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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 513 KB, 836x480, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7184129 No.7184129 [Reply] [Original]

the eternal debate

>> No.7184138

There is no debate, the one on the right is fucktarded.

>> No.7184141

actually, i disagree, the one on the left is fucktarded.

>> No.7184158
File: 113 KB, 275x275, image.saturn_dpad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks both of their paths*

>> No.7184160

Aykshully, you're not 18+

>> No.7184167

Those are evil jokes.

>> No.7184171

PS d-pad as always sucked shit. There is no debate.

>> No.7184183

This but I feel OP already knew this

>> No.7184205

What about the dual analog controller just prior to the dual shock? I hear conflicting opinions on it

>> No.7184232

Sorry bro, I'm a zoomer so I don't 100% know what you're talking about. Do you mean the one with the concave analog sticks? I thought the only thing the DualShock added was rumble so I can't imagine that it feels much more different to use than one without rumble.

>> No.7184241

Snes D-Pad 3/10
PSX D-Pad 0/10

They are both shit.

>> No.7184250

Super Nintendo dpad is easily a 10/10, best cross shaped pad.
Super Nintendo and Saturn have the best dpads, cross and circular.
PS and xbox have the respective worst ones

>> No.7184260
File: 5 KB, 268x188, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything else belongs in the trash...except for super expensive arcade sticks maybe.

>> No.7184321

the real question is why are d-pads shit in general? other than the ps vita, has there ever been a really great d-pad? (i find the ps4 one to be adequate)

>> No.7184326

They're pretty much identical and I don't understand how this is even a question

>> No.7184329

Maybe if you stop playing on PlayStation systems so much, you'd find yourself some actually good d-pads, like the ones Sega or Nintendo did.

>> No.7184331

SNES dpad is what all dpads aspire to be

>> No.7184340

the only way i can play shmups

>> No.7184341

I think the left edges out the right a bit more because of more resting space for your finger

>> No.7184345

PS1 d-pad is fine for 2D games but horrid for 3D games, with the only exceptions I can think of are MGS1 and debatably RE1. SNES d-pad is the best d-pad ever, only rivaled by NES and Saturn.

>> No.7184385

I prefer control sticks for everything, even for 2D games. I feel like I have more control over a stick, and I like having something constantly pushing against my thumb, D pads i feel like I have to put my own pressure.

>> No.7184397

There's more people winning evo with PS1-4pads than any saturn styled pad. You were always wrong and still are. PS directins are the best.

>> No.7184410

sonycel cope, nobody likes the segmented d-pad.
The fact some EVOtards cling to what they're used to doesn't mean the sony dpads are better than arcade sticks.

>> No.7184425

>nobody likes the segmented d-pad
sony dpads aren't segmented

>> No.7184431

I know it's 1 piece, but the design is segmented, and your thumb can feel that. Don't play silly. Claiming Sony's dpad is good is one of the most contrarian takes you can do.
Keep praising Sony for its good marketing strategies and high sales, not their d-pads.

>> No.7184434

But I like the way it feels.

>> No.7184437

right hurts my fingers

>> No.7184490

The one on the left is the original design that was good enough to span several consoles. The right is an ugly aberration.

>> No.7184492

theyre both fine

>> No.7184496

FUKC OFF with this shit

>> No.7184535

ok nintendie

>> No.7184696

Left is more practical to replace/fix and easier to clean. Right is more egronomical, but will get dirty and stuck more easily.

>> No.7184706

The joint of my thumb rests in the crevice and it feels good. Doesnt really feel any different than a standard dpad

>> No.7184725

The right spans 6 consoles now

>> No.7184731

>people always complained about the shitty Sony dpad
>they finally change it a bit for PS4
>go back to the shitty original design in PS5
Sony are legit trolls.

>> No.7184771

left = mushy, missed presses, chews into PCB
right = strong directionals thanks to pivoting mechanism

SNES d-pad was always shit, nincels just don't want to admit it.

>> No.7184776

The playstation dpad can get much mushier, and on top of that the start and select buttons barely work.
Stop thinking with your console warrior dick.

>> No.7184778

Same. It's a great D-pad.

