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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7179868 No.7179868 [Reply] [Original]

>Last gen before the advent of DLCs

Is this unironically the golden era of console gaming?

>> No.7179870

Xbox Live had DLC.

>> No.7179871

The original xbox had dlc though

>> No.7179872

It was the last good generation at least.

>> No.7179878

Dreamcast had DLC

>> No.7179879

Xbox was the best console ever

>> No.7179884

Now that the dust has settled, I think we can agree that the Dreamcast and GameCube Nintendo were the last two consoles with, dare I say it, that quintessential classic retro feel.

>> No.7179892

They had expansion packs around this period.

>> No.7179895

Except for the game library?

>> No.7179898

The 360 was the last good console, after that pc has been the only decent option.

>> No.7179901

does retro=experimental to you?

>> No.7179904
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Even Super Famicom had free DLC through Satellaview. For example SameGame cartridge had its own slot compatible with BS-X memory packs. Users could download extra data for SameGame on Satellaview and insert memory pack with data into cartridge.

>> No.7179909

more like the zoomer era

>> No.7179916

The only good consoles were the Sega system and the Super NES.

>> No.7179941

Literally samefagging: the game

>> No.7179942

>PS2 had DLC
>Xbox had DLC
>DC had DLC
You might be retarded OP.

>> No.7179950

Zoomer faggot

>> No.7179954

i thought oblivion on the xbox had horse armor dlc tho ?

>> No.7179959
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Right i should have said "before the standardization of dlcs"

>> No.7179968

Oblivion on consoles is not retro. Morrowind was the on the original xbox.

>> No.7179976

That was the 360
XBOX had game fixes, but I don't recall seeing any pay for new game content. You couldn't even download to anything on the PS2 or DC without a hard drive.

>> No.7179985

I remember Battlefront 2 having the hero packs.

>> No.7179989

>hard drive
You mean network adaptor. DLCs these days still need internet to be downloaded

>> No.7179991

Halo 2 had paid DLC map packs.

>> No.7180004

I mean both. The DC did come with a 56k modem though.

>> No.7180021

I think MechAssault had downloadable mechs you had to pay for.

>> No.7180746

There are good games on each of these platforms but I would say this is when gaming really started to become shit with online, dlcs, hand-holding, etc. 7th gen just managed to make it the most profitable and thus the least consumer friendly. This is why we need to kill CEOs.

>> No.7180852
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>want to replay some 6th gen games
>decide 'fuck it' and try rebuying them on pc
>most multiplats didn't even get pc versions
>the ones that did either were awful ports, lacked visual effects, had starforce on them, or worse yet were entirely different (worse) games than their console counterparts

Was PC gaming dead in this generation?

>> No.7181034

>Was PC gaming dead in this generation?
pretty much outside of the FPS, RTS, and MMO genres

>> No.7181045

PC gaming was amazing in the early 2000s. At its peak even. It was still getting mainstream 2d games, along with cutting edge 3d games. You're looking at things the wrong way though, you didn't play PC to play versions of PS2 games. You played those on PS2. You played PC to play PC exclusives.
PC gaming did nearly die during the 360 era when Microsoft and others attempted to kill it. But it survived.

>> No.7181047

Isn't the PS2 the first console to ever have paid DLC?

>> No.7181049

The last good game console was the one you had when you were 14.

>> No.7181129

Nah. I had a PS3 when I was 14, but looking back on it it wasn't the greatest system.

>> No.7181140

Moving goalposts.
gen 6 will never be retro, but if we didn't allow it here, you older zoomers would have never stopped crying.
t. actual prime zoomer who grew up with 7th gen and thinks gen 6 is definitely not retro.

>> No.7181252

I would make a case for xbox 360, but mine RRoD 15 years later, so fuck that gen. Now Wii games are getting overpriced.

>> No.7181318

PC still had a lot of multiformat games and ports of games, and 6th gen is when multiplats started gaining significant traction. It stands to reason that you should release a game on as many formats as possible if you want to make as much money as possible, but evidently some companies thought it wasn't worth the effort. Probably because the distribution of physical pc games was godawful, it's nearly impossible to find American copies of MGS2 or Sonic Adventure, and loads of games got PC versions only for European countries.

