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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7126729 No.7126729 [Reply] [Original]

Gib soj

Previous thread >>7079980

>> No.7126927

I'm going to tell you a story of how lucky I've been with my grail.

>very first thing I did after clearing hell was an AT run to see how strong I was
>got a Vex off the first pack I killed
>already had a Pul from NM forge and a 4OS flail
>basically started with a free HOTO
>started doing Meph
>my map had a Monarch rack AND I got a Shako within 50 runs
>tried a pit run to see if I was strong enough
>Jah rune drops in my first run
>had a 20 FCR circlet so I could do a 200 FCR build for LK running
>also found a thresher rack really fast
>did a shit ton of runs to make infinity and CoH and a Grief as a bonus
>found a 15AS 29 fire res jewel and an eth Andy soon after
>did around 100 NM Andy runs to get an SoJ and tal's ammy
>took me a long time to get a Griffon's, but I got it within 10 runs after I made a pitzerker

Literal insane luck.

>> No.7126972

Careful or you're going to spend all your luck tokens like theorized in the last thread.

>> No.7126990

I think I already did because I'm not getting a Zod.

>> No.7127103

More like Onions

>> No.7127131

I can't get project diablo 2 to work for various reasons.
Could anyone who has it running, please upload the modded d2char.mpq, d2data.mpq, and d2sfx.mpq to zippyshare or mega?

>> No.7127198

>tfw just uninstalled it

I don't remember it having any mpqs though. Could be wrong but idk.

>> No.7127269

So uhh I took the necropill and I'm sticking to cows for now until I get a Zod. Not entirely sure on my build though. I'm using a clay golem and infinity on my might merc. Don't need iron golem insight, because I'm sporting silkweaves. What do you guys do with your extra points? I originally did revive and skeleton mastery, but I realized for cows you don't need revives. Poison nova does it's damage in 2 seconds and within that time my guy got the first kill to let me start chaining CE. I feel like it's a waste of time reviving cows and buffing them two times per run.

>> No.7127286
File: 54 KB, 1062x204, 2020-11-29-19-23-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't get the .msi to do what it's supposed to, so I unpacked it w/ 7z inside you find picrel.

>> No.7127313

What installer version does PD2 need to work? Latest from bnet or older?

>> No.7127317


>> No.7127319

>how will i post my n64 suxz thread with all this discussion going on!?

>> No.7127321

What is this hacker shit?

I installed it once on 1.13c then I had to install it again but I updated D2 on accident and it still worked with 1.14.

>> No.7127330

I'm on linux; you're looking at the lf file browser. The extracted .msi contents are in the middle column, and the contents of the highlighted item is to the left, it's a .bat file, sth that'll run in the windows command prompt.

I tried running the commands, but they fail with cryptic errors. The first three register the dlls if i understand correctly. The latter three modify the three mpq's in the parent directory. It looks like a double parent, but it should be the pd2 folder's mpq's not the original ones - i believe it's recommended to have your original files and then a copy within for each mod.

>> No.7127389

Theres a guide on their discord for linux heres


>> No.7127454

lutris is shit.
>here, install 1gb of shit you don't need to run the game
Also, you clearly didn't read that I can't get the .msi to work.

>> No.7127720

How hard would it be to organize /v/net again?

>> No.7127748
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We did it reddit!

>> No.7127782

>tfw no private /v/ server

>> No.7127909

>you get isekai'd in the Diablo universe (not 3 because it's not canon)
>it's not hardcore
>you start as a piece of shit lvl 1 and have to pick what character you're gonna be
>of course it's not just the small acts and zones but the whole implied universe in the lore
>meaning you can't just speedrun it and finish in 2 hours
>runewords and items still exist
>immunities still exist

What character will you be? Necro is my least favorite but I'd pick him. Hiding behind an army of skellybois and exploding shit form a distance sounds the safest.

>> No.7127946

>Not wanting to be a powerful, tall and sexually dominating Amazon woman

>> No.7127948

Yeah good luck killing anything when they're all lighting immune and you don't have gear yet.

>> No.7128074

easy life

>> No.7128160

paladin but white

>> No.7128328

I will be a barb. I will be mirin' my own white, muscular body. I would make many babbys with Kashya or Charsi. Fuck the story, let some other retard battle the daemons or whatever.

>> No.7128354

>Fuck the story, let some other retard battle the daemons or whatever.
Kek just like the ingame barbs, doesn't do anything except casts BO and horks.

>> No.7128385

New rule. If you don't fight shit you die.

>> No.7128409
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>> No.7128419

I'm reminded of that one playthrough I saw where the guy played as a Necromancer with the intention of never touching an enemy. If he ever did, he made it a point to buy new gloves so that he wouldn't have to wear anything with dead bits of it.

>> No.7128582
File: 23 KB, 1094x75, project of diablo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of cringe is palpable.

>> No.7128740
File: 499 KB, 720x450, skelly-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to say without knowing your build and gear, but if you're looking for inspiration a basic-bitch skellymancer looks like pic related at level 80something, depending on gear.

>> No.7129253

Seethe more alf clone.

I think its time for a pastebin with the game in it in the right patch for mods
also a fucking exception for other ARPG's, nox is still playable til this day, and D1 kinda got a new life

>> No.7129827

what's the point of this game? you just farms items so you can get more... items?

>> No.7129902

The point of this game is to have fun. Truly a ground breaking concept.

>> No.7129985

Name a comfier and more soulful game than D2. You can't.

>> No.7130000

Heroes of Might & Magic III

>> No.7130010


Well I'd say there's bosses to each stage, but honestly they're just normal monsters with slightly more health.

There's not much real depth to this game. Instead of cash shops though you just play for several thousand hours doing the same thing.

>> No.7130034

Not him but I actually can't argue with this. HoMaM III is truly the comfiest and the most soulful game there is.

>> No.7130097

Speaking of soj OP, i just dropped my first one in TWENTY YEARS on a smiter paly with 55 mf on a random cow in NM (obvi on secret cow level). First run too. Not a single other item was noteworthy but a random mob boss or something dropped Duriels which i roided my merc up with

>> No.7130101

That duriels was on a baalrun forgot to mention, i think just randomly in worldstone chamber lvl 3 but maybe a chaos run

>> No.7130186

farming nightmare andariel has the highest chance to drop a SoJ in the game so you would have gotten one throughout these long 20 years if you tried that

>> No.7130204
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Norfag here and I haven't started playing PD2 yet, even though I've tried.
Every time I sit down to play the servers are down, and once they're up again it's always midnight here.
Amerifags are all smug doing 8 player runs all day long. I'm fucking jelly, bros. Why so many hours between us! Argh!

>> No.7130514

Well ok but you can't name a game other than HOMM3.

>> No.7130520

Don't play PD2, duh.

>> No.7130642

Literally the only reasons I even bother with this cesspit of a board.

>> No.7131020
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I just installed it on linux without lutris. You just need wine. The command to run the msi in wine is: "wine msiexec /i PD2Launcher.exe"

>> No.7131027
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eh, replace PD2Launcher.exe with ProjectD2Installer.msi...

>> No.7131125
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Here's my build.

