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File: 1.96 MB, 1600x1000, duke-nukem-3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7169427 No.7169427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Duke Nukem 3D is a bad game as well as pozzed SJW leftist garbage
>military is useless
>le cops are pigs xD ACAB everyone???
>main character is a caricature mocking toxic masculinity, White culture and mysoginism
>aliens have a Christian church in their HQ (Christianity is BAD am i right gamers??)
>Duke's voice actor is a libtard cuck who had a meltdown over based Kyle Rittenhouse killing 2 pedophiles and wounding another one
This is why Shadow Warriror will forever be the best Build Engine game, only cucks and trannies think Duke 3d is anything else but an awful communist dogshit game

>> No.7169441


>> No.7169546

The game glorifies violence and has portrayals of women libtards would find “sexist”. You literally regain health by tipping strippers, no shitlib would praise it in this day and age.

>> No.7169554


>> No.7169862

Good bait

>> No.7169864
File: 719 KB, 499x667, 1607736170706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Alf Nukem 3D

PS Half-Life is shit

>> No.7169880
File: 60 KB, 1036x650, 1602710144364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>military is useless
That's not a leftist idea. Regardless, it's just a common trope, especially if it revolves around a one-man soldier. Would you say that Rambo is a pozzed SJW leftist movie?
>main character is a caricature mocking toxic masculinity, White culture and mysoginism
Which is based. If the Duke Nukem character were created today, regardless of how "ironic" it is, it would still be derided as sexist. Instead, Duke would be a trans person of color. So I'm fine with the walking caricature of a white man because it honestly just makes white men look badass.
>aliens have a Christian church in their HQ
Okay, you got me there. It was seen as countercultural and cool to bash religion in the 90s. Nowadays, it just comes off as cringeworthy as fuck.
>Duke's voice actor is a libtard cuck
The VA's political views (20 years after the fact) has no bearing on the dev's intentions for the game.