fiasco outside of changing Jr for Diddy and the fake quote.

But man, blowing smoke at their faces? Are you serious? Thats so... Like, he doesn't give that vibe. He gives the vibe of strict and stubborn, a hardass but not outright asshole.

I wonder if Aonuma and Koizumi are like this...

>> No.7220547

I could believe he's ripped Retro a new one on occasion. He had a (perhaps begrudging) sense of respect for Rare, and besides the input he gave on DKC and Dinosaur Planet, he mostly left them to their own devices. Whereas Retro Studios (and most Western studios that work on Nintendo IP) are assigned the same two NCL producers/babysitters on everything they do, Kensuke Tanabe and Risa Tabata.

>> No.7220550

>But man, blowing smoke at their faces? Are you serious? Thats so... Like, he doesn't give that vibe. He gives the vibe of strict and stubborn, a hardass but not outright asshole.
Different Anon, but I've seen Giles Goddard give that anecdote in an interview and not include the blowing it in their faces part, just that he'd smoke and ask them questions.

>> No.7220554

It's been theorized the Japanese way if working till near death is a reason why the original Retro team left to form Armature, right?

>> No.7220556

Probably not, but don't be surprised if some early Other M material gets out and mods turn a blind eye to discussion here.

>> No.7220562

First I'm hearing of that. I knew the original MP team was long gone but I didn't realize they formed a new studio.

>> No.7220568

I wonder if it was begrudgingly... Story goes he was the one to advocate for Retro while Yokoi was adamant the graphics war was a mistake and didn't like their pitch for SGI graphics

>> No.7220571

Yeah, one of their first pitches as an independent developer was a cancelled FPS reboot Mega Man X and also did a Metroidvania 2.5 Batman game.

>> No.7220579

>Story goes he was the one to advocate for Retro while Yokoi was adamant the graphics war was a mistake and didn't like their pitch for SGI graphics
You mean Rare. Yokoi died before Retro Studios came into being.

>> No.7220581

>FPS reboot Mega Man X
Oh dang, that was them? I was so relieved when I read that Capcom Japan shot that down.

>> No.7220582

Yeah, Rare.
In my defense, its 3 am CT rn lol

>> No.7220585

Yup, even the concept art is very Prime-esque, which imo doesn't mesh well with Mega Man X at all.

>> No.7220598

I wonder if Miyamoto has come to hate his creation and fans like a ton of content creators do nowadays

>> No.7220650

Ever hear of Sean Malstrom? He's a blogger who writes a lot of cranky articles about modern Nintendo. /v/ hates him, the ones who've heard of him at least. Anyway, for over a decade he's pushed the conspiracy theory that Miyamoto hates 2D Mario. Absolutely despises it because games like SMB3 and Super Mario World represent a creative plateau that he was never able to reach with 3D Mario. I used to think that was a load of bunk, but when I reflect on where 2D Mario has been for the last decade and a half, from the sterile, uninspired graphics and squishy physics of the NSMB series to the "hey kids, even YOU can make 2D Mario games now!" approach they took with Mario Maker, I can't help but think that maybe he does look back on some of his earlier games with scorn. I mean he's even given interviews where he said he was embarrassed by Zelda II and SMB3.

>> No.7220662

Oh, I remember sean's blog mainly because of his commentary on NotEnoughShaders' interview with the guy in charge of marketing the GameCube.

Zelda 2 I realize why he's regretful, they didn't do the usual experimenting with the game and just stuck to a plan so it could've been better, but what has he said about SMB3?

As for NSMB being shit, isn't that on Tezuka? He directed those games.

>> No.7220678

It's not that he's ashamed of it, but to hear him talk about things could've been much better sounds to me like he doesn't get why fans still hold it in such high regard.
>As for NSMB being shit, isn't that on Tezuka? He directed those games.
It is. I daresay a lot of the more cutesy and feminine aspects of modern Mario come from Tezuka's influence. Miyamoto used to speak out against Mario seeming too cute, but with Odyssey it seems he didn't bother (interviews with Koizumi suggest he was mostly uninvolved with Odyssey but very, very closely involved with Galaxy 2 after the kerfuffle between him and Koizumi over Galaxy 1's story), and the only time he got involved with NSMB was when they added four player co-op on the Wii version). All in all, I get the impression that Miyamoto is taking more and more of a backseat role on the Mario franchise as he focuses instead on projects like Nintendo World. Koizumi is something like the official Mario supervisor now (if that's even a thing), and Tezuka is there as an advisor, as always (rightfully so, since he's been with Mario since the first SMB).

