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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7171184 No.7171184 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people treat Nintendo like some kind of religion?

>> No.7171190

no clue what you're talking about and that's been debunked already

>> No.7171201
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We discussed this with a friend the other day and we came to the conclusion that is a social class thing, most people who grow up with Nintendo systems where from middle class upwards while other people below mid class grow up with stuff like the Mega Drive or PlayStation due to those being cheaper, while poor kids had less money to obtain games they had less impactful games to become fans while rich kids had more money and so they become drones to their games and companies.
But that is just a theory and a gay one at that.

>> No.7171203

to piss you off

>> No.7171204
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>class theory voodoo explanation
yep it's a gay theory

>> No.7171208

Not in the US but in Latin America only rich fags would get Nintendo stuff even now days you can get a PS4 for 600 bucks while you won't get a Switch for less than 650 bucks.

>> No.7171218

I see it every day on here, people worship Mario and think Nintendo invented gaming. Newfags come from /v/ asking for recommendations for SNES and GBA because that's what retro gaming is to some people, Nintendo and Nintendo only. I've seen people dismiss the Sega Master System because it isn't Nintendo enough for them.
Speccy threads derailed by Nintendo posters, Commodore 64 threads eternally shat on by the Nintendo faithful posting how great their religion is compared to home computers.
All these non nintendo threads, lost in time, while mario and zelda gets a new thread everyday.
Oh how great Nintendo jprg number 254 is so groundbreaking and the circlejerk ensues whilst threads about obscure and genuinely interesting games on other platforms are lost like tears in rain.

>> No.7171227

>le Nintendo jprg boogeyman
got it, back to discord tranny

>> No.7171234

>Don't irrationally hate a company and everything they've ever done
>omg why won't you people stop!!!
If anything it comes off like anti-nintendofags are the ones brainwashed and acting like weird cultists that get pissed off if you dare to not fall in lie.

>> No.7171235

>why people talk about popular stuff more than unpopular stuff
Gee anon.

>> No.7171236

Oh, the irony.
zero self awareness and the desperate attempt to fit in. The hallmarks of a newfag.

>> No.7171243

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it friendo?

>> No.7171248

I don't really know how else to take
> Newfags come from /v/ asking for recommendations for SNES and GBA because that's what retro gaming is to some people
>All these non Nintendo threads, lost in time, while mario and zelda gets a new thread everyday.
Other than you raging that people are posting about things you dislike because they're more popular instead of some dumb computer that only a handful of people even know exists in this day and age

>> No.7171249

I grew up with a snes and n64 and don't like Nintendo nowadays though.

>> No.7171257

Nintendo is a safe choice for parents, the consoles are usually not super expensive, the games recognizable and assuredly not that horrible fortnite, gta, call of duty, mortal kombat, etc. they've heard about generation after generation - it's fun bright and bubbly mario! But the parents just don't make so much money, so little Johnny doesn't get much choice for games, he spends a lot of time with the Nintendo stuff and that next time the chance comes around, he should get more of them because he trusts them.

This is how the cycle starts, a life of poverty and being raised on Nintendo, having media reaffirm your decision with inflated review scores and reputation, complexes from being left out of discussion on games you could never get on platforms completely alien to you, this is how a Nincel is born. It's arrested development.

>> No.7171259
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That's where you're wrong.

>> No.7171275

>think Nintendo invented gaming
They literally did retard.

>> No.7171291
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what if I told you that people aren't only blindly loyal to nintendo, but are also loyal to different companies

>> No.7171301

That in no way answers OP’s question

>> No.7171306
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>Speccy threads derailed by Nintendo posters, Commodore 64 threads eternally shat on

>> No.7171307
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>boomer writing essays about nintendo
didn't read

>> No.7171308


>> No.7171321


>> No.7171327

based retards

>> No.7171336

Because they pay more attention to detail
Than other companies

>> No.7171346

Let me spell it out for ya Dumbo; I'm lamenting the fact that those, as you say
>dumb computer that only a handful of people even know exists in this day and age
threads are infested and derailed by posters who feel the need to proselytise about how bad those systems are compared to the holy NES and how superior it is instead of discussing the merits or finer details of the home computers or systems some people want to discuss that have nothing to do with Nintendo.

