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File: 2 KB, 256x240, NES_Mega_Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7170886 No.7170886 [Reply] [Original]

1996 anon here. My older brother was born in 1987 and says that MM1 was the first videogame he ever beat, at the age of five. I think he's lying. But how do I prove it.

>> No.7170889

Ask him to beat it again. Give him some sort of time limit.

>> No.7170893

Interesting. How about 20 minutes or so?

>> No.7170897

Not that anon, but no, give them as much time as they need, just so long as there's a witness. There's a slight chance he did it, but I find it hard to believe that anyone of that age could have such expert control over their reflexes. Who knows.

>> No.7170902

I don't see the issue. I've known a kid who could first played MM2 at the age of 3-4 and beat it at age 5.
Don't understimate kids. They have all the time in the world and some of great learning curves.

>> No.7170904

5 is a bit young, but like 7-8 you could probably do it. i beat some hard ass games at that age.

>> No.7170909
File: 870 KB, 2848x2132, sote rare message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've known a kid who could first played MM2 at the age of 3-4 and beat it at age 5.
To be fair Mega Man 2 is far easier than 1. You're not wrong, though, but I think it's more of the mindset that you can do anything because you don't know that you can and you're not trying hard, you're just relaxed and in the zone.

>> No.7170914

That's like kindergarten age. He would have dropped the controller after first death and resumed shoving crayons up his nose or eating glue.

>> No.7170916

I beat Mega man 1 with save states not too long ago. It was easy, I believe your brother.

>> No.7170920

I doubt he had internet access or a Nintendo emulator in 92.

>> No.7170924
File: 647 KB, 480x360, 1607853594.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask him how he beat yellow devil
why bother playing games using save states? gtfo of here

>> No.7170928

He'll just google it like a spider expert. Sitting him down in front of the game and watching him play is the only way. I've seen instances where young Asian kids can play back difficult classical music, but their parents beat them or send them to bed without food if they mess up. I think what we have here is a genuine bullshitter.

>> No.7170932

I do realise he's a shitter, but there are a lot of people who abuse save states and it ends up being such a soulless experience of a game

>> No.7170938

maybe he figured out the pause trick?

>> No.7170941

He's 5 in 1992. Where is he getting the emulator?

>> No.7170943

The pause trick is kind of difficult to pull off anyway for anyone, much less for a five-year-old.

>> No.7170949

>Interesting. How about 20 minutes or so?
I don't mean a speedrun time limit I mean give him a couple days?

If you give him unlimited time, then it doesn't mean much. An adult spending a year to beat MM1 doesn't mean he beat it as a kid.

But if he can clear the game fast in a day or two then perhaps he did beat it back then?

>> No.7170952

>If you give him unlimited time, then it doesn't mean much

>But if he can clear the game fast in a day or two then perhaps he did beat it back then?
Maybe, but I'd think that if he couldn't do it within 4 hours, he's full of shit. Chances are he'd quit long before 4 hours is up is he is full of shit.

>> No.7170978

I'm not going to dedicate my life to beating Mega man 1 and journey to Silius. I rather beat them in one sitting while I wait to see a doctor.

>> No.7171005

Mega Man usually gives unlimited continues so he could eventually grind a ''win''.

But if you really want to say you beat MM you do it without using any continues

>> No.7171009


I was born in 86, and MM2 was my first video game at the age of 3. I was pissed I had to be the blue guy, and kept resetting the game cause I wanted to be the guy with the fan on his face.

Your brother's probably bullshitting, but even if he wasn't who cares? Honestly him beating it now wouldnt mean anything anyway. Just do the annoying little brother thing and deny it and tell him he's lying if/when ever he brings it up. Even if he isn't lying, does it really matter?

>> No.7171319

>I beat Mega man 1 with save states
Then you didn't beat it.

>> No.7171465

>beat it at age 5.
Although he hasn't beaten it my 5yr old can get to Willy's Castle on MM2.

>> No.7171483

Bruh Megaman has a pause glitch that kills EVERY BOSS in one hit. Your brother prolly cheated

>> No.7171485


>> No.7171492

What, no, it's not. Figuring it out without assistance is the only hard part.

