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7134278 No.7134278 [Reply] [Original]

Do I need this if I already own the SNES and SFC carts? Is the extra content worth it? Jeremy Parish says it’s the definitive version of the game.

>> No.7134293

Firstly why do you care what some guy on the internet thinks. Secondly there is definitely extra content but you need to make that judgement for yourself, I first played the DS version as it was the first official release in the UK and take the Lost Sanctum, Dimensional Vortex etc. shit for granted as such. If you really can't live without Dalton getting revenge on Guardia and that leading into CC then get this version.
It has QoL improvements and cool compendiums for the techs, a jukebox etc. but you probably don't need it if you own the soundtrack or have internet access

>> No.7134296

Just play the PC version. It has all the extra content plus widescreen (in some areas at least)

>> No.7134308

skip it, its got the wrong aspect ratio

>> No.7134315

>Firstly why do you care what some guy on the internet thinks.
Because he’s a widely respected journalist who famously coined the term ‘metroidvania’?

>> No.7134460

And I'm a transgender racefluid professional e-jiggalo who smokes super crack cocaine 64

>> No.7134612

>respected journalist

>> No.7135305

>coined the term ‘metroidvania’
He didn't. And never said that he did.

>> No.7135380

Jeremy Parish’s opinions can be safely discarded 60% of the time, and this is probably one of those instances.

>> No.7135440

No....additional content isn't really worth it.

I heard PC crashes

>> No.7135442

The definitive version will always be the original version on the original hardware.

>> No.7135448

> I heard PC crashes
Works fine on my machine. There's a simple switch in the settings to turn off the zoomer graphics and switch back to the original sprites. Everything else works great out of the box, no crashing.

Only issue I ran into was a really minor one, which is that sometimes an extra line of pixels are rendered above the pillarboxing. The game features widescreen support, but only in certain areas, for some reason. Some areas of the game run pillarboxed (i.e. fullscreen like the original) and in those sections, you can see a line of pixels above the pillarboxing. Oddly enough, the pixels actually seem to show the sprite tiles that would be under the letterbox. Which implies the entire game is actually rendered in widescreen, and the pillarboxes are added in post-processing for some unknown reason. Perhaps to hide offscreen stuff that wasn't meant to be seen in the original. Not really a big deal either way, but I just found it interesting.

>> No.7135474


>> No.7136094

Man, I just hate having two screens when playing DS games. It's like I'm playing a game half-size. Pisses me off. (Yes, I emulate. Instead of having one screen fill your monitor, it's like two small screens. Sucks.)

>> No.7136213

I would like to have sex with frog man.

>> No.7136254

its the best version to play on your phone using drastic and touch control ! but its not the best version period. sound is lower quality and the additional content isnt really worth it! 1 extra ending to tie it with chrono cross, the dungeons are just lame garbage -_-

>> No.7136265

The best version would be the Steam one or the SNES one patched to have the DS/Steam script, which im sure such a patch must exist on RHDN at this point.

>> No.7136373

Fuck off.

>> No.7136376

You can enable/disable either screen, unless you’re a phone fag.

>> No.7136383


>> No.7136391

this, specifically the Japanese version and not the dogshit translation.

>> No.7136398 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, chinkfag.

>> No.7136406

But that's a god-awful misnomer that confused numerous new developers. By your own words, he should never be listened to.

>> No.7136407

I emulate too, but this wasn't the way it was intended to played. There's no argument.

>> No.7136480

As long as the port runs fine the original 'intentional' hardware it just a tool that can be replaced with other hardware.

Having the time to play all versions to know which one is best? I wish I had that much to spend...

>> No.7136502

>Jeremy Parish
Literally who

>> No.7136505

Even if you're a phonefag you can do that

>> No.7136514

>respected journalist
The proper term is WILLYvania, which was coined by Clive Sinclair in 1978.

>> No.7136521

So are you saying there is a patch or are you saying that there 'should' be a patch?

>> No.7136526

Lol anyone who makes game videos on YouTube are not journalists. Must mean metal jesus is a respected journalist too

>> No.7136543

Im saying i believe there is, i just haven't checked. There's definitely more then one patch made to improve the localization, im just not sure if any of them use the DS/Steam script.