>> No.7184781

>The playstation dpad can get much mushier
Having handled hundreds of them, never seen it. Every other SNES d-pad is in poor shape. Just speaking from experience, maybe you don't have enough of it?

>> No.7184794

Maybe youwe have a lot of experience with nintendo (doubt it, since you console war against them) but if you defend the playstation pad like this I don't think you have a lot of experience with it.

>> No.7184810

Sounds like you're just biased against a d-pad that doesn't chew into the controllers PCB. SNES in particular with its cheap carbon conductive pads and garbage pivot makes it need constant servicing, not to mention the tendency for missed presses. The SNES d-pad is shit.

>> No.7184824

I'm not the one calling /v/ console war names, though. I think you're the biased one.
Good luck convincing people that the PS d-pad is better than the SNES one. I know you're not really a Sony fanboy, just an anti-nintendo obsessed guy. Rent free, etc.

>> No.7184839
File: 710 KB, 455x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not the one calling /v/ console war names
Don't be a nincel if you don't want to be called a nincel. Make sure you fill in the exposed copper/silicon on your snes controller PCB, those things are such pieces of shit and just result in more missed presses. Nintendo can fuck up too, say it with me.

>> No.7184845

>if you aren't an obsesso anti-nintendo guy like me, then you're a nincel
I never had any problem with SNES/SFC controllers. On the other hand I always have trouble with PS1 pads. Not really the d-pad (although I don't like the segmentation), but the start/select buttons, they always get fucked up.

>> No.7184848

>I never had any problem with SNES/SFC controllers
Sounds like you just don't play it enough. Having handled hundreds, I can say confidently they have a lot of problems unless you are denying the most basics laws of physics.

>> No.7184853

I got the same 2 controllers I got in 1993, still work perfectly, and I used them a lot.
Got a Super Famicom a few years ago, used from Japan, both controllers also work perfectly.
lol ok controller god, I'm sure you're talking out of pure empirical research and not just fanatical bias against nintendo.

>> No.7184862
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>I used them a lot.
Doubt it.

>> No.7184870

ok, "hundreds" guy lmao.
maybe stop buying destroyed second-hand ones, but let's be honest, you don't own any, you're just saving pics of PCBs from some forum, not your own pics.

>> No.7184872
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>> No.7184881
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this dude's a snes d-pad, just keeps digging himself deeper lmao

>> No.7184885

Damn... great argument.
Anyway, enjoy posting about Nintendo. Positive or negative, they are inside of your head.
And again, good luck convincing people that one of the most beloved d-pads isn't actually good, you're on a difficult task, so I commend you.

>> No.7184907
File: 452 KB, 425x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a shit d-pad which constantly misses directionals, only loved by retards who don't know any better, thank you for being the retard in this demonstration now fuck off back to /v/intendo

>> No.7184910

>noooo nintendo bad! believe me bad bad bad!
funny you try to act as if you're not from /v/ when you use their console war lingo.

>> No.7185004

What am I supposed to see here to prove the d-pad isn't good?

>> No.7185009

the d-pad digs into the pcb, lowering it and making missed presses more common. The Playstation d-pad fixes this.

>> No.7185013

Don't tell anyone, but the XBONE Dpad is amazing. It has the perfect clikiness you want and the tacticle feelback you need.

>> No.7185020

Genesis 3 button feels better in the hand.

>> No.7185031

some genesis 3-putton pads have the saturn d-pad

>> No.7185053

nintendo bad

>> No.7185057
File: 96 KB, 1200x733, Sega-Nomad-Handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the nomad d-pad better than both genesis and saturn?

>> No.7185092
File: 17 KB, 464x263, dpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sony's dpads have always been horrible abominations that were only used because back then Nintendo still had a patent on actual good dpads. Then their retarded fanbase got stockholm syndrome so they're afraid to change it.

If any "debate" exists, it's between Nintendo style cross dpads, and clicky circular dpads like the one on the new Xbox SeX controller. Personally I'm on team Nintendo there, but apparently there are some people who prefer the circular design, particularly fighting game fans.