>> No.7171564
File: 201 KB, 800x587, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread really be full of people jealous that a five year old beat megaman. Back in the NES days you basically had no choice to harden the fuck up

>> No.7171847

I beat megaman 1-3 when I was 7

>> No.7171848

I beat MM1 at 5 years old but that was with the pause glitch
He's probably telling the truth

>> No.7171857

I knew about the pause trick in blaster master somehow, so its not impossible for him to have found out about the pause trick against yellow devil. but aside from that is there anything hard in mega man 1?

>> No.7171889

The first part of Guts Man's stage, the flying platforms that shoot pellets from the sides that you will fall through if you get hit while standing on one, the fact that i-frames won't save you from dying to spikes immediately, and the final boss. The game wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't broken sometimes.

>> No.7171896

I got past those by using the elec beam to revisit elec man's stage and destroy his blocks for the magnet beam. Nowadays I can get past them without it.

>> No.7171908

Kek get back at him by asking what his highscore was. If you game over it resets to 0

>> No.7171918

I do the same thing and can beat Mega Man 1 in a day, but I imagine for a 5 year old playing it with no help that it wouldn't be the same.

>> No.7171930

I did manage it at that age but it took a lot of fucking around and going around aimlessly. I don't remember how I discovered the pause glitch though, probably from spamming the elec beam.

>> No.7171939

That makes sense. At some point the game forces you to look for the magnet beam anyway.

>> No.7171948

ah yeah, 1 is pretty janky. Still though those parts you mentioned aren't so bad that its IMPOSSIBLE for a 5 year old to do, just not all that likely. I remember being about 5 when I got mega man 6 for my birthday and I had been playing NES games since my earliest memories.

>> No.7171974
File: 41 KB, 691x484, 1607662817191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread really be
Stop talking like a nigger

>> No.7171976

The Magnet Beam can really help people like OPs 5yo bro get through shit. The 2 places I use it after starting with Bomb are the valley in Ice Mans stage and the Spiked Hallway near the end of Wily 1

>> No.7171980
File: 117 KB, 447x434, BondMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask him what Bond Man's weakness was

>> No.7172492

I wouldn't have to talk like that if you guys were smart enough to read, I'm appealing to dumb people in a dumb thread

>> No.7172731

I beat X3 when I was 6, and then later struggled with it in my teen years. Sometimes kids can just clutch and beat unexpectedly difficult games relative to their age. Plus as others have mentioned already, when you have a lot of free time it's easy to grind out a win eventually.

>> No.7172765

Is your mouth a toilet? Because I'm about to shit in it.

>> No.7172781

NTA but kys

>> No.7172871

Did you just go through X3 without all of the upgrades while you were younger? It gets harder when you have to get all the Ride Armors and the Golden Armor

>> No.7172982

He's not wrong.

>> No.7173082

My son's in kindergarten and can best quite a few games. Mostly just wants to fuck around in Minecraft though to be honest.

>> No.7173183

> How about 20 minutes or so?
Literally impossible without breaking the game.

>> No.7173193

When i was 5 i could easily beat megaman 3. Kids were way better at games back in the day. We only had the nes and like 1 or 2 games so we had to get good

>> No.7174728

What happens after a game over in MM1?
I know 1 didnt have that password continue thingy.

Does the whole game reset or can you continue with all booses that you defeated still being defeated?

>> No.7174795

>save states
go back

>> No.7174807

Why do you even fucking care?

>> No.7174824

Use your common sense, nobody has ever beaten Mega Man 1.

>> No.7174843

If your brother played MM1 everyday for hours a day he would have eventually got good enough to beat it even at 5 years old.

>> No.7174864 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 331x429, 1607946439911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 3yr old walked up to me after beating all the NES MegaPerson's in one sitting in chronological order and asked if the reason Willy came to power is the same reason Drumpth came to power and I said yes. Darn kid is smarter than me. Then he/her skipped off to help some neighbor POC's 1cc Mike Tyson's Punch Out and everyone clapped.

>> No.7176592

I need closure on this. It's important.