>> No.7171351

In reality it's literally always Speccy/C64 posters who are utterly and helplessly obsessed with Nintendo and bring it upon themselves by talking shit about the NES.

>> No.7171353

Absolute king OP btfo

>> No.7171370

The only thing I've heard which is more retarded is "Halo invented FPS".
Read some fucking history, you zoomer faggot.

>> No.7171371
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>> No.7171384

He's seething lmao nintendo bros win again

>> No.7171424

>Speccy and C64 threads universally shit upon
God is in his heaven. All is right with the world.

>> No.7171439


>> No.7171494

Because Nintendo is the Disney or vidya. They create a cult like environment and they get them young.
>put bull crap in games
>have to subscribe to a magazine to know where said bull crap is and how to get it
total jew move

Also most of it is just rose tinted nostalgia glasses. Believe me there are just as many PlayStation cultists. Go ahead and go on /v/ and make a thread crapping on PS5 or PS4 and watch the Sony drones swam you like locusts. Something about Nintendo and Sony attract people with hive mind like tendencies.

Just like how you have all those Instagram and YouTube girls who worship Disney and have entire channels just dedicated to going to Disney world every day and shilling for them and their products, you have Nintendo and Sony drones who have been brainwashed into the brand cult. MUH BRAND IS LE BETTER THAN YOUR BRAAAAAAAAND!

Meanwhile people who are not Nintendo or Sony drones actually grew up and matured and aren’t obsessed over corporate products. They just enjoy all games on any plastic box. Because it’s all about the games and not which plastic box you play them on. Where as brandfags are married to their brand.

tl;dr Nintendo & Sony drones are perpetual children (man babies)

>> No.7171519

Because Nintendo aims for little kids. Those kids grow up to be fiercely brand loyal to the point where they refuse to acknowledge that it's just a business. They want to believe Nintendo is a close friend who makes games solely for the sake of art. This is why Nintendo is the "kiddy" console while all the competitors aim for teens/adults.

>> No.7171527
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>Speccy threads derailed by Nintendo posters

>> No.7171589

Everybody knows spectrum fanboy threads is a forced Discord meme. UK computer fanboys tend to be self deprecating

>> No.7171596

>Why do people treat Nintendo like some kind of religion?
edward bernays tier marketing similar to mcdfonalds happy meal that targets them young and creates mental connections to the products aligning them with identity and self.

>> No.7171601

because its the exact same marketing strats ala bernays

>> No.7171629

Indoctrination begins in childhood. Nintendo panders to children. Simple, really.

>> No.7171679


>> No.7171684

>another cope essay appears
didn't read lol

It's true innit ?

>> No.7171689
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>> No.7171769

It's the same mental illness that Apple fanboys have. I think it stems from some idea of their products being "premium" because of their price. Nintendo fanboys will buy anything as long as it has a Nintendo logo on it. It's how Nintendo gets away with charging for Nintendo-branded cardboard, and charging $60 for three >10 year old ROMs, like Apple charges $999 for a monitor stand.

>> No.7171859

>expensive games
>everyone bought the same 5 good games
>creates a hive-mind obsession about those games

>swimming in games for all genres
>mentally well adjusted player base like their PC brethren

>> No.7171902

I used to be a nintendrone. Hell in a way I still kind of am. I want nintendo to be successful but the way they've been treating their fanbase these past several years has really started to make me hate the company's business practices. For me the DMCA of AM2R and Pokemon Uranium is what really broke my relationship with nintendo. Since then I pretty much pirate every nintendo game I have now.

>> No.7171920

I think the simple explanation is that Nintendo fans are just the weird Disney people of gaming and we’ll just always have to deal with them.

>> No.7171926

This is mental illness. You have no relationship with a brand.

>> No.7171937

Why are /v/tards so obsessed with talking about fanbases and people they consider "cringe" instead of talking about actual games?

