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File: 227 KB, 800x600, 36384-duke-nuclear-winter-dos-screenshot-deja-vu-nuclear-winter-l1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7131950 No.7131950 [Reply] [Original]

Nuclear Winter... Home...

>> No.7131953

this expansion pack is 99 percent SHIT but i play it every december

>> No.7132173

Back to your containment thread

>> No.7132285

I actually really want to play this again now even though I know it sucks. Did anyone ever make a good Duke Christmas mod?

>> No.7132395

What are some good Duke mods anyways? Played the big recommendations but now I'm looking for some of the hidden gems.

>> No.7132464

Not xmas themed, but Downtown Journey is nice, it's more like traditional Duke in level design, and also uses the base game's assets.

>> No.7133515

Theres a containment thread for Duke 3D?

>> No.7133526

Nuclear Winter is trash but it is my Christmas tradition to play it.
I'll play it as soon as I finish Plug 'n Pray.

>> No.7133639

Only thing I really liked about Nuclear Winter were the remixed maps from the first episode made to be christmas-y.
Aside from that it's pretty garbo.

>> No.7134017

I wish there was one, but Build general died.

>> No.7135047

>Aside from that it's pretty garbo.

Like most Duke Nukem 3D mods.

>> No.7135138

I thought it was pretty cool
What do you guys expect, it's a holiday celebration themed addon. The creative equivalent of a seasonal job at Walmart.

>> No.7135481

Play Duke Carribean

>> No.7135495

Downtown Journey is pretty cool. Are u Preto?

>> No.7135498

This has to be satire. This is a stupider fucking opinion than believing that Nuclear Winter is shit because some eCeleb told them so.

>> No.7135504

Nuclear Winter is better than it gets credit for. Flaws aside, there are a couple of very charming levels in there such as Santa's secret HQ. It's fun enough for a Christmas mod. But I guess since muh Civvie crap'd on it must be shit, no need to play it and give it a fair shake.

>> No.7135528

its the worst of the expansions nobody needed some youtube faggot to tell them this

>> No.7135583

False dichotomy. Yes, the other two expansions are better. That does not mean Nuclear Winter is shit. The same youtube faggot said Duke it Out in DC wasn't good, and I've seen zoomers here parrot that bullshiet as well. No serious Duke fan would agree.

>> No.7135618

>That does not mean Nuclear Winter is shit.
>No serious Duke fan would agree.
if you think nuclear winter isn't shit, you're not a Duke fan, you're a Duke fanboy.

>> No.7135882

Present an argument.

>> No.7135938

There is so much potential for a Christmas themed Duke mod and the chucklefucks at "Simply Silly" completely squandered it.
How is he wrong? The first 2 levels are the only ones with enjoyable, cohesive level design and good visuals.

>> No.7136753

Nuclear Winter is such a fucking bad expansion.

I'll rip off your head and shit down your neck.

>> No.7136758

Duke Caribbean is fantastic.

Holy contrarianism, Batman!

>> No.7136770

I played it many years before Civvie had a channel, and I thought it was really shitty then, the first two levels are kind of alright, but that's because they're just two of the L.A Meltdown levels with some tweaks, when you get to the new maps, it's immediately obvious that they're shit.

Yeah, people should give it a shake, but Nuclear Winter has always been widely regarded as very subpar.

>> No.7136801

People were arguing about the merits of Duke It Out In D.C for years on this very board, that was always divisive, you're a faggot retard if you say otherwise. Go search in /vr/ archives to see people argue back and forth about how D.C was good or bad, I've had countless conversations about it, people either love or hate Smithsonian Terror, I didn't like it, my brother loved it, personally I felt the expansion was kind of weak but the submarine harbor level was good.
For Nuclear Winter, most people never liked it, some look at it like a guilty pleasure. I would personally say that the level design is extremely amateurish and crude, I don't like how they look, I don't like how they play.

You need to stop preoccupying your mind with ecelebs, because your brain is clearly full of rot.

