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7173852 No.7173852 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been any kind of word from Capcom on what happens between the classic and X series?

>> No.7173871

I know Inafune himself shot down the notion that Zero killed everyone, but he's no longer involved with Mega Man, so who knows.

>> No.7173878

What closure do you need? Light innovates with X and locks him away and he later becomes the basis for all Reploids. Mega Man 9 & 10 show that the robots of the classic generation can be corrupted and scrapped entirely. Would you really want to know if Zero killed everyone that we saw in the classic series? Wily doesn't need to have a definitive death.

>> No.7173881

This would more likely be the canonically sound if his vision of Zero as the protagonist of Mega Man X wasn't meddled with internally.

>> No.7173886

Wily creates Zero. Light creates X and seals him up to run his self tests. Wily creates the Zero/Sigma virus. Original Mega Man dies.
The order of those events is unclear, and is what prompted each one. The virus creation was hinted at in the original series with the evil energy and Roboenza. Zero's strong similarities to Protoman could indicate that something from Protoman was used for something as a base for Zero (and yes, Wily's Zero design was shown in the ending to Power Fighters - or was it Battle, whichever), similarly with Mega Mand and X, but nothing explicitly references this being the case. In the X canon, a likely scenario would be something grim with Mega Man dying, perhaps at the hands of Zero, but since the current stance seems to be that the original Mega Man must remain bright and cheery (which is fine), chances are good that the period between the series will never be explored.

>> No.7174413

For what it's worth, Inafune said
>A large amount of time has passed between the classic series and Mega Man X. Dr. Wily had died in the interim but was brought back by the virus.
Now, he wasn't the end-all be-all of Mega Man lore and in that same answer went on to imply a very serious twist to the MMZ games, but it can be assumed that Capcom intended the Wily involvement in X to be from the real Wily.

>> No.7174525

I'm a huge MM fan.

Only retards care about the story in MM, exception only existing for the RPGs.

>> No.7174538

The paradox being that only retards care about Mega Man RPGs.

>> No.7174548

I like how when Inafune finally got control of a new series starring Zero he tried to make X the villain of the first game, but due to more internal meddling they copped out and replaced it with a clone.

>> No.7174568

Take this with a grain of salt cause I don't have the source on hand, but I recall reading before that Capcom has an outline of the events between classic and X, they just don't want to release it so they can keep releasing classic games whenever they feel like it. I think it's a good approach, honestly, it leaves room for more games in the future and allows fans who care about that kind of stuff to speculate.

>> No.7174862

According to the artbook apparently all Inafune said was to make a game about X and Zero. Aizu was the one that came up with the idea of X being the villain after watching Hakaider, and Inti eventually decided to make the evil X a clone because they didn't want to upset X's younger fans.

>> No.7174865

Simple Time moves on, Mega Man fades into obscurity and his battles become forgotten, Wily and Light die of old age and X and Zero are all that's left of their legacies, no need for edgy fanfics like Zero killing everyone.

>> No.7174918

t. retards

>> No.7174920

>claims to be a huge Mega Man fan
>derides people who care about the story

>> No.7175205

This. Additionally, the X series was still active at the time the Zero series was being made, and Inti thought it would look bad if they killed off the protagonist of another then-running series in their own game.

>> No.7175882
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but they did kill him off

>> No.7176296
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Megaman kills himself

>> No.7176656

>Zero's strong similarities to Protoman could indicate that something from Protoman was used for something as a base for Zero

Because they're both red? The yellow scarf was turned into long flowing hair? Gimme a break.

>> No.7177136
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There was an in-house development document made during X1 that said Proto Man was used as reference for Zero. It probably shouldn't be considered canon because it's from before X1 came out and was used only for the development process, but it's interesting they had that written out back in 1992/1993.

>> No.7177161

I don't get the dotted line going from Wily to Proto Man. Is it saying he and Light built Proto Man together?

>> No.7177342

Megaman became quint on the game boy and died to past megaman, then wily probably died of cancer or something before he could release zero and dr light dies however long after creating x

>> No.7177352
File: 14 KB, 360x360, RockmanShadowFullArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman kills himself again

>> No.7177357

kys on the way out

>> No.7177376


>> No.7177417

Autism prevents people from thinking hypothetically, fiction confuses them, social relations confuse them. Everything has to be literal and obvious. Rpg derangement syndrome is real among them..

>> No.7177430

He was already a ghost, and that was just his uninhabited shell. Not really the same.

>> No.7177432

I think it's just there so you know that "REFERENCE" line is about Wily's research. I straight up don't get why Protoman had to be referenced at all, since he's literally a broken prototype. Did Wily need a point of reference to paint his robot red?

>> No.7177440

Inafune was right not to try to bridge the gap. Classic should be open forever as lighthearted adventures and X is just "the future after unspecified events"

>> No.7177479

>Shield - Sword
>Flowing yellow scarf - Flowing yellow hair
>DRN 000 - Zero
>Standoffish, big brother relationship to MM - standoffish, big brother relationship with X
>Bass and Treble were already Wily's response to Mega Man, so it stands to reason that he might try to make a response to Proto Man
Whatever you think Wily did in fiction, Inafune was clearly inspired by Proto Man when designing Zero.

