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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.46 MB, 1914x1434, Super Castlevania IV (USA)-201127-152603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7122452 No.7122452 [Reply] [Original]

Emulatorfags, how do you feel about shaders? scanlines, NTSC styled composite filters, bilinear etc. Or do you just like clean raw pixels?

>> No.7122453

Seems like either way emulators just don't "get" it.

>> No.7122458

Clean pixels for me.

>> No.7122461

I already played it like that when I was a kid. I'll take clean and flat thanks.

>> No.7122465

I prefer the look of a real CRT, and like playing systems I own on one, but filters just aren't there. They look a bit off and give me eyestrain after a while. I usually just go raw pixels on emulators.

>> No.7122472

i don't understanding any of these autism, i just play the game.

>> No.7122475

I only ever use them for original Gameboy games, otherwise I find shaders a bit pointless. If I was really that rock-hard about CRT display to want to use shaders for it I'd just use the old tv we have sitting down our hall instead.

>> No.7122482

Gameboy looks nice with the proper dot matrix display and looks absolutely terrible every single other way, including on Super Gameboy.

>> No.7122485
File: 1.75 MB, 1172x960, Tenchu-201123-215928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel okay about them.

>> No.7122489

My problem with clean raw pixels is that I like to play in 4:3 and that results in a lot of pixel shimmer on digital displays. I find scanline filters pretty much eliminate it completely. Bilinear does as well but it's just do blurry for my taste

Unless there's some other way to remove pixel shimmer that I'm unaware of

>> No.7122496

Are you talking about 3d games specifically? I've never noticed or had issues with shimmering in 2d games.

>> No.7122509

No, it's very noticeable in 2D games. An easy one would be playing Super Mario Bros in 4:3 and watching the ground tiles as you scroll. You'll see them lightly flicker as the pixels change size

Are you sure you don't have something like bilinear filtering on? I know a lot of emulators turn it on by default in my experience

>> No.7122512

Kinda a mood thing. Sometimes I feel the warm vibes of the filters other times the crispness of the raw pixels

>> No.7122525

EmulatorCHAD here, goat shader and 30% scannies on mednafen looks heavenly.

>> No.7122547

Bilinear filtering set to 0 in Mednafen, I don't notice it. I do notice the shit v-sync though.

>> No.7122551

Hmm, then I'm not sure! I definitely see it on my end, though I'm not using mednafen (mesen in retroarch for NES). Maybe medafen is doing something nifty

>> No.7122556

Shaders on a TV + enough distance to not see the imperfections. Looks kinda like a CRT

>> No.7122558

You are not using integer scaling, that's why pixels are uneven.

>> No.7122563

I am though, so I'm not sure that's it. I don't think integer scaling can fix uneven pixel sizes on the horizontal in 4:3. I mean it's fine when I use native output, just not 4:3

>> No.7122580

i love using and taking screen shots of them to make the CRT fags seethe

>> No.7122598

Then that must be the output resolution not being true 4:3, but something like 8:7 or 5:3. In this case you can only fix by using the core provided aspect ratio or using a shader/bilinear filtering.

>> No.7122603

ntsc filter is cozy

>> No.7122608

For me it's AdvMAME2x
Still pixelated but less so than unfiltered.

>> No.7122609

Raw pixels look terrible. It might never look exactly like a CRT -- and there's a huge range to what CRTs look like anyway -- but a decent shader can do wonders. I do think a lot of CRT shaders go overboard, but the reality is that also depends on what your CRT preferences are to begin with. CRTs were not all created equal, even ignoring different outputs.

>> No.7122615

I guess I should also mention I always play in window mode. It might be doing something weird when you go to full screen.

>> No.7122623

Hey, faggot - you could have easily Googled this shit. I don’t see 1) why you give a fuck how others feel about what your eyes have to look at, 2) why this thread or shader related threads need to exist in perpetuity, and 3) how you don’t expect 50 replies telling you how emulation is bad, and how you should buy a CRT and real hardware (which is retarded/autistic/gay as fuck). Lurk more faggot, or read an archive or some shit.