>> No.7171961
File: 197 KB, 1471x1500, 712yoYe+6mL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only intelligent answer in this thread. This is Edward Bernays' marketing 101. Nintendo sells their games with mascots and familiar feel-good vibes. Repeat that thing enough with slight differences in every product until everyone likes it and mario becomes more than just an icon, mario needs to also become a part of their family.

Sega failed to do this. Their consoles might have looked cooler and more elegant than nintendo's fisher price tier hardware, but they couldn't beat nintendo's mental hook. There's no such thing as SEGA vibes, only nintendo vibes. No matter how good sega consoles, sega controllers, or sega games are, nintendo's familiarity will win in the end. Apple, Nike, Disney, McDonalds, Microsoft Windows, IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad, BMW, Mercedes Benz, employ the very same tactic.

>> No.7171972

Don’t flatter the subhuman degenerates, anon.

>> No.7171981

Name one Nintendo console release after PlayStation that was superior to any of the Sony systems. Oh wait, you can’t. Fucking subhuman anime poster.

>> No.7171986

Looks like the Sony fanboy forgot that multiplatform games of the era ran worst on PS2

>> No.7171992

I h8 Nintendo, but 8-bit Sega, Commodore 64 and Speccy and Atari St, Amiga, etc are shit conpared to the NES. NES and SNES were good. N64 and later is babby/faggot cancer.

>> No.7171995

Nintendo DS was superior to PSP. Not as powerful, but the battery life was better, the controls were pretty novel, and it could play 3D games to say the least.

>> No.7171996

>multiplatform games
You mean garbage?

>> No.7172000

PSP is so fucking cool compared to the DS. Way better form factor, way cooler media, surprisingly great library, and technically has an analog stick. Not a good one, but its better than not having one.

>> No.7172001

Nope. Also, learn to read.
>posts PSP

>> No.7172005

How come? Speccy was much cheaper and easier to dev for. Master system was more powerful. C64 was equally cheap and powerful, but with a much larger library of more diverse games and better arcade ports for the most part. SNES was absolutely cancer.

>> No.7172013

It's not like they had the best graphical capabilities and a custom soundchip that made it sound leagues above other devs who wouldn't push the YM2612 to its limits

>> No.7172135

The PSP really was superior in every way, the DS is frustratingly limited.

>> No.7172138

you're mostly right, but...
>There's no such thing as SEGA vibes
...this isn't true at all. sega, for the most part, is associated with bright and colorful arcade-style games - think sonic, fantasy zone, alex kidd, crazy taxi, puyo puyo, outrun, etc. sure, there's exceptions to the rule, but the same could be said for prime nintendo (before they turned soulless with rehashes and mandates).

>> No.7172141

PSP is one of the coolest systems ever made. I'm still salty about the Vita debacle.

>> No.7172146

unironically Trump's America in the 80s

>> No.7172328

Because it actually had good games.

>> No.7173882

I agree about the Sega vibes, but they failed to be really distinctive the way that nintendo have with its cartoony mascot mario shit

>> No.7173887

Nintendo just rehashed their mascots repeatedly. They lost their vibe after N64.

>> No.7173897
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Couldn't even run Space Harrier and Midnight Resistance.

>> No.7173928

In a world that's each day more secular some people have the need to put their devotion into a different type of cult: brands.

>> No.7173984

>i hope it's released on the switch

>> No.7174000
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>blaming secularism on consumerism
More like the fault of modern advertising and economic models.

>> No.7174053
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anyone can get tricked into buying useless products, a clever doctor can get tricked buy his auto mechanic, etc. That's not the same as the modern secularist coping with his nihilism by seeking meaning, identity and ''a great cause'' in degenerate hobbies, brand loyalty, degenerate lifestyles and excessive consumption and other forms of materialist delusions.

>> No.7174059

A whopping 2 games! WOW

>> No.7174069
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Much like religion, it lives rent free in the minds of people, both lovers and haters.