>> No.7181324

>we didn't allow it here
You didn't allow anything, you're not part of deciding what is and isn't allowed here, worm.

>> No.7181330

The market for playing console ports on PC wasn't big in the early 2000s. You could kind of port an XBOX game (though the results still sucked; Halo for PC is notorious), but the effort of porting from PS2? There's a reason nearly no one did it. And once you ported the game, it would get heavily pirated and PC gamers probably didn't want to play it anyway (and if they did, they already owned a console, too).

>> No.7181335

>it would get heavily pirated
>PC gamers probably didn't want to play it anyway
which one is it?

>> No.7181342

Bit of both.

>> No.7181351

People are always pirating archives of shit that they won't ever play/watch.

>> No.7181362

Hate to break it to you but nearly all 6th gen games outside of Xbox or GameCube exclusives were developed for the ps2 first, then ported elsewhere. In effect all multiplats for the PC were ps2 games, such as the GTA games, Tomb Raider, and some oddball Jap titles like DMC3 or Megaman X8. Microsoft did however have a console and pc separate mindset, where this fratboy looking guy (who unveiled the soles of the xbla avatars shoes) said that pc games were more cerebral while console games were more visceral, and also made the claim that consoles were the new home of FPSes.

>> No.7181365

Ultra based. Fuck brown-nosers

>> No.7181390 [DELETED] 

You said:

>before the advent of DLCs

>> No.7181391

It was the end of the Silver era
They should be proud of their work, though

>> No.7181398

No. That was snes/sega/n64/psx. Xbl/mmos were amazing during their time but in hindsight it was a deadly mistake. Online shit ruined gaming

>> No.7181438

>piracy = lost sales
where does this meme come from

>> No.7181469

"Free shit over the internet" isn't DLC. The reason DLC became a phrase in the first place was when Sony was advertising how great it was gonna be in that GT5 would have something like $500 in DLC and you had to buy it all to play the game on your PS3.

Steam had not yet saved PC gaming, no. By the end of sixth gen PC gaming looked like it was in its death throes because WoW was a trash "game" that got too many people addicted to it and Microsoft was actively trying to move PC gaming to xbox.

>> No.7181695

The dreamcast had (free) DLCs. For example in the sonic games

>> No.7182081

it was good if you hacked it.

>> No.7182160

Its the twilight age.

>> No.7182432

Game library was fine, especially for Sega fans who were rebounding after the DC got axed. It also had the best multiplats 9 times out of 10.

>> No.7182498

If it could have internet it could have DLC. Before DLC they were just called "expansion packs" and came on CDs.

>> No.7182523

Expansion packs were generally semi-sequels, which is why people were fine with them. With something like Brood War, you basically got the sequel to Star Craft.

>> No.7182527

>>PS2 had DLC
Wrong. Closest PS2 ever got to that was expansion packs for certain games.

>> No.7182981

PC gaming in the 2000s and how companies responded would be an interesting thread.

>> No.7183042

I miss PC gaming having its own unique game library.

>> No.7183108

No zoomcuck

That was 4th gen

>> No.7183221

>Last gen before DLC
Dreamcast, PS2, and Xbox all had DLC but it was cool things like new levels, multiplayer maps, etc. and not locked-away content like it is now.

It was the last gen that mattered however...

Best arcade ports and fighting games
Forward-thinking design
Easy piracy
Great exclusives, party games, and niche experimental games

Best RPG's, platformers, and Japanese games, and great exclusives
Fun rhythm games like DDR and Guitar Hero
Played DVD's out of the box
Free online multiplayer (besides FFXI)
Best controller (in my opinion)

Best multiplats, shooters, and sports games
Excellent online multiplayer despite the paywall
No need for memory cards
Best graphics
Badass controller you could kill someone with
Can rip CD's and sometimes play your own music in games
Best homebrew scene by-far

Awesome exclusives from nearly every genre, niche or mainstream
Neat controller that worked well for games designed for it
Best couch co-op/party games
Fun gimmicks like GBA connectivity, Bongos, and the Odama mic