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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7167354 No.7167354 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7167465

It's the second best Megaman game right under Legends.

Just kiddin', x is on the same tier but Megamanzero is rpg tier and full of wiggle room in it's gameplay thus. So it's x tier.

Battlenetwork of course IS a jrpg. Or rather a bunch.

Legends and megamanzero are bordering. People love shit like symphony of the knight and re4 because of it's bordering with all coveted game elements of jrpgs.

Of course, objectively castlevania is meant to be arcade tier, megaman is meant to be very hard and reflexes only (too), rgps should stay their own genre, but oh well, too late. Also re is mean to be scary and so 4 is shit.

>> No.7167502


>> No.7167720

>tier tier tier tier re4 sucks

>> No.7167761

I got an aneurysm reading this

>> No.7167828

It's the apex of 2D Mega Man games, IMO.
Elemental weaknesses are useful but don't completely trivialize bosses, and are useful outside the bosses. You can go buster only and do alright, but it's more fun to get up close with the saber. EX skills are better implemented than Zero's skills in MMX4-X8. Levels are more intensive on platforming than the X games.

Basically takes the best parts of Classic and X, and mixes them together with its developers own twists.

>> No.7167832

Not retro

>> No.7167845

>on a platform which came out before 2007
>games were released from 2002-2005
It's unfortunately /vr/. God knows why they lumped these games into /vr/ instead of making a /v2k/.

>> No.7167851

Retro games are not lucrative. /v/ is very lucrative, so they split it into a bunch of boards to increase ad revenue.

>>god knows why
God ain't real. Stop bringing 'it' up.

>> No.7167857

>god isn't real
>vagina is evil.

Holy fucking incel, batman

>> No.7167870
File: 501 KB, 781x594, hard to see past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word incel doens't mean anything. It's a redditor shaming tactic.

>> No.7167886


holy fucking based

>> No.7167958

Fatastic series, better than anything released after x3. You might struggle in the beginning as right from the start the game doesn't pull any punches but once you figure Zero's movement out it becomes way easier. I had a blast finishing these games the first time and I had a blast trying to 100% + S-rank the second time (except for the aircraft mission on the 2nd or 3rd game where you have to protect Ciel at the end and if she takes 2 hits your rank instantly drops to A). My only major problem with them were the controls, I don't remember exactly what it was right now as it has been many years since I played these games but the standard control scheme never clicked for me, I always had to go in the options menu and mess with it to find something better.

>> No.7167980

I tried a bit of Zero not all that long ago and I'm not feeling it. It feels like an even more extremely version of the X series design: even easier and more basic stages, even harder bosses.
Except if I die on a boss I don't restart with 3 lives at the beginning, I load my game with 1 life. From what I gather you have to actually grind lives? Feels like unbearable padding, so I put it down. You're supposed to keep trying bosses until you learn their pattern and weakness. Not getting the same number of tries you get in literally every other megaman feels cheap.

>> No.7168035

rpg tier

And you grind for Elf food, those crystals, more so than for lives. You can use them to save lives as they're the wiggle room, or of the wiggle, I previously mentioned.

>> No.7168168
File: 419 KB, 859x861, abb8db05ee0a94b9f2e32c96f2f7338e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero 4 is probably my favorite Mega Man game. Ultimately the problem with Classic and X is you take damage from contact while having no or limited point defense options. Although there's still contact damage in Z, using the Saber means you can actually regularly get into close combat and come out on top. And having parts like double jump or frog, combined with the natural forward dash, makes Zero many degrees more responsive than Rock, Bass, Proto Man, X or X-Zero. As far as I'm concerned there's absolutely nothing like it in terms of attack and locomotion.

>> No.7168174

The first one has a weird lives/continues system that makes just reloading your last save a better option. The other Zero games have a more traditional system

>> No.7168310

MZ3 would be on my top 10 if one day do one, but all zero series is excelent

>> No.7168316

Grappling hook controls in 2 are also absolutely awful. It is no CV4.