>> No.7131131
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And here's my gear.

>> No.7131136

That's what's happening atm.
Can't say I'm shocked when it's all run on someone's computer and it keeps getting hacked

>> No.7131151

It's not, they're just retards.

>> No.7131261
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Oh how I wish this little hoe had 15 FCR.

>> No.7131297

Where's the rest of your skill points?

>> No.7131301

>have a piece of shit 21% MF Gheed's charm for quite a long time
>farming travincal and a Gheed's drops
>wow finally i can replace my current piece of shit Gheed's
>it rolls 20% MF
fuck you game

>> No.7131316

Actually poison nova and it's synergies. Forgot about that.

>> No.7131384
File: 203 KB, 600x600, weee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did not know about msiexec /i!
Thank you, really really appreciate it. After some fiddling, I got everything working. Thanks again

>> No.7131487

If you don't want to use summons you can always go for bone armor and it's synergies. Extra survival ability is always good. If you are using poison nova, you want to have a single point in lower resists and it's synergies. It will also boost your CE damage. Not as much as amplify damage in most cases though.

>> No.7131590

Definitely not using lower resit.

>> No.7131664

Why not? You are losing a lot of damage.

>> No.7131686

I've mostly finished up the Assassin and Necromancer changes. All of the impossible issues arise from the Assassin:
>can't add attackrate to charge-ups since they already have a state (if I do add it in, then it'll give attackrate over the entire duration of the charge; I could make it so only the first charge you have gives the bonus I guess, and make it so all subsequent charges from all sources are set to a 0 bonus; in other words, having any charges gives +25% attackrate)
>Dragon Claw is a greedy, selfish bastard that refuses to apply states without breaking itself, so I can't add any attack speed to it (could change it to work like Double Swing, so it'd hit two different targets if available instead of always one, but it'd be able to add in stat bonuses like attack speed)
>Blade Fury is a missile skill, so attack rating bonuses won't work if they are from the skill itself (alternatively, could make it so Claw Mastery +AR% is global +AR% which will apply to Blade Fury)
>can't change Blade Shield's range adder, it always has its crappy tiny radius

>> No.7131706

Because amp damage is way better.

>> No.7131754

I think it's better to first cast lower resist for your poison nova and then switch to amp for CE but whatever. You should get more corpses faster this way. With infinity you might even do more damage with lower resist while corpse exploding but maybe not.

>> No.7131894

>charge-up attackspeed
Lets leave that out then, the other buffs to them will be enough.
>Dragon Claw
Since the skill is being difficult, lets replace the attack speed with a simpler buff by increasing the +% Damage to 65 + (10*slvl)
>Blade Fury
Could a similar solution as the Lightning Bolt one work, where using it adds a short-duration AR buff to the character herself?
>Blade Shield
Alright, the weapon damage buff will have to do. Also I guess if you were doing the cleaned up files and the added damage formula is fixed, the bonus damage will also work properly so there's that too.

Also did you happen to test how changed Phoenix Strike lightning looks like? I have no idea how many contacts it'll do when the nextdelay is removed so the damage change was complete guesswork and it might do ridiculous damage in practice.

>> No.7131909 [DELETED] 
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maphacker here again, not banned never banned

doubters are gay bitches
i've got many riches

bh.dll from github, enjoy

>> No.7132182
File: 2.40 MB, 640x480, 18000 life zombies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could a similar solution as the Lightning Bolt one work, where using it adds a short-duration AR buff to the character herself?
That doesn't work, but your reminding me of that gave me an even better idea that does. I can now apply states and stats to nearly any skill in the game (only exceptions being buggy, sequenced garbage like Leap Attack and Charge). Unfortunately, Dragon Claw is one of those kind of skills, so I still can't apply attackrate to it without breaking the second hit.
>Also did you happen to test how changed Phoenix Strike lightning looks like?
I did now, and it is very overpowered. At max level with max synergies, it can barely one hit an 18000 life monster with no resistances (with excellent luck). The damage is also highly chaotic depending on how many bolts return, so sometimes it deals a lot of damage, sometimes it doesn't.

>> No.7132306

Interesting, when I started thinking about it more closely I thought it would actually be even more busted. The damage being -85% or -90% instead of -50% compared to the unmodded value could be less crazy.

Also I recall the damage being pretty random depending on whether the bolts return with the unedited version too, so that part's to be expected.

>> No.7132507

no, i sucked and couldnt even farm because i played barb post-ww nerf and wasnt autistic enough to run over and over again when i finally did get a mf sorc, a sorc who still sucked and could barely do anything in nm. i was horrible, anon

>> No.7132973

First time I played Necro as a kid (20 fucking years ago) I played him like you would a Barb, just went aroubd scything everything myself.

>> No.7133060

>wasting time on pointless casts instead of just blowing shit up asap

I don't know why I keep asking you guys for advice. 99% of you are casuals.

>> No.7133139

>ask for build ideas
>call other people casuals
>go for a poison nova build
>don't use it properly, pointless casts
You need your initial poison nova to do as much damage as possible to as many monsters as possible in order to allow the first CE to actually make at least one more corpse. You can't start blowing shit up effectively without 2 or 3 corpses. Actually, never mind. Have fun farming that Zod for eternity.

>> No.7133171

All packs fall after 1-2 explosions. Why do you insist on giving advice when you don't know what you're talking about? I sure as fuck am not gonna waste time cycling curses, when I can just start exploding niggas.

>> No.7133193

I've said it, have fun. You know best.

>> No.7133223

I do.

>> No.7133281

Fuck you faggot.

>> No.7133316

Post your grail progress pussy. I bet you're below 90%.

>> No.7133782


>> No.7133969
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>The damage being -85% or -90% instead of -50%
Alright, that turns out pretty fair. I set it to -87.5% and it still kills 18k life zombies decently with no equipment, which is probably fine since it has such a large set-up and requires hit chance and is melee. Do you know how you want to change the throwing potions? I should be able to implement those changes easily if they're ready, along with any other character changes you got.

>> No.7134036

Yeah, I procrastinated a bit while thinking about some of the item changes but I've got the sorceress and druid changes, throwing potion changes and normal chance to cast affix changes ready. Not sure if those item changes are doable just like this though.


Also I guess Wake of Inferno should be changed so it doesn't use the monster inferno with mercy frames, I thought it was bugged in the "normal" way like Inferno and Arctic Blast.

>> No.7134046
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I started playing project d2 and was looking over the gear changes and here are few things that stand out to me:

1) Dracs and Exile no longer proc life tap - I'm not sure any gear does now. I suppose this will make ubers harder.

2) Items like Reaper's Toll and Wrath no longer proc decrepify but amp damage. Again, it looks like nothing will proc decrepify now.

3) It seems that any ctc spell has an increased level by about 10, so maybe ctc builds will be more viable in this mod.

4) They really beefed up damage to attacker mods - take bladebuckle for example. It now does 400 damage to attackers - I was just standing in nm a1 letting everything kill themselves on me just wearing bladebuckle.

Seems cool to me so far.

