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File: 174 KB, 800x793, Test Drive Le Mans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183823 No.7183823 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good starting point for someone who's almost never played racing sims? I'm debating between playing this or Ridge Racer Type 4.

>> No.7183848

It has a different feel than an arcade racing game, but it's not like a PC sim.

>> No.7183880

I wouldn't call it a sim. It's actually a pretty good mix (if you have a good handle on your car, it's easy to drive, but you can spin out if you get careless).

>> No.7183890

>Ridge Racer Type 4

There's nothing "sim" about RRT4. Ferrari F355 Superchallenge on the DC, maybe?

>> No.7183906

The DC version still looks good up against the PS2 port:


>> No.7184324
File: 601 KB, 640x906, JSRF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked out F355 Superchallenge, and it seems pretty good, so I'll burn both it and Test Drive Le Mans on CDs to play on my DC. I also remembered I have Sega GT 2002 on Xbox since it came with my copy of Jet Set Radio Future, but I never played it since I always went to JSRF. Is GT 2002 any good?

>> No.7184347

Sega GT isn't terrible, but it's not the best racing game on the DC.

>> No.7184380

Okay good to know. Any other racing games (sim or arcade) that you'd recommend? I'm open to anything and my favorite racing game is OutRun2 if that makes any difference.

>> No.7184401

>but it's not the best racing game on the DC.

Metroplis Street Racing is in the top tier of Dreamcast racers. It's Bizarre Creations pre-cursor to the Project Gotham Series.

>> No.7184452

Tokyo Xtreme Racer 1 and 2 are both pretty good for the DC as well:


>> No.7185643

rr is a lot more fun
this game is fucking impossible
sega gt is good
gt 2 / aspec is better

>> No.7185647

love these games and also MSR on my dreamcast >>7184401

not in the same league but i also like speed devils

>> No.7185679

what do you mean still looks good? its superior and has vga..

>> No.7185681

vanishing points my fav but i can accept its a bit hard for most which gets it unfair low ratings. Amazing game if you invest though.,

>> No.7185686

How ridiculous. Why would you play an old racing game? That's like playing an old sports game but even more pointless unless it's for nostalgia. New racing games are better than old ones in every way especially in the sims genre.

>> No.7185693

>New racing games are better than old ones in every way especially in the sims genre.


richard burns still stands as one of the best sims especially with the new packs

outrun 2 is still the best arcade racer for most

>> No.7185886
File: 2.80 MB, 480x352, Ferrari F355 Challenge - playing it wrong (assistances on).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a good starting point for someone who's almost never played racing sims?

Not bad, but why not starting with the best? Just be sure to set assistances off, except for ABS brakes for obvious reasons.