>> No.7136558
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>Jeremy Parish says

>> No.7136669
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>Is the extra content worth it?
No. As someone who played that shit, I can tell you that the extra content sucks ass. It is filler content filled with endless backtracking, slapdash environments, and undodgeable normal battles. Remember that one room in the reptite lair that's nothing but a big empty room filled with enemies? Did you say no because that's stupid? Well how'd you like to go through that twelve times in a row? That's the dungeon! Now do it six more times! This is gameplay!
That's not even getting into the Chrono Cross tie-ins. I won't get into that. That's a matter of opinion, whether you like that game or not. I am telling you that the actual GAMEPLAY added to this remake sucks ass.
Fuck Square and fuck the people who made the extra content for this game.

That said the retranslation is perfectly good and serviceable, and my only complaint is that they got rid of Frog's olde English accent, which was only in the English SNES translation and not in the original japanese, but I loved it anyway.
If you only play it as a remake and ignore all the extra bonus content, it's kindof worth it, but only if you're the kind of person who would buy a rerelease with no extra content for a different system anyway.

>> No.7136715

DS version has worse audio, fuzzier font, and too literal translation compared to the charming SNES script. The extra content just poorly ties into Cross and is boring. Just play it on SNES and then watch the anime cutscenes later on Youtube.

>> No.7136730

>too literal translation
This game's translation is too correct, i prefer it to be wrong because muh Woolsey charm. Im retarded btw

>> No.7136767

Too literal as in it doesn't feel like it accounted for English and Japanese structural differences dumb fuck.

>> No.7136786

1)It did
2)That's not what you said, you sperged about nuh charm
3)you're retarded

>> No.7136789

>Jeremy Parish says it’s the definitive version
Jeremy Parish is obsessed with handhelds, especially the DS, and in his Chrono Trigger preview and/or review he said that the audio quality is perfect. His taste like most nerds' is blunted, and despite his focus on classic games I doubt that he uses a CRT

>> No.7136796

1. It has no flow to the dialogue, almost like it's machine translated.
2. I added the Woolsey charm as a side note.
3. You're gay

>> No.7136810

Didn't the DS version just directly translate Frog's dialogue when he was always meant to sound weird in Japanese due to using no honorifics? The SNES version did a good job keeping his weird speech.

>> No.7136829

That's just false, the ds script is basically flawless in both accuracy and flow. You just have rose tinted glasses for Woolsey's crap script.

No, his retarded ass just made Frog speak in olde english because he's a knight from the past. But the moron didn't have the rest of the characters in the past speak like that, making no fucking sense.

>> No.7136842

Not sure about honourifics but he spoke in the Japanese "well-trained" warrior style which Woolsey used old knight speech as an equivalent for. Also he only speaks like that after becoming a frog which was a nice touch.
Also I played the DS version first...

>> No.7136851

The SNES version is actually closer at points, like that healthy/hopeful thing and Azala's last words to Ayla, and DS version keeps some of the more obvious issues, like Melchior trying to change the subject about his past but looking like he's doing the opposite in the translation. This is because the retranslator didn't have as much experience with Chrono Trigger as he did with his other projects.

>> No.7136852
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>I doubt that he uses a CRT
Wrong. He has a 19” Sony PVM 1953MD as well as an 8” PVM. If you’re going to come at the king, you better come correct.

>> No.7136868

Don't forget Mystics is more original than demons, soda pop is funnier than alcohol, Flea/Slash/Ozzie is more thematic than the food names, and so forth.

>> No.7136876

All of that is not correct through. A translator's job is to convey what the creator made in another language, not change to something he think it's better.

>> No.7136883
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The DS version changing healthy to hopeful was so stupid. The Japanese version had clear implications that Lavos caused such great disaster, people didn't even know what it meant to be healthy anymore. Having hope just sounded like something straight out of a shonen manga.

>> No.7136885

Localization =/= translation and Nintendo wouldn't allow him to do a direct translation for the demons or alcohol regardless. It's not like he altered the game's story, he just edited otherwise unmemorable names of minor characters and minor NPC dialogue to actually be good.

>> No.7136893

The names he had to change because of character limitations, that's fine. But he made up shit and made mistakes all over his translations.

>> No.7136894

He was given barely any time to actually translate the game to be fair.

>> No.7136905

Yes, Square is the most responsible for the awful translations of games in that era.