>> No.7134064

Yes it's so cool needing to have a necro buttbuddy to sit there casting life tap for you, or having to bother using wands. The coolest shit ever I promise.

>> No.7134085
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I agree that wouldn't be ideal, but I'm hopeful that other combinations of gear will make it possible.

>> No.7134095

I don't think so. It's just a pointless and austistic change. One of the many in this garbage mod.

>> No.7134327
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>google "diablo 2 lidless wall appearance"
>get this video as a result


I mean I was gonna talk about how I was gonna try and change the monarch appearance to a liddless, or a troll nest or something but ok.

>> No.7134390

when farming cows for runeword bases is it better to run them on players 1 or players 3?

>> No.7134392

Back when SOJs were currency I was a rebel and only trading in gems and later runes. Hoo boy when those things became worthless I was ROLLING in it.

>> No.7134402

The more the merrier, but it's been decided that p5 is the sweetspot for any characters that's not a javazon. If you're a shitter still you can go lower though.

>> No.7134504
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I regret nothing.

>> No.7134572

Back when SOJs were currency, one of my friends had a friend who had 5 accounts full of windforces. The D2 economy was such a meme lol

>> No.7134604

on the off chance that you have it running with plugy, have you ever had a
>generic bad file
error? both d2's and plugy's logs show nothing other than
>14:56:07.948 [PLAYER LOAD] ClientAddPlayerToGame() Error Loading:coom Error:14=nError

>> No.7134657

Blizzard locked my account for "suspicious activity" despite doing literally nothing wrong and refused to re-open it or tell me why. Since it happened so soon after buying D2 my credit union was willing to fight my corner and get my money back because they refused to disclose the reason I was banned in the first place.

So I've burned that bridge, what servers are available for people who pirate it?

>> No.7134682

>he's too stupid to do a quick google search to fix his issue

I guess slash diablo or single player plugy. Maybe one day we can have /v/net again. A man can dream.

>> No.7134696

Google doesn't reveal if a server is compromised by absolute cunts until I've already wasted my life on it.

>> No.7134697

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.7134723

nvm, it was because custom save location was set though the final frontier will be how the fuck to get a full screen in any aspect ratio, because playing on 1/4 the size of a laptop screen is sad

>> No.7134767

Just found a Mal by killing nm Dac Fallen lmao

>> No.7134947
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>Maybe one day we can have /v/net again.

>> No.7135781


>> No.7136539

Okay. Well, if you're doing a poison build, you should really consider Bramble and Death's Web. For skillpoints I would suggest either skeleton mastery for better revives or dim vision for crowd control.

>> No.7136567

>Death's Web

I fucking wish. That hoe is as rare as a black guy that's never been to prison.

>> No.7136592

I mean, yeah, you'd be better off making it in the character editor and just dealing with the shame than wasting your time farming for it.

>> No.7136615

No that's gay.

>> No.7136764

No way fag, nothing is gayer than simping for 1s and 0s. You'll realize this when the post-grail wave of regret hits you once the initial endorphin rush wears off.

>> No.7136779

No way to you too fag. If you have all the items there's no point playing the game. The point of the entire game is to play to get rare as fuck items. The combat revolves around spamming two skills in 2-3 small zones, so that can't be your main reason to play.

>> No.7136953

cheating is a slippery slope and sucks the excitement out of anything you're doing

>> No.7137037

Maphacking in pd2 rules though, imagine not doing that and then selling your drops on jsp for when this game implodes

>> No.7137068

I thought they were banning people for this? But also there's the argument that yeah you're maphacking, but you're also maphacking on a garbage reddit mod.

>> No.7137081

They've got people duping runes and shit they dont care about rmt. The few people that were caught day 1 were token bannings meant to dissuade people, and they were also dumb enough to post full characters with screenshots. Maphack is literally included with the game, pd2 uses an open source slashdiablo maphack, replace the bh.dll with one from their github and run diablo.exe from a shortcut. I have maphacked since day 1 and no ban.

The question is, why aren't you maphacking on a shitty reddit mod? Enjoy wasting your time

>> No.7137232
File: 325 KB, 1444x1441, Marquis_de_sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that because you're a vanillafag, once you go down the modding rabbithole, you stop caring about what's right and wrong and start to just do what gives you maximum enjoyment in the present without worrying about propriety.

The original point of the game is to murder armies of monsters, similar to an FPS or a shmup. The loot treadmill is a later addition, and a lot of grognards think its inclusion was a mistake and a sign of the endtimes.

>> No.7137404

>The question is, why aren't you maphacking on a shitty reddit mod?

Because I'm literally not playing it. It's garbage. I'm instead investing my time in my personal mod holy grail and anime.

>The original point of the game is to murder armies of monsters

Anon it's been 20 years. We've murdered several planets worth of monsters. Now it's full grail time. Including runewords, all runes, eth items, perfect facets, and perfect torches.

>> No.7137442

c'mon, somebody host a new server

>> No.7137575

What do you watch this season, anon.

>> No.7137583

Only the good ones. Jujutsu Kaisen and Haikyuu.

>> No.7137603
File: 50 KB, 793x194, Grail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon, that's only shounen I probably shouldn't talk much because out of this season's stuff, I watch Strike Witches, Adachi to Shimamura and Love Live.
Anyway, post your grail status. Here's mine. Considering I only play for like half an hour per day, I guess it's not too bad.

>> No.7137618


Progress really slowing down after the 90% mark but I don't play a lot as well.

>> No.7138023 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1573233283266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing PoD short bursts. Only casually played D2 in the heyday and never multiplayer. Any pointers on playing, what to loot, and netiquette? Building a bowazon.

>> No.7138027
File: 75 KB, 846x850, large_13465_SHE006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing PoD in short bursts. Only casually played D2 in the heyday and never multiplayer. Any pointers on playing, what to loot, and netiquette? Building a bowazon.

>> No.7138031

These days b.net is completely overrun by bots so making games can take anywhere from 1-5 minutes. for every 50 bots there may be 1 or 2 actual people.

>> No.7138041

I don't think I'll even start collecting things for the grail until I drop a Tyraels. At that point it's like 39% done

>> No.7138046

PoD is almost vanilla, but with modified skills. Loot the same stuff you usually would, mostly just high runes and high tier uniques.

>> No.7138060

I think botting is banned on PoD but I wouldn't be surprised.

>PoD is almost vanilla, but with modified skills. Loot the same stuff you usually would, mostly just high runes and high tier uniques.
Thing is I've only played vanilla SP casually so advice for new vanilla players is welcome.

>> No.7138649

In that case, you'd just want to find some bow and make Harmony in it with runes from the Countess. As a casual player, that is probably about the best you'll get for a bowzon.

>> No.7138803

>immunities still exist

I think I'll be a Vengeance Pally with Conviction aura.