>> No.7185106
File: 63 KB, 919x579, HORI-Real-Arcade-Pro.-4-Premium-VLX-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7185207

I'm a cross shaped D-pad guy myself, but I'm 100% with the fighting game people on circular d-pads. If I'm playing a fighting game something like the newer xbox d-pads, or something more in the spirit of /vr/, saturn d-pads are objectively better. They make diagonal inputs so much easier which is an absolute lifesaver when trying to do quarter circles, half circles, DP inputs, or anything else. Of course, arcade sticks like hitboxes are superior, but if you have to use a d-pad for any given fighting game, it's gotta be a circular one. Like I said earlier though, anything else is cross shaped d-pad territory for me. There is one that rules them all though if you ask me, and it's the Neo Geo CD microswitch circle pad. Moves buttery smooth, and is literally perfect for fighting games. Only issue is that controller only has 4 face buttons, so the only games you can really use the controller to its fullest in are Neo Geo ones. Not that that's an issue, Neo Geo stuff fucking rocks, but it'd have been nivce if it had more buttons.

>> No.7185213

the fucking COPE in this thread
dualshock dpads are GOAT

>> No.7185241

I've been thinking about buying an arcade stick for tekken and street fighter third strike. any good ones sub $100? I heard the mayflash ones are as good as they get for that price range

>> No.7185264

PlayStation d pad sucks ass. Worst shit ever. Any d pad by Nintendo or SEGA is better.

>> No.7185272

>Virtual Boy
>Any Xbox
You're retarded as fuck

>> No.7185281

Based retard.

>> No.7185294
File: 86 KB, 800x800, 201808071618144704AB6CDF6BD672_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've owned 3 fight sticks and I would recommend these Chinese sticks made by Qanba. https://qanbausa.com/

I've owned Madcatz as well and it was hard to even tell the difference.

If you are on a budget just buy it 2nd hand and unless you press buttons very delicately you will need to buy spare sanwa buttons which aren't expesnvie.

>> No.7185297

I will forever be mad at them for not using the Vita d'pad and making that the new standard for their controllers.

>> No.7185304
File: 29 KB, 650x433, 496236-qanba-q4-raf-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention Qanba q4 raf is the one I use. Can't speak for those other Qanbas but if they use the same parts they should be sweet.

>> No.7185305


the only good sony D-Pad is the one on the Vita.

>> No.7185359

Sega had the best dpads on the Genesis , in my opinion. The six buttons Genesis controller had the best dpad I ever used. So good.

>> No.7185595


honestly the best dpad i have ever used.

>> No.7185623

PS d pads have always been better. You're a fag.

>> No.7185628

This is the best one. Only one that I can play fighting games with, because I don't smash my fingers down like an animal, I roll my thumbs.

>> No.7185629

>particularly fighting game fans.
I'm a fighting fan and feel nintendos dpads are usually better than any of the competitions.

Lol @ fanboys coming in claiming Playstations dpad is best.

>> No.7185646
File: 315 KB, 640x489, 1600096980833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all just the same dumb silicon pads underneath

>> No.7185715

I'm hard now

>> No.7185718
File: 859 KB, 1850x1850, 1595068315846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me

>> No.7185727

Yeah I'm sure guys playing for cash prizes in the thousands of dollars are just snoy fanboys who cling to what they're used to.

Fact: almost nobody uses saturn styled pads in tournaments. So much for their superiority.

>> No.7185740
File: 76 KB, 640x360, mkstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I'm sure guys playing for cash prizes in the thousands of dollars are just snoy fanboys who cling to what they're used to.
Yes, people play with what they're use to.

There were people who used dreamcast controller in fighting game tournaments.

>> No.7185741

Also, among the dualshock pads, the ps one (white small psone) is the best one. Tight and precise as fuck. Hasn't been replicated since. Ps2 ones kinda suck because the dpad is also analog, which can be iffy if you don't press hard enough etc.

The downside of ps pads is that you have to develop some callouses, it will hurt a little the first couple of days. Not as bad as dreamcast pads tho jesus.

>> No.7185745

Yours is the best post, though.

>> No.7185747
File: 32 KB, 1024x768, mod-wasd_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit down console plebs

>> No.7185749

Goodluck pressing multiple buttons at once.

