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7137132 No.7137132 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Sony abandon it?

>> No.7137157

Because like most of the industry going into the 7th gen, they were trying to distance themselves from anything "childish" and pursue a new "mature" image. Which meant 3D platformers were mostly on the chopping block. Ratchet was spared because muh sex jokes and edgy themes. Also, the franchise had been on a steady decline. The first one was alright, but with each sequel they went further down the hole of anime cringe. The third game made me physically cringe every time a character opened their mouth. In addition to the gameplay being worse.

>> No.7137170

too based for the movie game era

>> No.7137175

But with Astro Bot being popular doesn't it have a chance

>> No.7137950

Maybe, but that's japan studio making astro bot. Sony is now located in california and will continue to focus on movie games.

>> No.7138071

Probably an unpopular take, but what could you even do to expand or reinvigorate the gameplay? Is there anything else to do with the concept?

The PSP game was a nice change of pace, but it never left Japan. That one had some nice gameplay changes, like controlling the monkeys (each with different abilities). Maybe the answer lies in another gameplay shift? I just don't see how "catch monkeys again!" is worth making without some form of departure, I suppose. Any ideas?

Tangentially related: Is Academy 2 any good? I didn't care for the first one, but I can give the second one a chance if it contains big improvements.

>> No.7138080

>The first one was alright, but with each sequel they went further down the hole of anime cringe.

Lol I can definitely see this being the case. The first one was pretty goddamn cringe even for me as an eight year old. Can't even imagine how bad it got as the series progressed.

>> No.7138354

More Monkey variety. Maybe give them different body types, to radically change how you have to approach them. Imagine trying to catch a Gorilla.

>> No.7138370
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>evil guy captures the monkeys and mix them together with other species creating mutant hybrid monkeys to dominate the world

>> No.7138371

I actually thought of that, too! I figured spider monkeys could climb trees and walls, gorillas could break parts of the environment, mandrils would bite you (can't be caught from the front) etc.

>> No.7138374

Love it

>> No.7139243

Do you actually want 4 for the gameplay or for the cunny?

>> No.7139286

An AE4 for PS5 would be pretty sick. The controller has enough new gimmicks that they could do something around them.
Still shits me that the last real AE game was that one made for the PS Move which was nothing.

>> No.7139443

Reminder that the PSP remake of 1 is very good and looks amazing when compared to the psp version. The OST especially is great.
I wish they would have remade it for vita it would have been the definitive version.

>> No.7139490

Sales undoubtedly.

Look at it like this;

Back on the PS1 when a high quality game could be made in a year and a third string game (budget wise) could feasibly become a million seller; it made absolute sense to diversify your offerings and just try different things. After all, if a couple flopped, one big hit could make you all your money back and more.

PS2 was less forgiving, due to budgets, staff needs and development time all increasing, so you started to see a lot of what I call "sequel mania" where there were still new ideas to a degree, but they frequently had sequels upon sequels. Sequels could cost less, using the same engine and many of the same assets. So you could have a team either crank one out for less money, or use a similar budget to make something a little better. But you saw a lot less stand alone new ideas. That's why PS2 is home to so many trilogies and series (with obvious exceptions),And if something didn't sell great you usually never heard from it again.

PS3 was the last nail in the coffin. Not much more experimentation at all, virtual abandonment of many genres and alternate control and camera systems as well. Everything was treated as a "succeed or die" propositiin, because development costs had become outrageous. So again, lots of things were developed with the idea of becoming a series in mind and carefully calculated, but anything that didn't sell great was basically abandoned. Especially established series that were lukewarm sellers or had no potential for "modernization"

Basically, by the time PS3 was the new hotness, Ape escape's gameplay, controls, graphica,style and most notably; past sales weren't anything Sony was interested in anymore. They couldn't make a gritty, hyper realistic shooter out of it, and it wasn't as popular as Ratchet or Sly, so fuck it. More or less.

There was of course PSP and PS move games, but they were both budget games for niche hardware, so sales mattered a lot less.

>> No.7139527

seems pretty based to me

>> No.7139531

It never sold that great in the west after the first one. They tried and failed to revive it on the PS3 with that awful Move game. The team that made these games are uninterested in exploring it anymore. Sony moves on from their older IPs every gen. Ape Escape is like Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, and Tomba, now. A part of Sony's history.

>> No.7139536

Because they're PC now, so the monkeys get leading roles nowadays.

>> No.7139538

>steady decline

what? Ape Escape 3 was great.

>> No.7139642

Cause they sucked

>> No.7139687

>PS3 was the last nail in the coffin

PS3 had tons of weird experimental games what are you talking about, remember Tokyo Jungle?

