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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 440 KB, 2000x1500, 249636_5A699DF6-9E8E-4B11-A5A7-E852E94922B9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7189423 No.7189423 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you assume everyone who wants to play SDTV consoles on modern TVs are doing so because "their wives don't want a CRT in the house and they have no say in the matter."

At least for me I'm doing it because I want to change up the experience and see how good original hardware can work on a modern display. I still have a CRT for the traditional classic console experience (and I need it to play light gun games) but change isn't always a step down either.

>> No.7189427

Nobody fucking cares nigger, play your games and enjoy them. Now shut up

>> No.7189428

Who told you this? I think you are projecting.

>> No.7189450

Just ignore faggots that only shitpost or want to justify their autistic hoarding. I have 15khz and 31khz CRTs and they are a novelty at best when my OLED has even better contrast, geometry, resolution, size, and comparable latency.

>> No.7189463


>> No.7189492
File: 28 KB, 240x240, 1564140339404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw got 3 tvs in my house and none of them can display my ps1, I got some hdmi adapter but it looks like ass

>> No.7189510

upvoted, liked, subscribed, retweeted.

>> No.7189527

Those Hyperkin things are a sack of shit.

You need something like a RetroTINK or RAD2x.

>> No.7189528

Thanks, I needed more incentive to never get married.

>> No.7189540

I assume it's your daddys wife that won't let you have a CRT in your room.
For you, you're doing it because that. If you even have a CRT it's a tiny piece of shit you overpaid for, but 99% probability you're larping. I could understand wanting to play on a yuge screen, 80" CRTs don't exist and even a 36" is hard to find and a pain in the ass to deal with. But copeposting to strangers on the internet because the only screen your poorfag parents can afford for you is a little monitor. Super cringey.

>> No.7189560

What are you talking about you absolute goon? Who said this? Sounds like some weapons-grade projection after you got told to take your trinitron to the dump.

>> No.7189621


>> No.7190504

its not the hyperkin one theyre random chink ones one cost me 10 quid the other 20 both awful quality. Yeah i was looking into the retrotink or maybe ossc. I think i might just end up getting a ps1digital when theyre back in stock

>> No.7190681

really painful setup. peak chink
peak factory worker
you on oxycodone dude?

>> No.7190702

OSSC only works if you intend to use Component.

Otherwise you also need a secondary device called a Koryuu, at which point you'd be better off just getting a RetroTINK/RAD2x.

>> No.7190757

the ps1 can do rgb over scart

>> No.7190970

So, nailed it?

>> No.7191075
File: 95 KB, 736x535, who are you talking to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7191092

I assume no one is married here.

>> No.7191239

what's the point, if you want that kinda display emulation is perfect.

>> No.7191587

what's the consensus on CRT presentation monitors?

>> No.7191682

it's also guaranteed to have shit motion blur

>> No.7191690


>> No.7191701
File: 679 KB, 750x695, EoLWfakW8AwyNz4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a CRT because it looks nice but even when I was younger I played games on plasma or LCD when it was available. It's really not that bad and the issues are blown way out of proportion. Do whatever you want and fuck the CRT fags who say otherwise, they can complain about muh input lag or muh motion blur but if it's hardly noticeable or doesn't bother you it literally does not matter.

>> No.7191795

I game and watch old media on a CRT because it helps me cope with the fact that old times won't come back, so at least I'll go to them.

>> No.7191885

plasmas are still plentiful in my area. I might try out my collection on one, if only to help heat my house during the winter

>> No.7191943

He's not using a projector, he's using a regular ass LCD monitor, are you retarded?

>> No.7192303

Ill never understand dudes that marry women who hate everything they like. I have a retro game room and at first my wife was confused by the CRT stuff but then after playing a lot of retro games with me she gets it.

>> No.7192316

>You need something like a RetroTINK or RAD2x.
Those scalers is an ass, too.
You need OSSC.

>> No.7192320

>OSSC only works if you intend to use Component.
Why anyone would use anything lower in current year-10?

>> No.7192696

That looks awful.

