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7180189 No.7180189 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone done any modification to their GBAs?

>> No.7180240

I put a sticker on mine

>> No.7180249


>> No.7180258
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I took from a kid after he broke my gameboy color in half, I cast it in wax freshman year for a sculpture project and I didn’t have the heart to toss it

>> No.7180265

Jesus, dude. Take that techno babble to /g/.

>> No.7180268

>no pants
>empty wine bottles in trash

Wild night?

>> No.7181042

>le as the developer intended meme

>> No.7181608

How much wine do you fucking drink anon?

>> No.7181617

Yeah, done a few Ips kits and sold them.

>> No.7181763

How did they turn out?

>> No.7181792

how the fuck did anyone let alone a child break a GBC in half

>> No.7181813


Hit and a miss. Ive done 10 now, Gba's and GBC's all from different suppliers on ali express. From what i can tell for GBA's, the screens and ribbon cables are all the same but the shells range in quality. Some are really cheap and shit, others on par with the originals. The only issue's ive had is light bleeding on the first few i made because i cracked the lcd enclosure's jamming the new screens in. Ive gotten better so that doesn't happen anymore.

For the GBC's i'd say don't even bother. The screens are smaller than the original one's. The first one i did i used a genuine shell, and it went ok. The second time i used a repo and it was IMPOSSIBLE to make the screen sit 100% straight. pain in the fucking ass.

>> No.7181819

I thought the screens were bigger. Every video I've seen on YT the guys who were "proud of how it turned out" were missing several rows of pixels on both axis.

>> No.7181845


There's 2 kinds of kits. One that uses the gba screen and needs alot of case modification and a second one that uses a smaller screen without cutting. Its maybe..80%? of the original size. Brightness and colour is good, i had a hard time centering it properly in a repo shell.

>> No.7181920

OP should go to prison for vandalism.

>> No.7181931

Some Youtubers have said there is a strange artifacting issue with the screens, have you noticed anything like that?

>> No.7181984
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Yea looks terrible.

>> No.7181991

why not just play these games on a vita ? better in every way

>> No.7181996

Half the fun is putting the thing together.

>> No.7182078


Yeah, but its rare and barely noticeable. In Metroid zero mission sometimes id notice the background was flickering but if i brought up the start menu or moved to next room it would go away. This probably happened 3-4 times during 2 playthroughs.

>> No.7182125

Not a huge issue then, benefits seem to outweigh the negatives.

>> No.7182137


Nah, its awesome. totally breathes new life into it. Would highly recommend doing.

>> No.7182148

I turned my gba into a 'home console' a while ago. a few solder points and a snes controller later, and i have a nice little RGB gb\gbc and gba player. its way better than the gamecube player

>> No.7182154

Yea, will give me something to do over the Christmas break, thanks anon.
That sounds neat, how long did that take?

>> No.7182187

I sold it and bought a good console from the money

>> No.7182275

Is it really 80%? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive and I knew there were 2 variations, but since I wanted to avoid all that cutting I went for the easiest solution.

>> No.7182290

i have a SP but the screen is fucked.
planning to buy one of those aliexpress kits with ips screen and translucid shell but the fear of fuckin up and wasting money is delaying me.

>> No.7182292

I'd maybe keep the original membrane and buttons. I used a cheap shell and it just doesn't feel right with the cheap buttons.

>> No.7182312
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It's really not that bad

>> No.7182313
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Does anyone have one of these? I like the idea of it but I can only find it for a ridiculous price. Is it worth it?

>> No.7182315

Looks cramped. There are better pi cases

>> No.7182317

I'd wait to see if they come out with a cm4 version.

>> No.7182427

That looks good anon.

>> No.7182439

Thanks, and if you're worried about it, just make sure you use the spacers if it comes with them. My friend and I did ours together and he has no experience with gameboy mods and his came out very well. Handheld legends has a video on YouTube of them installing it too. Also, I recommend going to hobby store and picking up some kapton tape to insulate the pcb from the back of the screen if it doesn't come with it already

>> No.7182626

I modded mine with an SP screen and 3D printed case but the extreme ghosting and the shitty d-pad really killed it for me

>> No.7182832

Did you get an AGS 101 screen?

>> No.7182835

yeah it was the one, it just looks weird for some reason

>> No.7182864

Watched a video on that, apparently some of them have that issue and some don't. No way to know until it's plugged in sadly.

>> No.7182889

aftermarket buttons and shells look HORRIBLE, they just scream zoomer
nothing is as good of quality as authentic nintendo
guess I should get a regular GBA for my collection before you retards ruin them all

>> No.7182910

If it's broken I say give it a little look sie. See if there is anything wrong with the motherboard and clean the shell off a bit. Since its now considered hard to find it wouldn't hurt to try and restore it.