>> No.7174101
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I'm gonna say that I was a Playstation kid but if a group of friends wanted to have a party you needed an N64. 4 player Goldeneye or Smash were experiences that couldn't be replicated on Playstation. Solo games were Playstation's forte.

I also remember the playstation chads would laugh about this smartass nintendo fan telling us
>the difference between playstation and nintendo are two words: "now loading"

>> No.7174176

don't fool yourself.
playstations fans are even more dronic than nintendo or sega fans because their fanatism was very manufactured.
>oh hey kids, we don't have Mario or Sonic, but we have, uh.... Crash!
Don't pretend that games like LSD or Germs were part of what people played on PS back in the day, everyone also played the same bunch of games: MGS, FF, list goes on.

>> No.7174685

Hold up, who's playing the 4th controller in the pic?

>> No.7174704

Probably the dad, taking the pic.

>> No.7174860

I’d like to add that Sega kids would’ve grown up the same way but due to Sega eating shit relatively early on during the Saturn they were spared this fate and forced to move on save for a few special spergs.

>> No.7174863

This quote right there, I even asked once:"Why do you people want everything on switch?" And they went all reeee. I remember when the spergs went batshit when Square and Capcom said FFXV and Resident Evil 2 Remake were too poweful for the Switch, like bro, chill

>> No.7174867

Nintendo at this point is the Japanese Disney. They both have the same kind of rabid fans even though they're cold, unfeeling mega corporations that just want your money and bend the law how they see fit.

>> No.7174873

Based Roy Batty poster

>> No.7175087
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i thought they ported pic related to the switch or is pocket edition not the same thing.

>> No.7175119

lol the kid that didn't get a psx is still seething, so many cases

>> No.7176682

everybody i knew back in the day played games like germs, lsd, nemuru mayu, gaball screen, moon, etc wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7176693

Idiot anime poster.

>> No.7177635

It'a basically the same thing, but chibi, like the FFIII and IV for DS, it's good, serviceable, but according to Square the Switch can't handle the whole thing with the processor, which imho it's debatable considering Dark Souls and BOTW. But eh, it's their decision at the end lf the day.

>> No.7177646

>Why do people treat Nintendo like some kind of religion?
people without a true religion inevitably fall into idolatry. The guys who make fun of Nintendofans are idolizing something they don't even realize

>> No.7177651 [DELETED] 
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>bare naked cunny feet
that's a problem

>> No.7177671

Ever notice how the N64 was only good in one hyper-specific scenario and this somehow justifies how disappointing it was?

>> No.7177748

No, not at all

>> No.7177758

They don't, but really good branding for the last 35 years

>> No.7177760

White neoliberals ruin everything

>> No.7177769

pssst.....the jews are to blame.

>> No.7177772

jews aren't white

>> No.7177814

I had a Genesis as my first console because it was cheaper, but that was because I was an idiot child and just wanted to play video games. My parents just picked whatever was cheaper.

My next console was the N64 because I was old enough to know what I wanted and it was the N64. My parents still fucked up and got me Mario Kart 64 instead of Super Mario 64, though.

>> No.7177859

Sega failed because of the poor management of the company, not because of their games. They had way too many different consoles out at the same time and cared way too much about the Japanese market and way too little about the worldwide one.

>> No.7178205

He wasn't talking about the failure of SEGA as a whole bro. Reread the post. I mean, you are right but that wasn't the complete point.
In comparison of brand recognition sega failed where Nintendo succeeded.

>> No.7178228
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At least Nintendo is real.

>> No.7178337

>Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements.

Sounds quite real to me homie

>> No.7178340

>all those kids played games not released in English

>> No.7178573


>> No.7178942

I always thought SEGA failed because they let some Microsoft investor be their CEO, and his practices torpedoed the company?
As someone who was mildly cognizant during the late 90s, and was surrounded by teenagers what I saw happen was everyone would buy the same big games but when they were on a budget they would rent a game they didn't have (Maybe a popular one but usually not since they were already rented out by the time school ended) or they'd go fishing in the bargain bin, but instead of stacks of the same game they just couldn't get rid of it would be a glut of random titles no one had heard of

>> No.7179000
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>> No.7179019

Nostalgia is an umbrella cult. The Nintendo subdivision are more entrenched because of the childlike nature of Nintendo's games and the more common occurrence of arrested development in western civilization.