>> No.7176654


>> No.7176969

The real question here is what does he have to gain by lying about it? Did he steal your gf or something? Is Mega Man the reason why your mom loves him more?

>> No.7176992

Thank you, R eddit.

>> No.7177001

5 is too young for a hard NES game
No strategic thinking, discipline or memorization skills
Back in those days some games I just had to accept I would never finish
Today replaying those games I realize I was very dumb, I could read magazines and write at age 3 but those games were an unsurmountable challenge until much later, even most SNES games were impossible because kids that age lack the critical mind needed to win, also at some point in those days you would just go outside and have fun instead of losing at the same stages over and over again

>> No.7177028

kids really are dumb
i used to get my whole party wiped out in final fantasy or dragon quest
as an adult it's not even fun without a hardtype hack

>> No.7177067

Elecman can kill you in 3 hits and he's in a frenzy when you fight him. Unless you figure out the Rolling Cutter is his weakness, the fight might as well be impossible. Unless you know how to loop his AI, but that's still very very frustrating.

That's the one thing in MM1 really

>> No.7177074

The Flying Platform in Ice Man's aren't on a set cycle

>> No.7177079

It's has a continue system, yes

>> No.7177095

Now that I think about it, once you get the Thunder Beam and the Magnet Beam, most of the worst challenges in the game become skippable.

It all takes a bunch of backtracking to figure out, and to somehow realize there's a weakness system

>> No.7177134

Fellow '87fag reporting in. Doesn't sound all that farfetched to me. Games from that era were mainly about remembering what killed you the last time and then figuring out how not to make the same mistake again.

If all your brother did after school was play megaman every day for few months, then he will beat it, even at age five.

Thanks for reminding me of the time my older brother refused to believe I 100%'d Crash Bandicoot without cheats.

>> No.7177168

You don't have to dedicate your life in order to beat Mega Man without savestates. You don't even have to dedicate 2 hours.

>> No.7177470

I do. I am dating myself, but i was born in 1983. I beat ff1, dragon warrior, rygar, mega man, meteoid, caslevania 2, godzilla, shadowgate, legacy of the wizard, the guardian legend, faxanadu, karnak, kid nikki, double dragon, fester's quest, blaster master, milon's secret casle, roger rabbit, hudson's adventure island, and several others when they were contemporary.

>> No.7177492

I believe it. Its a platformer, the mechanics arent beyond the reach of a kid to understand. If a kid plays the game for an hour or 2 a day because they have a ton of time and only a few games I think it could be easily done in a few months or a year

>> No.7177946

Trial and error
I just tried different weapons everywhere until they worked.

>> No.7178027

Good bait, lots of retards took it.

>> No.7178305

If you actually care about this, you're autistic.

>> No.7178317

Do you have the same parents? Pretty neat that your parents still liked to get busy after 10 years.

>> No.7178320

Yep, I remember beating Sonic 2 by writing down the patterns of the boss because my 6 year old brain was too stupid to remember it.

>> No.7178330

classic MM isn't hard to beat using continues/passwords. But getting a 1CC takes a lot of practice

>> No.7178393

i doubt he even had a pc in 92.

>> No.7178742

based baitposter

>> No.7180145

It was gonna be Hyper Bomb, with Guts Man's weakness being Bond Man's weapon.

>> No.7180152


>> No.7180526

My older brother, like you asked me to ask.

>> No.7180598

If he learned the pause trick, sounds perfectly reasonable.

>> No.7180612

>But how do I prove it.
You can't. Who cares though?

>> No.7180734


This matches my experience, more or less. I played Mega Man as a kid and I think I beat all the robot masters but I don't know whether I ever did it in a single game, and I certainly never got through the final Wily stages or whatever. I've only actually finished that game once, and I did it as an adult. (No I did not use save states; I played on an actual NES.) It's not extremely hard but it was a little too hard for me to beat on a rental when I was ten or whatever, and it's likely to be too hard for a five-year-old. But not certain. You never know.

>> No.7180795

Arm Cannon, just like for any other MM1 boss.

>> No.7180848

I think you his heard and he was beaten by your father with a copy of Mega Man when he was 5.

>> No.7181026