>> No.7139840

>Also, the franchise had been on a steady decline. The first one was alright, but with each sequel they went further down the hole of anime cringe.
Odd thing to say on an anime website

>> No.7140052

>tons of weird experimental games
>proceed to cite only one
compare it to the PS 1 & 2 library, it sucks. HD nearly killed the japanese VG industry.

>> No.7140060

>no more Ridge Racer game on launch
>Wipeout dead
>Soul Reaver dead
>Ape Escape dead
>Medievil dead
>Rival Schools dead
>Gran Turismo turned to shit
>Final Fantasy turned to shit
>Street Fighter turned to shit
>Tactical RPG is a dead genre. Deader than shmups.
>and so on
HD gaming a shite. Bring me back.

>> No.7140076

1 > 3 > 2

although 3 felt a bit out of focus at times, what will transformations and everything, I think it felt way better than the second one, and making tv/movies themed leves was a pretty cool way to serve old 3d platform cliches, I liked it

>> No.7140103
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Thats what you get for enjoying the s.0.y. and letting millenials and ideologs get in.

>> No.7140118

>implying that's the reason why modern gaming sucks
lol no

>> No.7140129

I've read your post three times but failed to see what some too salty sushi sauce and people born the 80-90's have to do with japanese devs shitting the bed BIG TIME with the coming of HD consoles.

>> No.7140246

Because Sony SCEA took over and started pulling funding away from any JRPG, quirky Japanese game, then anything primarily made in Japan for Japan. This started getting so extreme they initially rejected Demon Souls overseas. It doesn't make economical sense to try and become the next Xbox in Japan, and many use the term "power struggle between branches" to better describe this.

New Ape Escape projects have been repeatedly pitched unsuccessfully by Japan Studios.

> Ratchet
Western franchise.

>> No.7141150

>New Ape Escape projects have been repeatedly pitched unsuccessfully by Japan Studios.


>> No.7141152

Is there really something that can justify playing this over the PS1 version when PSP lacks a second joystick?

>> No.7141161

>>Gran Turismo turned to shit
How? Every iteration is the same exact game with slightly better graphics.

>> No.7141168

You can blame no more Legacy of Kain games on Eidos' CEOs not giving them enough time on development and trying to make everything about Tomb Raider. The nail on the coffin was when they were bought out by Square Enix. Now all we have had recently was an ok MMO that got axed within a few months.
At least they didn't get the fate Thief did. Though call me a little worried if they were to plan a remake.

>> No.7141171

why did soitendo abandon f-zero?

>> No.7141172
File: 179 KB, 434x307, IMG_6604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AE3 is yumi

>> No.7141181

On that one Miyamoto expressed that they couldn't do anything else to improve the series after GX.

>> No.7141224

didn't stop that senile faggot from ruining mario and star fox.

>> No.7141263

At what point do you guys unironically think Sony started to become shit?

>> No.7141309

Less experimentation so more bland same shit that'll sell. Their HQ now is in California I heard so more PC garbage. I bought a PS3 a year ago but no desire to get a PS4 or 5.

>> No.7141318

>I bought a PS3 a year ago but no desire to get a PS4 or 5
Damn, the last thing I bought from Sony's was a PlayStation 2. I'm afraid that Sony has become the apple of console gaming. Ever since the PS3 I can't find that much motivation to buy a PS4 or even a PS5. What troubles my mind most are the Sony fans that won't let go of brand because of "muh exclusives". But then again, this conversation is not retro.

>> No.7141328

Sony itself was only good because it immediately took off as a platform. It could afford niiche games with it being the most popular platform of all time 2 gens in a row. Now 90 percent of games are multiplat, so it has to rely on exclusives to make a name for itself. And we all hate their current attitude towards exclusives, but it's not the way it is because some tranny or whatever lurks in the shadows, it's that way because of the modern market. The majority of gamers refuse to play a game with bad graphics, love to eat the same western shit, and buy less, but bigger games than they used to. Sony is making record revenue.

Microsoft has fuck you money, which allows it to chase whatever dreams it wants, for better or worse. Nintendo has a game plan for their brand and will stay the course despite the rest of the market.

Sony is only as good as the industry around it, and the industry around it. And it's not great right now.

>> No.7141348

The /pol/tard tricked you.

>> No.7141381
File: 316 KB, 960x960, 1602895435557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nippon Kaigi is trying to fix that however.
Pic related.

>> No.7141395

Why did they name her Yummy?

>> No.7141396
File: 2.81 MB, 960x540, What A Thrill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll never see another Snake vs. Monkey.

>> No.7141437
