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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 360x216, gb-w_lob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7133805 No.7133805 [Reply] [Original]

Hello 4chan nation

I come in a great time of need

Im looking for help finding a really obscure PC game I used to play back in school, around 2007

It was a point and click adventure, but it was also very bizarre

I remember there were numerous basic point and click puzzles, the most memorable of which being a sequence puzzle involving you click some "highly dangerous/venomous" """"spiders"""" (they werent real spiders. Some sort of creature that were pretty much spiders), in a shed, to get hold of a puzzlebox/map/important item (Unsure which, I do remember it was an early thing though)

Another puzzle involved distracting a bad guy to get a spanner/key/wheeljack, to disable something IIRC

The game itself used a mixture of early 2000s graphical art for the fictional entities, and stock real life nature imagery for the environment.

I believe the premise of the game was to stop an evil corporation from destroying the environment.

Im fairly certain it was based in Britain, as there was a particular scene I remember

Upon clicking a flower, you see a small creature (I THINK it was magenta, based on a mouse) that speaks to you in high pitched Welsh (Or at least thats what the other kids used to say it was), and youd get told in text that you simply didnt understand it

I believe you moved around by clicking directional buttons on the HUD (Up, Down, Left, Right), but I COULD be wrong

This game couldnt have been developed past 2007, cos Im certain I moved away from that school by then, but we'll say its nowhere past 2009, as I KNOW I never had sight of it beyond then.

Pic somewhat related, it was definitely a fever dream

Any additional notes I'll comment once I can think of anything more, but for now thats all I member.

Please god I need this nostalgia, I was never able to finish it, and I need to see the whole reason we even played it

>> No.7133818

OK, so as far as I can REMEMBER, I think a lot of the music was just ambience, at least when travelling around outside.

Im certain you start off in a house

Im certain the bad guy evil corp were always frowning, and spoke in a welsh accent

>> No.7133828

Just for clarification, we used to play it on a fat screen, on disc. Im fairly certain it had a case too, with a cover that possibly had woods and/or a field of grass. Could very likely be wrong about that though.

>> No.7134982

bumping for OP

>> No.7135089

Thanks very much! Really appreciate it.

>tfw having to use reddit to find this fucking game

>> No.7135114

I think I remember playing this game in primary school, loads of weird visuals. It was similar to The Crystal Rainforest so it might have been made by sherston software.

I think we played it on one of those acorn computers if you remember those lol

>> No.7135116


Have you tried asking on Arqade? https://gaming.stackexchange.com/
Put the [game-identification] tag on, carefully avoid breaking any of Stack Exchange's spoken or unspoken rules, and maybe you'll get lucky.

>> No.7135124

By this I mean the later Microsoft Windows version of crystal rainforest as both games had pre rendered 3D graphics in my recollection (so there is no way I played them on acorn lol)

>> No.7135131

I can confirm it wasnt The Crystal Rainforest, but I MAY have actually played on an acorn computer before. I'll have a look for Sherston games in a mo, and see if I can find a lead

As for the Arqade, I'll use it as my last resort

Much thanks!

>> No.7135158

From what Ive seen, its not likely by Sherston, but appreciate the reference to it.

Definitely looks like its on the right track though, it was absolutely child friendly from what I recall.

>> No.7135346

I must be an idiot, or something, as the game Im thinking of absolutely wouldnt be able to play on an Acorn computer. I dont remember it being pixellated, but now that I think about it, the graphic design was kinda like it was made in paint or powerpoint?

>> No.7136350

Have you had any luck finding it?

>> No.7136624

Absolutely none. MAY have come close with other redditors POSSIBLY knowing what Im talking about, but otherwise no.

I'll use Arqade around next Wednesday, and keep the search up until then. I'll ask the TOMT reddit Discord incase they might be able to get a proper lead, too.

Anywhere else i should consider giving a go? May try and consider questioning the school it was in, but by now it's likely long gone, if not the staff members who used to be around with it. I know there was one particular staff member going by the name of Mr Morris, who's VERY likely to know what game Im talking about, as he seemed to like his games too, but getting hold of him will be the hardest part.

>> No.7136832

I'll try and keep an eye out, did you post a thread on Reddit?

I was looking through this website yesterday, it seems to have some pretty obscure stuff. Maybe the guy that runs it could have an idea?


Additionally it might be worth asking on a forum specifically about educational software:


also: Since I remember the game involving a wood and that maybe the title involved the word wood this kind of made me pause for a bit:


but there is hardly any information and I couldn't find anything else about this game anywhere

>> No.7136898



Might try the educational game, but from what I recall it wasnt fully educational (I.E had tidbits to educate a young audience, but primarily just a game)

I'll have a look at MBAL when I return home, looks like it could be a lead, will post back if I see anything remotely similar.

I dont RECALL the game itself being based around a forest/woods, but I DO remember there were a lot of grass areas. I THINK there was a part where you had to fix a leaking containment tank of some sort, with a tool you got from distracting an evil corp guy, and picking up the tool itself. Could be wrong, though.

I dont think Knosley Woods is the one Im after, though.

I also know that it was definitely in First Person from what I remember. I DONT remember any limbs being seen, or picking up animations, could be wrong again though.

>> No.7136954

Was there a screen where the main thing on screen was a house (maybe it had yellow/cream paint on the outside) and then you had to do a puzzle in a shed?

This is a real blast from the past lol, the main thing I can remember for sure was that our IT lady didn't allow the software write access or something like this so we couldn't save and progress

>> No.7136959

Oh yeah I just read your Reddit post and you mentioned the shed. I also definitely remember a screen where you could see the pollution occuring (a pipe letting some easy out into a pond/river?)

>> No.7137109


Do you remember anything else from the game I can add on as clues? Im CERTAIN you could see the pollution from the source, yeah, and the house is definitely touching a bell

>> No.7137120

I like this kind of thread.

>> No.7137128

At least I know Im not going fucking insane, now that someone else remembers or at least knows what Im talking about. The pipe may have been what I thought the Containment tank was, as Im sure it was emanating into a stream?

The house thing does sound familiar. If I recall you'd start the game going into the house, hear a story, then leave the house to get something from the shed, of which those Venomous Spider creatures were in. The creatures themselves were either

A) Stirring because it was becoming spring, and they were waking up

B) Getting "angry" because you were disturbing their hibernation

C) Something else was riling them up

Im sure it was to do with the weather or season, though

>> No.7137141

Let me hijack your thread

NES/famiclone/maybe something similar game.
Left-rightly shooter, pseudo-isometric. You control a robot that can expand in parts as you pick them up, and you grow from a tiny blob to a humanoid form.

Any ideas?

>> No.7137149

That SOUNDS like something Ive seen reviewed, but I cant remember by who.

It wasnt touched by Ross's Game Dungeon was it?

>> No.7137230
File: 18 KB, 1228x258, Bill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im messaging Mr Bill to see if he can give us a hand. Will report any updates

>> No.7137459


MagMax? Was originally an arcade game i think, but it was ported to the NES, which is where I first learned of it.

>> No.7137473

that's fucking it, based anon delivers

have a nice day, I'm gonna go and play that thing now

>> No.7137494
File: 13 KB, 1062x256, Bill 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has A W O K E N

>> No.7137497

Also congrats on getting your game recognised! Glad to see someone was able to help ye

Maybe now I can get some of your luck too

>> No.7137551
File: 301 KB, 618x420, ен89з.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of obscure educational point and click games were regional exclusives due to how poorly some of them were made, so a lot of them logically is very hard to find cuz how rare and obscure they are. The game could be made exclusively to your town.I doubt someone will help you here.

But, well, you can try message this youtube channel if u want to know the game, dude has a really big collection of videos of some obscure quests in his channel.