>> No.7193474

if not bait, then wow you are a fuckin dipshit haha
projection: "the unconscious transfer of one's own desires or emotions to another person."

>> No.7194153


>> No.7194207


>> No.7194269

I have SD consoles hooked up to a crt but valid take op

>> No.7194370 [DELETED] 
File: 833 KB, 1136x640, 9C4F1030-2D12-42B7-AB82-5E79FFB3B257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childhood crt finally broke
Where can I buy / get given a crt for under $20? All my super famicom games look awful on my flatscreen.

>> No.7194372

If you're not in bumfuck nowhere, check FB marketplace, lots of freebies

>> No.7194397 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 494x621, 07998813-6B78-49F9-97D9-E4C53654D098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a (((facebook))) account

>> No.7194419

If you wanna believe in some fantastical Hebrew boogeyman, then that's your loss.

>> No.7194627
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1548611396574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for validation on an anonymous message board

>> No.7195394

>because I want to change up the experience and see how good original hardware can work on a modern display
That's a pretty shitty excuse when it's been thoroughly documented and you're inserting fake scanlines. You sound like you're coping hard either because your wife doesn't want a CRT in the house or you're insecure as fuck and need validation from fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.7195425

your grandparents probably have one, just borrow theirs
i can agree despite being a crtfag. I know that there's value in trying to get old hardware to work with new hardware, I just prefer CRTs because they're more straight forward and I don't have to look into upscalers and shit. Plus they're more nostalgic and the novelty of playing old games on the display they were meant to be played on is nice.

>> No.7195446

OLED with a good CRT-Royale shader is the best way to view older games IMO. Perfect blacks, vibrant colors, low motion blur, low input delay especially with things like run runahead etc, plus you get a decent sized screen

The only thing CRTs really have over it is motion clarity but soon that won't be an issue anymore either

>> No.7196962


>> No.7199276

what broke?
capacitors can be replaced if they're the issue

>> No.7199483

>what broke?
This board. It cracked under the strain of zoomies obsessed with talking about shit they don't understand.

>> No.7200323

thrift store or yard sale

>> No.7201062

i agree, but that wasn't my question

>> No.7201425

But it was your answer. You know nothing about fixing a CRT. Just a cancerous (You) whore.

>> No.7202017
File: 13 KB, 300x100, ur a faget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you even the person i replied to, you flaming faggot?
if by "broke" he means the picture looks fucked up, then it could easily be the capacitors
if it doesn't turn on to begin with, then i wouldn't bother beyond that
but i guess im just a zoomer who knows nothing, why am i even bothering to help someone out

>> No.7202105

I don't care how people game with old consoles, as long as they have fun. Though I will give advice on how to make it more enjoyable, whther they listen is up to them.

>> No.7202216

So what CRTs have you fixed by replacing capacitors? You can easily provide specifics of model and exactly what the problem was if you're not just some dumb cunt parroting "muh capacitors".
>if it doesn't turn on to begin with, then i wouldn't bother beyond that
That's because you're a dumb fuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. If it just doesn't turn on it's probably a fuse or something simple like that.

>> No.7202514
File: 258 KB, 1269x763, crt board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i provide the model number of my random ass RF only TV and how i fixed it if i don't even know what his TVs problem is?
are you implying that replacing capacitors is a significantly difficult task? high schools have taught electronics for decades
my tv: magnavox pr1914
never had a service manual, so i never felt comfortable doing anything but a recap
it had geometry issues where the top half of the screen was slightly warped in certain spots vertically. it was only really noticeable in 2D games that had straight lines.
it's been almost five years since i did it, but i took a pic through the vents to show the part of the board i worked on.
i didn't replace all the capacitors, because i found some that stuck out. one was bulging at the top, and another had what i thought was probably residue next to it on the board.
i ordered replacements for only those two because no way in fuck am i going to just write them all down when there's clearly an issue with one of them
it was two of the electrolytics circled, definitely middle.
and no, i never bothered cleaning the entire thing, that's why that cable is especially nasty looking

>> No.7202523

forgot to note:
>That's because you're a dumb fuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. If it just doesn't turn on it's probably a fuse or something simple like that.
no, it's because if it's his childhood CRT, it's probably not worth fixing whatever the fuck is wrong with it unless it's especially sentimental when he can totally just pick a comparable one up at the goodwill for cheap
i really don't understand why you're acting like im some sort of poser for knowing capacitors can be replaced. i never even mentioned that i ever did it myself until you chimped out at me

>> No.7202527

Just ignore him, anon. He's just some cancerous sperg that thinks it's funny and edgy to chimp out at people for no reason.