>> No.7185794

>10 fingers

>> No.7185872
File: 349 KB, 814x461, 1604035947222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are both shit for doing fighting game inputs, i used to get blisters on my thumb on both of them

>> No.7185898

>the d-pad digs into the pcb, lowering it and making missed presses more common.
I have literally never heard of this happening. Sounds like an excuse to say "da game dropped my inputs dood, nothing I could do".

>> No.7185903

my dude
pure NOPE

>> No.7185905

>why are d-pads shit in general
only modern ones, and blame 3D games for that

>> No.7185937
File: 1.99 MB, 412x304, knob polishing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don't have any use for them now. They rather fiddle unprecise analogue knobs.

>> No.7185938
File: 2.14 MB, 4260x3090, Nintendo-NES-Advantage-Controller[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-pad virgins
Can't even compete with me.

>> No.7185952

It really is a great dpad. Never would have expected that after the terrible 360 one. The swappable one on the Elite feels even better.

>> No.7185956

This man speaks wisdom.

>> No.7185970

Yes that's 4 examples of better dpads than Sony. Want to post more?

>> No.7185984

Now do a quarter circle.

>> No.7186027

don't need to hear it, you can see it

>> No.7186032
File: 165 KB, 402x401, icancounttopotato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186037

He's right. Keyboards excel at some control schemes and plain suck at others.

>> No.7186043

This, if your game doesn't involve pointing & clicking, typing out a large variety of commands, or scrolling to words in a text document kbm is a bad control scheme. Dunno why reddit tries so hard to convince everyone it's amazing, everyone has one in front of them, they're demonstrably not very flexible for games.

>> No.7186060

All I see are some SNES controller PCBs some Nintendo obsessed schizo saved.

>> No.7186140

the ds3 version of the dpad is actually really nice

>> No.7186183

>Dunno why reddit tries so hard to convince everyone it's amazing
It's because they made being a PC gamer such a part of their identity that they cling desperately to the "default" control scheme to show how superior they are to us console plebeians who don't have a "controller" with 42 unused keys on it.

>> No.7186216

Can u imagine sitting on your couch playing Mario with a fucking rainbow keyboard.

>> No.7186310

He's not right and I'm guessing he's you, although I accept there may be multiple tards ITT. Why do you have a problem pressing multiple keys at once?

>> No.7186325

A lot of games involve "pointing and clicking", such as any shooter ever.
I'll take controller any day for platformers. No matter what any autist says, rolling over a d-pad to perform a complex move like a wall jump is superior to timing presses on multiple keys. But keyboard and mouse is probably better for more games than it is not due to the fact that the mouse is a better analog input than a stick.

>> No.7186350

Is anyone making "filled" ps dpads?
So that it is possible to mount it by just snipping out the x-shaped plastic that's over the dpad

>> No.7186359

Take your meds schizo

>> No.7186364
File: 358 KB, 1138x692, SaturnPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Saturn d-pad is the best for fighting games and the most comfortable on your thumb.

>> No.7186378

>such as any shooter ever.
just those samey first person ones, personally those games aren't very interesting. I think the genre is oversaturated so few of the games really stand out. In fact it's so bad I'm at the point where I'd rather play the genre with a controller, with or without sticks just to get a different take on the genre. So you can imagine how little I care that the keyboard and mouse is great for that genre. The mouse is also not an analog input.

>> No.7186394

>The mouse is also not an analog input.
What are you talking about? They read input from a sensor.

>> No.7186412

move it half a pixel

>> No.7186419
File: 45 KB, 681x783, filled_ps_dpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a guy that had my same idea but didn't execute it all that well.

>> No.7186425

"Hey friends want to come over to my house after school and watch me sit at my desk and play games alone in front of a monitor?"

>> No.7186464

I wouldn't be able to move my cursor half a pixel with an analog stick, what's your point?

>> No.7186489


I only ever had Sony consoles for all my childhood and teenage years so I'm heavily biased towards PS controllers, but even I know that the PS dpads feel the least comfortable of almost any major console (I say almost only because the Master Sytem controller exists). The Nintendo dpad is only a little better though, the Saturn dpad and ones similar to them are the best by far.

