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File: 692 KB, 1506x722, sypha before and after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143814 No.7143814 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.7143973

Wait, what? I know Captain N could be pretty goofy with its sprite interpretations sometimes, but how in the hell did they get that Sypha Belnades is an old man?

>> No.7143979 [DELETED] 

It just be a bannable offense to use a trip just to be an attention whore. Filtered.

>> No.7143985


>> No.7143995
File: 882 KB, 720x480, whip that candle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speculation I have is that they didn't even have the game, and were only faxed maybe a copy of the text from the manual with no illustrations or anything. Things that point this way include the fact that the Poltergeist King (a character mentioned in the manual but not in the game) is important to the episode's story, and a moment (the only moment, in fact) Simon whips a candle and a boomerang comes out-- but the most literal interpretation of this is animated.

>> No.7143996

manual says that she's a man + stereotypical wizard/magician look because of the spells, apparently

>> No.7144001
File: 503 KB, 968x626, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.7144002

>Chad Belmont vs virgin leatherboy

>> No.7144005

what did the N stand for

>> No.7144018
File: 59 KB, 310x313, cn4-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Ridley bro

>> No.7144038
File: 967 KB, 800x451, dfgkj2456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting effeminate nuSimon
wtf are you even doing?

>> No.7144047
File: 115 KB, 640x480, Captain N The Game Master 2x05 [P2G] The Big Game.avi_snapshot_07.49_[2019.05.09_17.11.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7144089
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>> No.7144094

>his skin blisters when blasted with grotesque attacks
what did they mean by this

>> No.7144096
File: 698 KB, 661x886, 1591289993733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, but that's just a bad western localiz--

>> No.7144101

He dies in a few hits compared to Trevor.

>> No.7144102

This is actually pretty close to his original design in the NES manual.


>> No.7144103

to be fair, that could a 80s style anime girl, I don't read moonspeak

>> No.7144106
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1448828127943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sypha is a cute trap

>> No.7144110

Comic Captain N was better than the cartoon.

Granted, that's a pretty easy hurdle to clear, but I loved their characterization of Samus.

>> No.7144125

looks like a girl to me desu

>> No.7144146

But Captain N literally had the best interpretation of Simon. Imagine a Castlevania game where the starring Belmont is required to fight Dracula because of his bloodline but he himself is a neurotic clean freak and a skilled but somewhat cowardly egomaniac. It'd be a riot and a nice breath of fresh air from all these sad brooding vampire hunters that is every single other character in universe of vampire fiction.

>> No.7144157

This is very likely. The material DIC got back then was super thin. The reason why the koopalings had different names in the Mario 3 cartoon was because they worked on the show before the game had come out. There's also a theory that Mega Man was green in Captain N because the tint on the shitty 80s TV set was off so the sprite looked green.

Samus was great, too. She behaved more like you'd expect of a bounty hunter. Underhanded and snarky and she constantly tried to sexually assault Kevin.

>> No.7144161

>Speculation I have is that they didn't even have the game, and were only faxed maybe a copy of the text from the manual with no illustrations or anything

except the extremely blue tinted wizard kind of implies the exact opposite - that the only aw gameplay footage and no manual

>> No.7144210
File: 103 KB, 566x351, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse trap, the idea was Sypha hid the fact she was a girl because of the times, even the netflix show uses that excuse

>> No.7144246
File: 13 KB, 600x188, c3charactersypha2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was like Samus, deliberate misdirection. Even if they did play the game as research, they'd have had to have beaten it to find out Sypha wasn't a man. And the game is bitch hard.

>> No.7144278
File: 380 KB, 680x724, polmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and Pol Chuds hate it.

>> No.7144286

>castlevania 3

funny joke anon

also game genie was a thing as well as interns vhs recording the game

>> No.7144296

>also game genie was a thing
Not when Castlevania 3 came out it wasn't. By the time Game Genie would have been available the Captain N scripts would have likely been written already.

>> No.7144304

>Castlevania 3 US release date: September 1990
>Game Genie US release date: July 1990
>OP's cartoon: 1993

>> No.7144312

Yeah, well, fuck you m8.

>> No.7144323

there were in-house memory editors for cheating at video games used by a lot of magazines and stuff way before the Game Genie too

>> No.7144330

I don't think those dates are right. 1993 is way too late for Captain N. That show is from 1989. If anything they would have been stuck with Japanese versions of the games.

>> No.7144342

>Title: Return To Castlevania
>Original air date: September 28, 1991

>> No.7144357

I’m just going to tell you to fuck off tranny

>> No.7144382

>Sypha hid the fact she was a girl because of the times
huge mood ngl

>> No.7144389

Traps were made for Big Nazi Cock

>> No.7144415
File: 108 KB, 900x656, buddy_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that in the cases of Megaman and Simon the artists weren't handed many guides or resources other than the games themselves. So they kind of had to fill in the gaps. Heck, the reason Megaman is green is because one of the artists played the game on a TV where the colors were off. That and poor communication between studios.

Fil Barlow explains a lot on his art post of original concepts for the show. Heck, it would original star the kid from Paper Boy


>> No.7144532
File: 20 KB, 388x437, grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grant DaNasty was actually a ghost pirate
I could have sworn he was just a dude with weird wall climbing power

>> No.7144541

>caries a big stick
O-oh my

>> No.7144554

I think it's a mistranslation, when you meet Grant in-game he's been cursed and turned into this weird ogre thing and when you defeat him he turns back to a normal human.