>> No.7137003
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>> No.7137687

Playing it on a DS is cool but you may as well play Chrono Trigger+ or Crimson Echoes if you want new content and fanfiction. Stick with your SNES cart.
Also, Jeremy Parish is more of a faggot than I am.

>> No.7138073

Which snes translation should I use?

>> No.7138074

>Having hope just sounded like something straight out of a shonen manga.
Are you aware of what country Chrono Trigger was produced in?

>> No.7138956

All this talk about translations and extra content is a silly distraction. This game relies heavily on its audiovisual beauty. The music will sound kinda crappy on a DS. So you shouldn't play the DS version. No amount of tacked-on extra dungeon crap can make up for the loss of good music from a game that relies so heavily on its good music.

>> No.7139041

And by who? Toriyama made the art for pete's sake.

>> No.7139047

Even emulated?

>> No.7139451
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Are you aware that even Japan wanted Chrono Trigger to transcend that stigma and didn't go with something as lame as "hope"?
>Chrono Trigger+
Oh geez, don't get us started, we had a giant thread where some brave anon played through this thing for us, shame I think the thread hit 500 barely into 1999 A.D.
>Also, Jeremy Parish is more of a faggot than I am.
The strange thing for me about seeing the name "Jeremy Parish" so much recently is that there WAS a guy named "Jeremy Parish" at school and he WAS indeed a fag among fags, but I'm fairly certain this is a weird coincidence as they sound nothing alike.

>> No.7139826

Exactly, he only made the art. Also
>You can't enjoy one part of the culture without the other
Shonen manga is trash, only seinen matters.
Retarded argument regardless since the SNES version was actually properly translated unlike the DS version where everything is robotic.
This as well. The new content on DS sucks ass. Having readable font and good music alone knocks the DS version way down.
Yes. I'm not sure about the PC version though except that it launched in a broken state.

>> No.7139874

Redpill me on Chrono Trigger+. It seems like one of those restored content mods for CRPGs, but I doubt it's as good as something like TSLRCM, which to be fair is one of the only good restored content mods, so CT+ seems kinda ass is what I'm saying.

>> No.7140141
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It's not just the new content, but having played the older versions hundreds of times, there are several things that irked me in my DS playthrough. Like, some of the color palettes are off, such as Marle's hair, which is odd since the animated cutscenes look closer to her SNES color. In the SNES version, whenever you're forced to choose a different party, your party is cycled differently and the default order is different (usually a decent choice but sometimes the player can do better) - in the DS version Marle is always the game's other choice for some reason, which I guess is supposed to encourage Crono x Marle but discourages variety. Some of the stereo mixing is a bit weird. I experienced a few glitches too, like for example I somehow locked Slash's battle script so that he was stuck in a lower corner, haven't seen it replicated elsewhere so I don't know how that happened. Finally, I don't know why the SNES overworld maps were kept when it's already in the other screen during gameplay (I think 2300 A.D. is revealed too early if you press select on DS, whereas on SNES it was a mystery what time period you're in until a certain point in the story). Sure, a lot of these are nitpicks admittedly, but they add up. Coupled with the extremely lackluster bonus content whose quality ranges from "semi-competent" to "you can probably get something better out of Crimson Echoes" and you've got quite a doozy. If you're so concerned with translation nibbles just use the LethargicOwl patch which has the least issues.

Steam version is a bad port of the DS version, I don't know why Chrono Trigger was cursed to have subpar ports.
>Redpill me on Chrono Trigger+.
Well here's the original thread in all its glory, it's quite a wild rollercoaster: https://archived.moe/vr/thread/5938236

>> No.7140151

Only play + if you are itching for more content and have already played trigger and cross. It's fucking trash to be honest.

>> No.7140162

If I wanna play the snes are there any hacks I need to grab or nah?

>> No.7140194

I'd go in raw and, since you're emulating, try out LethargicOwl's or maybe Doctor Lr's retranslation patch as your New Game+. Do not under any circumstances use the original Kajar Laboratories patch, it is a literal abortion. Just rename your save and it should be compatible. Nothing else is really worthwhile.

