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File: 76 KB, 1280x896, MWIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7145394 No.7145394 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting a remake.
The original developers are involved.
And to be quite honest, it looks like complete shit.




>> No.7145423

Looks like a fangame. A bad one.

>> No.7145425

Lots of unrealized concepts, abilities (axe weapons, another protagonist, magical bracelets), zones, and unused sprite art for its 2D version, but none of it seems reflected in this "remake".

>> No.7145458
File: 37 KB, 807x659, sotiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't be soulless 3d
>soulless 3d
Every fucking time.

>> No.7145461

This looks like a 15 year old game lol.

>> No.7145480
File: 341 KB, 1024x1024, cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast we got a spiritual squeal to Wonder Boy III, which is excellent by the way, and a proper remake of Dragons Trap.

>> No.7145540

Weird they saw how well this did and then just decided to shit out a mobile game version of iv

>> No.7145568


>> No.7145821

Monster World 4 doesn't deserve to be butchered like this. Keep your creatively bankrupt kike hands off retro vidya

>> No.7145828

>yet another remake in the series instead of a new game
Come on, we don't need this. Dragon's Trap got a remake already (even though it didn't need it, but at least the updated graphics looked good as opposed to MWIV's remake).

This is literally the best game in the series. Are there any hopes that they'll make a new game?

>> No.7145837

why is this even coming out?

didn't 360, ps3 and wii all get an english version of MW IV?

>> No.7145840

They have the same artist as the original, she should be doing spritework of the caliber of milano no arubaito for this game and having the game be a proper 2d experience.

>> No.7145845

Making sprite based games requires effort (obviously flash type shit doesn't). Basically you can tell instantly that something is budget and low effort right from the decision to use polygon graphics.

>> No.7145848

She doesn't have skills to work in 3d, why force her to do so?

>> No.7145853

It looks cheap, as if it was being made by the people who worked on the PS2 remake of Golden Axe


>> No.7145854

Not sure about Wii but 360 and PS3, yes. The official translation is in ROM sets and is playable on original hardware.

>> No.7145875

Polygons ruined gaming.

>> No.7145880

They really are revolting.

>> No.7145905

I think the 3D models are cute, but the animations are extremely stiff and amateurish.

>> No.7146052

>The original developers are involved.
That's just BS the PR team cooked up. The original developers gave their blessing but they won't have anything to do with it.
It's a fan game and nothing more.

>> No.7146098

>The original developers are involved.
The team is led, and directed, by the creator of the Wonder Boy series, Ryuichi Nishizawa and supported by Shinichi Sakamoto (sound), Maki Ōzora (character design) and Takanori Kurihara (creative management).

>> No.7146441

Yah it's in English on the Genesis Mini too

>> No.7146452
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, heil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146461

jesus christ

>> No.7147557
File: 263 KB, 640x480, どぎまぎさせるような.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would they do this?

>> No.7147568


>> No.7147718

Hot take - this game was never good. Monster Land, Dragons Trap and Monster World are the holy trinity. Monster Boy was ok I guess. MWIV had a completely different tone and feel. Wonderboy series was going fine until this game killed it.

>> No.7147728

this looks like a fangame mock up video done in blender, what the fuck
why would you outsource a remake of the most visually impressive game of the series for its time to totally different devs than the past couple things and allow this abomination to exist

>> No.7147739
File: 285 KB, 340x400, Boy%26Tina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about original Wonder boy? I never bothered with 16bit Wonder boys. I could never betray my beloved 8bit originals.

>> No.7147757

Remake looks soulless as fuck.

>> No.7147771

That game's wonderful.

>> No.7147783

The Japanese are terrible at 3DCG. They should just stick to hand-drawn sprites.

>> No.7147784

If this didn't look so anime I would play it.

>> No.7147807
File: 767 KB, 487x630, DA09F549-1C0D-40AE-A1DC-CA5CBDA59A0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder Boy always had an anime art-style from the beginning, you Americunt pleb.