>> No.7136814

>levels look fucking bland
>layout is at times unclear and progression unintuitive
>encounter design is really boring
>exploration is largely not fun or rewarding

>> No.7137370

i actually liked the remix of hollywood holocaust & red light district along with the E1M1 remake but i agree that the rest of the expansion is forgettable.

>> No.7137427

We have FPS thread for this

>> No.7137921

Don't be a faggot.

>> No.7138068

>i feel the need to type out entire novels just to prove my opinions don't come from some youtube shitter, even though they do
I don't understand this.

>> No.7138314 [DELETED] 

Because you are a nigger.

>> No.7138320


>> No.7139370

Where do you think you are?

>> No.7140405


>> No.7141850


>> No.7141854

I love the idea of revisiting old levels but remixed. All the other levels suck but Hollywood holocaust backwards with snow is fucking comfy as fuck.

Wish there were more map packs like this.

>> No.7141867

There's a map for Duke 3D called Poison Heart that's fucking amazing. It's chritsmas/winter themed and like 40+ minutes long. It's so good. Hard as hell, tons of interactivity and puzzles and major battles. Lots of classic build shit blowing up and also very very well implemented visual storytelling built into the scenery. Probably my favourite usermap I've played.

I strongly recommend this to anyone wanting some comfy snow chritsmas levels.

>> No.7141936

>the retread levels are the most fun

Maybe it's because I don't share the penchant of people on this board to vigorously suck the cock of LA Meltdown but I say those two levels were lame and just force the player through levels that actual Duke fans had already played many times. I think Santa's Secret HQ is the best level. It does everything that the fools in this thread insist Nuclear Winter can't. It looks good, is fun, has cool progression and serviceable encounters.

>> No.7141940

Based, beat me to it.
Projection much? Yeah maybe a couple oldfags here are arguing in good faith but don't tell me most of the people crapping on Duke DC in the current year have come to their opinion solely by playing it.

>> No.7141946

I am appalled that so many have posted the opinion that the near copy-paste of two of the most played levels of Duke are the best maps in Nuclear Winter. Do you fuckers actually believe this having played the full mod? Or did you get filtered before Santa's HQ?

>> No.7141998

Making something worthwhile isn't easy.

>> No.7142012

Did they have to make santa such a hard ass bitch?

>> No.7142050

Remember the part where the black floor tiles reflect the ceiling and tanks your FPS to like 12?

Who needs ray tracing?

>> No.7142054

>Remixed versions of classic, actual good levels
>Versus garbage original levels

This isn't difficult.

>> No.7142073

Have you fucking played it? It's absolute garbage after that point.

>> No.7142320
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7142390


>> No.7142424
File: 44 KB, 640x400, 318869-shadow-warrior-dos-screenshot-example-of-shadow-warrior-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was done in SW on several occasions with some trickery. Where in DN3D did that happen?

>> No.7142429
File: 19 KB, 288x467, 1595016704598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminist Elven Militia

>> No.7142728


16:25 this one room. It's pretty neat.

>> No.7142730

Fucking F.E.M's.

>> No.7142806

Those are just semi transparent sprites

>> No.7143883


>> No.7144107

Probably the comfiest piece of shit ever made. It has a lot of charm to it despite the bad level design, even if it's only just for the fact it's Christmas themed.

>> No.7144112

Shadow Warrior and Hexen 2 used similar tricks. Its literally just a manually-created copy of the room upside-down.
Thankfully with sourceports the framerate is fine.

>> No.7144647

No it was ray tracing

>> No.7144835

Shadow Warrior does it better, it uses Room over Room so it includes sectors, not just sprites. Also they created a new effect specifically for it which links sprites together on both floor, so if you destroy the sprite on the upper floor it also destroys the bottom floor one.

>> No.7144961

Caribbean is incredibly good.

>> No.7144994

Shadow Warrior used room-over-room for that. Ran fine on my old DOS machine.

>> No.7144996

Shut up idiot.

>> No.7145078

That's pretty based

>> No.7145105


>> No.7145107

That's just the "delete sprite/prop effect" used pretty much everywhere throughout the game.

>> No.7146109

On what?