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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 729 KB, 1200x1275, MM3D_Rosa_Sisters_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7162040 No.7162040 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing this and am already in love.

>> No.7162068

I must say I quite agree.
I played both games last year, and I liked MM way more than OoT.
Tell us what you think when you reach the boss guy in the throne room (you'll know when you reach it). It's a midboss, but it's pretty awesome.

>> No.7162139


>> No.7162404

Both OoT and MM work well as companion games. MM depends on OoT and the inversion of its world for its themes.

>> No.7162420 [SPOILER] 
File: 934 KB, 503x699, 1607635387314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I hear something alright

>> No.7162449
File: 56 KB, 204x531, MM_Banker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know if these were supposed to be men or women. OOT characters are hideous.

>> No.7162473
File: 19 KB, 138x267, majora_rosa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sisters were obviously female to me, although I think the best thing about them is their voices

>> No.7162480

the only one that ever threw me off is the one you posted, and if you think the OoT NPCs are bad you should see some of the later games

>> No.7162598

No, don't do this to me.

>> No.7162753

>if you think the OoT NPCs are bad you should see some of the later games
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.7164419

It's a great game.

>> No.7164661

Cute. M-more?

>> No.7164693 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 1607704090823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying this now. Just finished the Kafei and Anju sidequest... still gives me the chills.

>> No.7164718
File: 899 KB, 1440x1080, Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (USA)-201102-230439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you playing on?
If you're emulating you need to get the HD texture pack.

>> No.7164723

original hardware + CRT

>> No.7164729
File: 885 KB, 1440x1080, Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (USA)-201027-012840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The important thing is you're not playing the unpatched 3ds version.

>> No.7164856

This guy's are some of my favourite porn comics. I must have cum gallons to them when I was a kid

>> No.7165005

>that stone mask voyeur
top fucking kek

>> No.7166661 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder that Joe reditter simped for erin matei and got butthurt when mike rejected his pitched avgn episode script but he just ate it when mike replied in a "lmao I dont care faggot" matei fashion and then joe lashed out against fucking tony (KEK)
Also reminder joe has yet to fire back at mike after mike humiliated joe and exposed him as a cheater on a j&mm episode

>> No.7166735

well yeah its one of the classic action adventures

>> No.7167264

Not for long

Just you wait

>> No.7167270

The Twilight Princess Ordon village children perhaps? I couldn't tell the gender of most of them the first time I played.

>> No.7167271 [DELETED] 


>> No.7167420
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top fucking kek

>> No.7167425
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>games that have a time limit

>> No.7167436

Sauce on this? Looks like a good read

>> No.7167451

which should I play first ? OoT?

>> No.7167458
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>> No.7167485

It's a sequel to the ocarina of time so obviously you'd play oot. Then again the real zelda formula starts at a link to the past on the snes, so you'd play that first, then if you liked it a lot, then link's awakening on the gameboy, skipping the oracle games because you got tired of it and it's objectively worse than the gameboy zelda, also skipping the nes ones at the very start as they're proto-stage and thus awful, you'd go thus to the n64's two zelda games, but the majora's mask has a literal time limit so you'll want to just hop onto gen 6th's dick and play minish cap next, and windwaker, then twilight, then S-T-O-P. Maybe play the oracle games though, but stop at the link between worlds. I never played skyward sword and know that their newest breath of wind game hasn't even keys and is open world and all, so def never play the newest. I'm not sure why we all gave up at wii(u) stage zelda, but did. The graphics must have had us all too asspained. Like a scanner darkly movie. Abhorrent. So no one plays skyward, though it's on my to-do list as the last zelda game I will ever play. I played the bastard of a link to the past so why not (a link between worlds is a blatant sequel to alttp?

>> No.7167950

Between MM and OoT, do OoT first.

>> No.7168021

imagine getting filtered by the groundhog day mechanic

>> No.7168159

Not retro

>> No.7168472

Its a time limit for literal kids anon.
OOT. MM is a direct sequel, likely taking place a week (or less) after OOT.

>> No.7168825

>Bad Majora
fucking lmao, i actually got off this shit in the past.

artist is Passage, you'd probably would find the rest on exhentai or his site (but you gotta pay up)

>> No.7169639


>> No.7170136

>song of double time

>> No.7170152
File: 149 KB, 287x283, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got stuck on liking his stuff cause this was during the time when I really loved the Zelda games like Ocarina of Time and Majora Masks. Then suddenly there was r34 of them. In color. Young me was not ready.