>> No.7122631

>ITT: I use garbage multi-system emulators for shaders
lol at your faggot lives

>> No.7122651

I think the difference is like watching a bootleg movie vs the actual film.

>> No.7122653

CRT Royale until 5th gen, then upscaling (2D games aside).

>> No.7122662

Maybe it's just me but upscaled 5th gen games look fucking terrible. Just this really stark contrast between the low poly models output at a high resolution just does not jive with me, plus it tends to completely fuck the UI/2D elements in the process. Even in 6th gen games the UI's always tend to straight up break (text artifacts etc)

Native res with scanlines has always had the best look for early 3D games in my experience

>> No.7122690
File: 2.53 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122703
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, sf2-201127-202243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like to mess around with them and see what different results I can get. I've started fiddling with this easymode-halation shader; I'm not done with it yet, but this is how it looks at the moment

>> No.7122709
File: 3.01 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122724
File: 2.86 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122735

They can be awesome, because LCD screens look like ass and need tuning to look good with retro games.
Even w/ shaders it's still rough though.

>> No.7122773

Are there filters like this for DOSBox? A quick internet search says no, but it's not like I looked very hard.

>> No.7122850
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Vagrant Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not wrong. I guess it depends on the game. Of course if there are terrible artifacts I'd rather go with native, but I find the upscale clean enough, and especially I don't find the filters smoothing the textures much, since they are very low resolution anyway.

>> No.7122865

As far as I know, no. Also ReShade does not work with DOSBox either.

>> No.7122879

Dosbox can be played in retroarch, if you want to use shaders on it
I prefer using Dosbox on its own, mind, but if you really want to give it shaders retroarch is the best option i'm aware of at the moment

>> No.7122908
File: 1.89 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7122920

I've never seen one that actually looks like my old CRT TV. If you see lines, it means you're a couple of inches away from the thing and should get further away.

>> No.7122957

To be fair I think most people emulating with filters are doing it on their pc while at their desk, which will have the same issue. Use scanline filters then sit four or five feet away from your monitor and you won't really see the lines either

>> No.7123459

yeah, which you can do with OP's image
Open it into full screen an sit back a bit

>> No.7123472
File: 3.41 MB, 1920x1080, sf2-201128-022740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be as good as I can get it, at least on my machine.

>> No.7123474

i dont use them

>> No.7123561
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1440, 1581096112798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7123565

It's ridiculous how much this improves the image. Fuck look at the clouds in the window

>> No.7123570

>give me eyestrain after a while
Same. I'm not sure why because I never had that issue with a real CRT. I like filters like xBRZ a bit more that just try to upscale the image but they still introduce problems and things don't look quite right sometimes.

>> No.7123581
File: 2.20 MB, 384x288, redearth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you walk a way you don't hear me say negro please

>> No.7123585

Must use an NTSC scanline on some digital platform OR just the "clean raw pixels" on a CRT so it'll look the same as the originals and cannot be distinguished from read hardware anymore.

>> No.7123594

>cannot be distinguished from read hardware anymore.
If you're only comparing screenshots. It doesn't feel the same when actually playing.

>> No.7123606

>It doesn't feel the same when actually playing.
With what emulator playing what game? We need to do real side by sides on this.

>> No.7123607
File: 826 KB, 640x480, alerta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this stuff would look kinda weird with scan lines added.

>> No.7123610

Shaders are the next best option after using an actual CRT. These games were created with the intention of being displayed on a CRT, and design decisions were made with that in mind. For example, the CRT shader version in this gif >>7123561 is roughly equivalent to what the devs actually viewed and approved as their intended vision.

>> No.7123615

what shader?

>> No.7123625
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4me, it's xm29+

>> No.7123680

Any reason to use these on a PC CRT monitor?

>> No.7123684

I've only ever used bilinear.

>> No.7123686


>> No.7123708

I use scanlines because to me it looks better, it doesn't look like a native resolution monitor, but it looks better than not scanline.

>> No.7123714

>Graphics :On/Off

>> No.7123748

stop stretching 4:3 to 16:9

>> No.7123781
File: 432 KB, 720x480, Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance [NoGlo+Dialogue Update+Juste Animation Changes]-201128-023129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adored the Goatron scanlines on Mednafen, but i cant for the life of me replicate such shader on Retroarch

>> No.7123782
File: 2.91 MB, 1530x1920, Games - Misc - Darkstalkers Morrigan Shader Comparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7123783

Which one and where i can get it?