>> No.7168342

best series

og is fine and cute but also childish and fanservice
x is megaman's sonic adventure 2: edgy shit filled with rock/metal shit music to pander the contrarian cool 90s kids
zero is a solid franchise with solid story. best fucking ost ever. and interesting story and pace, where every part of the game mean something

>> No.7168348


Correct. Retro games are new games designed to be like old games. The old games they're emulating will never be retro.


I was never really into them. The first two just had irritating design, though 3 and 4 were okay. Recently replayed them all to see if my opinion has changed, but nope. Probably won't touch them again.

>> No.7168391


>> No.7168407

do japanese people not know how numbers work or something

>> No.7168463

use your words

zoomers and their phone culture

One of it's only results is from crystal cafe, of which is just roleplaying men as far as I'm concerned. If not they should be invaded as they invaded 'male only' things.

>> No.7168497

the gba's small screen resolution ruins them.

Classic serie > X serie > Zero serie

>> No.7168523

I absolutely adore the bosses in 2 and 3, but the level design and general spiteful attitude these games have is always a major turn off

that said, I'm very happy the series got a quality collection release this year

>> No.7168562

GB\GBA platformers all suffer from having a low screen resolution relative to the NES\SNES.

>> No.7168595

Fucking horrible Euro boxart.

>> No.7168663

The games are designed around this
Screen crunch is only an issue in the factory in Z1

>> No.7168671

gamecube's gameboy player negates your point of view

Also emulation is a thing forever. My win9x computer had visualboyadvance on it.

>> No.7168672

the gameboy player

emulators since forever

>> No.7168696

Emulation/gameboy player doesn't zoom the camera out, retard.
You literally can't see level designs because of the shitty resolution.

>> No.7168701

It's big enough and the perspective is fine. Your 'camera isn't perfect' shit is just revealing you to be a zoomer. Not everything is skyrim.

>> No.7168850

Great games, held back by being on handhelds and FOV/level design decisions. This series is very reliant on cheap bullshit to kill you. You jump offscreen into spikes and there's no warning, no reason to believe spikes are there. Then you're dead. It's got this "Haha gotcha" vibe to its levels that gets grating.

It does have better level design than the X games where you sleepwalk through levels. Its closer to the precise platforming of the Classic series. Its combat is very rewarding. OST, top notch. The story arc feels more thought out than the X series. I did dislike how Zero's look in these games is just a design choice. In universe, he looks the same as he always does. Overall, any person who likes the Classic/X should check these games out. Its better combat also makes it appealing to those who do not care for those games.

>> No.7168959

the best one

>> No.7168963

get the Zero/ZX Collection

>> No.7169027

It's good, fast paced platforming that will nail your balls to a table if you want to rank S on every mission. A simple armament, new designs that give the Megaman seried new air... I like them.
1 is good, although unrefined. Could never get behind raising Cyber-elves.
2 is a great entry, usually opaqued by the sequel. The best challenging difficulty, in my opinion.
3 is peak Zero, with great enemies in Omega, notWily number 3 and the Judges.
4 is a good conclusion to the franchise. The glove mechanics are my favorites and raising a single Elf is very convenient.

>> No.7169271

I hate that in the sequels you need to do perfect ranks to get new weapons. Also hate that you have cool upgrades but can't use them if you want the best ending.
The first one is worth playing, the other are for fans.

>> No.7169292
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>shitty euro box art

>> No.7169310

those run at the same res with borders.

>> No.7169325

EX Skills are intimidating at first, but they're actually pretty easy to acquire if you just aim for an A-rank. It means you should reload if you die or take a shitload of damage but if you start strong you can coast your way through the game pretty easily thanks to how the averaging works.

Also I dunno why you'd say the first game did it best, the Elf System is much more streamlined and fun to use in Zero 3 and Zero 4.

