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7154305 No.7154305 [Reply] [Original]

This game would be so much better if it doesn't have that stupid bullshit that forces you to play twice the game but with a different character.
What is the point? The map is still the same shit and with very little difference about the path of the gameplay.
The only change is the story, but who gives 2 fucks about it? [Spoiler] That Ada fell from a pit with the size of a building and somehow still alive, the story changes every playthrough so you never know what is cannon or not, and not to mention neither the voice actors of re1 gave a fuck about it with that shitty dub

>> No.7154326

>This game would be so much better if it doesn't have that stupid bullshit that forces you to play twice
You make it sound like Ghosts n Goblins.

>> No.7154350

>plays Resident Evil for the story
wait till you get to RE5 and up.

>> No.7154386

For starters, nobody forces you to play this game even once.

This has always puzzled me. Plenty of games have hard+ mode, yet somehow only GnG, by including some flavor text on the end screen, made people believe they are obliged to play it.

>> No.7154412
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On the end of the first half of the game it clearly says it's the fake ending, and you have to finish again to truly beat the game.
The same to GnG.

>> No.7154420

It's a fancy worded invitation to play the hard+ mode of the game you have just beaten, nothing more.

>> No.7154459

I'm damn sure re2 on the second half isn't harder, but easier, since Claire have more guns.
And how are you so sure the devs meant it when they made that screen on GnG? Are you one of the devs? Of course, you can think that way, but that doesn't mean the devs thinked in the same exactly way.
The devs, probably, really wanted you to considere this the fake ending, to make you play more this short game in order to stretch it, like a lot of games does by making the game harder. So is no wonder why a lot of people considered the 2nd half the true end, that is what the devs meant.

>> No.7154515

I honestly don't remember the ending screen of RE2 saying anything about the ending being "fake", although I did beat it twice because it was indeed too short. But in my book if you're getting shown the ending cutscene and the credits, that's a legit ending, the rest is up to you if you want to continue playing the same shit again or not.
>The devs, probably, really wanted you to considere this the fake ending, to make you play more this short game in order to stretch it, like a lot of games does by making the game harder.
Exactly, a lot of games do exactly the same thing, but their first endings are not considered fake, only because they lack this one small message. Don't you think that this small message isn't enough to treat GnG differently from other games that also offer a second run?

>> No.7154530

On the 2nd disc I recall there being more of a boss fight near the end. And people come on, RE2 was not a hard game, unless you were playing as Tofu.

>> No.7154605

My problem is: The second half of the game shows the other part of the story, and that is lazy. They really tried to make ue believe the 2nd part isn't actually the game+ but something new. Imagine finishing Metal Gear with just half of the story, and having to play again to get to know the other part?
But I agree that GnG 2nd part is just bullshit to lure you to play more, but would be so much better if the hard mode was on the screen even before beating the game. I mean, almost everyone play that game for being damn hard, so they want to beat the game in its harder to show of.

>> No.7154636

Nah bro, the second half on Youtube have the same time as Leon part, 2:30 hours that is

>> No.7154650

You are not forced to do a second run though. RE was built around minmaxing the timer on subsequent runs. If that's not your thing you are free to not play the series.

>> No.7154665

It's been a long time since I played this but wasn't there a section of the game where you are fighting the boss on the train?

>> No.7154670


Found it.

>> No.7154708

I thought you are saying the second disc was just the final fight, sorry. But, speaking about that, how do you get through that asshole without erbs? I do not found the dogde button that the 3 has, so I could just shoot him hoping he wouldn't kill me before i get the RPG on the last part

>> No.7154740

Yes, but I think that was not a great move. In the thirth one the replayability is way better, since you unlock little pieces of the story instead of the entire other half, and that thing that stop time and give you 2 options to choose, not to mention the Nemesis that drops new guns, or the skins that you unlock. And, if I'm not wrong, the second half has the items in different places, so you don't know exactly where to go in order to complete the game faster

>> No.7155462

You may be the first person I've seen who hates the A/B system in RE2.

>> No.7155464

Who the fuck is forcing your to play it twice? Are you hallucinating? Additional content is for when you want more. It's not mandatory. Are you feeling well, anon?

>> No.7155471

It's some a way to contextualize the second loop, you fucking autist. Even if you've beaten the game, there is more content to see when you decide to replay it. If you're in a hurry for content to run out and to be done with the game, you can quit after the first fucking level--have you considered that, you wacko?

>> No.7155481

Ada getting shot from off-camera is canon, her falling is not. In Leon A she actually dies. Claire A-Leon B is canon. RE4 even references Leon's B ending when she throws Leon the rocket launcher for the coup de grace, the same way she did from out of frame during the Mr. X fight.

>> No.7155552

Bro if half of the story is in one disc, and the other is in the second one, I do considere this as a second part, not a 2nd playthrough you asshole

>> No.7155636
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still, a better videogame than the last propaganda of us 2, i mean the last of us 2.

>> No.7155653

Developers before they all became kike trannies such as yourself knew people would replay the game so they added extra features such as different cutscenes and quests.

>> No.7155736
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But you can't even play as a sexy tranny in RE2 like you can in LoU2.

>> No.7155748

Yeah, Scenario B has more Birkin fights, Tyrant, and rearranged items to where it's quite different from A.

>> No.7155752

Keep in mind that Abby's body was traced from a actual ripped-as-fuck athletic woman who has a body most men would dream of. And they still bulked the cunt up because it wasn't good enough.

>> No.7155765

Gross. *flagged and reported*

>> No.7155784

Not retro. Back to /v/

>> No.7156529

What's the big deal? RE2 is not a hard game and you have different goals and events so shouldn't you be happy you get to play more of the game?

>> No.7156593
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 6C04DEDD-9841-4901-8048-ABF921B8DEEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One-and-done game
lazy game with no replayability
>Put forth effort to make subsequent replays in a game with two playable characters more varied and interesting
lazy game that forces me to replay it to see everything

>> No.7156737

>the story changes every playthrough so you never know what is cannon or not
Who, other than op, even gives a a shit about canon when they're playing a game?

>> No.7157236

>playing like a retard
>doing it without herbs
Pick one.

>> No.7157426

This is the strangest shit to get mad about.

>> No.7157464

Thank you.

Those dorks who always praised MGS's story over its gameplay always pissed me off.

>> No.7158027

The problem is the A-B scenario, it's a goddamn rip-off designed to pretend there is more content than there actually is; and people STILL eat that shit up thinking RE2 has more content than RE3 when they're about equal.

In RE1 and RE3, you have tons of different events, cutscenes, endings, etc that may trigger or not depending on the PLAYER'S actions.
Instead in RE2, you have a static scenario A, and a static scenario B.
How it should have been:
- have a single scenario, but the differences between A and B would happen depending on the player's actions; either as alt-paths, or extra things that trigger if you do things right and get the extra content for the ending.

That's literally how RE1 and 3 work; but RE2 throws that out of the window to pretend there is twice as much content than there actually is even though 90%+ of all scenarios are identical.

Please note that while the way RE1 did things influenced other games, the way RE2 did things with the A-B scenario is still unheard of outside of a single forgotten game which is an obvious rip off of the system

>> No.7158029

>The map is still the same shit and with very little difference about the path of the gameplay
t. actual dumbass
The game's short anyway dipshit, who cares