>> No.7170159


>> No.7170167

remake discussion is allowed

>> No.7170169

is it worth playing?
I have this condition - don't know what it's called - but I start every Zelda game and I can never finish them because they're boring and not compelling in the slightest.
I've tried:
-Link to the Past
-Ocarina of Time
-Twilight Princess

and so far haven't been arsed to finish them.
I feels like there's something wrong with me because everyone goes on and on and on about how all those zelda games are "the greatest of all time."

Am I a brainlet?
Am I terminal?

I really don't know what's wrong with me but I just find every Zelda game to be a chore... is there any hope?

>> No.7170181
File: 1.17 MB, 500x317, EPFQY8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170189


sounds like a severe case of zoomeritis

>> No.7170192

poor girl is addicted to heroin

>> No.7170262

I'm a boomer.
I grew up playing FPS/RTS on PC because I never had a console.
Got into platforming once I got a gamepad and could emulate nintendo but I really just hate RPGs.
The only RPGs I like are Oblivion and Earthbound.

But as I said, I've really given the Zelda games a try. I just cannot for the life of me get into them. Any 3d game that doesn't let you jump, no matter how arbitrary it would be, just sucks.

>> No.7170494

>I'm an extreme normalfaggot that hates rpgs and zelda
>only first person shooters for me
>earthbound tho
bait or you simply are too dumb to solve zelda puzzles and or are not patient enough to search or keys and such

>> No.7170498

Also, about jumping, that shit is just retarded. Not every game is mario. Real life is very '3d'. How often do you fucking jump in real actual life?
>shots fired
>>oh shit it's the NAZIS
>jumps with soldier in 3d game to get away from bullets
Seriously you double nigger?

>> No.7170574

It's more than this.
I love puzzle games, always have.
I just don't like the world of Zelda. Nothing about it is compelling. It's not immersive nor interesting.
It might be the "seinfeld isn't funny" effect but I just couldn't write a more bland RPG if I tried.

"oh no! the princess is stolen! go save her.." every fucking time.

I completely understand that EB is for normies but at the very least the quirkyness and contemporary setting kept me more grounded and interested.
And oblivion is an FPS first and a RPG second that just lets you go around and quite honestly explore as much as you want and do anything without being linear at all. I loved that.

I think I played Mario & Luigi superstar saga on the gameboy and I like that. At the very least it let you do quicktime events.

>> No.7170628
File: 155 KB, 924x660, mm manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ackshually it's a few months after OoT

>> No.7171638

Hes clearly a femboy twink

>> No.7171678

How often do you battle battle giant monsters and use magic in real actual life?

>> No.7171957

You don't like something, who cares? Do something else.

>> No.7172194

>games that hurry you up

>> No.7173523

You actually hurry up the game. You're in control of the time, that's the whole point.

>> No.7173916
File: 186 KB, 500x236, chibinasu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she works long hard hours. if ya know what I mean

>> No.7173920


>> No.7173929

She seemed oddly eager to get it on with a fishman.

>> No.7174048

Mikau is curiously attractive for a fish man

>> No.7175208

normally I would make fun of you but it sounds like you've given Zelda an honest shot and it just isn't for you, even if I don't agree with some of your points.

luckily there's lots of great vidya out there that isn't Zelda.

>> No.7176415

Like I really do have a big respect for the franchise and considering how many uhh, shall we say "normies", love it I really wanted to see what everyone was obsessing about.

Last ditch effort - I have not played the original on NES. Would it even be worth it? I find NES games a little too simplified and repetitive (like Metroid vs. Super Metroid) but maybe that would be good?

>> No.7176883

>skipping the oracle games because you got tired of it and it's objectively worse than the gameboy zelda, also skipping the nes ones at the very start as they're proto-stage and thus awfu

This is the shittiest advice in the thread.

NES and Oracles are highlights of the series and superior to both LttP and LA.

>> No.7176890

2deep4u non-Zelda for Tim Burton fans and women. Ocarina blows this shit pile out of the fucking water.

>> No.7176986

lmao the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7176991

I don't like shitty games.

>> No.7177006
File: 433 KB, 582x585, 1607492053250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177008

One thing that sets apart Aonuma from Miyamoto is his focus on all the little characters in his games... Even his really early projects are like this, it's a lot of fun.

Look up "Marvelous Treasure Island"

>> No.7177009

Is that a picture of you and your non-binary girlfriend playing Majora's Mask?

