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File: 16 KB, 256x320, Sh3_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7184450 No.7184450 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel so action(-y)?

>> No.7184556
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SH4 > SH2 > SH3

>> No.7184851

Better controls, better lvl design, better paced, stakes are higher so feels more epic, It shits all over sh2

>> No.7185154

It's also actually scary unlike SH2.

>> No.7185181

agreed, but mostly because of the second half of the game.

>> No.7185185


? you do all the same shit as in the previous game OP

>> No.7185235

I've never really gotten this meme. The historical society is as scary as anything in 3.

>> No.7185239

>better paced
this is wrong.

>> No.7185739

If I play it Hard it just feels like I'm playing an obstacle course instead. Barely enough bullets to shoot half the enemies.

>> No.7186132

That's because the way supplies spawns are handled is total shit.

The least ammo you have on you when you enter an rea, the more supplies you'll find there.

The problem? The balance is terrible and it means that you'll actually have less supplies if you converse them. The best thing to do is to USE some but NOT ALL of it. How much exactly so that the game plays alright on hard and you won't get fucked by the bullet sponge finalb oss ? Well fuck you, you're not going to find that out unless you know the game by heart.

shit game

>> No.7186159
File: 735 KB, 1536x2048, Firth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many fans this game would have if it had a non-waifu protagonist, it's the worst of the 4 Silent Hill games by a massive margin, even if it is still great

>> No.7186162

I'm legitimately interested in hearing how you find it worse than 4

>> No.7186280

It's by far the scariest though

>> No.7186331

4 had way more problems obviously but it was also a lot more experimental and achieved a lot more. I feel like 3 played it way too safe as a straight up sequel and had the least interesting experiences for it. The ghosts in 4 were a pain to deal with but their almost glitchy nature was way spookier to me than a dude with a big spike that makes jaguar sounds or a guy with spikey hands in the environments we'd explored before. Water Prison and the apartment alone showed more creativity than 3 combined and Silent Hill to me is all about pushing creativity over gore

>> No.7186980

I think it's just the direction the devs wanted to move in, especially if you see how 4 turned out with a bigger focus on combat. Heather getting body armor, not having as much ammo, and a lot of enemies seemingly designed around the melee system with drawn out fights and more blocking makes it feel more like an action game.

>> No.7187119

>not daughterfu

>> No.7187530

Like the first thing you do in the game is that dream sequence in the theme park, I was so fucking mad at that shit. Let’s just lay the cards all on the table in the first 5 seconds of the game.

>> No.7188924

it's a typical movie/TV-series trope

Silent Hill's whole excitence is getting praised for copying movies and TV series

>> No.7189019

To me, its seems they stopped caring. It's hardly a bad game just nowhere near 1 or 2 and, dare I say, 4.
"I feel our needs as creators have taken a back seat since the third game, to be honest. "

>> No.7189164

Yeah, they said they had their own ideas for another spinoff story like 2 had but they were pushed to make a sequel to 1 instead, probably by Konami. A lot of the team wasn't happy about that so they probably didn't put everything they had into 3 because it wasn't what they truly wanted to be doing.

4 had some good ideas but it's a lot rougher around the edges and it gets to be so repetitive. I've only played 4 once but replayed 3 a few times even though I think the gameplay and story of 3 has more problems than 1 or 2.