Maybe he can help you.


>> No.7137556

Might help, I'll give it a look later tonight and see if anything is available. May also just wait for Mr Bill to respond first, so I dont waste his time, though that said, it may also verify if I think I see it.

>> No.7137580

This is a worthy quest. Good luck OP

>> No.7137592

Thanks, friendo.

One day I will find it, and I will play The Obscure British Game

>> No.7137621

Had a look at the playlists, nothing looks like what Im after. Any idea how I'd properly contact the guy?

>> No.7137628

he has his twitter link in his channel info, you can contact him by using it

also it seems like this guy is active now, he is streaming

>> No.7137638

Maybe I'm confusing it with something else but I remember either a creature that lived in a log or a puzzle involving a log

>> No.7137641

Im VERY certain youve played the same game as I did.

I'll go hit him up now, link the thread, see if he can make heads or tails of it

>> No.7137643
File: 32 KB, 420x597, Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in for this ride my new friend. I want to play it now too

>> No.7137645
File: 54 KB, 1245x485, Sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a girl but IDC

We're all gamers in the end

>> No.7137654
File: 32 KB, 435x243, Mini Sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post an update if she's able to help once she's able to respond..

Least I'll do is watch her stream for a bit

>> No.7137680

On last response
Just thought Id say, at time of writing, Onfy is playing the new Sam and Max, if anyones interested..

>> No.7137739

Onfy apparently not fine with 4chan, but thats personal choice IDC I just want my nostalgia

>> No.7137781

what about reddit

>> No.7137790
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1606102997880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is how you find love

>> No.7137794

so she rejected your message or what?

>> No.7137816

No response for now, but thats likely cos she's streaming

Ive sent the three links to her Twitter, if no response overnight then I'll try message her when she';s next streaming

>inb4 scared her off cos 4chanfag
Not my fault Reddit's fucking incompetant

Also 4chan funny

If I genuinely have to become a lolcow like Chris Chan but fucking somewhat competant, just to grab attention for this game, I will deliver.. It is imperative I find this game

>> No.7137847

have you ever considered asking people around you irl? you might have more chances with that

>> No.7137852

I think she is into you. Be with her, anon. For the game.

>> No.7137864

Not interested for personal reasons (I.E already taken. Somehow)

Ive got no chance, in terms of asking people around me if they'd know. I know like, maybe one other person that may know the game, and they're currently pretty unstable, so no idea if they'd remember

>> No.7137867

>op writes like a colossal ponce
>samefagging everywhere
>indiscriminately begging on 4chan, reddit, and anywhere else they can instead of finding shit out on their own
>can only provide vague nonsense, and nuggets like "graphic design was kinda like it was made in powerpoint", but for some reason it's still imperative to find this game
Sometimes these threads are interesting. This one is pure faggotry.

>> No.7137875

Whoa, sorry chad, Im autistic like you, dont worry

>> No.7137893

I mean he has no choice.

An old point and click game featuring Welsch? Thats rare as hell, i doubt his game was even released outside of Britain.

Yea its a good advice, try asking in real life, maybe someone will remember this game

>> No.7137894

>implying I didnt try and look already

Hmm today I will pretend Google doesnt exist

I thought 4chan'd be the best place to look considering they found a flag with airplane fumes

>small nuggets of information

Maybe if I remembered more, Id not have to include it. Ive included as much as I possibly could to better match other people's possible experiences, and hopefully actually get an answer

Yeah thats just cos Im british, cant help that one

>> No.7138004

You have to let go of your old self to find the answers you seek. Leave it all behind.

>> No.7138030

I must humbly decline. It is the past that strives me (and currently one other anon [thanks based anon]) to the future. It is the lifeblood of my current nostalgic need. I crave the feeling of completing this game once and for all, now that there are no holds barring me back.

Also I refuse to change. Change is bad.

>> No.7138136
File: 37 KB, 534x423, Sarah 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a response from Onfy. She's Canadian Based, so was quite a long shot, but thank you guy who suggested her.

Ive had to ask a friend from a more recent school, to contact the only friend I can currently think of who's not only been in the school the game was from, but also the school Contactee has been in. Its a wild fucking story as to why they blocked contact with me, but its equally as autistic as me. I'll sum the conversation up should it happen once it does.

Still yet to get a response from Bill, Mister, but once I do I'll post results.

I do wanna clarify, though this is a serious thread for serious progress, Im absolutely glad to have jokes and shit. If we never laughed at failure, we'd be a depressing race
>Inb4 someone makes a funny joke and it somehow helps us reveal The Game of Bad Pollution and Welsh Dialogue

>> No.7138147

Put your penis inside her.

>> No.7138149

This is a match made in Heaven

>> No.7138151

No thanks

>> No.7138220
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is your destiny.

>> No.7138253
File: 97 KB, 280x237, StopThat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grrrr I am green

>> No.7138260

On a more serious note

Onfy did suggest a site which I'll browse tomorrow.

If anyone wants to look at it before me, it's https://www.legendsworld.net/

If I was able to find the cover, I'd LIKELY recognise it.

If I cant get anywhere when I wake up, tomorrow I'll attempt some drawing of what I remember

>> No.7138310
File: 10 KB, 613x236, Mr Bill 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Bill has since responded, with a link to another Forum. I'll make a post and see if I get anywhere when I wake up after sleepy sleep.

>> No.7138402

Have sex with him too

>> No.7138468
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, tried online hookups back when I was a teen. Never worked out, so there's no point trying now I have an actual partner. Maybe you could give it a go, and see what results you get

>inb4 you do and Im left to blame
Well oh no

>> No.7138479

When did you realize you were gay and how old are you now?

>> No.7138496
File: 4 KB, 300x183, crazy_rosen_base_by_stytta-d5514ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im too old for you, apparently, and diagnosed gay sometime today

Can ye help me find old game now please?

>> No.7138536
File: 7 KB, 320x180, mqdefault (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, bed for me

>be me
>stay up till 4 in morning looking for leads
>am now gay and also destined to marry obscure games documenter

Never change. I, however, may just fuckin post Mike Daddy to embrace this new lifestyle Ive been gifted with, until further notice. I'll continue the search tomorrow and see what you lovely individuals have left me to read when I awake.

Looking forward to it, thanks for finding my inner me

Pic somewhat related, its Michael Rosen trying really hard to think of the game Im talking about for me

>> No.7138754
File: 177 KB, 798x1024, 1606102401629m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew you were a gay faggot. Not one of those straight faggots.

>> No.7139193
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1571, Oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya lil faggot's up

Today's the day I browse for a single image over 2000 possible entries

>> No.7139265
File: 210 KB, 707x327, Chris Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my journeys for this game, I think I found a Sonichu Game

Also I'll have to cut the search early, as my girlfriend's complaining of voices outside the house. So I gotta go over hers tonight and ensure there's not a fuckin' crackhead meetup or something.

Its Wales. Place is fucking filled to the brim with druggies

>> No.7139479

You continue the search. I'll make sure your girlfriend is safe.

>> No.7139853

op is dead?

>> No.7139858

OP do you expect it to be another big challenge, once you've found the game, to actually obtain a copy of it?

>> No.7139860


(Uh that wasn't very clear - I meant once you've merely "found" it in the sense of identifying it.)

>> No.7139913

That cheating fucking whore...I can't believe this

>> No.7139918

what happened?

>> No.7140339

This thread is some real autism. Half the shit you mentioned feels like it came straight out of TCR and you're just getting it confused with other shit.

TCR itself is literally impossible to find these days, I went looking for the acorn version a few years back and had zero luck because it was a niche game sold to schools to teach fucking LOGO(?) to kids. Even if you could find your game, I very much doubt you'll ever be able to play it.