In layman's terms, a bunch of (wo)man-children that still allow a company to float off the B+ average it had in the 90's.

>> No.7179294
File: 110 KB, 1000x563, 74689CF2-A62B-46C4-A61F-43E56DA460FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a brown, there’s no on earth I respect less than white liberals

>> No.7179340

Weak Lefties treat anything they like. Like it's a religion.

>> No.7179468

Im pretty extreme right, but there are a bunch of consoomers on the right as well.

But yeah, the type of man children who fawn over Nintendo and Disney tend to be libtards.

>> No.7179594

I don't think it's about class, it's just people who have no other identity latching onto a product and using that to define themselves. You can see it with many things, not just Nintendo, so it's a broad psychological disorder.

>> No.7179638

Because they think of Nintendo as their friend, and so they take everything personally when it comes to them.

>> No.7179704

Nintendo is their friend though. Literally provided billions of hours of good gaming fun.

>> No.7180170

>muh Yuropoor computers
Nah, your games just suck. And I'm a Sega guy. The SMS was alright design wise, but terrible marketing (their US partner was Tonka as in the toy truck company lol) and Nintendo's complete monopoly in the US and Japan made it hard for it to really be as good as the NES. Simply put it was the worst out of Sega's 4 main consoles. Nintendo did some shady shit in the 80s, they were kind of like today's Sony in some ways (or today's Nintendo), but NES through Gamecube, in terms of console design and game library, were all solid systems. Genesis through Dreamcast was Sega's peak, the Saturn failed but it was still a lot more interesting than the Master System. Sony's peak is PS1-PS2 and some parts of the PS3. Makes sense that's what most talk about. Plus DOS games are still pretty popular, computer games from the mid-90s tend to hold up better overall.

>> No.7180228

Nintendo had great marketing in the 80s. It was a cultural phenomenon in the US back then and people who grew up playing it have fond memories. There are generations of older people who still call all video games "The Nintendo"

>> No.7180235

I was always more of a Sega guy, but I also love Nintendo stuff, and for me, the SNES and Mega Drive times were the best in video games.
I love seeing britfags cope about their japanese-less childhoods full of objectively bad Spectrum games.

>> No.7181251
File: 203 KB, 600x600, jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact same filename as posted in the GTA thread 2 days ago
You were bemoaning the white liberal bogeyman there too, except this time you're claiming to be brown.
Anyway take it back to /pol/ dickhead

>> No.7181263

how did we get to the point of people bragging about being illiterate?

>> No.7181291

Nintendo occupies more hearts and minds than any religion ever did.

>> No.7181313
File: 13 KB, 480x360, ok, throw me some numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Yuropoor computers
The Commodore 64 isn't a European home computer bro
>their US partner was Tonka as in the toy truck company lol
And Nintendo had Mattel as in the barbie company lol

I'm Australian and the SMS and the Commodore 64 were popular as hell while you were hard pressed to find someone who owned a NES in the 80s and 90s.
Dismissing systems with a dumb comment like "Nah, your games just suck" is poor form homie, there are plenty of niche home computers that people like to talk about on here that may pale in comparison to the more popular home consoles, like the MSX or Apple ][.

the userbase deteriorates with each passing year

Apparently Islam numbers at 1.8 billion whilst christianity hits 2.52 billion, what's the numbers on the Nintendo faithful?

>> No.7181352

N64 was cheaper than PS1, as it lacked a CD drive laser/motor assembly.

>> No.7181410

brits had sega at least desu

>> No.7181418

Let it go. No one on the internet exists. Put your energy into something better

>> No.7181427
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Nintendo specifically target children so any mature aged users will naturally be manchildren. What kind of man is buying new Kirby and Yoshi games in their 30s and 40s?