And where i can find this one as well

>> No.7123785

What Shader?

>> No.7124636


>> No.7124687

it's pretty nutty how much of a difference these make.

>> No.7124693

It looks like shit no matter how far away.

>> No.7125437
File: 2.60 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7126415

Good jobe getting the shaders to be displayed on the correct driver and the correct core, any fricking error and they become self aware and refuse to work LOL

>> No.7126425
File: 35 KB, 710x781, 1512688512905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how both non-CRT consolefags and emufags keep pouring money and resources into trying to get that CRT feeling but never getting any close to fidelity. At least emufags don't waste thousands on overpriced video processors though, kek.
Some third world goober playing a famiclone on a 14'' CRT through composite is BTFOing everyone mentioned at this very instant.

>> No.7126439

For me it's not really about getting a particular "CRT feeling." I have fond memories of CRTs, but for me it's just about smoothing out the image to look a more natural. "Fidelity" isn't consistent, anyway.

>> No.7126473
File: 73 KB, 630x611, 1600244062561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a shader that will give me that feeling that you got as a kid on christmas morning and your parents are still alive and you open a present and it's that game you've been begging them to get you for months?

>> No.7126482

Yeah, I think EmuVR has that, you just have to feed some old VHS footage of your childhood Christmas mornings into it

>> No.7126483

Only viable on a high quality 4K display, preferably OLED. Otherwise use a sharpened bilinear filter or integer scaling.

>> No.7126486

>Only viable on a high quality 4K display

how about you play at a reasonable different from the screen like you would a normal CRT

scanlines are great and all but it all kind of blurs together on a normal sized display from 6 feet away

>> No.7126503

I do. I also have an old RCA consumer TV with component input as a frame of reference, and have used shaders on all sorts HDTVs over the last few years. It only *mostly* looks right on my LG OLED. It gets the RGB/component look down pretty well, but composite style shading even through Royale 4K is still a little overly blurred and slightly dull compared to the real thing. Still much better than unshaded as retro pixel art just... lacks texture and "soul" (I know, just can't think of a better word for it) with the pixels raw on display.

>> No.7126506

Meant for (you)

>> No.7126518

Shaders running @ 4K on an OLED is cash money and has me seriously mulling getting rid of my crt

>> No.7126530

MicroLED will replace CRT as the greatest display technology of all time

screencap this

>> No.7126536

No doubt but it'll be at least 10 years. Cap this. It's stupidly inefficient and expensive of manufacture.

>> No.7126537

I'm there already. I only have my CRT as a novelty.

>> No.7126542

there's gonna have to be some huge breakthrough in manufacturing for them to even get down in price/size to the like, 77" for $10K level. It's not even worth bringing up imo in discussions about what's the best modern display solution /right now/

>> No.7126556

actually they can easily manufacture them right now, but they pace technology to get as much return on their tech as possible

if you have billions of dollars worth of equipment and R&D specifically for manufacturing <modern tech> displays, they're not going to throw that away and switch to something that would completely deprecate that investment

might be a different story if there were more than like 2 manufacturers that drive the industry

>> No.7126568

why hasn't there been so much as a prototype of a 4K microled smaller than like 150 inches? I doubt LG is desperate to hang onto OLED with the way that most people think that bright as fuck = superior display, if they could "easily" get out 55 inch microled TVs next year they'd be coming next year

>> No.7126571

your mistake is that you think the manufacturers care what people think when they can just do the cheapest and most incremental upgrades possible

it's not like a new manufacturer is going to appear out of nowhere with next-gen tech and manufacturing capacity to meet global demand and outcompete them

>> No.7126576

Jesus Christ I hope you didn't play it like this. Probably the single best looking game on the ps1 within it's limitations

>> No.7126579

i think if LG could blow away any shitty samsung qled next year with a consumer microled they would. you provide zero evidence for anyone to believe they're just sitting on their hands so they roll out 5 more incremental OLED upgrades

>> No.7126680

from my own experience, crt shaders can elevate the emulation experience to tolerable level but it is still not as good as the real thing. i use crt shader on ps1 emulation because i cant be arsed to burn million discs.