>> No.7140202

Not even this or this?
But thanks for the new game+ tip. Will look into it

>> No.7140225
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>Well here's the original thread in all its glory, it's quite a wild rollercoaster
Christ that was terrible.
I might grab a save to skip straight to 1999 A.D. because I'm curious just how much of a shitshow that is. It reminds me of some of those restored content mods for New Vegas like The Living Desert, which I find super unnecessary since usually the reason for some of the cut content was because it was shit and Obsidian didn't want it to damage the game.
No, it's easily playable in its vanilla state. Just don't use the patch that adds the DS translation. It's comparable to the Nicalis translation of Cave Story, where it's technically more correct, but it lacks a lot of charm and character of the original translation. Marle is a good example, where in the original she had an upbeat, tomboyish personality, and she was easily distinguishable, but in the DS version, she talks way too similarly to Lucca and the two just kinda mesh together dialogue-wise most of the time. Also Frog is worse than both the SNES version and DoctorL/LethargicOwl's fan translation.

>> No.7140238

I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the right hack, but if "minor restoration of points Chrono Cross" means what I think it does, it adds some really hamfisted Chrono Cross references that don't really make sense in context (the part about it being in the original but not the localization is a lie, especially if this is the hack that contains references to the Frozen Flame).
Actually not a bad idea on paper, but why replace the Mt. Woe ambience? Having Singing Mountain there somewhat breaks the tension considering the boss is a wake-up call for most players. Also, we do have an idea of where Battle 2 was going to play - the prototype used it as part of a flashback, not as an actual battle theme. Still, I like these tracks and think they shouldn't have been cut so I'm giving it a very cautious recommend, as long as the hacker didn't foist any surprise features that is.

>> No.7140239

Overall yes it's definitive and the best way to play but adds nothing of worth.

>> No.7140275

>No, it's easily playable in its vanilla state.
Okay. Thanks. I'm somewhat surprised that the base game is really fine as it is. So it seems that anything that has to do with DS' translation is to be untouched. Thanks a lot anon.
Got it. Thank you very much anon, I guedd I'll just play it with no mods for the first time as per the other anon said and then dabble with mods and hacks afterwards/in subsequent replays.

>> No.7140313

It's comparable to the Nicalis translation of Cave Story, where it's technically more correct, but it lacks a lot of charm and character of the original translation.
[I still fight Oh Yeah and The Bushlands, Huzzah and Grasstown are closer in tone to the Japanese no matter what idiots say.] Honestly, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI (and heck even Secret of Mana and Super Mario RPG to a lesser extent) still hold up today in their Ted Woolsey forms, the majority of complaints people have are relatively minor all things considered.

>> No.7140321
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>respected journalist
>video games
>journalism in general

>> No.7140360

>Honestly Final Fantasy VI still hold up today in its Ted Woosley form
Hey. No.

>> No.7140362

Hey. Explain?

>> No.7140383

incredible bait

>> No.7140386
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Not him but Legends of Localization (by Tomato of Mother 3 fame) did a whole piece on Final Fantasy VI over how overrated the SNES and came to the conclusion that the GBA translation is overall much more coherent. These days if you insist on playing SNES you should really have it patched with the hairy_hen retranslation, which is based heavily based on Mato's findings. Secret of Mana was also cut considerably from the Japanese script in order, which is one of the few things the remake attempted to rectify (albeit heavily leaning on the existing, truncated Woolsey script rather than retranslating from scratch). Don't know too much about Super Mario RPG's localization but a retranslation did start a while back and it seems like there was typical NoA censorship, but I think the project's on hold.

>> No.7140392
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>> No.7140532

>Peach's line.
Well you can't say Woolsey wasn't ahead of his time, the mid-1990's version looks like something out of the mid-2010's.

>> No.7141012


>> No.7141021

i think you meant this link.

>> No.7141342
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>> No.7141357
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>> No.7141382
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>> No.7141397
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>> No.7141412
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>> No.7141424
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>> No.7141431

OP, don't listen to the people saying the DS translation is bad. There's a lot of people who are nostalgic for Woolsey's scripts in that era and that makes them blind. The scripts are terrible and the whole "the new translation lacks charm" bullshit is just that, bullshit. You should play either the SNES version patched or the Steam version now that it was fixed from it's awful release state, your choice.

>> No.7141443

>when your janky fan fic writing is just the right kind of bad it's just like woolsey.wrote it

>> No.7141457
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>> No.7141502
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>> No.7141538
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>> No.7141543

This is the Chrono Trigger+? shit.