>> No.7202568

is the ossc worth it

>> No.7203069

Well, bigshot, do you have anything to say now?

>> No.7203539

Why wouldn't you provide it? Because you're larping, that's why. Another telltale sign of your larping is how you're trying to turn this into a question of whether I think replacing capacitors is hard. No. It's one of the easiest repairs. And it's pathetic that you can't even manage to do that.

You're a poser precisely because you brought up capacitors. The only out a gave you when squawking "muh capcitors" was to larp about having done it. That was entirely intentional.

Just that I fully expect you to carry on larping and coping and look forward to it

>> No.7203559

Can you please get a life?

>> No.7203698

fpbp, OPs post reads like hes asshurt about something another anon said to him specifically.

>> No.7204369

Lol get bent faggot

>> No.7205148

how about let's see your knowledge, faggot
i wanna see how many CRTs you've repaired
go ahead, post some boards and explain to me what you've done

>> No.7205250

I honestly don't care about CRTs. I can see the appreciation of collecting and preserving old technology though. I personally just digitally archive games.

>> No.7205463

Idk dude, don't have one. I just use a CRT.

>> No.7205518

Is there any point in having 16:9 crt anymore? I'm considering getting rid of mine since all the systems that look better on crt are only capable of 4:3.

>> No.7205813

Of course you do. You're desperate to deflect from the fact that you got caught larping. But the only thing I'm going to show you is my keen skill of calling out larpers.

>> No.7205819

lmao you don't have a wife

>> No.7205821
File: 156 KB, 128x128, Sheep Shake No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their wives

>> No.7205856

>(and I need it to play light gun games)
see, this is why I want a Sinden since I don't have a CRT lying around

>> No.7205869

lmao if your wife decides whether or not you can have an old TV in your house, go ahead and get out the handcam and wait for the bull to arrive. My woman doesnt give a shit what I do and I dont give a shit what she does.

>> No.7205920

prove that im larping, i double-dog dare you, faggot fuck

>> No.7205921

The ossc is ass too. You need to spend $500 on a Frameister before you even think about playing Spyro on a Ps1.

>> No.7206027

>I *WANT* my games to look like a pixelated mess!
great blogpost nigger

>> No.7206112

>The ossc is ass too. You need to spend $500 on a Frameister before you even think about playing Spyro on a Ps1.
No, OSSC now surpasses Framemeister.
It's Lx5 mode and upsample2x option is better than anything that Framemeister can do.
And you don't need to sell a hand to buy it.

>> No.7207510

You already proved it my concocting a bullshit story and offering a picture with a circle drawn on it as proof.

>> No.7207540

Be aware that crt royale needs a 4k TV to look good, in 1080p it looks like a shitty grid. I heard 1440p is okay but games are for tvs not gay little monitors.

>> No.7207693

Do you even understand upscaling, you child?

>> No.7207739

>how good original hardware can work on a modern display
scanlines on the pic so not original hardware you larper go fuck yourself nobody cares, I use emulators btw so fuck you

>> No.7207742


>> No.7207896
File: 3.93 MB, 2000x1500, fuck that faggot who pointed this out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I can't unsee it and since I cannot, you now can't too.

>> No.7208579

Dead pixel?

>> No.7208975

no (You); your spergout has shown you're so desperately insecure that you'd demand proof that someone is able to remove and replace fucking capacitors
get help

>> No.7209150

I never demanded that you prove you're able to replace capacitors. I asked for details about the repairs you larped about doing. Since you had none you drew a circle on a picture and started deflecting like a mother fucker. And now you're projecting about your insecurities and obvious need for professional help. So sad.