>> No.7126971
File: 28 KB, 400x266, 55281bf88a3745679e8f5bf44e29f05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7126976


>> No.7126989


I hate all these idiots acting as if going raw is more subtle or unobtrusive, than basic filtering. These art styles weren't intended for such crystal clear displays, so raw looks like you've tampered more with it compared to even some pretty tacky shaders.

>> No.7126993

>CRT Royale until 5th gen, then upscaling (2D games aside).
This but a different shader for 5th/6th gen, and upscale-only starting 7th, because I'm not a tasteless moron.

>> No.7126996

What are the best RA shaders for a 1080p screen/desktop-resolution? When I cycled through, that MAME one looked the least weird to me.

>> No.7127036

Rawfags seething

>> No.7127037

that looks great

>> No.7127049

Are you not using GBA color-correction and/or the palette hack?

Those games have a kindergarten primary colors problem.

>> No.7127054

Agreed. I only care for the convience of having classic games on the same TV and system as all my modern games. I only care about maximising the art quality, regardless of whether it's authentic or not. But obviously when they can't even achieve authentic shaders yet, there's not really a difference between that and enhancement yet.

>> No.7127158
File: 1.06 MB, 1794x1344, turfmast-201129-162729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaders are cool but I like them subtle. CRT-Royale is fun for a bit but no thanks.

I use crt-easymode and just turn the mask strength down to 0 so it's just nice scanlines. I also adjust the gamma down a bit for stuff like SNES to simulate the gamma ramp tv's had.

>> No.7127221

yeah i'll probably have to go back to 4:3 for a lot of games; i thought street fighter looked fine but i think that's going to be the exception and not the rule

>> No.7127414

Your problem is that you are using retroshart.

>> No.7127724

4k OLED, finely tuned custom CRT Royale config with BFI on. Literally every benefit of a CRT without the shit geometry

Well almost. BFI still dims the screens a bit too much and there's still a slight noticeable flicker on areas with high contrast. But hopefully soon those will be worked out and shit will be cash

>> No.7128001

I'm pretty sure the NES isn't actually 4:3. I remeber using retroarch for Super Mario Bros with a true aspect ratio output setting or whatever. It's closer to the snes 8:7 or whatever.

>> No.7128020

Hes right dude, manufacturing these 4K displays smaller is not an easy task, especially with mLED and OLED

>> No.7128042

Thanks. I don't know if I'd install RetroArch just to play around with that, but it's good to know.

>> No.7128089

np man

>> No.7129102

I did a side-by-side test yesterday of the same game running on my trinitron and on my OLED, it was interesting to see that the OLED isn't actually as dim in comparison as I thought it was with BFI on. It kinda sucks that the motion clarity is only matched once you get the BFI onto maximum though, because on the 2nd highest setting the OLED was actually easily brighter even and the BFI runs at 120hz on that setting so it doesn't flicker either. All that's needed now to put CRT to bed (except for light gun games) is 1000nit OLED panels like the top-end Panasonics becoming more common and the ability to use freesync/vrr and BFI simultaneously. The results you can get from an oled with shaders and bfi right now though are probably convincing enough for all but the most demanding users already

>> No.7129116

yes, there is a graphics options section under dosbox.conf, look for a manual entry on that filename
I doubt retroshart is applying any filters that aren't built into dosbox

>> No.7129136

like i said even though i like using retroarch i can't really recommend using it to play dosbox yeah

>> No.7129139

No cause GBA color correction all it does its decolor shit, the issue is not much the saturation, the problems are the gamma/black levels/brightness.

>> No.7129276

I personally don't use them (simple integer scaling), but do whatever you want. If you think that looks better, more power for you.

>> No.7129495

>I don't think integer scaling can fix uneven pixel sizes on the horizontal in 4:3
what did he mean by this

>> No.7129498 [DELETED] 

You are a stupid, knuckle-dragging nigger to think upscaling isn't always superior for 6th gen.