>> No.7177024
File: 57 KB, 181x265, 53c1be2641b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being slightly worse than OOT doesnt make MM a shitty game you troll

>> No.7177040

both games are exactly the same

>> No.7177045

Your perception of "shitty" is weird.
Just be aware that your opinion equals excrement. Wait, even less than that.

>> No.7177047

No, I'll tell you what makes MM a shitty game:
>4 dungeons
>restrictive time limit in a game about exploration
>small, linear world
>missing some of the best items (e.g. hookshot)
>cringe studio ghibli story
>over-reliance on side quests and backtracking in place of meaningful content
>framerate is worse
>constant mask switching akin to water Temple's iron boots, but for the entire game
>beyond retarded save system implemented thanks to the already-shoehorned time mechanic
>removed death counter
>assets are 90% reused from OoT
I could write a fucking thesis paper about everything wrong with this game. You can ramble about the alleged "improvements" and talk my ear off about how it's ACKSHULLY DEEPER DUE TO THE TIME MECHANIC and I'm still going to fall asleep and call you a faggot because no amount of semantic arguments can change the fact that the game is an OoT fan mod with 4 dungeons and a retarded, disjointed story. It's not a good game. Sorry.

>> No.7177059
File: 32 KB, 564x564, 3be3af7267647f29d2d4930d50480e17--tom-hulce-people-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 dungeons
Fair complaint, I also felt it needed at least 1 more big dungeon.
>restrictive time limit in a game about exploration
Brainlet got filtered, not sure if it's worth replying to your post at this point but I still have to wait some minutes until my dinner is done so whatever.
>small, linear world
yeah, Zelda isn't an open world game, who would have thunk?
>missing some of the best items (e.g. hookshot)
You didn't play Majora's Mask you fucker lmao
>cringe studio ghibli story
ok zoomer
>over-reliance on side quests and backtracking in place of meaningful content
filtered again.
>framerate is worse
zoomer problems, go play your newest AAA game on 120 fps, that's the only way you can enjoy video games right? whoops, careful with that day 1 patch!
>constant mask switching akin to water Temple's iron boots, but for the entire game
yes, impatience and ADHD is sign of a zoomer, no question.
>beyond retarded save system implemented thanks to the already-shoehorned time mechanic
>removed death counter
filtered hard to the limit.
>assets are 90% reused from OoT
It's the other way around, only 10% of the assets are from OOT. What's more, all of the assets have also been reworked too (take Link's model, for example)
Brainlet zoomer loses again, to nobody's surprise. Go back to /v/.

>> No.7177060

That's because you're focused on the main quest rather than the Twin Peaks style towns people side plots.

>> No.7177064

Zoomers aren't even pretending they've played the games anymore.

>> No.7177084
File: 503 KB, 224x168, 1483775142266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing some of the best items (e.g. hookshot)

troll confirmed

>> No.7177096

I think that it's okay that it has four dungeons because it's a spinoff game. But I think it also caused Devs to believe that they could get away with it in later major Zelda games like Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.

>> No.7177106

4 dungeons is a valid complaint, but then again, all 4 dungeons in MM are rather big, complex and difficult, there's no "tutorial" dungeon or short and easy sungeon. MM is a game made for people who already played OOT and are familiar with everything. Only new stuff in MM is the new abilities with the masks, but you get to learn how to use the new abilities in the areas pre-dungeon (which are also rather complex, and some places are like smaller dungeons)

>> No.7177776

Hey thread
I really like this game for a reason no one ever mentions
The whole story is about loss, grief, forgiveness, and love
You're in the woods looking for Navi. You hate that she left you. Your journey parallels the giants who ask you to "forgive your friend," as they must do for skull kid. It's so fucking human.

>> No.7177816
File: 35 KB, 640x480, majora_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day I thought the friend Link was looking for was the Skull kid, it all made sense to me. There's that one skull kid in the Lost Woods of OOT that becomes your friend, he even does some kind of oath for it. I believe it was just a side-quest, but to me it was an important and memorable part of the game.
Speaking of Navi, it's also worth mentioning that Tatl is very opposite to Navi. Both are a bit grumpy, but Tatl uses just a sound instead of the "Listen!" voice, and speaks a lot less, mostly to complain about Link.
I think both Tatl and Navi departed from Link in a sorta cold way, in fact IIRC, Tatl, being a lot less friendly, seemed to have a bit of a warmer goodbye than Navi, I remember Tatl warming up to Link towards the end.
This may be deliberate, maybe as a way to show that fairies are different from humans, and they don't feel attachment or feel sad upon departing, as they're more like elementals.
I also think Navi's silent departure in OOT was artistically deliberate, because it's part of the whole final shot where Link returns the sword to the pedestal, Navi interrupting that cutscene to say good bye would break the flow of that cinematic moment that culminates with that iconic shot of the master sword.