>> No.7147875
File: 28 KB, 275x361, Monster_Land_for_the_Master_System_cover_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you consider Alex Kidd an anime game too?

That Cursed Kingdom art looks gay as fuck compared to original Wonder Boy cover art.

>> No.7147912
File: 2.56 MB, 854x480, monster_world_remake_pixelated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they should have made the game with lower resolution

>> No.7147962
File: 1.05 MB, 3508x1154, wonder_bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Master System Wonder Boy games were better and Lizardcube already remade the best one brilliantly.

>> No.7148008

These 3D remakes really have that "DS/3DS remake" "charm", like the FF3 and FF4 remakes. Soulless.

>> No.7149112

Fuck no.

>> No.7150009
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, Pocky-Rocky-2021-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's disappointing. If only all remakes could get the Natsume treatment.

>> No.7150034

the presentation and quality on display should not shock you, monster world is not held in the same regard as zelda or mario and westone is like crackers and cheese budget.. just be happy new gamers will get to experience it

>> No.7150162

Why is Natsume so god tier at remakes?

>> No.7150610


>> No.7150845

Agreed, I love land to death but could just never get into iv. It’s just so easy.

>> No.7151052
File: 735 KB, 470x653, B871AB6B-D323-48D0-BF51-D7665AFDCC9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Kidd is basically in the style of a kids anime.

>> No.7151065
File: 31 KB, 474x355, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is an anime game

>> No.7151075
File: 29 KB, 474x266, anime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgaea is an anime game, Alex Kidd and Wonder boy are not.

>> No.7151203

Why do people think spiritual sequels have to be directly related?

>> No.7151212

I'm in the camp that 3D could be fine if they broke free of the need to adapt the MegaDrive visual choices.

Like 3/4 poses on the characters or having Asha in more of a fighting stance. Prince of Persia was hot at the time, I get it but Wonder Boy games don't play like that.

>> No.7151249

Looks pretty good to me desu and faithful enough.
It's not like the original was a visual 2D masterpiece, just a fun game where you explore some tired tropes.
If you want pixel perfect fidelity you can just play the original, and high res 2D usually looks worse and wrong and they generally force a modern weeb style that's crap.
Your problem is autism.

>> No.7151527

This is worse. It looks like one of those early 2000s gba games that desperately wanted to be 3d by using ugly pre-rendered sprites

>> No.7152334

doesnt fix the pitiful animation

>> No.7153581

>Why is Natsume so god tier at remakes?

Original devs handling it so they care. Other remakes are execs hiring the cheapest studio they can like 30 years later. They just care about dollars and cents not the quality of the product. It's a race to the bottom. In fact, hell, I don't think that most fo these old companies even exist anymore and if they do they're mega-corps run by soulless businessmen. Natsume is alive and small enough to have people that care.

>> No.7153612
File: 107 KB, 560x420, doraemon-wallpaper-560x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgaea is an anime game, Alex Kidd and Wonder boy are not.

Oh god, this like like the most millennial shit a person can say and shows total ignorance of anime history. Alex Kidd and Wonderboy are very much in the style of children's 60's anime, which would have been what a lot of the people who made games in the 80's would have grown up with. Disgaea is influenced by then common anime art styles of the 00's.

Modern anime is like post 1984 and some people seem to think that nothing pre-dates it.

>> No.7153616

Correction: Disgaea is a SHITTY anime game.

>> No.7153621

>Oh god, this like like the most millennial shit

You know that Millenials are children that were born between the 2600 and Mega Drive launch era right?

>> No.7153627


Put in a timeframe and it makes sense that a lot of 80's video games are influenced by anime and manga from the 60's and 70's. Born in 1964, they are 10 in 1974, by 22 they graduate in 1986 and get a job in video games. They then make something referencing Cashern and Astro Boy.

>> No.7153629

You don't know what Anime games are, do you?