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File: 62 KB, 360x450, Castlevania-nes-ingame-41834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7153624 No.7153624 [Reply] [Original]

I played Castlevania for the first time a few days ago and now I can't take that music out of my head. It starts playing whenever I walk.

>> No.7153684

That's because you've become a based Vampire Killer. The condition is irreversible I'm afraid.

>> No.7153685

Same here but with "Talons" on templeOS

>> No.7153689


>> No.7153792

Based, I also got into Castlevania recently, just a few weeks ago. Right now I'm on Bloodlines.

>> No.7153801

Are you walking like you have scoliosis?

>> No.7153802

Why does CV1 just *click*? I didn't play them as a kid and got into castlevania a few years ago and I still only really enjoy CV1 and RoB.

>> No.7153808

It doesn't have bloat or stupid gimmicks. But I don't know, if you just play them normally, the other Castlevania games are all as good or better.

>> No.7153825

idk, I just think CV1 does more with less and the gameplay never overstays it's welcome. CV3 is technically an improvement in just about every way but I end up feeling like it's just too long and it becomes tedious. 4 is too long too. I'd say the only game that feels close to CV1 is Bloodlines but that game is ugly so i'm put off by it.

>> No.7153880

OP here, you guys have to go through this with me


>> No.7153948

Now play the Famicom version of III.

>> No.7153974
File: 228 KB, 969x1200, chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans of CV1 might prefer X68000/Chronicles to the other follow-ups, because the devs themselves thought CV1 was the best and tried to honour that original balance instead of all this adventuring, character-swapping, 360' whipping, anime, etc that the rest add.

>the Japanese version has several other differences. It contains a specialized "VRC6" coprocessor chip. The game's audio programmer, Hidenori Maezawa, assisted in the chip's creation. This chip added two extra pulse wave channels and a saw wave channel to the system's initial set of five sound channels. The majority of the music combines the channels to imitate the sound of a synthesized string section. Western versions of the NES did not have the ability to support external sound chips, so the North American release replaced the VRC6 with Nintendo's Memory Management Controller 5 (MMC5).[citation needed] The MMC5 chip's sound channels cannot be used with the NES, and the game's music had to be downgraded by Yoshinori Sasaki to comply with the NES's standard five channels.
>In the Japanese version, instead of using a stabbing dagger, Grant throws daggers as his main attack. Some enemies do less damage in the Japanese version, and had their sprites changed for the Western releases. Some instances of nudity on the enemies were censored, and religious iconography was pared down. The Japanese version has slightly different backgrounds in many stages, and has special effects not seen in the North American and European releases.

>I'd say the only game that feels close to CV1 is Bloodlines but that game is ugly so i'm put off by it.
This might help.

>> No.7153994

>Some enemies do less damage
The US version of CV3 scales the damage you take per stage so by the end of the game getting hit by anything does 25%. In the Japanese version, damage values are associated with the enemy type. So a bat in the first stage does as much damage as a bat in the last one.

>> No.7153996

Makes no sense to tamper with the original balance. Probably just to last longer in the US' stronger rental market.

>> No.7154007

The famicom version of 1 is also better because the score counter finishes faster at the end of levels and you don't have to endure that annoying ringing sound for as long.

>> No.7154019

It's conjecture but I don't think it's a coincidence that CV3 US is easy just long enough for you to see all the different characters and get a sense for the stage route system and immediately becomes ball-stomping hard after that. Like they wanted just enough for people to enjoy renting and want to buy it but ensured it'd be a bitch to actually beat in that timespan.

>> No.7154080


>> No.7154406

Dracula XX (snes) is criminally underrated imo. It's less pretty but I played it more and had more fun than rondo. Rondo is like super shinobi 3. Fuckin awesome and rad, but empty as fuck, so replays are boring as shit. The snes one is the closest to CV1 with a similar challenge. Beating it in a single life is one of the most fun and most horrible experiences I had.

>> No.7154716
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, Death3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favourite. I was attempting "no dmg runs" a while back, both on the good and bad ending paths; best I got was taking 2 hits through the entire game

I also attempted the same thing in Bloodlines and again, best I got was 2-3hits throughout the entire game. You'd think Bloodlines would be easier but no, in reality XX is a lot more "mathematical", when you know what to do at each precise moment nothing can go wrong.

>> No.7154724
File: 2.13 MB, 640x360, spearknightkey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing can go wrong.