>> No.7209352

>I asked for details about the repairs you larped about doing. Since you had none
hey i think you forgot to read this:
my tv: magnavox pr1914
never had a service manual, so i never felt comfortable doing anything but a recap
it had geometry issues where the top half of the screen was slightly warped in certain spots vertically. it was only really noticeable in 2D games that had straight lines.
it's been almost five years since i did it, but i took a pic through the vents to show the part of the board i worked on.
i didn't replace all the capacitors, because i found some that stuck out. one was bulging at the top, and another had what i thought was probably residue next to it on the board.
i ordered replacements for only those two because no way in fuck am i going to just write them all down when there's clearly an issue with one of them
it was two of the electrolytics circled, definitely middle.
and no, i never bothered cleaning the entire thing, that's why that cable is especially nasty looking

>> No.7209547

>hey i think you forgot to read my larp
I didn't. I've been chuckling every time I think about it.

>> No.7209667
File: 483 KB, 500x221, yeah sure ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209723

Where the fuck did this "Carts are expensive" meme come from?

I can go to any goodwill or salvation army store and find tens of 24"+ CRTs of varying ages and hookups. Fuck, I have a 27" trinitron I paid $2 for, and that was the EXPENSIVE one.

>> No.7209794

It depends where you are. In my area, charity shops and pawn shops don't take them anymore due to how heavy and bulky they are, that they need to be tested, and that they get barely any money from selling them. About the only place they pop up is on classifieds sites, either for free (rarely) or for $50+ from people that advertise them as "perfect for retro gaming!"

>> No.7209823

go outside please

>> No.7209850
File: 95 KB, 1440x1080, Chrono Trigger-201224-001010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the game itself

>> No.7209854 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1440x1080, 1608790321175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have fun

>> No.7209897

it's not a dead pixel it's the game itself.

>> No.7209940

Then what's the problem?

>> No.7209995

it's a "bugged" pixel where the pixels of the houses became a singularity because of one house. If you ever see those kinds of houses in towns then that brown dot will be there too.

>> No.7210036
File: 210 KB, 857x867, my life in gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210072
File: 26 KB, 288x265, 1395115274493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because my wife doesn't want a CRT in the house and I don't have a say in the matter.

Though honestly it was my incentive to sell the old CRT I had. I felt like I was just hoarding it and playing with emulators on my flatscreen anyway because it was less of a hassle.

>> No.7210097

Holy shit is your pic real!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

>> No.7210102

Goodwill or hope your redneck neighbor throws one on your yard

>> No.7210110

>Where the fuck did this "Carts are expensive" meme come from?
Bandwagoners crying for years about carts being expensive?
Where did this "i can't read or write" meme come from? Also zoomies?
And your obviously larping about these "tens of 24"+ CRTs" If it were true you could just buy them and flip them on eBay for tens of hundreds of of dollars profit. So you're either the stupidest person alive or larping, and probably both.

>> No.7210419


>> No.7210749

and it's unsightly.

>> No.7210776

if your wife has more than 2 dimensions then you fucked up

>> No.7211485

Whatever, don't care.

>> No.7213324

you won't be able to unsee it now, every time you replay it, you'll see it, at first you'll think you don't care until it kicks in how unsightly it is

>> No.7213780

Not that anon, but if I found a goldmine of crt's for cheap I could sell on I don't think I could be fucked to do that, sounds like a lot of effort when I could be sat enjoying video games or enjoying my free time. I have a decent job and am comfortable with money so it's not a priority

>> No.7214020

Fair enough, but anon is a 12yo larper who's failing school with reading comprehension so bad he won't be able to follow burger flipping instructions. Any way to make money that doesn't involve sucking cock is worth his effort.

>> No.7215714

you could use it to watch movies and other media with superior motion clarity. a plasma could serve the same purpose too. I've been on the hunt for a 16:9 set for a while but the rural south is a desert if you want anything good

>> No.7215906

I’ll interpret that as a impotent concession.