>> No.7140361

what is TCR?

>> No.7140469

I don't know but i'm eating metaphorical popcorn in anticipation

>> No.7140860

It's not the crystal rainforest. I'm not the OP I'm the other guy that remembered it and the games were clearly distinct and featured quite different art styles.

If you read in the comments other people on Reddit were looking for similar games, the OP dismissed them as not the same but I think they could be the same game but with some details misremembered by one of the parties involved.

OP, I know you said the game wasn't knowsely wood but I think tommorow I might get in contact with Dr. Jim Turner at Liverpool John Moore's university who was one of the developers (as stated on his linkedin) and see if he can confirm or deny if his game is the one we are thinking of, or perhaps he knows of the game we are looking for (he specialises in educational technology so it could be possible). In any case this knowsely wood game is a mystery unto itself, with barely any information and only two screen caps seemingly in existence, so it would be interesting to see what it's about.

>> No.7140934

Come on OP bin the ho already and get back to the task at hand it's nearly 2am ffs

>> No.7141123

None of it matters anymore. I have nothing left. Maybe I should of never went looking in the first place.

>> No.7141130

Greentext time, OP. Give us the whole story.

>> No.7141138

Its ok, we are here to support you no matter what OP

>> No.7141203

This, time to go down in /vr/ lore OP, bards will sing tales of your adventure

>> No.7141713
File: 22 KB, 480x477, 28277253_1818980268112663_1546340239360315456_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have returned, you beautiful bastards!

Yeah, things were fine

>be gf
>get home from work
>take bin out
>step in shit that has appeared within the ten minutes she got in and went to take the bin out
>"Prolly just an amnial"
>2am same day
>she says she hears voices outside
>when she turns light on outside, voices go


Me and GF are safe, thanks guy who said you'd keep her safe, I truly believe you've helped

Im planning on doing some drawings based on what I remember, but not looking forward to it. Im not professional, and Im worried I'll get the wrong details in/lose interest

Wish me luck based thread stalkers

>> No.7141715
File: 42 KB, 300x250, 76ME1F51C1-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, guy who remembers like I do

Please god still be here

I'll need you to verify things

Pic related, memory bro with the key to our rediscovery

>> No.7141724
File: 235 KB, 1285x625, Chef Boyardes cooking up a memory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll begin work in an hour. Need food

>> No.7141734
File: 6 KB, 300x287, 13692548_705411946266783_8008967340726836360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU, likely. At least once we've got the title, cover, or (should it be part of one) general series, I'll begin a new thread searching for it. I got access to some sites, and Onfy may be able to help, as well as you glorious bastards. If we're lucky, it's just an obscure google search away, and someone's dumped a rom, iso, exe or etc online. Im adamat it'd be an iso, as I SWEAR it was on CD.

I can confirm its definitely not TCR, but Im certain Ive played TCR or heard of it at some point. Was good, but not memorable enough for me to give a shit.
Unlike Obscure Possibly Welsh Game

Thanks, but wasnt me huehuehuehue GG new OP

>> No.7141768

I'm here for you don't worry

>> No.7141775
File: 43 KB, 517x432, Shed Spiders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7141789

Hey I'm looking for a game too, it was a pc game, overhead birds eye view. It was a futuristic setting where you through a steel ball back and forth and ran it down a field like football and could punch or tackle other dudes for the ball, or dive to catch it. It had multiple field designs, one was icy, most were steel themed, the championship level had a see through floor and was in space. You played in a bracket to get to the championship. You pick your team based on stats and they had names, and there may have been a leveling system. I also think there was an iOS port at some point if that helps. Keywords were something like "battle blitz steel ball" if anyone knows or can find it I'd be grateful. I'll even astral project into your next dream and help you find lucky spirits.

>> No.7141790

Sorry for spelling errors I'm up late. Sage so I don't fuck your thread OP good luck with your game too bud

>> No.7141793
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, fren

Once/if we find my game, I'll do my hardest to find yours <3

Also, just a heads up, sketches will be pretty low qual, as Im rushing them to get the general concept out. I'll put whatever details I remember in as best quality as possible

>> No.7141806
File: 22 KB, 320x200, B8093502-FD21-451A-9ECB-CB737B6FC4F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found mine by pure luck OP I'll get to work looking for yours.

>> No.7141812
File: 774 KB, 4133x3444, Shed Spider Puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First most prominent memory is finished.

So, to reitterate

By clicking on a spider, some of the others would shift up. One of those basic Point and Click puzzles.

Befoe you do this puzzle, you're told how they're incredibly dangerous/Venomous, and that you needed to take precaution.

You were doing this puzzle for a parchment of some sort, which was on a little desk.

The shd itself I REMEMBER being dark, but it could have been the same colour as the desk. At best, I imagine it's a dark yellow, so apologies if Ive fucked everything up with just the background alone.

Congrats! Hope it's as good as you remember, my dude!

>> No.7141814

Your goal for the spider puzzle, BTW, if you couldnt guess, was to get them allto shift to the top. It was actually pretty easy, never remembered struggling on it.

What I THINK I remember is haing to grab gloves in the house you start in, to deal with them. Makes sense if they're highly dangerous.

>> No.7141815

Also, I REMEMBER the glass on the left side being broken, and I think there were cobwebs on the corners. The outside of he shed was just a basic png of a worn down shed, if memory serves right

>> No.7141820

Next pic is based on what I remember from Memory Bro's conclusions too. It's likely wrong, but Ive tried my hardest to replicate it. Pic after's more memorable. Then I'll TRY and replicate the house, or maybe the cover wuld be best

>> No.7141843

Quick fag break

Then I'll continue this pic

Hope Im actually helping in some way towards my own search .-.

>> No.7141882

Hey OP, I'm in no way interested in finding/helping you find your game, but I'm lurking the thread while doing a project for uni.
I wish you and anyone who is searching along with you good luck!

>> No.7141885
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable, I bet your project will be the GOAT!

Hope you enjoy

>> No.7141907
File: 920 KB, 4133x3444, The Pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a little difficult, as Im really unsure whether it was a stream, or pond. I think Memory Bro was right in it being a pond, but the idea was the same.

There was a pipe that, IIRC, connected to a containment tank, dumping shit into the water. The aim of it was to turn it off, cleaning the water, and making something happy?

If you went East, Im certain you went to either a factory, or the tank itself.

North took you into a forest if I recall correctly.

I couldnt remember the background or underneath of the pipe, so unfortunately Ive had no choice but to leave it blank.

The HUD was something Ive got mixed memories on. Im certain I recall the directional keys being clicked on, and that they were likely in dark red. Then you had the inventory system. I couldnt remember the tool you needed to shut the pipe down, so just drew a stand in tool/stick. Also drew the parchment from the spider puzzle as a reference, but in general I dont think you had it anymore at this point.

Im certain once you shut the pipe down, the water become clear instead of murky green

>> No.7141935
File: 653 KB, 693x464, The Welsh part of this game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to screenshot as I made the image file too big

Anyways, yes, this is THE definitive welsh part of the game. Let me explain whats going on.

So, at some point, I think before the pipe, you happen upon some flowers. Daisies, Im VERY certain of. When you click on them, they zoom the fuck in, and this little creature (POSSIBLY creatures, but I only remember one) is like, hidden by the back petals. When you click on it, it comes onto the flower head, and says something in a high pitch "Welsh" phrase. Im adamant its welsh cos everyone else who used to play this game back then also said it was welsh, but we were like fucking mid functioning acoustics, younger than 12, but the game was very british, an it did sound eerily similar to it as we did do welsh in that school.

Im certain it was pink, or magenta, too, but could be way off.

I THINK it had whiskers. Im sure it had big googly eyes though.