It's not the same type of man who wants to play old Sega and PS games to unwind or revisit a nice memory but generally likes or is ambivalent about modern games.

Having said that, furries hijacked the Sonic franchise but I wanted to keep the focus specifically on platforms/consoles.

>> No.7182702

no one you say?

>> No.7182712

Because they saved vidya in 1985. There would be no vidya today if it wasn't for Noentiendo.

>> No.7182980

There is more truth to this than you think. if you ask ten people their top ten favorite PS1/PS2 games, you're going to get very diverse lists.

Whereas with the N64/GC, the lists will be the same.

>> No.7183050

Crypto-nintendosexuality is still nintendosexuality.

>> No.7183051

N64 was the ghetto console here
Rich or spoiled kids had several consoles

>> No.7183101 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 646x914, 36C58EB2-C176-40B3-A759-7C0D7C4FE55B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I was brown there too.


No, a boogeyman is scary (like you screeching about le /pol/) No one is scared of white liberals lmao. You are the most pathetic group of people on earth.

Sorry if it INFURIATES you that a brown man isn’t kissing your ass. Truth is, we don’t respect you.

>> No.7184417

Counter theory. Overprotective hover moms only allowed Nintendo because muh family values image. Uncaring alcoholic parents bought SEGA and PSX. True rich kids were idorts because they got everything.

That's why Nintendo fans are weird autists screwed up by overprotective parents who sheltered them. SEGA and PSX fans are edgy braggarts who probably got anal raped by their uncle and started smoking at 13. People who don't care where exposed to or gifted everything either by having rich parents or lots of friends with different systems.

Mystery solved. Autists ninty, edgelords snoys and friendly rich idorts.

>> No.7184802

Whatever I had = Rich kid's console
Whatever you had = Poorfag's console

>> No.7184834
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Underrated post.
Nintendo is the only company that can get both a LOT of love, but also a LOT of hate. The people who hate them are a minority, but they're very heated up and passionate about their hatred for Nintendo.
Something I noticed is that most of the most mentally ill shitposters/tripfags from 4chan are usually fervently anti-Nintendo: ACfag, Ruggarell, Manlet Tears, Quentin... coincidence?
Even on /vr/ we have our own low-budget mentally ill shitposter, australia-kun, who's famous mainly for having a huge trauma with Nintendo.
What gives? What makes Nintendo make these kind of people seethe so much as to become chronic shitposters that only post about Nintendo 24/7?

>> No.7184865

I feel like it's a symbiotic relationship.
Nintendo fans are the most passionate and loyal of all, which pisses off people who aren't too big on Nintendo. Pretty sure all the hate directed toward Nintendo is usually not really for Nintendo and their games, and more for the Nintendo fans (usually the nintendo fans people know, which on 4chan means all the shit on /v/, a lot of which is falseflag but whatever).
So this creates "trolls" like Quentin who think "Nintendo is very popular, so I will shitpost against them to get more attention", which at the same time creates the reaction of "oh, this tripfag gets triggered by nintendo, let's make even more nintendo threads and act even more loyal to piss him off". An endless cycle.

>> No.7185060

>Something I noticed is that most of the most mentally ill shitposters/tripfags from 4chan are usually fervently anti-Nintendo: ACfag, Ruggarell, Manlet Tears, Quentin... coincidence?
I noticed this too. Also most of them were Sony fanboys, at least ruggarell sure is.

>> No.7185630

you're thinking of the guy who sold out and killed the dreamcast so he could get put on the head of the xbox team

>> No.7185814

IDK. fans are bored of Nintendo banning ROMs, fangames and stuff.

>> No.7185857

Same reason why people treat Sony like some kind of religion.

>> No.7186172

>nintendrone responds to himself

>> No.7186175

Samefag or not he made some points. Never thought about it but it's true that a lot of the more fucked up tripfags from /v/ are anti-nintendo.

>> No.7186209

Strong branding that's been pretty consistent for 40 years. Mario is the Mickey Mouse of gaming.