>> No.7141562
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>> No.7141576
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>> No.7141631
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>> No.7141650
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>> No.7141675
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>> No.7141706
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>> No.7141716

>caring one bit about script accuracy

>> No.7141757

That's like saying "caring about math being right".

>> No.7141808

Chrono Trigger+ is already fixed, the latest patches did it.

>> No.7141891

No, it isn’t. There is no requirement for purism, ever. You are a delusional i-can-read jap tranny faggot. With love, from God.

>> No.7142147
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No, fuck YOU, I'm not playing your tripe again.

>> No.7142498

I don't know. I kind of like it. It's really not that bad and it has kind of a melancholy feel to it when you realize this is sort of a snapshot right before the end and all these people are about to die. If you think about it like that, it fits in more with the game and gives you another reason to fight and maybe even come at the 1999 lavos point to keep the damage from ever occuring.

>> No.7142774


Thats interesting. A lot of times accurate SNES displays have a single garbage line because of some quirk, but its always at the bottom. Might not be related at all idk

>> No.7142793

Op... DS port of CT absolutely rules. Id recomend it for sure. If the steam version really has all those extra features then maybe thats the one, but failing that you absolutely cant go WRONG with the ds one.

>> No.7142813
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play it.

>> No.7142914

>defending Jeremy
I don't care how gay it is, your post made me laugh and you're not wrong.

>> No.7143025

Were you not paying attention to how much this hack makes the game feel like a severely incomplete broken mess, even affected unrelated things, on a version that dares to consider itself past the 2.0 milestone?

>> No.7143063

Such a shame Crimson Echoes was cancelled

>> No.7143070

>is the extra content worth it

Fucking hell no. Extra content in every Square game that has it exists only to put a bullet point on the back of a box. If you want to play Chrono Trigger on your DS, this is fine. The bonus content is NOT a reason to play this over SNES, it is garbage.

>> No.7143312

I was going off the screenshots. I've never played the hack. What does it do that's not illustrated by the screenshots?

>> No.7143332

It was trash.

>> No.7144682

Really? I thought it was good.

>> No.7145235

I thought the software update was cool.

Most of the buildings and towns look awful though.

>> No.7145249

It's not about purism or "reading" japanese. Simple, when i play X game written by Y developer, i want to see the story Y wrote, not something different translator Z came up with in his effort to "improve" something that's not his.

>> No.7146064

No. It runs at a severely reduced resolution and the extra stuff is just low effort lazy shit they tacked on at the last minute. The new localization ads nothing.
The SNES is the definitive version.

>> No.7146875

The 90s were fairly full of that stuff. Girl power and all that. It was just usually played for charm or indicative of rough'n'tumble tomboys instead of the hyper-cynicism that saturates every aspect of our culture nowadays.

>> No.7148360

90s were peak dad is a dumbass/jerk/evil time.

>> No.7149236

It breaks tons of things throughout the game, see >>7141021 from around the midway point (about post >>5949771 or so).

>> No.7150972

If you have to ask then you have to play it.

>> No.7151169

these issues have been fixed in the latest patch.

>> No.7151786

>Jeremy Parshit says
Kill yourself
>widely respected
Really kill yourself

>> No.7151790

Isn't the PC version missing some stuff?

>> No.7152003

I refuse to believe you're a real human being.

>> No.7152010

i liked the ds version but that version tries (albeit quite poorly) to tie in with Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross along with the tacky DBZ-like cutscenes that shouldn't be in there in the first place. Otherwise, the DS version is almost a 1:1 copy with some tweaks, extras and a screen aspect ratio change

>> No.7152020

How mad are you? Let me answer - very. Now, excuse me while I watched Based Jeremy regale me with Willyvania truths.

>> No.7152537
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And even if somehow this isn't, that doesn't magically change the fact that everything crammed into the game has been an absolutely putrid mess, this guy has had the whole of version 2.x to clean up his act and he's pushing for more nonsense that'll break the game both literally and narratively.

>> No.7152876

>Crono talks
>kingdom heart references
>Sequence breaking
>tons of new bugs

Well 1999 looked okay to me. If the hack just added that, I'd probably play it but it looks like it screws up a lot more than that and I only made it through about 1/4 of the thread so far.

Thanks for the warning chief. I'd have been unhappy to have to stop a playthrough part way in because the hack screws up the game. 1999 will have to remain a mystery for now.