"This is a bit lazy, doing it on someone elses picture" YES, but this is also the best reference I can put out. The game relied on mostly stock nature photos, with the characters drawn/animated ontop of them. It was eerily like this, in a way.

I think I've onkly really go the Log puzzle left to draw, so I'll do my best to remember what I can. Its since been coming back to me.

Then I'll do what I THINK the cover looked like. The cover'll be the hardest, as it had all the characters and creatures on it, and I cant for the life of me remember what they all looked like.

>> No.7141938

Also, I THINK the text was similar to what I tried to draw on the bottom. Cant remember the style's name, Calimba I think?

>> No.7141948

Text style MAY have been Georgia (After doing some research into different text styles)

COULD be wrong, though.

>> No.7142009

Sounds like speedball or crunchball 3000, but the one was an old browser game, not sure how modern what you’re thinking of is.

>> No.7142013
File: 13 KB, 320x180, mqdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe they were able t find it by pure luck, which was great to hear.


>> No.7142086

Wew, saw their post right after I posted. Glad they could find it. Fun game. Good luck with your hunt OP.

>> No.7142091

Ta very much. Waiting on Memory Bro to see if anythin helps jog a memory

>> No.7142148

You are a fucking idiot

>> No.7142170

well I guess that's it. I might as well slit my wrists now

>> No.7142172

I'm mentally done. Fuck this shitty website for doing this

>> No.7142227

Stop spamming. You are not fucking OP

First it was funny, now its not

>> No.7142238

Last one is me though. Took a nap cos I was up at like 7 this morning, and didnt go bed till 1 to make sure shit was secured

>> No.7142250
File: 23 KB, 480x360, fcbb099a90fb040e895c87fb8740da02--prank-calls-michael-okeefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is.

Only thing with a name that's not set is that anyone can be me. Any solid way to confirm it's me when I post?

May have a fag in a bit, then do The Log just to clear up confusion, IDK.

Im fine with peopl doing things like this,cos its the internet and you cant really stop it. You may just need to figure if it's me or not, I really am not sure.

I guess one way to tell is that Im just not your every day shitposter. Im certain someone'll have a way to corrupt it, but for now, just know Ive got no reason to slag anyone off, even for funnies.

>> No.7142476

If the thread stays up for a day or so longer it'll be Saturday and hopefully more people will help the search.
Still doing my uni project but should be finishing in a few hours, hoping you find the game soon as well OP

>> No.7142486
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows? Weekends I spend with my girlfriend, so I'mma try use THE INTERNET™ on PHONE™ to stay on the thread.

That way I can keep seeing updates, or respond to everyone

>> No.7142487

OP is always a fag

>> No.7142490

Your girlfriend has a penis, I guarantee it

>> No.7142492

Id honestly not be surprised considering 4chan's community can find a flag with airplane fumes. Thats kinda the reason I came here

>> No.7142494

UPDATE! The game has the voice of Howie Mandell in it and an anthropomorphic bear! We are very close to solving this

>> No.7142495

Can guarantee she doesnt, but I'll let her know you inquired

>> No.7142497
File: 4 KB, 94x260, 58779108_2109152152471442_3631592365724008448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id really not be surprised, new OP. Lemme know what more you find

>> No.7142502
File: 133 KB, 1031x1116, flat_pencil_skirt,x1147-bg,ffffff.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UPDATE! Great Word Adventure's absolutely nowhere near, but was nice to hear about another obscure game

>> No.7142554

I forgot, what did mr Bill said about this game? Did he found any information about this game? >>7140860
Also waiting for this anon to give us insight

>> No.7142568
File: 66 KB, 1200x616, 65310118_2204796272907029_2632226636417728512_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Bill just directed me to a message board, but considering Ive been getting somewhere on 4chan, Im holding it off for now until we come to an absolute dead end.

I cant believe I didnt see tht Anon's full message about contacting a guy, so godspeed to him too!

The messageboard in question I can link if you'd like to ask on our behalf, and try get somewhere on the side

>> No.7142615

I don't know man, might as well multitask and see if that board can find anything

>> No.7142624
File: 77 KB, 1024x915, 1606903352269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think Bill wants to be a little more then JUST friends but he is pretty sure the game is called Toon something with Howie Mandell

>> No.7142629
File: 272 KB, 800x600, Michael_Rosen_with_an_Italian_pistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor meme
>not quality Michael Rosen meme

I will find you, New Op.

>> No.7142634
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it a go sometime next week, if you dont mind waiting.

>> No.7142697

yes I remember this quite clearly

I also remember there was a section I never got past, maybe it was predicated on finding a key or item or finishing all the other sections but getting past this part was clearly necessary to finish the game. I can remember being able to "see" on the screen some environment "beyond that screen" where it was clear you had to go (maybe a factory that was the source of the problem, my memory here is hazy)

do you need more help looking through that website list of adventure games?

>> No.7142713
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which list, now? Cos yeah, I could absolutely do with some help. Ive tried all the years of 1990 to 2004, and its definitely no later than 2006 cos Im fairly certain we got given the game from a staff member

Yeah, Ive recently been remembering a factory too, Im certain its connected to the Pipe picture, at the east of it.

I think the background factory may make some sense to me given time, I'll have to just keep thinking on it.

https://www.legendsworld.net/ has a BUNCH of games, all listed by year of release. Unsure if they've got the game, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but they've definitely got a forum too, so may also sign up and ask

>> No.7142723
File: 130 KB, 1210x640, dvghty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to search fo r your game in google and stumbled upon this post.

What do you think op?

Also an interesting forum

>> No.7142729
File: 68 KB, 801x567, sfgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this


>> No.7142736

Looks promising, but I dont remember that villain at all, or prisoners for that matter. mind linking the thread? ill give it a check before I have to put the rubbish on the firepit.

COULD be the game we are after, but something just doesn't click between the two of em

>> No.7142740

Oh yeah, seen that thread, tried getting hold of the guy but to no avail. reddit being reddit never fucking helped either of us, too. Ill give them another check, but I really don't think they're gonna respond, especially if they only use Reddit for the same reason as me (Answers)

>> No.7142754


>> No.7142760

You should message this guy, he was in the old thread and still active.

Maybe he will recognise details in this thread


>> No.7142761

Just checked the forum cos I'm an absolute faggot retard that doesn't apparently read anything and just rushed to excitement, no, this isn't the game. What I remember is that you weren't anyone special, or at minimum in a task force. There weren't any oil spills either.

You think Justin Whang would be able to help on the situation?

>> No.7142792
File: 579 KB, 1015x1024, 135292438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, I've messaged the guy, but around 8 UK time Ive gotta sort my rubbish out and burn it, so I'll post confirming fire pic once Im back.

I've link the forum to Volvo (Best car brand), and either they'll respond on here, or through Reddit, I'll let you know whichever (Or at least if it's just on Reddit anyways)

>> No.7142814
File: 62 KB, 762x487, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another post possibly about this game

"Back when I was in primary school there was this point and click adventure game they had on the desktop PCs that nobody could ever finish. I want to give it a shot again but now I don't remember the title and can't find it anywhere.

From what I remember your characters name is crinkle (or it at least sounds like how you would say that) and you have to stop a company from destroying the magic forest.

The only bits of gameplay I remember besides that is there is a part where you speak to a character that looks like the sun at a river with a log bridge and it gives you one of its tears, and there is a part of the area you explore where you can sit down and sleep (for what purpose I don't know) and when you go to move again the narrator says "wake up crinkle! It's time to go". There was also this creature that lived in a tree trunk that you have to give an item to and he'll make you an ID.

This has been bugging me for years so any and all help is appreciated"

>> No.7142819

forgot the link

>> No.7142821
File: 4 KB, 300x168, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive seen this thread too!

