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7150386 No.7150386 [Reply] [Original]

Kojima was a genius rip-off artist, even back then. But man could he write a story.

>> No.7150389

Kojima couldn't write for shit - he was always a hack. His artists were good for atmosphere though.

>> No.7150467

Is there anything like Policenauts production values-wise? I mean, instead of the usual visual novel shit with static characters on the side with the animated background and characters?

>> No.7150479

kojima is a horrible writer. great director/producer though.

>> No.7150545

Snatcher’s story is borderline incoherent, and nearly every major story element is lifted directly from western cinema. Its only saving graces are good audio/visual presentation and charming characters.

>> No.7150547

Konami is dead.

>> No.7150550

Kojima is a auteur so he’ll stick his nose in anywhere he can but that doesn’t mean he’s got core competencies in everything he tries.

>> No.7150568

I'm a big Kojima and Cyberpunk fan so I thought this game would be everything I'd want and more.

It's actually just incredibly dense and really awkward to play. I love the music and character art but holy shit does it piss me off when I haven't inspected/looked at every little trivial piece of shit to progress the storyline.
Like I'll give the game credit that it was made in the 80's and remastered in the 90's but for pete's sake would it have killed them to make some QOL changes?

inb4 filtered

>> No.7150569

The problem with Kojima’s style is it always aims for lofty layered narratives that focus on nebulous things like the nature of war or individuality but fails to tell a compelling story along the way. The meat of the plot ends up being shallow or confusing and it’s expected that the story themes will carry you to the end.

Tell us a digestible story first then blend it with messages about humanism or ambition, don’t start there and hope the rest of the story comes along for the ride.

>> No.7150636

Death Standing is kind of this in a nutshell, yeah.

>> No.7150641

Hundreds of point & click adventure games

>> No.7150868

My favorite part of the game is that you needed reasonable grounds to scan if someone was a SNATCHER because citizens still had a right to privacy. Interesting touch and adds to the game's lore, but yeah, we kinda threw that all out the window.

I still want to play it.

>> No.7150975

I liked Policenauts more.

>> No.7151005

Kojima's stories are incoherent nonsense.

He has good ideas and he can manage a team of artists to do great things with them, but if you you're looking for a cohesive story? It ain't there.

>it always aims for lofty layered narratives that focus on nebulous things like the nature of war or individuality but fails to tell a compelling story along the way.

This, basically. What is the story of Metal Gear Solid? Snake is sent back to an island full of terrorists with nukes and a megazord, to neutralize the threat and rescue the girl and he does it and oh my god the president was in on it the whole time wow.

It's total shit.
But along the way you'll meet a nerd who just wanted to make robots because he thought they were cool, only to end up slaving away from the military industrial complex. You'll meet old soldiers who'll tell you how fighting in war makes them feel truly alive, and then, as soon as they're defeated, realize their life was miserable and wasted. Grey Fox longs for death. Snake can't bear to kill him. War is hell. And it's mostly done for profit.

It's great. And it's shit, because the thread tying it all together is made of fucking spaghetti.

>> No.7151163

>Kojima was a genius rip-off artist, even back then.


> But man could he write a story.

The plot boils down to AMNESIA with the resolution being that you and everyone else are actually the scientists who caused the pandemic a long time ago and your son is like the janitor or something. I really hate how it has this everyone went to high school thing where it's just way too coincidental and everything is very small and tied into each other.

>> No.7151167

>I liked Policenauts more.

God Policenauts sucks! It's like a really bad Visual Novel. And I don't know, seriously, VN are like the easiest thing in the world to design. So when you design a bad one, that is remarkable.

Like the entire story of Policenaughts is not only a pixel hunt, but you basically have to try everything, and then try everything multiple times. So if you don't know this, like if you want to know about some photograph, you ask about the photograph, and she tells you something, and then you have to ask the same topic again. So that photograph entry can occur 3 or 4 times. And then you have to start from the beginning and try them all again because the third time might have opened something new up. And you have to exhaust every single option. ALL OF THEM. Before the game will let you move on. That is HORRIBLE.