>> No.7138998

>Any pointers
>Building a bowazon
unless you're a sadist respec into javelin till lv50ish(40 with harmony) when you have some runes and a few +3 skill 3-5 socket amazon bows
for real damage on a bowzon is a fucking nightmare untwinked and remember dude being sanic fast while utilizing hit and run tactics is only way to play choose your battles wisely the environment is your friend learn to kite for real run run run defense is for the (mentally)slow and pussys how can you die if you out speed everything trying to hit you
for solo bosses tho you might wanna slow down and walk only run while kiting when you run no matter what in diablo your defense is 0 without a shield to block is even worse that means in order not die instantly keep a distance throw up a decoy use a valkyrie rev some corpses hell even golems or a wolverine
as for your merc you want a mighty beefcake who only cares about two things RIP AND TEAR so a barb and not some boy loving sodomite fucking wuss who pokes people with a stick
a cold rouge double team pinging away at someone while getting peg'd in the ass by a valkyrie also works rather well if you got the money and want to be extremely based
act 3 cold mercs can be really neat but a bitch to set up

at lv 39 you can use harmony its easy to make and getting a 4 socket ceremonial bow with 2/3+ skills isn't that hard you can use other bows but the +skills automod amazon bows have are a god send

>> No.7139059

is there a way to get diablo 2 for free and play online

>> No.7139072

Yeah, but only on private servers. Go in the previous thread and ctrl+f "noobs".

>> No.7139094

Nice, thanks

>> No.7139107

so theres no public servers at all then?


also what of this link? i looked up diablo 2 and this shows as the first result and starts an exe downloads an installation file, do i use the method the anon posted or just download this from the blizzard website?

>> No.7139339

I've heard PoD buffed player characters, but it might still be extremely painful 4u

>> No.7139415

Bows have shit damage and bowazon has very little off-weapon enhanced damage, so you very easily end up with a character that kills painfully slowly on Hell. In order to solve this issue, you need one of the handful of unique/RW bows/crossbows that don't suck, like Buriza or Windforce, and some sources of off-weapon ed% like Laying of Hands, Fortitude and a Might mercenary.

>> No.7139442

Speaking of bowazons, long time ago I've tried to play immolation arrow build. It's pretty fun and I remember it doing OK damage.. in nightmare. Also players 1, probably. But it was fun and you can rather easily find decent unique bow at the beginning of nightmare difficulty. You also have enough leftover skill points to level up something else. Maybe freezing arrow route.

>> No.7139704

ah I see. Maybe I should reconsider for now

>> No.7140536

Most of the other characters are probably fine for casual play at least. Even melee is a lot stronger since it gets area of effect from jewels.

>> No.7140682

I ended up starting a sorc. Always wanted to try her.

>> No.7141826

about 4), i did some quick research and if with the best DTA items and thorns aura, you can reflect up to 10k dmg to attackers. When I have the proper stuff with good rolls I'll try out a suicidadin

>> No.7142240

>someone who's played D2 but has never played a sorc exists
Rarer than a unicorn

>> No.7142417
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Ladder reset is today, friends.
Got your class all queued up?

>> No.7142467

It's quite fun so far, I rather like blowing things up with fireballs. I need more boom boom!

>> No.7142505
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>> No.7142510
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>> No.7142515
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>> No.7142708
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>> No.7142963

Has anyone tried the unofficial PlugY for 1.14d? Does it work? Is it lostboy.exe?

>> No.7143119

I couldn't get it to work, but I am also not good with computer.

>> No.7143295
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>Try PD2 out
>Get banned for uttering a gamer word and PKing
>Ask mod if he does it for free
>Receive permaban
Poor dev needs to get that retard under control before his mods kill the game

>> No.7143349


yeah """dev"""

>> No.7143451

More like the mod is gonna need some more hotpockets and zena tapes if he wants to kill the game before the devs do.

>> No.7143520

bnet is now down for reset. back up probably in about 30-35 minutes. get hype!
>massive server instability
>endless queues
>day 1 botters
>JSP/fg gearing up GG characters in 1-2 days
>completely fucked economy
>first level 99 is a bot

>> No.7143592

Servers back up.

>> No.7144618

so I was just chilling doing act 2 when this guy comes in teleporting all over the map and clears all the quests for me up to half way through act 5. I'm still lvl 18. What should I do now? Honestly don't want to be powerleveled because that'll just dump me in the endgame grind.

>> No.7144620

Put a password on your game.

>> No.7144625

Ok. What should I grind for exp in case I get stuck on a boss?

>> No.7144651

Your level is already high enough. You can grind A2 tal rasha tombs until 24 if you REALLY want to.

-1-14 (Normal Trist Runs)
-14-20 (Normal Tomb Runs)
-20-26 (Normal Cow Runs)
-26-40 (Normal Baal)
-40-50 (Nightmare Walk-Through Act 1)
-50-60 (Walk through all of Nightmare)
-60-99 (Magic Find in hell or do Hell chaos/baal)

>> No.7144760

Thanks dude

>> No.7144925

Isn't Act3 better to lvl24 if you're playing solo?

>> No.7144957
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I am pretty sure you can hit lv 24 around the same time you reach the Tombs by just playing through once, grinding nothing, and simply clearing most of the areas. The only reason I say "pretty sure" is I haven't done this solo on bnet before. It's guaranteed if you use a /players x setting in SP, or a LAN team. If you play through to the end of Hell you'll be 85, again with no repetitive sessions. Running bosses is nice for your inventory though ofc

>> No.7144973
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>> No.7145030

What I posted is generally the best areas to grind exp at those certain levels. That's only if for some reason you want to grind exp to reach those levels. Really you should be just clearing the game at your own pace and only go back to grind you're too underleveled, which is really rare unless you're getting boosted. You just need to make sure you're lvl 20/40/60 to clear the ancients on normal/nightmare/hell.

If you're lvl 24 before you reach the tombs and clear hell at 85, you're a huge slow shitter.

>> No.7145086

>Really you should be just clearing the game at your own pace and only go back to grind you're too underleveled, which is really rare unless you're getting boosted
I usually end up underleveled because my pace is going fast, I think you have to reach 23 or 24 or something, or you basically stop being able to gain xp entirely in act 4 and after. Blizzard made those xp penalty mechanics to stop the classic "boosted lvl1 characters sitting in hell cows" thing, but theres an extremely cursed level range during solo play normal difficulty where it's a pain in the ass to grind enough to get over the hurdle and be able to progress normally again.

>> No.7145102

There's like a 5 lvl +/- character/monster difference for you get exp. You're almost never gonna be underleveled, and in the rare case that you are, you can just grind the areas I posted above.

>> No.7145298

Maybe I should finally try the meme character I never made: 2h zeal paladin

>> No.7145309
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>you're a huge slow shitter
Did you know that part of this game involves killing monsters?

>> No.7145332


>> No.7145415

what's the best build?

>> No.7145417

Lighting sorc.

>> No.7145418


>> No.7145426

is there a good guide for that?

>> No.7145460


There's more builds than these of course, but these guides are more than enough for starters, and I guarantee you wont even get to build like 70% of these builds anyways.

>> No.7145631

What build lets me explode shit up? I played PoE once solely to create a heavy metal marauder: gamer hits enemy, enemy explodes, explosion hits other enemies, other enemies explode ad infinitum. It helped that the SFX was very boom-boom

>> No.7145636

trap assassin
corpse explosion necromancer

>> No.7145686

Someday we'll have an open source version of D2 and be able to set the resolution to our hearts content and add all nice fancy bells and whistles we could ever want. Just imagine the possibilities.