>> No.7169332
File: 582 KB, 1060x1067, 2006-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero 3 had the best gameplay, and the chip and elf customization system was the best of the series. Although the story was not great. NOT THE BODY GEE I WONDER WHAT X MEANS BY THAT

Zero 2 had a great story, mostly great levels, mostly great bosses. Final boss fight was such a disappointment gameplay-wise though. Forms were pretty neat but not as good as Zero 3's chips. Annoying that all the Cyber Elves are one-time use which means you wind up not using them at all and losing out on the fun customizations.

Zero 4 was pretty soulless. Story mostly sucked except for the ending. Character artist different (worse) than the previous three games. Music mostly pretty good, some good levels and bosses. Z Knuckle could have been great and they clearly put a lot of work into it, but there's almost nothing useful you can steal besides axes. Tying elemental attacks to EX skills was a dumb move. Weather system was meh. And where the FUCK are the Guardians? They were retconned to die in Zero 3, what the fuck?

Zero 1 is pretty rough, a lot of elements that didn't age well like the continues system and the missions system. I'll give it some slack though, it was the first in the series after all. I wonder how the game would have turned out if they'd stuck to Ciel being a playable wizard-like character who attacked with Cyber Elves, and if they hadn't made that last-minute decision to make the final boss a copy instead of the real X.

>> No.7169335

It's like Megaman meets Ninja Gaiden. I love it. Brutally and often frustratingly difficult, but it feels so good when you've attempted a level dozens of times and are then able to speedrun it killing everything in your path. Feels so badass and powerful, especially when you do no-elf runs so you only have like 10 bars of health...

And like, aesthetically, thematically, I like how this series thoroughly deconstructs everything Megaman X had built up. Where X was basically just a rank-and-file footsoldier for the ruling class, Zero is an anti-fascist with a red and black color scheme who kills cops and lives on a commune with his leftist snowflake friends, this is a character I can relate to.

>"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

>> No.7169354

>They were retconned to die in Zero 3
Yeah I also thought that was kind of lame. Apparently they died at the end of Z3 when they were shielding Zero from Omega exploding?

>> No.7169406

The retcon even came out after they released this pic. It was just an asspull to explain why the Biometals exist in ZX I guess.

>> No.7169412
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>> No.7169415

I was pretty confused when Model H talked about fighting to protect humans and how he believes his battles had meaning, because in the Zero games he was mostly an antagonist and took until Zero 3 to make a difference against the villains.

>> No.7169426

There's 200 years between Zero and ZX, imo they should've just had the Guardians running around for a while and having their own story, maybe even fodder for a series in the middle, before becoming Biometals
Although that'd necessitate rewriting Ciel's invention.

>> No.7169503
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Well, that was always one of the interesting aspects of the story: that Neo Arcadia was a paradise for humans fulfilling X's wish, but once external pressures occurred, Reploids took the brunt. The Guardians are devoted to X and devoted to humanity (hence lines like "What value is there in justice complacent humans seek"), but have no inherent dislike of Reploids or of Zero—they only try to kill them because humanity commands it due to the energy crisis. From their perspective the resistance really are terrorists, blowing up supplies and destroying facilities all so they can selfishly use energy that is necessary for humanity to survive in a ruined world. But when it became clear that Weil was willing to kill humans, it overrode even Harpuia's devotion to X. That's why I think it would have worked better if they had kept the real X as the original villain, and he had turned into a crazy idealist instead of it being Ciel's fault for accidentally building Copy X with megalomaniac tendencies.

>> No.7169520

Very fun series, encourages getting gud to get new abilities, isn't a complete push over, the home base is interesting because it lets you get to know some the NPCs and creates better world building. For me music isn't memorable because just trying to think of a song I can't even remember one.

>> No.7169594
File: 557 KB, 1056x1070, 2006-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some of the ones I liked

>> No.7169889

>They were retconned to die in Zero 3, what the fuck?
it gets much funnier
they justified their absence having them watch the fall of Ragnarok in Vile's Incident
then they retconned that saying they died in the explosion in 3, possibly to tie in about ZX's plot.
NOW they retconned that recently, saying it's entirely a mystery of their whereabouts.