>> No.7144565

Come on this is clearly a game about a trans woman's journey to self-acceptance, she even has a boymoder hoodie

>> No.7144567

>the pirate boss from Metroid
It makes absolutely zero sense for Samie to say that. Either he’s the boss of the space pirates or he’s from zebes, but he’s not from Metroid, he steals Metroids

>> No.7144579


>> No.7144583

>t. has never seen an episode of Captain N

>> No.7144587

It's because Captain N writers decided that "Metroid" rather than Zebes is the name of the planet. I don't think metroids ever even appeared in the show.

>> No.7144594

Based Kid Icarus complaining about the forswearing of the classical pantheon.

>> No.7144648

Nazis get the pill

>> No.7144731
File: 947 KB, 960x720, 1598181651496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are, they went with the manual of Dracula's Curse at the very best case scenario for reference, and considering than more then often, Konami's English manuals made their own bullshit aside from the game's main localization, which was always another issue of its own.

So of course it leads to whatdahfuckness like these.

>> No.7144737

Post the translation you faggot!

>> No.7144764

It's called having a phone with the Google translate app on it. (Like me, except I'm too lazy to get off the couch to get mine)

>> No.7144776

Got your back. The translation is as good as you'd expect, though:

>Cipher Vernandez
> There was a death theory at the Bose Eastern Orthodox Church, but at the end of the forest block
> To
> Captured by the boss "Cyclobs". Cipher is just like Vampire Hunter, just like Ralph. Basically, it is an attack with a holy wand, and the movement speed and JUMP ka are the same as Ralph. Attack ITEM has flames, cold,
> There are Lightning bolts, etc., which are quite powerful and can attack at a long distance. Instead, the equipment that protects you is weak, so the damage received from the enemy is large.
> It is.
> The point will be the first win.

>> No.7144956



>> No.7144980

fuck machine translation
>Though rumors swirled among the Eastern Orthodox Church that she* was dead, she was captured by the Cyclops boss at the end of the forest area. Sypha [pronounced 'saifa' here] is a vampire hunter like Ralph [Trevor]. Fundamentally, she attacks with a holy cane, with movement speed and jump strength the same as Ralph. With attack items including Flame, Cold, and Lightning Bolt, she is a quite strong character with the ability to attack at range. In exchange, her defensive equipment is weak, and she takes high damage from enemies, so getting the first strike is the key point.

*As is not uncommon with Japanese text, no gendered pronouns are used at all. You can replace the "she" above with "he" and it would be just as accurate. As others have stated, the character is canonically female and always was, with her sex disguised as male until the end of the story.

>> No.7144983
File: 636 KB, 918x548, tumblr_inline_nwappk6SVH1r7f29r_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did, though there's a bit of a "wut" to them. In the story board's for the first episode, Kevin is wrapped up in the tentacles of a horde of Metroids.

>> No.7144985
File: 267 KB, 610x478, tumblr_inline_nwap5vhDjx1r7f29r_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The look is accurate to the instruction manual illustration for them, which gave them tentacles rather than claws. However--

>> No.7144987
File: 170 KB, 640x480, Captain N The Game Master 2x01 [P2G] Gameboy.avi_snapshot_17.47_[2019.05.09_16.33.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

--they're completely redesigned. Also, I was mistaken, as it wasn't the first episode but the first episode of Season 2, "Gameboy".

>> No.7144989
File: 98 KB, 576x720, tumblr_0895945a5762d9f1c99a5b3ffcbc14fb_3368a83f_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character model of "Metroid". You'd think that'd be it, but--

>> No.7144991

That Netfucks Castlevania was pozzed and shitty

>> No.7144993
File: 1.13 MB, 640x480, protoplasm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Season 1 episode "Metroid Sweet Metroid, Kevin encounters and defeats a large green alien in Mother Brain's lair-- an alien he defeats first by freezing it, and then firing missiles at it.

>> No.7144995
File: 279 KB, 546x546, tumblr_inline_nwap3axC0i1r7f29r_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This creature is labeled "Protoplasm" on its model sheet... which you'll notice is the wording used to describe Metroids in the original manual as shown prior!

>> No.7145000

>le parody
Point to one example when this wasn't extremely shit in practice.

>> No.7145004
File: 252 KB, 999x1500, airplane_1980_original_film_art_45642198-22a8-4b4f-943f-bc143290957d_1200x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145015

A game numbnuts.

>> No.7145019


>> No.7145023

Looks even worse than what we got.
Why are cartoons so shit.

>> No.7145026

Despite the name it's really just the same game with cutesy/sexy designs.
If that's what you mean by parody sure, but that's not what your original post indicated.

>> No.7145040

You do realize that Sypha wasnt revealed to be a woman until the end of CV3, right? It wasn't common knowledge like it is today.

And I'm going to laugh at you if you think the animators sat through and played CV3 before working on the show.

>> No.7145172

Yeah, the test boosting pill

>> No.7145340


>> No.7146415
File: 142 KB, 640x400, qwop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146417

Conker's Bad Furday

>> No.7146437

But that game does suck.

>> No.7146451

Good grief. Think of how much better this show could have been if they actually played the games.

>> No.7147513

The Captain N production team didn't really give a fuck about anything.

>> No.7147521

I fucking hate you people.

>> No.7147578

well yeah
her name was obviously supposed to be Sophia Fernandez

>> No.7147585

You learn to ignore the brainrot meme spammers after awhile, anon.

>> No.7147594

Just don't give em' (you)s
That's what incentivizes it

>> No.7147648


I mean, there's already a pretty standard way to import the name Sophia into japanese, and that ain't it

if anything it was probably supposed to be "Cypher", as in disguised

>> No.7147651

Why yes, I too hate people who post primary sources.

>> No.7147892

Besides clothing and face, these arms can break Dracula in half

>> No.7147908


>> No.7148074
File: 349 KB, 600x477, 1570811396892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and able to hit tall buildings at a single bound
that didn't age well.