>> No.7145772

No we wont.

>> No.7145978

is pure fire sorc viable in nightmare?

>> No.7145998

Everything is viable in nightmare.

>> No.7146034

you are veyr dumb.

>> No.7146050


You tried.

>> No.7146258

you don't have to worry about resistances until hell

>> No.7146523
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>> No.7146845

How have they still not gotten their shit together? Was PoD even close to this bad?

>> No.7146931

I just bought the game and I keep getting "You were disconnected from battle.net. Please reconnect." I've updated my game manually and reset my firewall settings but it still won't connect. How do I fix this?

>> No.7147604

Smiter currently in a2 hell, i used stealth from normal to now and switched to duriels cuz i need the resists. Is nm duriel still best way to farm guillaumes face? I have 200 mf

>> No.7147786
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>> No.7147808

What absolute fucking clows. This is getting annoying to the point where I literally want to curb stomp this stupid faggot. Imagine being this entitled.

I only played ladder 2 and 3 of PoD, and they never had anything like this. The only downtime was like a hour every week or some shit to restart the servers. Maybe they had issues with their first ladder, but I'm willing to bet my asshole it wasn't anywhere near this bad and cringe. Too bad PoD is a trash mod too, so whatever.

>> No.7147840

if pod was so shit then why did you play 2 seasons of it

>> No.7147898

>0.19% chance to drop from hell meph with 200mf
>it's not even one of the super high up items
How does anyone have gear in this game without botting, again?

>> No.7147913

Because I got baited by the changes in ladder 3 before I realized it was shit for good. Just like how people still play WoW, except I learned faster than others.

>> No.7147929

>How does anyone have gear in this game without botting, again?
if you're doing a few hundred runs a day that shit will drop easy, it's really not that hard especially in single player because you can get the best maps possible and run them as much as you want

>> No.7148742


>> No.7148875

>playing diablo
>Wonder why my mana is red and my max is lower than it should be
>Turns out that shrines can give PERMANENT -mana debuffs
>I've gotten like 3/4 of them
>Game doesn't tell you what the debuff is going to be or what has happened to you at all in game

Dropped. Uninstalled. Semen slurping fag game.

>> No.7149256
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>> No.7149369

To think there was time when people duped so many of those, they were used as ingame money.

>> No.7149946

>shrines can give PERMANENT -mana debuffs

>> No.7149951

I don't know how I can possibly be more clear than that sentence

>> No.7149954

He's talking about Diablo 1, there's three shrines that will permanently reduce your mana if you use them and the positive effect you get in trade is super not worth it. He doesn't even know about the black deaths lel.

>> No.7151447

Now you just need 64998 more so you can get a legit anni.

>> No.7151451

I have like 20 annies.

>> No.7151452

what mod is this?

>> No.7151462

>black deaths

oh yeah these are the worst. imagine modern developers making mechanics that permamently cripple you when everyone playing are tryhard minmaxers

>> No.7151471


>> No.7151608

Project Discord 2. It's like one of those really old text based RPGs, but Diablo 2 themed. You basically just chat around with NPCs and stuff.

Yeah. As legit as annie's get for plugy.

>> No.7151775

Imagine black deaths in some game like PoE where you grind the same character for hundreds of hours to make a perfect one

>> No.7152669
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>decided to play that Back to Hellfire mod, Diablo in Diablo 2 sounds fun since Diablo is a more casual experience where you don't really have to worry about builds, just eat books
>act 1 is very difficult, half the monsters use charge or bash and they all deal way too much damage
>by act 3 normal, enemies are dealing as much damage as monsters in vanilla hell difficulty
>monsters also have way too much life
>equipment is complete garbage, stuck using magics/rares
>affixes are mostly vanilla, but also mixed in with a huge pool of negative affixes
>mod has runewords where you form literally words with runes, but there is no list of them and all the ones I've made are garbage
>staffmods are much less common
>characters only get 15 skills each, a lot of the skills are scams which only exist to waste book drops
How in the hell are you supposed to play this mod?

>> No.7152825

>half the monsters use charge or bash and they all deal way too much damage
Fucking hell I remember when Duriel did this, he'd bash you out of melee and instantly combo it into charge and kill you.

>> No.7154340

Good question. Guy, thanks for link but I even played in the OG days and even then I thought
>a few HUNDRED runs
was some fat smelly bullshit. Ran hell countess on that smiter today, after 20 runs Um still didnt drop for Duress. Im done. If i cant finish hell im rolling a summon necro and coasting

>> No.7154475

well that's just the name of the game, you gotta grind real hard if you want to get anywhere, 20 runs is pretty much nothing

>> No.7154478

Just make blood gloves and Black lol

>> No.7154576


>> No.7154946

>not farming thul + io + nef from NM countess
>not even farming amn + tir
>not crafting blood gloves
>not farming goblintoe + rattlecage in Normal/NM

>> No.7155194

Diablo I had more soul and atmosphere. D2 is pretty comfy though.

Comfiest is StarCraft use map settings games.

>> No.7155237

Diablo 1 counts towards 2 and SC is not comfy at all. Scifi by default cannot be comfy.

>> No.7155317

Revives are good as damage sponges for extra safety but you mostly need them for bosses. It's worth sticking extra points in just for that. You can pick up Udars at the River of Flame that have crushing blow. Teleport on top of a boss to stack your guys and they will all begin laying down attacks at once.

>> No.7155323

It's not sci-fi bro, I'm on use map settings commando wars getting kills so that I can trade 20 marines in for the SSJ Goku Archon. Duh.

>> No.7155331

Anon I made that post 9 days ago. I figured the necro in and out in that time and I'm all decked out. I just need a good 2/20 circlet now.

>> No.7156079

Fallout 1 and 2 is up there.

>> No.7156565

Playing Starcraft as Terran with music set to maximum as you blast some Zerg is perhaps one of the comfiest gaming experiences one can have.
>that first few second of gameplay when the music starts while you select your SCVs and send them to gather minerals
>that mining sound effect

bonus points if you can play on a CRT monitor still.

>> No.7156618
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>Summons 1 + slvl/6 ravens per cast
Thank you anon. Your idea is completely impossible, but the way you juxtaposed all your impossible ideas together somehow made me realize it is possible. It's janky as hell since I haven't finetuned it, but I should be able to make it better (the skill is really complex, it involves multi-multilayered invisible missiles and invisible monsters and bugged filters and multiple skills per single skill). You could say it just works. I've been trying to make this idea work for 3 years since it allows for insanely complex skill behavior.

I also finished most of the sorceress and druid, although there are a few problems that I definitely cannot make work.
>Firestorm can't have calculations for its missile range/duration, only incrementing values (so I can't limit it, the length will keep increasing with every level)
>Energy Shield can have its base resistance modified, but only its global resistance, so no matter what its fire/lightning/cold/magic/physical resistances will be the same (so I can't actually make it so resistances apply before energy shield)
>Firebolt/Lightning/Chain Lightning cannot have their base cast rates independently changed, I almost found a way to make it work but there are a few hardcoded steps required and I have no idea how to do serious hardcoding (so the closest I can get to your idea is to add bonus FCR while casting)
There are a few other complex skills I haven't finished yet, so the list may grow.