Most of the threads indicating people who've seen the game have had little or no response.

Crinkle RINGS a bell, so I'mma do some searching and see if I can possibly find our possible hero.

Wish me luck fren

>> No.7142836
File: 7 KB, 292x173, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive changed my mind. Too many unrelated results, and too much pinchos furres with fucking diapers
>tfw possible hero named after furry fetish

Pic related, it' like the 8th result of typing "Crinkle character PC game"

>> No.7142839

Volvo's resonded. Says he's not sure, and that he can only recall his own post, and that he was the one who linked it (Im so fucking sieve brained I swear Im not the best person for this, but Im fucking determined to find this bitch and play it till its finished)

>> No.7142849

you've looked in all the categories?

>> No.7142861
File: 29 KB, 400x400, AAAAAAAAAAHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried searching each category, par Adult (Co it's definitely not an adult game)
best category to search would be kids, as it seemed like that kinda game

Volvo's never played it, just been trying to help find it. Ive since got two more threads to check,

Im gonna message the thread makers to see if they might be able to help too

I think we are getting somewhere.

>> No.7142885
File: 5 KB, 240x138, images (48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be right bac. Gonna burn some rubbish because its cool and means I have to sort it out less in bins

Will return with evidence

Best fake OP message gets a sticker

>> No.7142887


>> No.7142891
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not it, sorry. Was First Person. Appreciate the effort though, thanks dude!


>> No.7142902

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhVRem082Hs&ab_channel=CDiFan237%2FJevtheFox ?

>> No.7142952
File: 340 KB, 1287x626, UNGA BUNGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfortunately not, never even played this but probably right up my alley ai. Looks like we're in the right direction though. Nothing relatable at all par realistic backgrounds.

There wasnt any animated walkin from what I remember. You'd click on some directions and off you go.

I am return

Unga Bunga, OP make fire (In the rain)

>> No.7142958

Also, I dont remember any 3D at all. Would say it's MS paint on real backgrounds, first person, point an click, functional Dpad ingame to move

>> No.7143153


Strangely, though, I (an unrelated anon) was only able to realize, suddenly upon reading your comments, that I had actually probably seen Speedball played, once, very briefly, during the one occasion when I ever encountered an Amiga in person. I was at another kid's house and although he would have let me play, I wasn't the type to ask and he was the type to show off cool stuff so I think I never actually played it but instead just watched. Shadow of the Beast was also involved, and I found it very impressive.

>> No.7143181

was it a retro gothic anime horror style with female protagonist?

>> No.7143198


>> No.7143235


You could use a tripcode I assume. Do you not know about tripcodes? I don't know how they work because like 99.999999999% of users here and 99.99% of tripcode users here, I've never had a legitimate reason to use one, but I think this is exactly what they're for?

>> No.7143239
File: 169 KB, 739x1082, michael_rosen_with_a_plum_grenade_by_bulletreaper117-d5nh0cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id really not know a single thing about that; the whole concept has only existd in my head as of reading, sorry if that makes me a big dumb dumb.

Way WAY off, but game looks cool. Thanks though!

>> No.7143398


It's just some 4chan feature that lets you give yourself a persistent "name" that others can't steal. I guess you could look up how to use it pretty easily, but It doesn't matter too much. Most of the lawsuits likely to arise as a result of fraud committed by your imposters here will come to nothing thanks to national jurisdictional limitations, and the remainder could probably be settled with funds that will seem paltry to you once you've become a global media star for the reality series that will be made of this, the quest that (though you don't know it now) will come to occupy the remainder of your life.

>> No.7143414

>tfw lolcow because I wanted a british school game
I cant wait to be immortalised

>> No.7143440

From now on, I'm posting as OjeffPotato

>> No.7143443
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 I do this wrong and fuck myself over

Was nice trying to find game, love you guys

Anyways, yeah, next week I'll make a couple of forum posts to see if I can get some relative answers

>> No.7143445

Dayum, so no progress so far?

>> No.7143457
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None yet. BUT Ive amassed a record of about maybe 4-5 people who know what Im after, and have helped very much.

Who knows? We may get lucky and someone not only knows, but has the game itself?

I do wanna say, should it be acase there's no online rom or anything, but the CD is obtainable, I'll do my best to try purchase a copy and learn to upload. I wouldnt make a thread like this and hoard the game like a fucking nerd. We the people want this game, and we the people will eventually get it.

>> No.7143487

Whats the general limit for posts before either
A) Board stops bumping
B) Board gets removed

Just so I can archive what I can if I need to make a new thread for whatever reason

>> No.7143745
File: 161 KB, 240x184, UncommonDeficientAlligatorgar-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting haircut tomorrow, so gotta go bed and rest up

Any specific things I should do until then to further our search? Anyone I should contact? Anything I could do to increase the chance of finding another Obscure Game Enjoyer?

Ive thoroughly enjoyed searching with you guys, feel's really nice knowing we will one day find it, and we will then be able to enjoy it together

>inb4 we find it and meme it into being a mainstream game for a few days

Take care bros and goils

>> No.7143889

I recognize this game as Tenable, at least I think
t. American

>> No.7144663
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, FATHEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be going mad, and putting new thoughts inwith the old, but I actually do think Warwick Davis was one of the voiceactors for it. Could be WAY off though

>> No.7144704

Saying THAT

I do recall SOME British Voice Actor in the beginning.
I know it was male, too

>> No.7144818
File: 34 KB, 300x250, YTrmmMr1t7-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Im certain game was Pointless, not Tenable. You did kinda help though, Anon, so I appreciate it!

>> No.7144864
File: 6 KB, 210x230, ls,13inch,260x260-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-2u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gameshow now, not Obscure british Game.

I'll be gone for the weekend, and I'll check back on phone if Im able to, but in the event thread dies by the time Im back, send anything and everything to my reddit. Should it die, I'll make a new thread detailing what we know so far. If it's gone by then, keep an eye out next week for the new thread, I'll make it in /vr/ as I have with this, and it'll either be same image, or Michael Rosen.

Should someone else beat me to the punch, lemme know! Id be glad to contribute what I can. Also, feel free to use my reference images if that's the case! Closer we get, the better!


>> No.7145131

I hope you die, not the thread

>> No.7145190

Not before we obtain The Obscure British Game

>> No.7145345

i feel like this is the beginning of a big adventure ngl

>> No.7145513

The journey to stop pollution in an obscure vidya that only a handful of Britbongs remember playing in school

>> No.7145971


anyone else member playing logo on the acorn with that bug thing with a pen that drew shapes?

>> No.7146043

doodlebug? Could be wrong, sounds like it though

>> No.7146353

No faggot

>> No.7147637

Guys Im starting to have vivid dreams about this game

Sooner I make posts on old forums the better. may be able to quell our hunger

>> No.7148038

when I return and make forum posts, anyone else I should consider contacting that may have a general idea of what the hell Im seeking?

We know it exists cos there's at least 6 eye witnesses, 4 min, its just obscure as heck

If it helps, we know its a kids game, made 1990s early 2000s, somewhat educational, British, and a point and click

>> No.7148301

I check on this thread every day, i'm emotionally invested.

>> No.7148343
File: 66 KB, 384x304, 20201206_115411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering why this thread was up so long and now I'm fascinated. Keeping an eye on this thread now hoping OP finds that game.