>> No.7177487

If I'm to assume that this is a legitimate translated development document, I'm also going to assume that it's not expertly translated. But as long as all understand that X and Zero aren't reincarnated/"upgrades" of Megaman and Protoman, sure

>> No.7177498
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Anon, they penned it to paper that Wily used Protoman as a reference. They wouldn't need to note that in their flow chart at all if it was just Inafune's starting point. Also I'm not sure why Wily would need to work backwards from his own personal Megaman to Protoman, the robot who was already outdated and broken and even arguably less obedient than Bass.

>> No.7177512

Megaman X predates MM7, and Bass probably didn't exist conceptually at the time of X1's planning.

>> No.7177521

Yes that's true, but I'm responding to the other anon's claims that Zero and Bass follow a kind of logic in their inspiration in universe. That's clearly not the case. The order of the games also doesn't shine a light on why Zero needs to be based off Protoman either.

>> No.7177531

The one answer to all questions is "they made shit up as they went along."

>> No.7177542

Interesting that if you're evil enough and you become any more evil, you evidently loop back to "good"

>> No.7177556 [DELETED] 

I think you misunderstood my point, I agree with you.

>> No.7177565

We still don't know all the details of what makes Blues broken, though. My headcanon is that whatever caused the so-called energy imbalance that's killing him also gives him free will (hence why he was able to run away from and rebel against his creator). Wily's dealings with Blues in MM3 inspired him to look deeper into the whole ghost in the machine effect and to create a truly lifelike robot with free will, i.e. Zero.

Why Wily would want to give his underlings true free will is anyone's guess, but perhaps towards the end of his life Wily's ambitions were fueled more by anarchy than world domination, as well as a desire to see robotkind flourish and overthrow humanity as the dominant species. I do think that, for all his lies and insane scheming, Wily may have had more compassion for robot masters than most people, and you can see hints of that in MM9's cutscene where he convinces the 8 robot masters destined for the scrap yard that their lives still have worth.

>> No.7178143


>> No.7178168

Mega Man is kinda doomed to be destroyed by himself when Wily from the past turns him into Quint.

Rockman X The Novel -Irregular Report- and the Kodansha-published Rockman X Super Encyclopedia state something bad happened that resulted in a robot ban, replaced with mechaniloids, until Dr. Cain introduced Reploids, while hiding he found X from everyone except the absolute top brass at the government.

I'm sad the games don't touch upon this lore more outside of a mention like Scaravich in the Japanese X6 saying in the forbidden area where X and Zero were found were also others.

>> No.7178198

Quint is a dumb throwaway plot for a game most people didn't even play, so it would be a waste for that to be his true end. And I'm pretty sure it was denied by Inafune at the same time he denied the "Zero killed everybody" fan theories were shut down.

>> No.7178202

It's implied in some sources like the Zero Collection Timeline that Zero became good because he also got infected with the virus, meaning it doesn't make things evil inasmuch as it just flips their morality around.

>> No.7178215


There's never been anything official, and it's not even clear Capcom has any idea. These are series made up as they go along rather than some very carefully thought out and planned saga. It may be that there was notes about ideas but the people who worked on those games have often left so if new people come along it's unclear if they'll continue those notes.

You can see them showing hints and starting to bridge between 8-11 however it's never clear if this is going anywhere. 8 introduces an alien "Evil Energy". It could be a one off thing or it could have some role in the Maverick Virus. 9 introduces built in life-spans for Robots and a Robot virus. This is explaining that regardless of what happens at the very least the Robot cast likely died off and were retired. The virus is either the beginnings of the Maverick virus, or they're just throwing the idea out there that there could be a robotic virus and the later ones are much more serious.

>> No.7178218

>a likely scenario would be something grim with Mega Man dying, perhaps at the hands of Zero, but since the current stance seems to be that the original Mega Man must remain bright and cheery (which is fine), chances are good that the period between the series will never be explored.

9 introduces limited lifespans for the robots as a fail-safe which is likely Capcom's means of going around this. So we can then just assume that Rock, Roll, and the rest lived in peace until their time to die came up and they were retired and recycled.

>> No.7179201

The DS Zero Collection website didn't imply as much as outright state that before the X1 development document became known almost a decade later. I remember everyone thinking it was fucking retarded at the time, now I find it hilarious. Zero's brain works in 8bits and his evil hex had a stack overflow lol.

>> No.7179204

According to the Rockman Zero Collection Timeline, the roboenza crisis was precisely one something that freaked out Dr. Light enough to build X with state of the art anti virus programs, and that's why in X5 he doesn't go Maverick, instead being hurt by the virus influenza like effects.

>> No.7179278

He only wanted to make a point on how "things change", but he was much more interested in Legends to care about the classic mainline at the time. He just didn't care about X or Zero at the time.

>> No.7180306


>> No.7181121

thats actually pretty cool