>> No.7220698
File: 3.87 MB, 3615x3911, Retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could believe he's ripped Retro a new one on occasion.

>> No.7220904

That has been public knowledge for MANY MANY years already, without any dumb leaks. So post real news or just stfu.

>> No.7220915

scat porn

>> No.7220921

Alternatively, he could just post whatever he wants since you're the only one here who's being a prick about it.

>> No.7220930

His emails are public knowledge? Okay cool link them here

>> No.7220954

Any new leaks revealed publicly about NDS games besides Pokémon?

>> No.7221037

i want duelin firemen for 3do!

>> No.7221050
File: 3.37 MB, 3946x4143, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping for some Rekoeition Series & Three Kingdoms 7 RPG Mode source code.

>> No.7221778

>seeing autists piece together Luigi's cut SM64 model
>seeing autists find levels and assets that have only ever appeared in magazines prior for OOT
>seeing all that ALTTP early content

>> No.7221925

Funny how these leaks were amazing while this Christmas leak (sans maybe the goldeneye leak if the pass is ever cracked) is underwhelming.

>> No.7222074

>Koei Tecmo states that the breach only affected the forum and not other portions of the site. They also say that no financial information was stored in this database.

>> No.7222384

Seems fake

>> No.7223081

Nah, LA has no version control. It's just a ton of folders and files strewn about. Complete mess.

>> No.7224145

crossing my fingers for new years.

>> No.7224161

Can one of you nerds kindly explain to a casual lurker//v/ tourist what you all mean by "CVS" and "version control" in layman's terms?

>> No.7224184

Version control is a way for groups of people to work together on a large project. One person can update a group of files, and that change gets added to a database. By looking through the database, you can see the history of every single change that was made to create the product. CVS is a type of version control.

>> No.7224230

Ah, I think I get it now, thank you for the explanation.
>By looking through the database, you can see the history of every single change that was made to create the product.
Does that mean you could easily roll back changes?

>> No.7224235

Yes, rolling back changes or recreating the code base for a specific build would be very easy.

>> No.7224253

So what was missing from the CVS files in the last leak that's preventing us from rolling back to an earlier version of, say, LttP? Would you need the kind of computer system Nintendo devs used or is just trying to read the raw code enough to bring back some earlier changes?

>> No.7224303

Someone with that leak would need to answer that question for sure. My guess is that since CVS is a server-based version control system, they only had a copy of what would be on a user's machine, not the server. The server stores the full database of history, while the client has just what it needs at the time.

>> No.7224305

>CVS is a server-based version control system
Am I reading this wrong or are you saying Nintendo's file system would have been connected via a local internet even back in the early 90s when LttP was being made?

>> No.7224353

Yes, company intranets were standard back then

>> No.7225576

the backups were of individual user workstations and many failed the backup process

>> No.7225695

Failed how?

>> No.7225892

What the heck are you talking about? Intranets are always a thing at most companies, even for a simple file server.

>> No.7226000

CVS Pharmacy

>> No.7226320
File: 140 KB, 1270x627, The Victory of Entropy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like its only ever 5% that gets preserved, 95% is lost.

>> No.7226530
File: 37 KB, 600x815, 1600196813503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we just get one big lotcheck dump
Why don't we get at least a tiny bit of a "hey don't worry we do have the things you want and they will leak"
Every leak fills me with worry that this is it and that the 64DD or VB or Satellaview lotchecks will never come

>> No.7226596

>it's common therefore it's okay
what a sociopath

>> No.7227265


>> No.7228280

It's not okay, not morally right.
But it IS legal.

>> No.7228397

Good, fuck Nu Nintendo

>> No.7229251

the lttp files have no version control

>> No.7229272

There is nothing morally wrong with hiring people to gangstalk the competition. That's just business.

>> No.7229279

Why? Because they shut down tournaments where people were using pirated roms? Because they stopped a "charity"(1% was going to charity) that was misusing their trademarks? Nintendo has done nothing wrong. Go take a shower.