>> No.7148456

Be back home tomorrow, can finally start posting 9n forums and also qith Michael rosens too. any and all suggestions welcome as I trek for

The Obscure British Game

>> No.7149931

Am I thinking of the same game Im seeking, or was there also like an Asian man or something that constantly sneezed, his whole gimmick was asking you what your favourite thing is, and making a sneezing joke or something

im adamant thats a different game but now I think about it, I should be able to remember enough to draw him. He'd ask you your favourite food, you'd type in literally anything, and he'd be all "Ahhh, (object), I like that too! achoo!"

im fairly certain that's a completely different game, but in the event it isn't, I also remember a hill with white stones from that same game. Im likely digging through different memories at this point. when I return home tomorrow I'll likely need a nap, but I'll get to work on the forum posts as soon as Im online.

>> No.7149983

Did you game had black girl?


>> No.7150783

looks like a possible lead. I slept like 6 hours ten minutes, so Im gonna be absolutrlt shattered like the pussy I am.

I've taken a look, but again reddit shows its insuperiority

I've been having weird dreams about this game, too. I MAY remember being a black girl, but Im sure you were a poorly drawn Ms sprite in the first place.

Im certain the Asian guy is from the same game I seek though. I believe he stopped you from going psst a wooden gate by a stone wall, and that beyond it there was a creature or possibly dragon with a food based minigame

>> No.7151019
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signing up to the forums now. Have to return to GF's due to something springing up and requiring my assistance, but I'll try keep record and post back what I get.

In th event these forums fails, god what else can I really do? Might have to force some fame to spread across the internet for a bit till some fucker knows what we're talking aboot

>> No.7151032
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind. Apparently I gotta wait till an admin approves my account. Will update once Ive made the posts I need to. Until then, just enjoy the thread I suppose. Sorry I cant be of much more help right now.

>> No.7151602
File: 6 KB, 299x168, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got access to GameBoomers, so I'm gonna make a post and try keep track of it, see if anyone can help us.

May Kek be with us

>> No.7151673

How could you have so many details remembered about this game, but not be able to remember the name of it?

>> No.7151679
File: 30 KB, 640x360, med_1481241170_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im literally autistic. Like, diagnosed kinda shit.

Its really retarded, I know, bu I can only remember certain images and not so much words.

Im genuinely sorry if it's getting repetitive at this point, but Im adamant to find it, and dont wanna give up till I can. Hope thats OK

For everyone else, Ive made the post on GB. Will try keep an eye on it when I can

>> No.7151685

I don't mind. I'm here checking in on you to see if you found it yet. Hopefully soon.

>> No.7151693
File: 5 KB, 314x161, images (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, damn, dude, I really hope so too. I can stop pestering the good people of 4chan, and actually finish the fucking game.

I swear this game was fucking way too overhead for us back in school. That's why we never finished it.

That said, being autistic, we werent really the brightest kids either.

>> No.7151735

I think GB may actually be a good spot for this game. We're more likely to get answers, or better references with people who specialise in older games.

>> No.7152081

Oi OP, the images aren't loading for me either. Work on it when you return tomorrow

>> No.7152247

Best workaround I can recommend right now is right clicking and choosing "View inage". not sure why its causing problems, but I'll work on it when I return tomorrow, dont worry:D

>> No.7152538
File: 7 KB, 200x200, FB_IMG_1606962683832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that

>> No.7152696

What is what is what?

>> No.7154216

A bump to support OP in his endeavour

>> No.7154291
File: 77 KB, 750x1000, throwpillow,zoom,750x1000-bg,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have returned, you beautiful bastards.

I had to sleep in because I was absolutely wanked out this morning.

There is but one problem.

Im absolutely not sure where else I should look, who else to talk to, or what else I can really do until we get either another lead, or an answer.

So Im really sorry if I let this thread begin to rot, Ive done what I can with my gigatism memory, and Im extremely greatful for everyone's endeavours too. The day we find our missing obscure game, is the day I congratulate you all on my blueboard.

>> No.7154462
File: 8 KB, 210x230, poster,210x230,f8f8f8-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think, if there's no lead by Thursday, I'll try some of the other reddits andsee if I get an actual fucking response other than "Oh yeah, we didnt really try, but here's some other people looking for it".

Only problems I see there, is that they just remove the thread due to it not being relevant enough. Imma try r/Wales, considering I played the game in Wales, there's more of a chance someone knows what Im talking about

Also a VERY low chance of someone having been to the same school it was in. I'll bring that up, just in case.

If any memory bros are still around, lemme know where to you've seen or played the game, if thats not too personal. Can get a general idea of it's span

>> No.7154640

>Also a VERY low chance of someone having been to the same school it was in. I'll bring that up, just in case.

Thats the first thing you should have do, you dummy.

>> No.7154659
File: 5 KB, 304x166, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'll give it a go, but Im really not expecting anything other than "Dis aint da right place"

Thats kinda the reason Ive been limiting myself to asking other boards and shit.

Wish me luck, wise Anon

>> No.7154710
File: 2 KB, 103x111, images (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post made. Hopefully they can either point me to a better place to ask, contribute, or just outright know.

Im doubtful though.

>> No.7154817
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow I'll try ringing up the school I used to play it at, but after searching it online, I dunno if it's even still open. Hope so.

Then the second hurdle: Are any of the staff that used to be there, still there?

Third: Will they even know or remember what Im talking about? Will they even remember me? It's been nearly 11 years since I was last there.

>> No.7154819

did you serious link to red dit?

>> No.7154824
File: 6 KB, 168x94, hqdefault (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you Im desperate for this game.

>> No.7154914

Is this asshole just gonna keep avatarfagging with impunity or what? I've been scrolling past this thread for days and seeing the same shit.

>> No.7155047

Trip code isnt avatar fagging, I'm legitimately invested in this probable worse than a zx spectrum game but we'll see how the hunt goes

>> No.7155067
File: 51 KB, 720x571, 1606101790361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this shit definently wore its welcome out. This is just some faggot who wants to be "4chan famous" he even 'jokes' multiple times about becoming a lulcow. This is a complete waste of time, even if there is a game to be found here.

>> No.7155075

Im genuinely sorry if Im trying too hard to stretch the search out. Guess that shows Im not just trying to take advantage of people, and actually do just want it found, IDK.

I keep replying ASAP to show Im not lazing. I apologize if Im also trying too hard with the Rosens, just like the guy in poops, and find them funny. There's definitely a lot worse I could associate with Imma be honest. I can stop if its getting THAT annoying, I dont mind, didnt realise it was a pain in the arse.

>> No.7155274

what was the format? PC? acorn? was it someone's n64 they brought in one day?
what was the year
tell us again. was it violent? point and click was it educational? did it comes on disks or CD? what was the year?
tell us more specifics on what you remember? was this game in Welsh? was there a language select?

>> No.7155334

It was definitely a PC cos it was in a school I played it. Back when the fat screens were used. Played before 2006, was like maybe 10 around then. I DOUBT it's acorn, but it WAS an old OS, so there's a TINY chnce it's Acorn, but I highly doubt it.

Point and click, educational from what I gathered, it was only on one disk, but reportedly someone MAY have played it on floppies. I dont remember a floppy. I DONT remember a language select, I KINDA remember a main menu, upon which when you started the game, you'd start off in a house. I think the ouse was dark on the outside, but bright inside. Your first task may have been to grab some gloves to take on The Shed Spider puzzle.

Ive honestly done my hardest to rely on muscle memory, and Im surprised Ive remembered as much as I have. Im just sorry I cant provide ingame screenshots at the very least, and literally had to draw what I remember, likely incorrectly, onto a blank canvas and post them here.

It was definitely first person, with flat 2D sprites, mostly MS Paint Style. I dont remember any backgrounds being MS painted, but theres a small chance there could have been SOME where the fantasy element needed it. Everything else was just drawn and animated onto a stock nature background The game cant be ANY older than 2005, as I dont remember the staff bringing it in. Likely, it was brought in before I came to the school, so Id say earliest it could have existed was midway 1990s

>> No.7155342


I think you are describing Discworld

one of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59yJ6z17zWI&ab_channel=ZachAnderson

>> No.7155358

No sorry. Game was in first person, not third, I definitely remember this. The only third person I remember playing was Darby the Dragon, but that's unrelated to this search. Thanks though.