>> No.7183227

Just dusted off my GBA I had laying around guys. Is there any tinkering I can do to make the d-pad less mushy/more clicky and responsive? and have those backlit screens gone down in price yet or what?

>> No.7183447

New membranes

>> No.7184281

I bought an ags 101 sp a couple years back and the case doesn't feel terrible, but it's clearly aftermarket. I might do a shell swap on that at some point.
I have a great condition gbc which I might put a backlit screen in at some point.
I'm interested in picking up an orange gba the next time I go to Japan. I'll put in a backlit screen and a rechargeable battery pack.

Also since I don't want to start a new thread, does anyone know where I can get good quality faceplates for the gameboy micro? I bought one on ebay a couple months back but it was shit and didn't even fit properly.

>> No.7184786

Disassemble it and wash the membrane/plastic bits. Also rub the D-pad contacts with rubbing alcohool.

Aftermarket membranes are garbage. His are probably still good, just dirty.

>> No.7185117

>Aftermarket membranes are garbage. His are probably still good, just dirty.

The gba is supposed to have mushy feel. New membranes have a stiffer more tactile feel that some people like. Wasnt saying they were better, just telling him how to make his gba play the way he wants

>> No.7185369


They look better than the original screen, but the turbo autist in me gets triggered those black boarders. Thats what i was bitching about.

>> No.7185371


This. Ive ordered from almost every supplier on Ali and the only one that held a candle to the originals was funnyplaying, everything else was total dogshit.

>> No.7185596


>> No.7186165

You can probably get a new screen lense to hide that.

>> No.7186289
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>His are probably still good, just dirty.
Probably but >>7185117 is right, I don't like the feel of the actual GBA membranes, will look for some clicker replacements thanks anons.
What's the market like for flash carts on GBA now too? It would be really convenient to just have one cart with an SD and all the games I want on a GBA I've modded with a backlit screen.

>> No.7186392

There are two main ones Everdrive and EZ Flash Omega. EZ Flash is a lot cheaper.

>> No.7186461

Ez flash omega is what you want. Rts and rtc

>> No.7186562

I've replaced the shell on my 101 SP after I accidentally dropped it and broke some of the plastic off.

It wasn't too difficult apart from the damn hinges.
The old ones took a hell of a lot of force to come out. I couldn't even use the replacements hinges or hinge caps because they wouldn't fit on the new shell.

The shitty thing about it though, was that I mistakenly ordered a glass screen cover instead of plastic.
I put it on just slightly off center. My OCD got the best of me and I had to take it off to readjust.
The glass ends up shattering and I have to order a replacement.
Luckily the shards cleaned off the screen easily and the new plastic cover fits perfectly over the screen.

I honestly don't see the point of a glass screen cover on a SP.
You shouldn't scratch the screen with normal use.

>> No.7187214

had an afterburner backlight kit

>> No.7188115

A few months ago I sanded & repainted my old SP 101. Thing wasn't working very well after all the years of use, so I figured if I needed another I could just go to my local secondhand game shop and get a new one.

In all honesty, I fucked it up hard. Somehow I missed parts of it when painting and the original gray of the shell still shows, and even after months it still reeks of the paint I used.

But hey, nowhere to go from here but up, right?

>> No.7188192
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>> No.7189128

Might be worth getting a new shell?

>> No.7189436
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Ordered a spares and repair GBA, new shell, funnyplaying V2 screen kit, new speaker with amp, and rechargeable battery kit with USB C charging.

>> No.7189443

fuck yeah. what color shell did you go with? did you get one of those ips ready shells?

>> No.7189446

Chad levels of energy here

>> No.7189449

Yea went for a smoky black transparent shell, got it precut and has space for the USB C port at the battery lid. Can't wait to put it all together.

>> No.7189452

Nice, are you going to do the full mod with solder or just go full brightness?

>> No.7189461

Gonna do the full mod, ordered a soldering kit, wires etc. Want to make it the best it can be.

>> No.7189486

I've done a few dozen, used to modify original cases but started using these weird soft plastic ones. They're fine and impress people easily but I don't really care for them.

>> No.7189642

nice man, really hope it turns out well. make sure to post pics when it is completed.

>> No.7189749

The blue one looks exactly like the oversized chinese one i bought

>> No.7190164

I would, but some of the buttons aren't working anymore either (especially the left shoulder). I've taken the thing apart and cleaned it at least half a dozen times and yet it still only works whenever it wants to.

>> No.7190197

Tried dropping some rubbing alcohol into the contacts for the shoulder buttons?

>> No.7190226

Cheers, will do

>> No.7190345
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>> No.7190350

damn nice dress cutie I wouldn’t mind bending you over and giving you the law

>> No.7190389

nice photoshoop there mate.

>> No.7190468

didn't bring a big enough knife to stop the child in time

>> No.7190607

Yup. It was the first thing I tried and I did it every subsequent time for good measure.