>> No.7156952

I had no idea summoning multiple ravens at the same time would be an absolute madman -tier change, but atleast it looks pretty nice with them warping in like that.

That'll work, I think it's probably only going to become really noticeable at a point where the character has enough +skills to become super op anyway.
>Energy Shield
In that case, setting the fixed absorption rate to 75% (like with maxed telekinesis unmodded) will have to do.
>Firebolt/Lightning/Chain Lightning
I'll figure out some alternate thing for Firebolt tomorrow. For Lightning and CL lets just set them to the normal sorc cast frames, if they aren't completely hardcoded to use the worse ones.

>> No.7157204

>It focuses on re-creating the feel and the atmosphere of Diablo
>Don't expect to get a full re-creation of Diablo and Hellfire in the mod - it's very different yet still close to them. After all, if Back to Hellfire was exactly Diablo: Hellfire, what would be the point in it?
>what would be the point in it?
What in the fuck this is the most retarded thing I have read all week
I mean this sounds cool as fuck diablo+hellfire remade with the D2 engine. But instead its something ultra retarded. I mean how hard would it be to do the following. The 5? (or was it 6) classes just give them a few skills most being passive. No rare,set or runeword items for "balance". godly plate of whale kings sword of swiftness etc etc can drop from lv 45 on shitty bases to like 65 for the good stuff. Books you find are oskills the higher the lv the more energy need to read them. Some skills can only be found on staffs and runes are just edited throwing potions that let you lay sin traps. 5 acts the church catacombs the caves act 4 can just be finding and killing Lazarus to open a portal to hell. You're able to change text the NPC say, so make all the hellfire quests like an item you buy off an NPC in each act for a lot of money. Put said item into cube with tp open to a red portal nothing to hard to edit right the game has like 4 in act 5 + cow level.

For real it seems no one has done his yet would make for a fun mod. I doubt it would be that hard to do all this. D2 does have caves catacomes a church and hell. Remake tristram keep it the only town swap npc's names for diablo ones. inb4 if its so easy why haven't you done it.

>> No.7158132

i made black....and before black i used strength you nerds. havent gotten around to farming goblintoe and if by blood you mean bloodfist, that miraculously dropped without me trying + magnus gloves. i really was just salty about arcane with the phys immunes and getting bad spawns of those stupid ghosts killing my merc and bankrupting me, im finally in a3. merc even has 5% chance to cast amplify on hit which has been a godsend. going to start necro any way for fun

>> No.7158139

also top kek im slightly braindead, boots with insanely good resists making me 80% on lightning dropped and i got rid of my 30% frw + 24 mf boots, when i could have just kept those boots and replaced the 31 mf boots (my mf boots i use to mf) so i had good run/walk. but now im walking everywhere as if im lvl 1 on normal again and mfing is going to be a tedious nightmare....pretty much nothing touches me on NM though and early hell

>> No.7158146

nvm i see by blood you mean crafting it for crushing blow. i have played this game for 20 years and had no idea you could cube stuff this way...

>> No.7158181

>i have played this game for 20 years and had no idea you could cube stuff this way
Kek how is that even possible, did you never see crafted items with their orange names online either?

>> No.7158203

i know right? i did...all the time...always wondered "huh, how did they do that?" and back then you didnt just google everything so i dont know, it wasnt on my radar. im telling you i was chronically bad. i also grew up playing barb at age like 8 so i had no idea about nerfs when one day i fired it up after a new patch (which took ages to download on dial-up) and ww suddenly didnt work anymore. i only learned how important fhr/resists are like the other month

>> No.7158204

He could be like my friend.

>LOL you still playing D2 in 2020
>yeah it's the best game of all time after all
>POE is the best arpg bro D2 is trash
>POE wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for D2
>nuh uh it's way more complex and has better graphics
>you haven't even played D2, how do you know what's more complex?
>uhh yes I have
>on all difficulties?
>what do you mean, I beat it on normal once
>so you're never even beaten the whole game and crafted end game runewords
>yeah like enigma and stuff
>what's enigma?

Pissbaby casual twitch fanboy shitter that claims he's been playing for 60 years, yet doesn't even know the basics.

>> No.7158206

no, dont insult me. the only good arpg in this vein is d2. i have played through hell and median, dont INSULT me sir. however i always played on bnet so there were always people to rush and give you gear. i befriended scammers and everything and they'd give me ebotds and shit for free, i could do well in hell on my mega geared ww barb (MetalMustle on useast, created when i was 8 years old) but i would die FAST because i neglected resists and stuff

>> No.7158213

i do remember learned how important resists are ages ago but it was like the only thing i paid attention to besides damage and bo because i mained ww barb. i had dozens of mules and other shitty chars, the only 2 good chars i had were an mf sorc and ww barb, both made in high school (i was trash as a kid) and i only recently unlearned lots of bad habits/ways of thinking about the game. ive always loved d2 though, its not even close with other games. your dumb friend reminds me of a friend i have who insists on PoE too and is hung up on graphics. plebs.

>> No.7158214

the barb wasnt made in HS but i only got good with him around hs** when a scammer gave me 2 cb ebotd. mf sorc had full tals but i never have liked hardcore mega autismo meta endgame grinding so i didnt hardcore mf with her or anything

>> No.7158958

Alright, I came up with an alternate Firebolt buff/gimmic:
>At higher skill levels Firebolt splits into additional targeted firebolts on impact like Lightning Fury
>Secondary bolts do 50% damage and have nextdelay 4, maximum secondary bolts released: if(slvl < 18 , 0 , min(10, (slvl/3) - 1) )

Also I noticed a mistake I've made in the Necro changes, Clay and Blood Golem damage calculation from Golem Mastery should have a "1 + " component like Iron Golem so they don't zero out when the char has no levels in GM.

>> No.7159719

>always wanted to give D2 a try
>too scared that endgame requires high apm autism,split second decisions and complex button combinations to do well

>> No.7159772

it doesnt, just go smiter or summon skelly necro and youre good.
also im the guy from earlier who was stuck in a2 arcane because of phys immunes on my smiter, im now in a4 and mfing meph with 204 mf, comfortably. i just hit a little wall with the stupid ghosts is all, a3 was a breeze

>> No.7159829

I would certainly never describe Diablo II's controls like that. Most characters focus only a few skills that are all they will use at endgame. It's all just point and click, with your most-used spells assigned to your chosen hotkeys (F1 through F8 on default) and 1-4 for drinking potions from your belt.
Online would require more APM solely because you're constantly pressing ALT with your thumb to check for drops, because if you don't, you could miss out on something good that another player will scoop up. This isn't a factor in Single Player since you obviously don't have to worry about other players.
"Endgame" D2 is Chaos and Baal runs, or grinding 2 or 3 high level areas for drops, or the occasional Diablo Clone spawn and Uber Tristram runs if you're playing online.
I smiled at the prospect of worrying about "high apm autism" to handle endgame when uber tristram as a smite-focused paladin consists of dodging some enemies. getting lifetap off on your target then holding down the mouse button until it dies.
The most "split second decision" you will face will probably be when teleporting directly into a mob of monsters and deciding whether you can press ESC + Up + Enter faster than you can get your next teleport off before getting hit, or maybe seeing 2 good items drop on a single screen and having to decide which you'd rather start moving toward, again, only applicable in an online context with other players.
As for the complex button combination, running a cold sorceress for me looks like
>ice blast assigned to attack (never changes from this)
>static field F1
>blizzard F2
>telekinesis F3
>teleport F4
>frost nova (or fireball for cold-immune enemies) on F5