It's not like an oldschool adventure game. Because in an adventure game you don't have to look at and inspect everything on the screen multiple times. You're just sitting there, desperately wanting to move on with the plot, and then you're stuck trying to inspect every little thing over and over again, and asking people the same questions over and over again. Ah it's bad. And when it finally gets exciting, it gets exciting for 20 seconds then you're right back at it.

Is the plot interesting? Not really. You know what the story is? It is 5% Blade Runner, 95% Lethal Weapon. It's straight up Riggs and Murtaugh. It's not even subtle. He rips off whole scenes. It's amazing.

>> No.7151359

i like snatcher, but the last chapter is 15 minutes of gameplay and 45 minutes of exposition

>> No.7151368

I always get bored of this game by a couple hours in

>> No.7151378

Suda 51 comes to mind in that regard aswell.

>> No.7151412
File: 16 KB, 236x327, 4ae761924cb3dc3490794074a6b16e7c--videogames-cola[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jus jelly

>> No.7151421


Snatcher is incoherent while being largely predictable. Even with amnesia, was hard to see where Gillian's arc was heading?

>> No.7151431

>what if we rip-off Blade Runner and make it a game
>I am such a visionary dev lol

>> No.7151445

Kind of, yeah. It feels much more likely that he himself was going to be a SNATCHER and not the cryo frozen original creator or whatever it was.

>> No.7151694

>still want to play it.
it was cracked a few weeks ago, the online aspect is pointless anyway, just use cheatengine for building materials.

polite off-topic sage

>> No.7152087

I like how the old man was his son

>> No.7152130


>> No.7153212

I think he's like George Lucas: capable of creating something intriguing but not without someone else working with him to cull and cultivate the nuggets within the dirt.

Once everything is in place he can really shine with a tightly-woven narrative put to his signature style of ambitious directing and personal touch.

>> No.7153745

Go play the actual Blade Runner adventure game, not this hack job.

>> No.7153748

that's a hell of a coincidence.

>> No.7153831

Exactly what I thought. In all the places in the world they could end up being.
They should have kept him alive and had a home family scene with him in a diaper sucking on a pacifier.

>> No.7153861

>A Hideo Kojima game

Hey, did you recognize that OBSCURE MOVIE REFERENCE!?

>> No.7154248

Snatcher and almost the whole MGS series have great plots, though. I'm struggling to think of another series that's so consistently inventive or ambitious. Would you call something like Deus Ex shallow or confusing, too? I don't get this criticism.

>> No.7154297

i enjoyed playing snatcher years ago but i actually don't like how cheesy it is looking back desu, i guess i just really wanted more gritty noirish blade runner shit and less weird kojima humor but that's my problem

>> No.7154362

No, he wasn't.
He's a thin skinned faggot too.
In an interview, the person who did the English translation of MGS2 had nothing but scorn for Kojima's skills as a writer.
Kojima was so butthurt he got Konami's lawyers to sue the website that published the interview (fortunately it's still on Wayback machine lol).

>> No.7154423

Kojimer does it again

also pls link

>> No.7154527

Fuck man I like both Snatcher and Policenauts.

>> No.7155201

I started playing Policenauts after Snatchers, but it feels more like a visual novel. Not that I don't like, but am I going to get some kind of inventory later on, or clicking on dialogue options is all that I am going to do?

>> No.7155216


see: >>7151167

>> No.7155223

So some irrelevant translator who nobody knows who they are criticized one of the most popular figures in the gaming industry. Your reference of this is so random and you act like it's so important I'm almost about to accuse you of being them. Get fucked.

>> No.7155732

The only good thing Kojima ever made is Boktai.

>> No.7155915

>i like snatcher, but the last chapter is 15 minutes of gameplay and 45 minutes of exposition

As far as I know, Hideo Kojima had nothing to do with the Sega/ Mega CD port of Snatcher. This version was made specifically for English audiences and has a lot of re-written dialogue and extended scenes, including an extended ending not found in the PC Engine CDROM version.