Well, except Death and Dracula's RNG patterns. And the fleamen. FUCK that one corridor full of fleamen in the caverns.

>> No.7154736
File: 2.86 MB, 768x672, redaxearmor3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7154743
File: 2.61 MB, 853x480, key.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7154763

Guys, got a thir-party six-button Sega controller for Bloodlines and other Sega games, but Retroarch doesn't seem to detect it, the buttons work, but it thinks it's an SNES controller, and there are no options to map Z and C. How do I fix this?

>> No.7154769
File: 2.91 MB, 510x360, Bloodlines1up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7154773

Yeah, it's a good track. Did you play 16-bit yet? You're in for a treat.

>> No.7154780

Actually, it's not "good" it's fucking awesome.

>> No.7154785


dun dun dun duuun


>> No.7154829

It was a bit weird, but figured it out. Mapped z and c to left and right shoulders.

>> No.7155006

Ugh I can't imagine the pain of a no dmg run. 1LC was hard enough, took me a while, but then again, a lot of failures were from failing from the best ending path, that's a challenge in itself. After I was done I swore I would never touch the game again haha.
Maybe I should try the same on castlevania chronicles (original version). Super castlevania just doesn't do it for me. I much prefer XX.

>> No.7155010


>> No.7155017
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, redaxearmor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enemies don't dmg you on contact during their inv frames

>> No.7155048


>> No.7155079


God damn it one glance at the stupid-looking exaggerated feet on those zombies and I knew this was probably a port made by Europeans. Looked it up and sure enough it came from Hungary. What was wrong with Europeans' brains that made them draw such ugly characters??

>> No.7155408

That shit looks pretty fucking creepy, methinks. As for your question, euroshits are just retarded. Maybe it reminds them of Moomins or whatever the fuck.

>> No.7155410

based dracula x autist

>> No.7155451

>I can't take that music out of my head
Oh that's easy to fix, OP...


>> No.7155513


>> No.7155520
File: 92 KB, 256x384, Soul of Darkness DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my Castlevania fix. More games like this?

>> No.7155536
File: 17 KB, 127x113, leilei-walk-forward.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those ten-foot tall "zombies" hopping on their tiptoes
It's like they were going for pic related and forgot the Chinese part.

>Akumajou Densetsu
This should give you a nice aural cleanse:

>> No.7155554

This, don't even think about playing the americuck version. The music is way better, they used a special chip. There are great translation patches available.

>> No.7155596

I don't know. It's impressive that the sound chip in the Japanese version can make an 8 bit sound font sound like strings but I wouldn't say it sounds "good." There's some cool detache but the NES version has better staccatos and an overall cleaner and less fuzzy sound. I mean by all means play the Japanese one so you can have a version of Grant that isn't nerfed for no good reason, but the music is debatable.

>> No.7155632

My ass makes a decent staccato on the shitter, doesn't mean it's good. It doesn't even compare, man, jap version blows NES out of the water.

>> No.7155694

Is it a good idea to play as Zangetsu and Bloodless parallel to your first Miriam run?

Also what difficulty is best for them if you like Miriam's hard?

>> No.7155709
File: 102 KB, 696x437, saori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ Castlevania 3 sucked hard. How does a series go from pure gold to pure shit so quick? One of the cheapest, clunkiest, most boring sequels I've ever played. Like their entire conception of difficulty in the series is based on abusing stairs. Not a single instance of challenge through the entire game that didn't involve navigating stairs while enemies flew across the screen, shot projectiles, or camped the top and bottom.

>> No.7155921

Sorry you're having such a bad day, is this what (You) needed?

>> No.7156783

It's alright. I liked the level design more than Rondo, but it was still a bit of a letdown. Nothing has lived up to 1 and III for me so far.

>> No.7156887

I used to “hear” that level’s music when I used to walk a few blocks past a cemetery on my way to work as a youngster.

>> No.7156928

Is that really a bad thing, though? If music is going to get stuck in your head, at least it's good music.

>> No.7156945

To me, this is the only real act of anti-rental bullshit that the US version added. The other gameplay changes are a bit more reasonable, like not making Grant so broken.

>> No.7156947

Why does a game with a horror gothic aesthetic have the funkiest NES soundtrack?

>> No.7157059


>> No.7157458

Meanwhile a game about monkeys fighting crocodiles and collecting bananas has symphonic, melancholic, slow music