>> No.7155389


>> No.7155390

You're intimidated by him and he's done a number on you

>> No.7155394

I dont think it's this, but it could be, I'll check some reviews.

Even if it isnt, we're on the right path, thnk you Anon

>> No.7155407

After watching a few minutes, I can confirm its not Forestia. Again, thanks, as I think we're heading in the right direction. Might you have any other suggestions? Whilst Iwait for your reply, Im gonna see if I can find similar games to this, we may gt something but Im not hopeful.

>> No.7155423

wheres that anon who tried to contact Jim Turner? He saw the mail?


>> No.7155439

Oh yeah, forgot about that cool anon, hope he's still around, would be neat to see what progress they made.

Contacting a guy named RPL, may be ale to help us

>> No.7155496


If you keep on trying to find the game and keep on posting about that then this thread will NEVER be worse than the average /vr/ thread. Please ignore all criticism. If people are bothered over "avatarfagging" or anything else then they can report you for it. (Click report and you will see that use of avatars is actually something that a person may report other users for. I don't know or care what it means specifically, but it's there.)

>> No.7155508

Thanks, I appreciate it. Im not trying to be anyone but myself, I think Ive just let everyone's joy of me searching get to my head, and tried too hard to be funny and relevant enough for other people to give a shit enough to help me on this journey.

I'll try to limit spam as best as I can, unless its relevant to a situation. This is about the most serious thread Ive ever been in on 4chan, if you couldnt tell Im new already. Appreciate the information!

>> No.7155551

OK so, RPL brought up the point that at this point, it may be considered abandonware. POSSIBLY shovelware. Would make sense as it never looked high budget, and that it was readily available to play on the school computer.

So reminder
>Possibly mid 90s no later than 2005
>PC game, Point and click, first person
>strange fantasy setting about stopping an evil corporation from polluting
>possibly shovelware/abandonware

Im real sorry if I seem like Im just trying to rustle some jimmies, but if youread some of the other anon's posts, you can see Im not making a fool of people. Im jut eager to find a nostalgic game to me (and them), and have a good time doing it. If Im going too far, dont be afraid to criticize either. Thats how we learn, not from our success but from our mistakes.

>> No.7156243
File: 4 KB, 307x41, A for Effort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely cant tell if this is an attempt or a joke, cos I dont even know how thats remotely close to what I try describing

>> No.7156710

Maybe it's the reddit equivalent of Battletoads?

>> No.7156747

Man, I really wish the game I was looking for actually was Battletoads. But from what I know, the only battletoad on PC was in Killer instinct, way after I left school

>> No.7157259


>> No.7157861


>> No.7158295

Yeah, redditors don't tend to be as bright as they pretend they are.

>> No.7158338

Im sometimes not surprised DESU

>> No.7158346

OK so, someone may know what Im talking about, and thinks it could be an Acorn game, so sometime tomorrow I'll get checking through Acorns. The're certain it was using photographs for backgrounds too, and the main character may have been a girl.

The BIGGEST thing that hit me was that they said it may have been a Myst-like. Ive personally never gotten to play Myst (And I know its not myst either, just in case someone thinks Im mistaken), so maybe those two things could help.

Been checking MyAbandonware too, as likely its the best place to check? I really dont think the developer is around anymore, but I really wouldnt know either answer.

Im also saddened to say I'll have to close the thread by next Thursday, as I'll be away for the rest of the year till after first week next year. In the event nothing is found, and someone makes a new thread, I'll try looking for it as usual, but I'll likely make a new thread when I return. Its been a pleasure being with you guys, thank you for the help and support, I WILL find it.

>> No.7158362

Does it look similar to this?


>> No.7158386


And what about this, look familiar?

>> No.7158387


Yknow what? It could be similar to that. The art style at least, looks similar to how I remember the creatures and characters being drawn. Think that, on real photography. Thank you!

It isnt this game, however.

>> No.7158392


Unfortunately not. The OBG was based more in a field and forest than a rainforest. Thanks though!

>> No.7159753

I have a great feeling that we're finally homing in, closer and closer, till someone has an answer.

All I may do, is hope for the best.

>> No.7161116

So, been searching MyAbandonware, and I think it's safe to say it'd likely be considered a Graphic Adventure game. Itd make sense, though. You didnt control a character (Maybe unless it was a minigame), and youd go slide by slide by clicking a directional pad to where you needed to go.

>> No.7161315

lol this thread sucks.

>> No.7162324

yea ngl. the whole thread ended up being kinda pointless..

It seems no one knows it about this game

>> No.7162359


Well it IS going to take the rest of OP's life to find it. So just one thread doesn't mean all that much.

OP, will you post some kind of persistent public contact point for yourself so we can keep up in the case that the thread dies? Maybe like a simple Twitter account or Reddit account or a simple generic blog on a blog site? You could update it with any new info you found, or at least just announce that you'd found the thing when you did find it.

>> No.7163292

he created reddit like a while ago to ask about this game, check the previous replies

Also OP promised to create second thread when new information will be revealed

>> No.7163429


Sure but you can't subscribe to /vr/ or easily skim its archives. You'd just have to randomly notice the thread at the right time, or not. But it's not really important. I mean this isn't MY childhood game being sought. Whatever OP feels like doing is fine.

>> No.7163978

Hey Fren, I have linked my reddit somewhere, I could always do it again before I go for the rest of the year and just let the thread die of natural causes, then posr about it again when I'm back, if thats not gonna be irritant

Had to go to gfs last night due to her working late and animals needing care. everything is good.

Ill personally keep checking for graphic adventures, but may need to move away from abandonment as I didnt even see Darby the Dragon amongst it all, of which I remember we'd play alongside TOBG

that said, Darby was published slap bang 1990s, and we did also used to play Hugo, which was roughly around then. maybe these memories can help make a link?

Im certain we used different cds for each of the games. Ill try ring school up later today and see if I can get any information

>> No.7164064
File: 831 KB, 1054x511, See you at ten 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme wake up a lil and get a fat munch down me, I'll see if I can work on more memories

>> No.7164183
File: 215 KB, 424x537, Screenshot_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, Im here again. Im gonna try draw what I can remember from recent recollections, and see if it helps get us anywhere.

I also wanna say that th game in question, likely couldnt have been on anything older than Windows 2000. I was certain it was 95, but 95 looks a little too old for it. I WAS gonna say Windows 3.1 may have been a chance, too, as apparently Darby WAS playable on it.

All in all, the game would have had to be playable on the same OS that Darby the Dragon, and Hugo's Text Adventure, were usable on. I THINK Hugo MAY have been on a bootleg software? Cos from what Ive seen, H'sHoH wasnt ever on CD. Darby was though. Im certain the OBG was in a sort of DVD disc case, not like a simple CD case for back then. Darby, Im sure, was loose.
Im really only detailing all this useless information in the event it can be used to link us closer to an answer.

Im still tired as fuck, Kyledrink.exe didnt do shit (Thanks monster), so my heads stressing over what might be relevant, what may be stretched, and if Ive even got all the right information. I fucking hate relying on muscle memory

>> No.7164201

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Legends World has accepted me, but at this point itd be better to ask after next year (So I can keep track of everything)

And the school it was played in has a twitter. There's a completely different headmaster now, and I dont recognise any of the staff Ive seen, so most likely Ive lost any chance of contact with anyone prior to my leaving.
I'm not gonna post school's twitter for obvious reasons, but I have tweeted out to them, and will see if they respond.