>> No.7186509

Can't you just make it yourself?
Just snip out a bit from the controller itself then fill the dpad piece with something like resin or epoxy.

>> No.7186541

Yes I'm thinking about it, but it will never be as clean as a button cast in one piece.
Since it is such a common complaint I thought someone would have started profiting from it by now.

>> No.7186552
File: 165 KB, 1300x600, windows-key-on-computer-keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precise piano inputs are extremely difficult on keyboard. You can't effectively mash on one either. I don't even think you can hit diagonal inputs. I know you will come back claiming you personally can do everything and how Mario 64 is best played on gaming keyboard. No one is buying your bullshit.

>> No.7186553

Of all the inputs you could have chosen. Quarter Circles are easy and more consistent than on dpads or stick. I'm judging that by 3s, a game that's slap bang in the middle of input leniency.
Where it gets fucky and shit is half circles and 360s/720s

>> No.7186554

>The mouse is also not an analog input.
Nice bait

>> No.7186573

retard here, im confused.

what should i do with me snes controllers to make em better?

>> No.7186576

take them apart, clean them thoroughly, consider replacing the contact pads cuz they're pretty shitty and likely tender by now, if copper is exposed on the pivot point fill in with solder nice and flat.

>> No.7186594

keyboards are not meant to handle multiple inputs at once very well, because multiple keys are ''grouped'' together. If you try to press 2 keys that are within the same group at once, only one of them will go through.

You can circumvent this with a key remapper, and remapping it in a way where everything is in a unique group, but kind of annoying.

>> No.7186602

basically this

Not really relevant until you have to hold 3 keys at the same time (happened to me playing RE2 on PC in the past)

>> No.7186603

>keyboards are not meant to handle multiple inputs at once very well
True, there are keyboards which do not have this problem of course but developers are not designing for those, they need to factor in the guy who has the $10 keyboard that came with his PC that can on average do just 2 key presses.

>> No.7186683
File: 867 KB, 640x800, snes_ps_hybrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another solution since it looks like nobody is selling the piece: remove with sand paper the bottom of a snes dpad and the top of a ps dpad then glue them togheter.

>> No.7186703

Bernieposters on suicide watch

>> No.7186841

>Quarter Circles are easy and more consistent than on dpads or stick.
You're mentally ill.

>> No.7186863

Diagonal presses are still a whore on the DS4. Also no if you were wondering my hands are actually very large.

>> No.7186915

>hurr durr do a quarter circle
>pressing two keys
>no ur mentally ill
Nice argument retard.
>use cheap keyboard
>get ghosting
What did you expect?

>> No.7187037

Sony made their perfect d-pad already, but it is stuck on the vita.

>> No.7187229

IMO, the playstation d-pad feels like a serious case of missing potential. Why make it look like 4 separate buttons, if the plastic is still one whole, and thus still easily possible for accidental diagonals?

>> No.7187263

>all this autism about sony or nintendo d-pads being better when no controller has had the same one
PS4 and Wii U are equally good
I haven't tried the PS5's but Switch loses by default as those 4 buttons aren't a d-pad and the one on the pro controller is beyond dogshit, legitimately a reshelled 8shitdo SF30, you even fix it the same way.

>> No.7187275

Dualshock is fucking shit, outside original saturn stuff and it's clones (like 8bitdo). New xbox has the best dpad right now.

>> No.7187278

Stopped reading right there. You're mentally ill and will never be a real woman.

>> No.7187283

I wonder how many games even used the N64 D-pad. That 3 handle design really discouraged a lot of devs from utilizing it at all.

>> No.7187301

The only ones I remember using it in were the really fun wrestling games.

>> No.7187328

>What did you expect?
I have a gaming keybaord and it's clearly not designed to smoothly slide your fingers across. When is your larp going to end?

>> No.7187332
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1569033981086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS2 A > DS1 A > DS1 H > DS2 M >>>>> DS1 M
Just because it looks the same on the outside, doesn't mean it is the same on the inside. The feel is very different between models, manufacturers and really even revisions.
Ya'll faggots saying DualShock is shit just never had a good one.