The PS1 and Saturn Japanese releases, were basically ports of the Sega CD version back to Japanese.

>> No.7157242


Yeah, I heard that they expanded the game. Surely Kojimbo would have wrote or okayed it though. I am curious what the hell the story and ending of the original game would be like without that additional chapter.

>> No.7157249


Sega CD is a port of the PCE-CD version you fools.


>> No.7157354

Just search for "Agness Kaku interview". It would appear that it is easier to find online now than it used to be back in the day. Probably because Konami stopped giving a shit after they kicked Kojima to the curb.
>Irrelevant translator
Who is the only reason weeb faggots like you even enjoy MGS in the first place.
Why are Kojima fans so blatant in their sucking of his micropenis?

>> No.7157716

Kaku was fucking brutal - she basically said that writing in video games as a whole is crap because mediocre hacks like Kojima get undeserved praise.

>> No.7157912


Kojima is a bit of a hack, but he's an entertaining one. At least he used to be until he bought into his own hype.

>> No.7157926

Lol, this %100.
Agnes Kaku is also blacklisted.

>> No.7157991

Kojima was born with his head up his own ass.

>> No.7158013

She's basically like anime translators who thinks she's better than the material and that people only cared about it because of her, despite the fact that Kojima's games were beloved before and after her involvement.

>> No.7158025


90's Kojima seems way more level headed. I would give that guy like 20 million and I think he'd come back with something cool that was a blatant rip off of some American film he saw. It'd be a straight forward action game with some cool twists. If I gave Komima 20 million now he'd make some bizzare arthouse bullshit that seems up its own ass in self-important pretentiousness.

>> No.7158026

Kojima fanboy tears never stop being delicious.
It's ok to enjoy trash.
It only becomes cringe when you try placing that trash upon a pedestal.

>> No.7158030
File: 650 KB, 1409x2000, bubblegum-crisis_227112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with ripping off or taking elements from things you like to do something with them. It doesn't even have to be particularly original in how you use those elements, only well done.

>> No.7158035
File: 445 KB, 480x360, 1607518425.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best part of the game

>> No.7158095

>Playing the censored version

>> No.7158104

does the pce version show tittays?

>> No.7158118

Omg, Hook us up with the real macoy

>> No.7158123

It does, lots of stuff uncensored. No English patch, though

>> No.7158140

>No English patch, though
That's why I have only played the sega-cd version.
Not weeb enough to learn Japanese for a vidya and don't watch anime.

>> No.7159627


>> No.7159639

Kojimas best written games are all the ones where he had co-writers. When they leave the story automatically turns into shit since Kojima can’t self fellate and write at the same time. See MGS3 and every game after for more information

>> No.7159789


More like he had producers and execs above him who would check hsi work and say "will this really sell? Make it more marketable". Death Stranding is him beiing given a blank check and thinking anything he makes will sell automatically. I'm not against weird little experimental games like that,b ut you would need to do like 1/4 of the budget to have it make sense.

>> No.7161840

Speak do witch i want a scanner darkly rip off version of snatcher

>> No.7161841

Speak of witch i want now man in the high castle or a scanner darkly version of bubblegum crisis right now

>> No.7161842

His story is cheese as shit

>> No.7161845 [SPOILER] 
File: 238 KB, 383x846, 1607621773530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here and soundtrack too >>7159627

>> No.7161852

This and Rise of the dragon

>> No.7161926

Kojima is a hack but Kaku is a nigger in her own right. She whines about guns being shown irresponsibly in media, and then bitches how she wasn't allowed to rewrite the story for MGS2. Also, she later got sued by the guy who interviewed her for MGS2 over those Untold Japanese Game History books because apparently her translations for the developers were shit.

I wish someone backed up her original website, wherein she bitched about the translation jobs she had for games like Hybrid Heaven. She's a real faggot that deserves to be blacklisted.

>> No.7161940

Do you mean book or live action tv?