>> No.7159929

Not to mention you can rebind keys. I have the left half of the keyboard for skill shortcuts (they're plenty) and the menus in F# keys

>> No.7160185

I DID IT. I MADE DURESS. I FOUND 2 LEMS AND ENOUGH FALS TO MAKE A LEM TO MAKE 2 PULS + THE GEMS TO MAKE UM. After farming countess. Not even that long, on the phone with a friend so it went by fast. Maybe got it in another 20-30 runs? Not Um itself, but runes i can upgrade to eventually get Um. Any way time to pwn

>> No.7161279

I can't aim meteor for shit. Any tips & tricks?

>> No.7161363

Lead the targets more, or cast fireballs at them if it's enough to flinch them so they stay in place.

>> No.7161384

Don't play meteor.

>> No.7161442

Use meteor on slower targets only eg imp shamans
Get a tanky merc to attract targets and aim at him
Aim at yourself as the enemy approaches

>> No.7161934
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If anyone wants a laugh, check out the scam accusations for the mods of pd2 on jsp. Looks like the mods scammed people out of their forum gold then banned their accounts from pd2...real nice

>> No.7161975

Mods pretended to be normal trading jsp users to bait people that would trade on there?

>> No.7162032
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Yes, then ban people for trading after they take their forum gold. Then transferring all of the forum gold before they get caught.

>> No.7162039

I can't find the forum thread you're getting this info from, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's real. Imagine being this big of a pathetic cuck to do something like that. At this point being a redditor should be classified as a mental illness.

>> No.7162390
File: 2.42 MB, 800x600, messy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your firebolt idea technically works, but Blizzard's implementation of that missile function is garbage. Lightning Fury and Fist of the Heavens release tons of piercing missiles for a reason: the cltside missiles are so horribly desynced from the srvside missiles that the only way to make it appear to work correctly is to make it hit everything. If you are fine with it being horribly desynced, then I can leave it. Otherwise, you'd be better off basing your idea off of a different missile function that isn't a mess.

The golem calculations aren't a problem, I assumed you wouldn't want them to deal no damage without Golem Mastery since that'd be silly.

>> No.7162407

What kind of goals should i have as a single player? what is the strongest enemy? rarest items?

>> No.7162410

Your goals are to complete the holy grail. Including eth items, all runes, all runewords and all types of gems. To have all perfect torches, and to have every character at lvl 99.

>> No.7162414



>> No.7162580
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I know this is super late, but you should edit ddraw.ini to be windowed but at a specific aspect ratio (you want your ratio to be some multiple of what is native in the game so that it doesn't look like ass). If you want full screen, just specify the window to be the dimensions of your screen.

>> No.7162716

That does look pretty messy, would shooting the fragments around in random starburst patterns work better? If that works, the fragment damage could be increased to 75% and the amount to if(slvl < 18 , 0 , min(15, (slvl/2) - 4) )

>> No.7162936

Are builds like werewolf druid and melee claw assassin viable for single player?

>> No.7163093

Most melee builds that are self found only are kind of playing the game on nightmare mode.

>> No.7163098

werewolf druid is a viable build, but like most melee builds, it won't be fast super fast or anything. I would go Fury + Oak Sage with some points in Feral Rage as well, but you may prefer Wolverine.
Get your attack speed up with some CB, while gearing up a competent merc with either blessed aim or might. Strength + Rhyme might not do too badly for you. You'll definitely want CBF from somewhere. I'm rather fond of Treachery for armor, for that sweet IAS. And faded ghost werewolf is super cool. But stuff like Rattlecage, Duress, or even Hawkmail will do fine. Spirit Shroud would be a nice find. And if you could find something like a bonesnap, that'd basically set you right for a large chunk of the game, and then upgrading it mid-to-late NM should probably let you handle Hell okay. And if you're playing with ladder runewords enabled, easy makes like Insight and Obedience will take you a long way in a decent base.
earlier this year I was making a WW barb on SP and found myself using a wide variety of neat rare weapons, so as always in D2, rare finds are also an option.
Thinking about it, werewolf druid strikes me as probably being more viable than WW barb on SP.

You could also go rabies, I suppose. But I've never built a rabies druid so I can't speak to that.

>> No.7163139

Ah so this is one of those games were melee characters get instantly raped on higher difficulties,may as well save myself some time and just make a necromancer or sorceress instead

>> No.7163160

It's more that the balance is kind of all over the place, melee characters with hobo gear absolutely choke on dicks but crazy gear on melee characters scales them way harder than crazy gear scales casters.

>> No.7163168

Also use frozen orb to slow shit down before meteoring

>> No.7163279

> I would go Fury + Oak Sage with some points in Feral Rage as well, but you may prefer Wolverine.
I haven't really played werewolf druid outside some meme armageddon hybrid build I tried once, but I'd go with wolverine, you can rarely have too much ED and AR on melee.

>> No.7163621

you also can never have too much life. that's why the blessed aim or might merc is a good add if you don't field Wolverine. Of course if you can find an angelic ring and ammy, then you can really go to town. Still, the werewolf druid does pretty well because he has a couple different options regarding all his extras.
If you're more concerned with just hitting to get as many crushing blows off as you can, then go for AR. If you're more focused on just overall damage, then might + wolverine could wreck. or blessed + wolverine. Or might + Oak. You got options.

>> No.7164079

say goodbye to 10 years of your life

>> No.7164136

Life is pointless anyways.

>> No.7164190



>> No.7164324

Tell me what builds you've had the most fun with and why.

>> No.7164347
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>> No.7164389

What's the most reckless build? Something high-risk high-reward, like a suicide bomber.

>> No.7164446

The first thing that came to mind was 2-handed sacrifice paladin, I don't think you can get more suicidal than that.

>> No.7165145

>vipermagi from NM duriel
>Um rune from NM hf
Thank you rngesus

>> No.7165884

I'm considering dropping another $10 to buy LOD so I can play PD2, but I'm actually a D2 neophyte, I tried to get into POE but I hated how you had to be hyper autistic and follow a min maxed guide to get anywhere. Can you just wing it in D2 and have fun

>> No.7166536

You should play Classic (pre-LoD) or version 1.09 first if you don't want to have to worry about guides, the newer versions are a lot more difficult to get into, although even still pretty much any build even on the newer versions can get through it if you know what you are doing.