>> No.7187352
File: 545 KB, 979x832, 1603020761629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaming keyboard

>> No.7187383

It's objectively the best one.
Who the fuck would want that? Hemorrhages every other month and fishy smell on your genitals that won't go away no matter how many times you shower (whereas a dick can be rinsed with just water and smell neutral), don't even get me started on how retarded chopping off your own dick and buying fake tits would be.

>> No.7187392

Is there a way to tell which one i have without opening it up? The one that came with my 9000 ps2 feels pretty mushy and i definitely don't remember my old silver dualshock 2 feeling like that.

>> No.7187580

You should probably open your controller and give it a clean.

>> No.7187853


>> No.7187880

This. I had never touched a PSX until a few years back, I thought every button was individual and it seemed like a great design.

How disappointed I was

>> No.7187887

This is what Microcucks and Sonycucks do when they're faced with irrefutable facts. Jesus. I wish you retards would just splinter off and form your own board. No... wait...

>> No.7187939

Ah yes, the d-pad, something that we only ever see in retro games.

>> No.7187987

i had an xb1 controller for two years and never realized i hated the dpad until trying to emulate old games with it. modern gaming relegates the dpad to nothing more than hotkeys. you already know this though and you're just being argumentative.

>> No.7187989

>PS1 d-pad is fine for 2D games but horrid for 3D games with the only exceptions I can think of are MGS1
also tony hawk

>> No.7188004

Can you explain how pianoing, 720s, charge supers, etc...are easier on keyboard.

>> No.7188014
File: 1.31 MB, 500x700, 1588807540657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally said they were harder you dumb motherfucker. Delete social media, it has rotted your brain.

>> No.7188076

So only one tard?

Ah, so another dumb kid who tried to emulate using the keyboard on his daddys Dell and had trouble. Got it. Seethe harder spergboi

Is this thread just a bunch of dumb poor children googeling bullshit or something. The argument isn't whether cheap shitty keyboards are the best for poorfags. All your "arguments" only apply specifically to that.

>> No.7188128

Okay, so keyboards are superior than dpads and arcade sticks but also harder to use???

>> No.7188135

The right one always hurts my thumbs after playing for 20 mins.

>> No.7188185

I didn't say they were superior. Kill you're an self.

>> No.7188214

In future don't quote me when I'm pointing out a keyboards flaws.

>> No.7188232


>> No.7188263

Alright, keep talking about how difficult they are to use but also nitpicking anyone who says the same thing. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7188275

Take your meds and delete social media

>> No.7188457

DS1 > DS2

>> No.7188726

Exactly. Like most tools the best ones usually require skill and even special training to use. Take a simple example of automatic vs manual transmission. Now you're probably a burger who's not old enough to drive so you may not understand what the difference is, but you can always ask your grandpa. Automatic is great if you're a casual sitting in traffic on the freeway 45 minutes each way to work. Manual is used by high skill drivers who zoom around on race tracks.

>> No.7188751

That might have been true 15 years ago but high end autos have surpassed manuals in laptimes

>> No.7188810
File: 28 KB, 307x409, ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you just learnt to drive. Next you should learn the difference between keyboards, pads and sticks.

>> No.7188913

playstation dpad is excellent for menuing, mediocre for movement and unusable for fighting games

>> No.7188918
File: 148 KB, 1200x1474, 1200px-Numpad.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189301

Even if a couple cars using automatic transmission did beat manuals driving in a circle a few times or something that doesn't mean they're better. All the cool kids use manual. Most "semi-automatic transmissions" are manual transmissions"

So confirmed, burger who's not old enough to drive?

>> No.7189303

Manual sucks dick boomer

>> No.7189323
File: 29 KB, 284x496, pcfag's snes controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine playing SNES games like this.

>> No.7189338
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, mggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah spot on.

I like mine. Cheaper on fuel. My old auto never felt right on certain hills if I didn't hit them at the right speed.

>> No.7189448

Its kinda fun but too tedious for me especially high or drunk,like im just trying to get somewhere so just give me the easy mode.