>> No.7169897
File: 1.10 MB, 1260x979, Craft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss Craft

>> No.7169907

Play the DS compilation on a DSi XL

>> No.7170132

imagine Ciel in 200 years

>> No.7170596

It's very un-MegaMan-like to lock the weapons behind rank.

>> No.7170614

I like how ZX handled this desu.

Biometal acquisition is unaffected by your performance in the level, only the boss fight matters, and only in that you damage the biometal every time you hit the boss in the wrong spot. It doesn't break the game, makes perfect sense in-universe.

>> No.7170620

>From their perspective the resistance really are terrorists, blowing up supplies and destroying facilities all so they can selfishly use energy that is necessary for humanity to survive in a ruined world.

See, 4chan? The Resistance smash windows and light cars on fire but it's easy for you to accept them as the good guys. Don't you realize Antifa are the same thing? We're literally the Resistance from Megaman Zero, and AVALANCHE from Final Fantasy VII, and the Freedom Fighters from Sonic the Hedgehog, only IRL.

If I were a character in a video game you all would think I was really cool, but I'm flesh and blood and twitchy nerves so you call me a faggot...

>> No.7170697

thanks for the bump, faggot

>> No.7170706

>NOW they retconned that recently, saying it's entirely a mystery of their whereabouts.
makes sense. If Capcom actually picks anything back up with the franchise past MM11, they want Inafune's deadlocks to be gone. Zero can come back, Guardians never died, etc etc. it all depends on what they want to do with certain things. Same reason why Final Fantasy X-2.5 and the audio drama follow-up exist to undo just about everything in FFX in case Square wants to make more sequels.

>> No.7170709 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 444x444, 1607847093792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like mega man zero? not afraid of a challenge and not homo? then you should play mighty gunvolt burst! asap

also nice art

>> No.7170761

Those lopsided eyes on zero are bugging the shit out of me

>> No.7170793

It's got soul. Soulless perfection isn't real tier.

In real life human eyes are never quite the same shape. Even when they are other facial features end up slightly different.

>> No.7170801

....he's not a human though......

>> No.7170805

That original Megaman games for PS1 can sell for hundreds of pounds.

>> No.7170817
File: 699 KB, 1055x1074, 2005-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well dump the rest, cheers

>> No.7170818
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>> No.7170823
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>> No.7170825
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>> No.7170827
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>> No.7170831
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>> No.7170836
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>> No.7170838
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>> No.7170839
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>> No.7170842
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>> No.7170847
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>> No.7170848


ty bro

>> No.7170873

Classic > Zero > Legends > Battle Network > X

>> No.7170875

But he has a soul and bleeds....

>> No.7170879

I didn't find burst to be all that similar to zero honestly, I remember it being alright though

>> No.7171682

MGB is fucking kino. I didn't expect to have the blast I had when I blindly bought it on the ps4. I still need to go back and get the DLC packs.

>> No.7171789

It's actually just the shitty European boxart which is a badly traced version of the badass Japanese boxart. There is no soul to it whatsoever.

>> No.7171837

perhaps the best designed action platformer series of all time. Excellent responsive controls, varied level design and enjoyable difficulty with built in crutches for those not quite at that level. Great music too, the ice level in 2 really stands out to me as HIGH IMPACT FUN

>> No.7172862
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>> No.7172912
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>> No.7172918
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>> No.7172926
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>> No.7173125

The only good and worthwhile Megaman series besides Battle Network.
Yes, I'm saying the original is shit,

>> No.7173275


>> No.7173609

The idea was okay, but taking pains not to hit the boss in the weak spot was more annoying than resetting to get at least an A-rank. If you don't get Level 4 the first time, you have to do it when the boss respawns. Which is okay, but you might havve to kill multiple bosses before the boss comes back.

>> No.7173921


>> No.7174279
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>> No.7174289
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>> No.7174296

see >>7174279