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7138869 No.7138869 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7138930

Come on, clowns

>> No.7138932


>> No.7139103

Hard Corps has more action, better bosses, faster gameplay, better music and better story.

>> No.7139112

not to mention far more replay value.

>> No.7139154
File: 2.66 MB, 2304x1728, How_could_I_forget_NES_Contra_in_this_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the two, I think I know the SNES one better. They both play great, I cannot decide.

>> No.7139162

Contra 3 has better level design and is just more fun. Hard corps has more content but dunno just don't care for that game.

>> No.7139213
File: 319 KB, 829x507, Magical Snap - 2020.12.03 05.04 - 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best

>> No.7139215
File: 624 KB, 503x681, Magical Snap - 2020.12.03 05.06 - 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7139270

Hard Corps is the one I spent most of my time with, surprising to see how many people prefer it.

>> No.7139273

Both are great games from Konami's peak era, so at the end of the day it all comes down to console wars, or very subjective opinions.
I personally prefer HC but I also think it's overrated a bit - I think people just like the idea of a game being called "Hard Corps" (pronounced Hardcore), makes them feel badass, etc.

>> No.7139357

Hard corps is "simon says: the game". Impossible if you don't know, then gets extremely braindead if you know, just "stand there on the safespot" stuff. Terrible level design. And mostly bosses, of this exact type, pretty boring. Most character weapons are trash gimmicks too. Contra 3 is the better game. Unfortunately it has the topdown levels.

>> No.7139374

Mega Drive version looks a million times better but is too fucking hard.

>> No.7139460

Invincible slide is a must.

>> No.7139498
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After thoroughly considering the merits and demerits of both entries, I have concluded that the superior game is the one that lets you play as a sexy girl.

>> No.7139530

Most convincing argument so far.

>> No.7139761

>Unfortunately it has the topdown levels
I think they are ok but the game needed one or two more side-scroll stages. Also surprised there weren't many mode 7 action games on the snes, Assault is a masterpiece.

>> No.7139772

Exactly this

I like the NES and arcade Contras best

>> No.7139781

Do you prefer NES or arcade versions?

>> No.7139836

uh, kino department?

>> No.7139846

Hard Corps with ease.

>> No.7139965

uh I don't have a great answer for that

I think for Contra 1 they are pretty evenly matched... NES feels more polished in some ways but ofc the arcade has the tech advantage. People try to make one out to be harder than the other (and therefore "better") but arcade on default settings is about the same difficulty as first loop of NES.

Super Contra I'm still working on, first couple levels seem more intense than Super C but I dunno yet. Vertical monitor is good for the overhead levels.

>> No.7139978

Why can't they be separate but equal?

>> No.7140037
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Arcade versions shit all over the Nintendildo Contras.

>> No.7140040

Hard Corps is better in coop

3 is better alone. Those top down parts are hell in coop with the reduced FOV

>> No.7140042

You a commie or something? Nothing is equal.

>> No.7140959

Dumb Tomoko poster.

>> No.7141148

sup australia

>> No.7142056

How can we sleep when the beds are burning?

>> No.7142375

What is the appeal of using the chewbacca knock off? He is too big and gets hit very easily. The retarded manlet robot is the best cause he is too small.

>> No.7142420

Good collection anon

>> No.7142447

Contra 3 is the same way (shit levels, simon says bosses, gets easy quick) except the bosses aren't as good, and HC has a lot of characters to mix things up to boot

>> No.7142514

Name 1 run & gun that doesn't get easy fast with a little bit of practice.

>> No.7142540

I love how you've been doing this for years and years. I used to not think of the "rent free" meme too seriously, but you're a prime example of that, guy.

>> No.7142545

Contra 3's mode 7 overhead levels are garbage. Inferior to the 3d levels and overhead levels in the NES games. The trick to beating the level 5 sand boss is figuring out how to do some gay spin. It reeks of "this is the POWER of Super Nintendo"

>> No.7142549

I get the sense people just want to hate on either game purely based on console wars, and "hardcore player credit" by saying either one is "easy".
Neither is an easy game, and the top down levels on Contra III aren't garbage, you just hate them because you hate anything mode 7 related (if you're a console warrior and on Sega's side)

>> No.7142605
File: 61 KB, 220x192, 220px-Contra_III_top-view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine defending this shit because you're a pro-mode 7 Nintendo fanboy who thinks it's good no matter how it's being used.

>> No.7142608

Imagine having an irrational hateboner for something just because it uses a special mode in a console you consider from a rival company, even though you're not a Sega employee in the 90s.

>> No.7142610

Was there ever a real argument as to why people criticize the mode 7 stages in III, or it's just "I don't like it"?
Maybe they get motion sickness?

>> No.7142614

>Was there ever a real argument as to why people criticize the mode 7 stages in III, or it's just "I don't like it"?
To be fair that's like 99% of arguments online, people never go beyond the "I don't like it" part.

>> No.7142638
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They're not fun. I don't enjoy having to do them. I play games to have fun. Every time one of those sections start I just want to go back to the sidescolling action. The top down sections in Super C were really fun, I don't know how they fucked up the stages in 3 so hard. It has nothing to do with console fanboyism.

>> No.7142645

Well, "I don't like it"; "I don't have fun", basically the same.
Be more specific.

>> No.7142687

Finding the targets is the opposite of fun. You get the gist of it after a while but it's really shitty. The view is too small and ennemies spawn and rape you before you can even react. Again after a while you prevent that from happening but it's shill shit. And lastly, spinning the level around you is ass. Ask yourself why no other game does it. It sucks, the character is supposed to spin, not the level.

Nah, bosses are less fixed in c3 and require more moving around, which makes for a more compelling experience. Almost all bosses in HC are of the "I am gonna swipe this side of the screen now, move to the other" or "I'm gonna do this unavoidable thing, use your invincible slide ok" types. Plus, most importantly, C3 has actual levels. HC is basically a boss rush.

>> No.7142689

>Ask yourself why no other game does it. It sucks, the character is supposed to spin, not the level.
pleb who never played Cameltry detected.
Get good, literally.

>> No.7143107

Contra 3 on hard mode is way harder than HC.

>> No.7143139 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 220x309, Assault_arcade_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spinning the level around you is ass. Ask yourself why no other game does it.
lol what a retard

>> No.7143197
File: 210 KB, 850x1198, 21423601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spinning the level around you is ass. Ask yourself why no other game does it.
lol what a retard