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7139764 No.7139764 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that Jason Hall will change his mind about releasing the game code for Blood?
>In regard to the source code, I have reservations about releasing it due to it making it that much easier for people to cheat/hack whatever new system I put in place - and part of what I'm hoping to achieve with this potential project is a game that really allows people to build measurable value in their cummulative game accomplishments.

>> No.7139768

Lol what the fuck kind of logic is that. Who gives a shit if someone cheats in an old game. What kind of autism spectrum disorder does he have? Like it’s his right to not release the source but that’s just retarded

>> No.7139771

there are now two separate source ports that more or less play like original so who gives a shit

>> No.7139793

It's funny because Shadow Warrior's source code has been out there for fifteen years but all the sourceports made for it are either shit or really outdated to the point you might as well just use DOSbox.

>> No.7139794

>measurable value
>game accomplishments
Yikes(!). My guess is that he has some kind of attachment to the project, and doesn't want other people to get their hands on his baby.

>> No.7139803
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This is really old dude. It's from 2012 when Jace was planning to do a rerelease. So stupid reasoning yes but for a reason. This project fell through and the rerelease eventually ended up being Fresh Supply years later which Jace wasn't much involved in.

>> No.7139813

Jason Hall is a Twin galaxies boomer.
So never. Only way is a byte-matching decompilation like the SM64 spergs did.

>> No.7139815

Hall made that comment back when he wanted to make a port of Blood that catered more towards the deathmatch crowd. Looking back, it's actually a good thing talks fell apart with him and Infogrames.

>> No.7139838
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>Jason Hall is a Twin galaxies boomer.
He fucking made Blood nigger. He's the voice of Tchnerobog. He founded Monolith. He just bought Twin Galaxies a few years ago, dudes worth like 10mil he has his hands in all kinds of shit.

>> No.7139841

Your opinion is what's outdated, the game got two sourceports this year (BuildGDX and VoidSW)

>> No.7139848

They had to rewrite whole systems of the Build engine for Blood, see George.txt:

>> No.7139857

>game has cheat codes built in
>dev complains about cheaters

I suppose he's talking about the multiplayer aspect but honestly, Blood multiplayer would never get so big that this would ever matter, sourcecode released or not; and the people who want to cheat already have ways to do so

>> No.7139871

The Blood community was all about Deathmatch, especially considering the difficulty in making custom content for it unlike Doom, and the devs were very active in the Blood DM scene. Jace was even the voice of the announcer in DM. That's probably why that was his go-to when approaching the current day community (Well circa 2012). I don't know if the Blood fandom is so DMcentric now though

>> No.7140014

wasn't the 90s fps scene really big on modding? blood is over 20 years old and deserves the doom treatment.

>> No.7141030

I know. That's why I think he could have changed his mind.

>> No.7141042

No. He won't. Not for free. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.7141049

BuildGDX you uninformed assclown

>> No.7141054

Perfectly understandable for me as programmer desu.

>> No.7142481

What a faggot.

>> No.7142714

But Blood was never good?! Who gives a damn?

>> No.7142759

lol he just bought twin galaxies you fucking imbecile