>> No.7177825

>no one ever mentions

there are dozens of youtube video essays on it but youre right the core theme of the game is pretty solid. zoomers cant relate to things like dealing with the death of a loved one so instead they just shitpost on /vr/

>> No.7177834

>There's that one skull kid in the Lost Woods of OOT that becomes your friend, he even does some kind of oath for it. I believe it was just a side-quest, but to me it was an important and memorable part of the game.
Doesn't the saria song plays right on the End screen you posted? I think it could be an ambiguous story, for players who never encountered that skull kid in the woods, the friend Link was looking for was Navi, but for those who did and remembered, like you, the game is about Link reuniting with the skull kid, his old friend from the lost woods.

>> No.7178621
File: 96 KB, 338x284, ba740b7321d3640fa2b4a71038044c31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, the fuck was link doing that whole time before he left?

>> No.7178645

Getting Ganondorf arrested, Ingo fired, etc. All the stuff he could fix with the 7 years of foresight/hindsight he had.

>> No.7179827

It's the best Zelda ever

>> No.7179834


arrested for what? at that point in time he hadnt done anything wrong. link should have just settled down with malon and told navi the fairy peace ho

>> No.7179852

And then you realize that you have to learn to forgive yourself, because no matter what you do, you can't save everyone.

>> No.7181298

Ganon was erased from time. It's implied that Link and Zelda became friends and likely stayed in the castle under her command.

>> No.7181537

I want to fucking cry it's so good

>> No.7181552

Yeah, he was definitely looking for Navi - in the opening lines, after it says "a friend who departed after their journey" or whatever, it plays the little sound effect of her fluttering

And yeah, there's for sure the skull kid reunion thing too.

It's cliche, but the stages of grief theory is my favorite. Clock town as denial, the swamp anger, snow peak bargaining, great bay depression, and ikana acceptance. Hell, you could make sub-connections out of those, like the pirate's fortress as the isolation.

>> No.7181562
File: 63 KB, 540x405, IMG_9298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I never understood how the child timeline (fuck that shit) was retconned and BS'd into 'oh ganon may have been sealed into the sacred realm but uhhhhhh he still had to be arrested and beheaded (but it failed and he killed Ruto but actually Ruto was an old man and so were all the sages??' especially since this would imply Zelda and Link would have to still convince her father that Ganondorf is dangerous when he wouldn't believe them no matter what they showed him etc.
More hackfraudery in the timeline shit which just tells me it was made up to sell copies of Shitward Sword due to it being the chronological first entry

>> No.7181602

>arrested for what? at that point in time he hadnt done anything wrong.
But he was plotting to. And actually he had, he's responsible for the Great Deku Tree's death along with the issues the Gorons and Zoras were facing.
What the fuck are you talking about? Twilight Princess contradicts everything you just wrote.
Nintendo had been alluding to the existence of a timeline document for years by that point. Its true that some details may have been hammered out for the book, but to pretend that the book was only written to promote SS and that prior to that Nintendo had no clue how any of the games connected is retarded.

>> No.7181743

Well they're backpedalling on it with BOTW which somehow merges all timelines with a 10,000 year advancement and if that isn't some star wars sequel tier shame due to poor planning I dont know what is, it was clearly written by some unpaid intern who barely knew the source material. Literally how is Ganondorf still there when Link travels back to the Master Sword chamber and how is Zelda's father magically convinced?

Link: 'King Hyrule sir Ganondorf is evil he destroys castle town and everyone either moves a few feet away or becomes a Redead'
King: 'My boi I don't believe you, guards take him away!'

>> No.7182649

If this is your first "uhhh they're not good at their own product," my condolences for your next decade

>> No.7182919
File: 150 KB, 333x488, Igos_du_Ikana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each area is huge as fuck in this game though.
Like when you compare the locations in OOT, all the temples are located in easily reachable places with the exception of Spirit Temple, the rest have a rather short path to them. Regions in Termina are several times bigger and more complex than in OOT. The swamp region has a long diverging river with different locations including places like the first skulltula house, the deku village and the main swamp place where the actual temple is in.
The snowhead region has a rather long way with a lot of action and puzzles until you reach the Goron city, and then the way up to the temple.
The coast region is my favorite, it has the 2nd skulltula house, the beaver rapids, a vast ocean and coast to explore around, and then you've got the Zora hall further in high seas, and then the actual temple even further.
Ikana is the most aggressive and hostile region in the game, with one of the most puzzling situations in any Zelda ever, the ikana castle which is basically a mini-dungeon (with probably the best boss fight in the game), and then you venture deep down in the stone temple.
It's easy to dismiss Termina as small, but when you start actually having into account all the sums of its parts, it's not as small as it seems.