I will now proceed to inhale cancerplant, and then begin to draw, who I presume to be called, Mr Atchoo, the Sneezing Asian

Incase it helps find it before I finish drawing, the scene I remember was of a looping MS paint style asian man constantly sneezing (Like a typical cartoon, with the whole back arching and flying in the air sorta thing), with a cone hat, and grey robe. I dont remember if he had anything other than a stereotype going on for him, with constant sneezing jokes. I BELIEVE his name was Mr Achoo, which makes sense if his character was supposed to be asian. He'd ask what your favourite thing to eat was, and once you'd respond he'd say "Ah, yes, (object) is my favourite thing to eat too! Achoo!"

I do remember very fondly we'd always input something like poop. I remember it was locked to whatever or however you spelt. So if you typed in JeFf, he'd also say JeFf.

Im sure he stopped you entering a place until you answered his questions. I'll proceed to try and draw what I remember

>> No.7164267
File: 535 KB, 4133x3444, Mr Achoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, Im done with this one.

I REALLY hope I dont catch flak for this, its honestly what I remember. A cloaked asian man thatsneezed constantly. He'd stand there, with a shit eating grin, in a constant loop of cartoonishly sneezing.

Youd have to type in what food you liked, and he'd say its his favourite regardless.

Im sure the text box that opened up took up the bottom of the screen, and was just purely white with black text.

After answering his question, he'd open up a gate behind him, allowing you into a small town or something?

>> No.7164514


was it something from the learning company, that looks ms paint style and would be something you would find in a school


>> No.7164582

I gotta get going for the weekend, but I have enough time to answer your question

Unfortunately, no, but it definitely was intended for kids in some way. Maybe not preschoolers, but Id say around 5-15?

>> No.7164692

I was going to do this but instead I got made redundant and made a universal credit claim lol

>> No.7166140

heavy. sorry bruv.

>> No.7167639

Oof, worry to hear my dude, please stay safe and I hope they treat you like a person and not like a fucking weight

>> No.7168908

have a bump

>> No.7170075
File: 5 KB, 314x160, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170238

...Still haven't found the game, OP?

>> No.7170980

No sir. Ive got less than a week when I return, so it'll be crunchtime

>> No.7171186


castle of dr brain or island of dr brain or some other sierra online game



>> No.7171765

No, sorry. These are far too cartoonish in comparison, but thank you very much anyways :D

>> No.7173918
File: 205 KB, 510x405, SmugTrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention pronouns in profile

>> No.7174614

IKR? Pretty cringe, but needed all the help I can get, so had to overlook it.

As for everyone else, Im really starting to consider whether or not it really is Knowsley Woods

Maybe next year,alongside this thread's phoenixification, I could maybe look into finding out more about Knowsley, if anyone's upto that? Dont wanna make promises just yet, as I wanna prioritise my own search for now.

Ive had the suggestion of posting to TOMT, but as we all know they were about as helpful as a button with no hole to go into. I got till mid Thursday to wrap this up, or at least get us somewhere, IDK yet.

I'll leave my reddit for whatever reason before I go, I'll also take suggestions as to what board to post to. Need one that's gonna get me somewhere. I love a good laugh but I really dont wanna dredge this out for far too long.

Thanks again, for all the support in searching alongside me, it's been an absolute honor

>> No.7174621

It just doesnt look like it's Knowsley. I dont remember a single basic educational question, and more of a question relating to the game. Am I making sense or is my retardation kicking in?

>> No.7174653

just to remind you that your thread is almost 14 days old.
can't bump 14 days old thread in /vr/ so you might need to make a new thread.

>> No.7174701

Thanks very much, dude. I'll likely just have to start over soon then. Should be 14 tomorrow, so tonight I'll leave details

Its been a pleasure, you magnificent people

>> No.7174794

yeah I think you're right, it also seems to not have the right kind of "aesthetic" and also be a liverpool specific thing

>> No.7174802

the mods killed this board, what the fuck is going on? tripfags, underage filths, retarded people all over the place

>> No.7174805

Id be confident enough to say that I think the title HAD woods, or Forest, or even hill in the end of the title. But Im heavily likely wrong.

I fucking hate having to rely on nothing but muscle memory, as its the most unreliable fucking thing possible. Especially cos your brain just adds whatever the fuck it thinks is right and just makes you think "Oh yeah, I DEFO remember dis"

If my aspergers were in the compartment of incredible memory, sure, Id be happy to rely on that, but Im really just about as special as Chris Chan in all fairness.

I dont remember TOBG being set in the UK, but then I dont remember much of the beginning other than The Shed Spider puzzle, and the likelyhood of you coming out of a house to go into a shed and do said puzzle.

>> No.7174949

I'm gonna message jim turner on LinkedIn and link him to the tip of my tongue reddit message I'll let you know how it goes

>> No.7174953

lol I can't message him without a LinkedIn premium account what a macabre website, I'll try to email lol

>> No.7175069

Good luck Anon, hope you're able to get through!

>> No.7175941

i'm just googling key words

>> No.7175967

Holy shit! You on about that Zoom game on PBS Kids?

>> No.7175995

You wondered around a white house?

>> No.7176301


Not this, but thank you regardless! The only Hugo's Ive played are the text adventure ones made around 1990

>> No.7176308

Im getting all sorts of mixed images, could you show me what exactly you're talking about? As far as Im aware its entirely unrelated, but I dont know what you're getting me to look at, so I'll patiently wait for your correspondance, many thanks

>> No.7176602

I looked up and down on archive.org and I can't find it. Hopefully other anons are able to explain it better or can find screenshots. Another approach is that we also could find an archived live version of https://pbskids.org/retired/zoom/

>> No.7176609
File: 51 KB, 695x450, 618c09ce8505ff44_thumbnail_resourcePreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menu look familiar?

>> No.7176670

No, not at all. This sounds American, too, so far too out of the pond for it to be relevant to what Im after.

Many thanks regardless, appreciate the help!

>> No.7176786

OP, by 'I used to play back in school', do you mean it was on your school's computers?

If so, try searching for educational games and their suppliers.

>> No.7176792

NP, you're right

>> No.7176878

From what I remember, it was on a CD, and I dont think it was HEAVILY intended fr education. IDK how to really describe it, sorry.

I dont remember any games really being already installed on the school computers par maybe your basic windows 2000s minigames, like Solitaire and such.

>> No.7177183
File: 1.24 MB, 628x909, Thank you for your efforts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, apparently, the thread should now begin natural decay. Thank you, great anons (and funny ones alike) for all the effort you've put in. I WILL return after next year.

In the event you need me, https://www.reddit.com/user/JeffEntrepeneur
Is my reddit. I likely wont use it much untilI start this search up again, but I'll try checking it every few days to see if anyone's been able to get anywhere.

Its beena long arduous journey, but one I feel has been worth it. It at least proved Im not criminally insane, and that other people are also searching.

If you could, suggest me a board to post to, cos otherwise I'll just repost here withall the info I've since been able to come up with.

Until we meet again, you magnificent people.

I'll still keep checking and responding, but thread will likely pass whenever.

It really has been an honor. Thank you.

>> No.7177658

Did you ask your friends who played this game with you when you all were Kids?

>> No.7177819

good luck and see you next year.

>> No.7178348

Ive only ever been in constant contact with one guy from that school, and only cow he somehow kept getting put ion the same schools as me. We were like 10 to 11 oldest when we left that school, around 2009, so its not like Facebook was really a choice, let alone any other messenger

>> No.7178901

Still no game, huh? Damn. I'm rooting for you, OP.

>> No.7178943

We should all rest for now. Continue our search for TOBG once we enter a new age of "Where the fuck is my nostalgia"