>> No.7167267

all of the melee sorceress builds you can pull off absolutely insane damage the highest damage out of any class with one build relies on energy shield and blocking to keep you alive

>> No.7167631

>dropping another $10
just pirate it, i never played PD2 but i remember that Path of Diablo worked just fine even with my pirated copy
you don't want to be giving money to bl*zzard

>> No.7167676

Imagine being this fucking stupid. How do you people even survive on a day to day basis? You can just pirate it, and even then PD2 is absolute garbage.

>> No.7167887

>melee sorceress builds you can pull off absolutely insane damage the highest damage out of any class
Melee sorc has the disadvantage of not doing that much physical damage though, which is normally the biggest advantage of melee.

>> No.7167954

You mean dream builds? I always thought they are cool af but you can't have much FCR or you are a bear so can't teleport around. Considering the HR you need to make these builds, isn't it better to just make a tesladin or something?

>> No.7169080
File: 1.89 MB, 800x600, max level fragment production.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried just about every single reasonable missile function in the game, and this is the only one that got even close to your idea. Volcano happens to be one of 3 missiles that have randomized submissile spawning (the only others are Blizzard and Fissure, although they spawn randomly over a defined area instead of from a target point), and it is one of 2 missiles that allows you to put in rough limits on its duration (Immolation Arrow allows much better limits, but it gives poor control over the number of missiles released). If you like this result, then I can shrink/swap the graphics to make it look like slightly less of a Volcano knockoff.

Also, despite this being the best case, it is pretty limited in terms of missile scaling. All I can control is when it starts shooting and when it stops, meaning that the number of missiles produced will increase linearly with levels with no offset possible, up to a defined missile limit (in other words, it'll always start at 1 missile produced at level X, then gain another missile every Y levels, up to a maximum Z missiles, where XYZ are the only controllable variables).

>> No.7169431

nice. cham dropped from a random a4 or a5 chest the other day for me lol

>> No.7169571

It's not exactly what in mind, but based on everything else not working that's good enough. Swapping the projectile and explosion graphics into something smaller sounds good, if I recall correctly the catapult fire traps in act 5 cause a small ripple-looking effect that might be good for the impacts atleast. Not sure about which smaller projectile would look good, though.

With the limited formula, the secondary missiles could start appearing at slvl 16, increase with 1/slvl and the max would be 12.

>> No.7169736

Oh and I almost forgot, a thing that came to mind was if Uber Izual uses the same skill as sorc's Chilling Armor, his skill level should probably be reduced since the skill's damage is increased by a shitload.

>> No.7169830
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>> No.7169842
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If you don't like it very much, then here's the next closest attempt which involved merging a bunch of missile functions to create an abomination.
>it is slightly desynced, although not horribly so (the missiles that the cltside thinks it hits almost always hit the same monster srvside)
>little control over the number of missiles, either they all spawn at a given level or none of them spawn
>has to be a nova, other behaviors cause even worse desyncing
>cannot be random
This is also a Volcano clone, but it pretends really hard not to be by stringing in other missile functions. Diablo 2 just wasn't made around the idea of having missile skills gaining new function at higher levels. The only clean way I can think of "upgrading" a missile skill to gain new missile behaviors is to have a sequel skill that can only be upgraded once and only if its predecessor has a high enough level.

That'll be a problem all over the place, it'll be a huge pain to catch them all.
>Blood Raven (she is equipped with an actual bow)
>The Ancients are equipped with tons of strong gear
>The Ancients also use barbarian skills
>The Summoner casts a bunch of sorceress skills
>aura enchanted monsters use paladin auras
>Duriel and scarabs attack with the amazon's jab, and Duriel also uses Holy Freeze
>Council Members use sorceress hydra
The only one that can't be fixed is the Ancient's, for some reason Blizzard hardcoded their equipment to them, so I don't even know what they use (in my own mod, I massively boosted elemental damage affixes, so I had to give the Ancient's a huge -elemental damage% modifier so that they don't one hit the player at all times).

>> No.7169908

I think the first implementation is better overall, changing the projectile and explosion sprites into something more appropriately smaller should make it look reasonable too. If the fragments can be made to eject faster that would be good, but if they can't then it's fine.

For those monster skills, Talic's WW and Madawc's Double Throw probably need some minor level reduction and council member Hydra needs a bit more.
Speaking of the monster equipment, do level scaling stats consider the monster's level as clvl and scale off that? The Ancients might need that same bandaid fix for this mod too if it does.

>> No.7169924

>You mean dream builds?
yeah the ultra autistic builds using bear form dual dream or zeal
while not insane damage having beast on switch you can use a bunch of neat shit like BoTD in a pike or cresenent moon kingslayer lawbringer in a phase blade keeping even using fleshripper or on switch for its retarded -def cb ds and ow slow and prevent monster heal

such a fun meme build a true glass canon

>> No.7169998

>If the fragments can be made to eject faster that would be good
It is already at the fastest speed, releasing 1 missile per frame, so unfortunately no. I can't put any other functions before Volcano either, since Volcano acts as the limiter to prevent it from going further down the missile chain until it reaches the right level.

>For those monster skills
They aren't actually a big problem (as long as we catch them all) since I can just copy the vanilla skills back in and have the monsters use them instead of the player skills. Thinking about it, I can even control their boss affixes like Cursed and Aura Enchanted, since I can give the monsters a stat that modulates their effectiveness when using the player's skills (e.g I could completely negate Deadly Strike from Blessed Aim when used by monsters). The control over monsters is one of the strongest points in modding, you can fully control their skills, skill levels, AI, stat scaling, the exact frames/activation frames of their animations (which you can't do with the player for some reason), inherent AI delay, equipment, additional bonus properties, etc.
>do level scaling stats consider the monster's level as clvl and scale off that?
Yes, this also applies to skills, so if any skill calculations reference character level, then the monster will also take it into account when using that skill. Their monster level works the same as the player's level. Their equipment level is also equivalent to their monster level.

>> No.7170086

I see, so the monsters that use sorc or druid spells need the vanilla versions that don't get a synergy bonus from clvl, and the Ancients will need the elemental damage handicap. I assume the Ancients can spawn with "attacker takes damage" mods too, I wonder if that's going to cause problems for melee and summoners.

>> No.7170148

Attacker takes damage can be mitigated as well, I can just subtract a huge amount directly so that they always have a negative value, or if you still want some of it to be present but reduced, then I could create and give them a new stat that scales ATD value.

>> No.7170154

Imma let you finish but the first diablo is the only good diablo

>> No.7170183

>I can just subtract a huge amount directly so that they always have a negative value
That'll work, it's probably pretty unlikely they'll roll high level mods of it on multiple items in the vanilla game so it won't change much.

>> No.7171418

dumb boomer

>> No.7172140

>do dozens of ancient tunnels runs with 200+ mf
>best thing I found was a 3 socket death mask I turned into a slightly better iratha's collar for merc lol

>> No.7172238

About to get obssessed with the SinWar mod.

Anyone else tried this difficulty mod who has

>> No.7172325

I really need to try that one out, it looks like it has a ton of content. I've played nearly every single 1.09 to 1.12 mod, but for some reason I've stayed away from 1.13 mods.

>> No.7172601

Can you give a rundown on your experiences?