>> No.7183985

Remember he gets the worse prize. Goron on the other hand...

>> No.7185550

Link has the Triforce crest on the back of his hand when he's sent back at the end, that's what ends up convincing the king

>> No.7185571

you can slow it down and reset and its not like you lose any real progress and no other game has done it well

>> No.7185573

All zelda games are for women, anon.

>> No.7185575

Wow it's almost as if the game is an asset flip made in less than a year to cash in on OoT's success
Give it a fucking break dude
It's like duke nukem: nuclear winter

>> No.7185590

I don't understand why people keep treating BotW qa a merged timeline. Its never been officially stated, it's been a fan theory and the official site in Japanese has BotW in its own timeline.

It feels like the merged timeline is the new Zero killed them all.
Also for the retards out who don't understand Adult and Child timelines, watch Back to the Future Part II, Zelda works under the same logic as 1985A and 1985B. On Child Timeline, Link with the hindsight of future knowledge and knowledge of royal family secrets no one should know managed to get Ganon arrested and executed for conspiracy. We even see carvings of OoT child Link as a Royal Family envoy of sorts on the HD version of TP in Hyrule Castle walls carvings.

>> No.7185618

if it followed Back to the Future logic then one of those timelines would cease to be when the past got changed
>We even see carvings of OoT child Link as a Royal Family envoy of sorts on the HD version of TP in Hyrule Castle walls carvings.
the artist who worked on those confirmed it wasn't in reference to anything specific and was just an interpretation of the original texture

>> No.7185805
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>> No.7186054

Ran out of arguments? It's alright anon, you can remain from replying. It's anonymous here, nobody will chase you for getting told.

>> No.7186465
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1836, MM_Cremia_and_Romani_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cream cremia.

>> No.7186469

I want to ream Romani.

>> No.7186567

I want to mate with Malon

>> No.7186589

I want to tell Talon to watch

>> No.7186641
File: 694 KB, 1279x714, zeldamod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game will be doomed the day we start playing as zelda.

>> No.7187498
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>> No.7187606

This. In fact, MM is the only 3d zelda to have dungeons that are interesting to explore and solve. Every other 3d zelda has boring dungeons I can't wait to get past, rather than through, but I like some for their presentation.

>> No.7187732

>restrictive time limit in a game about exploration
But Majora's Mask literally isn't about exploration. You probably meant to say series, you illiterate baboon, but Zelda II--which I'm damn certain you got filtered by as well--challenges that notion.
>assets are 90% reused from OoT
Yes, how dare a sequel about a parallel world reuse assets from the previous game. Unacceptable.

>> No.7187738

Pathetic lol

>> No.7187753

>Yes, how dare a sequel about a parallel world reuse assets from the previous game. Unacceptable.
He's totally wrong anyway, Majora's Mask is 90% new (all of Termina, all the dungeons), with the only old assets being OOT character models (and most if not all of them are revamped, not really the same models as OOT)
MM uses the engine of OOT, but uses mostly new assets.

>> No.7187772

This. It's sort of like how people complain that Skyward Sword has no overlord, but once you explore region you find they're massive a Zelda game of that time.
>Zora evolved into Rito
God, I always hated that theory. Wind Waker takes place only a couple hundred years after OoT, and the Zora are the last race that would've ever had to evolve to survive a post-flood Hyrule. The idea is ridiculous, and I'm glad BotW shat all over it by having the two co-exist.

>> No.7187798

*also, Rito culture bears no hint of a resemblance to Zora culture, and they somehow went from being an aquatic race that liked to stay cool to being bird people who live around a volcano because reasons. 10/10 lore, see part 62 of my fanfic for moar

>> No.7187841

I want to help her make a "special" mix of Chateau Romani that is only for her and her sister to drink.
It's coming in the next game. No stopping it at this point, not after the reveal trailer teased Link getting separated from her.

>> No.7187851

>HD texture pack.
It's finished and out?

>> No.7187854

>responding to bait.

>> No.7187921

I think it boils down to MM areas, smaller, or bigger, being much more fleshed out than in OoT, theres much less of an empty feeling in Termina than in Hyrule. Everything about Ikana is kino as fuck.