>> No.7189495

The PS4 dpad is the worst one by far. I didn't think a dpad could ever be faulty until I handled the DS4. Sure is fun playing DMC5 with no way to select royal guard, due to the dpad no longer reading that input.

>> No.7189525
File: 29 KB, 466x334, 71Dsw5NuI0L._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking truff.

Best dpad fot fightans by far.

>> No.7189543

I prefer PS-style dpads. I know that the dpad is one component, but the way the shell fits over the component creates the illusion of different segments and the control you get is really nice. PS-style dpads are perfect for fixed angle Resident Evil and Silent Hill, as well as games like Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy and Ocarina of Time.

>> No.7189552

I play all these games with the stick with the exception of the first resident evil,gotta play with the original soundtrack.
But anyway i never had a problem with playstations d pad but i grew up with them so what do i know.

>> No.7189678

actually kind of neat

>> No.7189932

lmao that analogy doesnt even begin to work

>> No.7189948
File: 80 KB, 654x383, CD-Pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you go clicky, dpads are iffy

>> No.7189965

For a casual like you I'm sure it does. Maybe playing candy crush in the back seat if your moms Prius is more your speed.

>lmao i'm too young to drive

I honesty don't know why soibois even argue about dpads when microsticks exist.

>> No.7191196

This is blasphemy

>> No.7191582

Using a fucking keyboard for video games should be a god damn war crime. Something like the Wii Nunchuck or Playstation Move Nav controller paired up with a mouse is much better experience.

>> No.7191603

The noises these controllers make are pure sex.

>> No.7191850

On a related note, are there any PC-compatible gamepads with clicky D-pads? As a kid I played with my GBA SP more than anything else and now games with sprites feel incomplete if I can't feel my inputs.

>> No.7191851

Somehow I know that sound. And now that I want one, someone will tell me that they're rare and hence expensive.

>> No.7191913

Are the reproductions any good?

>> No.7191964

SNES d-pad: can move around the weight of the joint of your thumb without lifting it

PS2 d-pad: have to lift your thumb up, aside, and down to change any movement every single time

Megaman Collection was ruined by the PS2's controller

>> No.7191996
File: 18 KB, 480x360, i came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing. I cloned the mechanism and adapted it to use modern sized switches. I did the first few controllers using ~3N switches whereas the originals were about 0.4N IIRC. A couple people playing a fightan game with these sounds like you're in a hailstorm in a house with a glass roof.

>> No.7192150


The M30 is it for me.

>> No.7192213


>> No.7194315

This is the giga chad of d-pads.

i'm glad that the cheap range of gamepads such as Logitech one use that.

>> No.7194853

The new versions they made for the mini? No. They replaced the whole mechanism with an analog stick. A really poor one

>> No.7194864

You can buy these officially with usb, and sega licensing the d-pad for a lot of saturn style peripherals right?

What do I buy for PC? Which products get the d-pad right?

>> No.7194874

Get a keyboard that's not shit

There's no argument. If you're arguing about video games on /vr/ you type a lot. Owning a shit keyboard is like owning a shit chair

>> No.7194881

Hey wait is that a circle slider with clicky feedback?

Can I get this in USB?

>> No.7194923

The d-pad is for 2D only, stop being a faggot and use the analog for 3D games like any normal being

>> No.7195278

What about the ones that were made for the PS2? Shit blows my mind how there are Neo Geo pads for it. I think there are also Saturn controllers made for it out there. I wish I had known about them before they became expensive.

>> No.7195347

There's a reason everyone used to just emulate RPGs.

>> No.7195743

Get the 8bitdo M30. It's based off the Sega Saturn controller but slightly better.

>> No.7195754



>> No.7195909

Original D-Pad if it's good.
Sony's approach was better than Microsoft's Circle D-Pad, someone won Evo with a PS1 controller.

>> No.7195968

>I know it's 1 piece, but the design is segmented

No you don't. If "the design is segmented" then you could push each direction independently. You can't, so it isn't.

I'm sorry you're too dumb to express yourself properly.

>> No.7196176

make your own with a kit https://www.amazon.co.uk/Joystick-Controller-Rapsberry-Windows-Buttons-Black/dp/B078W88K8P/