>> No.7229282

sorry, meant for >>7228397

>> No.7229918

ahh, alright

People were talking about having a shitload of versions and most of 'em were broken, so I assumed it was another broken CVS repo or something

>> No.7229940

Has there been any leaks for Shadowrun games?

>> No.7230071
File: 17 KB, 200x113, Keroro-gunso-wallpaper-keroro-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off bitch. Put me in the btfo screencap if you want. Two days.

>> No.7230278
File: 2.48 MB, 480x360, walking into a nintendo thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo loves you

>> No.7230314

>I'm talking next gen console to replace the Switch
Not really interesting or big.

>> No.7230319

Which Yakuza game? Never played them, which one's beginner friendly?

>> No.7230457

Nevermind, got it. Bless you anon, I needed that laugh.

>> No.7231817


>> No.7232749

Gotta keep this thread alive for New Year's Eve. One more day. Bump.

>> No.7233608
File: 2.42 MB, 630x469, meh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want something kirby-related

>> No.7234421

The games were their own rips. Shut the fuck up, you corporate stooge.

>> No.7234890

dont you love it when fgcucks suck it up to nintendo bullshit while doing the same shit blantantly because Capcom doesnt give a damn?

>> No.7234916

quick, somebody dig up the Star Fox musou they pitched

>> No.7234932

liar and schizo

>> No.7235557

Anything relating to star fox?

>> No.7236041 [DELETED] 

https://discord.gg/BAZhhSySGN join the ppg6 discord

>> No.7236058 [DELETED] 

discord_gg/BAZhhSySGN join the ppg6 discord

>> No.7236071

this thread sucks
if nothing happens im going back to spamming tron bonne

>> No.7236078

Is it happening? Because I think there's a chance it might be happening.

>> No.7236120


is that animated cartoon fan series still up on youtube or did nintendo kill it?

>> No.7236128

It's still up. All he did was change the title.

4.5 years later and still no episode 2.

>> No.7236156

hes drawing it by himself and he uses zbrush to make the head movements photorealistic im not surprised

>> No.7236872


whats it called now

>> No.7237602

Fox in Space.

>> No.7237823

Has there been any leaks for Shadowrun games?

>> No.7237867

Nope. What are you hoping for, and uncensored console port?

>> No.7237868

Literally anything

>> No.7238263

well, is there any Shoshinkai leaks?
Like, More SM64 beta content?

>> No.7238271

Hello, is there any more Shoshinkai 1995 content?
I am making a hack, or leak SGI graphics archive.
to have the original castle and models.

>> No.7238325

I knew there was a reason I had refused to buy a Switch after all these years.

>> No.7238348

Hey guys can someone leak the TPP?

that would be cool

>> No.7238367

>Doesn't mention conker.
You aren't in the least bit curious about pocket tales?

>> No.7239956

Is there any chance more SNES material was preserved other than what was in the July gigaleaks and the NEWS workstations?

>> No.7240043

so any playable roms or is it just trash

>> No.7240327

completely coincidental but a proto of fucking SONIC 1 was found. with the green hill ball and victory jump

>> No.7240609
File: 15 KB, 320x224, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(16-bit)_(Prototype)_(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, here's that

>> No.7240658

it has the fucking EVERYTHING. sparkling, clock ork, green hill ball, labyrinth old bq, jump of joy. thats every single major beta element known of sonic 1 no?

>> No.7240659

It also has a night mode

>> No.7240963


>> No.7241000

i havent used genesis emulator in decades. wtf is .md? its not .bin or .smd anymore? is gens not the big honcho anymore?

>> No.7241004

It has the Tokyo Game Show level despite not being the Tokyo Game Show prototype

>> No.7241075
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1375972327274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source this immediately

>> No.7241213

They transitioned to md format long ago
Kega Fusion for Windoze, Retroarch for uppity linux kidsz

>> No.7241268

Genesis Plus GX core in Retroarch has done pretty well for me, Picodrive is also fairly solid, though there are plenty of other emulators that may be better in their own way

>> No.7241276

Retroarch isn't linux specific, and kega fusion hasn't been updated in a long time, though still remains as one of the top Sega emulators (the only update kega fusion did get was only for that polymega thing as they got Steve snake on for that supposedly)