>> No.7129504

No, it's like watching a movie vs watching a movie while applying worsening effects to make it look like it was recorded on a shitty VHS tape when in reality it is crisp and clean

>> No.7129505

Damn bro chill lol

>> No.7129527

Unless I'm mistaken, integer scaling just scales the internal res of the game evenly. So like the nes, 256x240 at a 3x integer scale you get 768x720 which is clean. However that's not 4:3, that's the internal res. Stretching it horizontally at that resolution is in no way going to result in consistent pixel usage horizontally. I don't know what sort of resolution you'd need to make that work on a fixed pixel display

>> No.7129532

Looks like shit in DQVIII because it breaks all of the text boxes and menus

>> No.7129537

Integer scaling on any platform scales the output, not the input. It just leaves black borders around the area. It's specific purpose is to avoid stretching anything anywhere.
This guy >>7122563 is just retarded

>> No.7129546

I am that guy and I still don't understand; Like my previous example, if you have an nes game scaled to 768x720, how do you stretch that resolution to 4:3 and not have uneven pixel sizes?

>> No.7129568

You don't "stretch" it. If you really set it to "integer scaling" then in full screen it would make black borders around perfectly crisp image. If that does not happen then you didn't use "integer scaling" but just regular scaling to a resolution.

>> No.7129594

I'm using Retroarch. I have integer scaling on. There are black borders. If I'm using raw output it looks perfect. But if I set the aspect ratio to 4:3 (which stretches the image), there are still black borders on the top and bottom where the vertical has been integer scaled, but now that the 8:7 output has been stretched horizontally to 4:3, the horizontal resolution is no longer integer scaled. There's no longer a set pixel use for in game "pixels" horizontally and I get pixel shimmer when scrolling. I'm looking at it right now. If there's something I've missed feel free to tell me.

Again, I don't know how you'd integer scale horizontally when taking an 8:7 output and stretching it to 4:3

>> No.7129602

Because you STRETCH image to 4:3.
Of course there won't be even pixels if you STRETCH the image you idiot.
Do not force the aspect ratio.

>> No.7129609

...My original post was that I use scanline filters to clean up pixel shimmer BECAUSE I like to play my games in 4:3. And then I got responses telling me I shouldn't need to and that and I was wrong and you called me a retard

>> No.7129612

With the shader on it looks like a ps2 game
Is that how it looked on a crt?

>> No.7129621

How do you apply this shader? Is it for EPSXE?

>> No.7129625

slang shader in retroarch. There might be an equivalent for reshade but I doubt it

>> No.7129632

You will never ever get clean shimmerless pixels if you STRETCH an image to an aspect ratio.
The only way is integer scaling and borders. If you force aspect ratio, its gonna stretch and cause uneven pixels/shimmer, because things like STRETCHING and CLEAN IMAGE are mutually exclusive

But if you are so anal-retentive about forcing the game to 4:3, then enjoy squashed image and pixel shimmer I guess.

>> No.7129637

What the hell is retroarch
just googled it
is it a program that emulates most consoles? Why didn't I hear about it
Does it read any rom?

>> No.7129638

I have a VGA CRT that I can run at multiples of the console in question's resolution. It's pretty nice.

>> No.7129643

>You will never ever get clean shimmerless pixels if you STRETCH an image to an aspect ratio
Horizontal interpolation and/or scanline filters completely mask it

>> No.7129646

It uses "cores" of different emulators that you can get stand alone, to present different emulators under a single front end with singular interface a lot of options being unified across different emulators.

>> No.7129649

So you have to download emulators and plug them to retroarch basically or does it just emulate everything?

>> No.7129656

You launch retroarch, download cores from the UI for whichever console you're looking to emulate, then just load a rom for that console. There's not much to it to just get games running, but you'll have to do a little tinkering to get all of settings, controls and shaders setup

>> No.7129657

>clean image
>horizontal interpolation

>> No.7129658

It emulates whatever it has cores of, and more are added over time. It has an online updater that grabs the cores you ask for.

>> No.7129664

In my experience, interpolation is so incredibly minor you can barely tell it's there. For example the Switch does it for NES and SNES games at 4:3 and they're still super fucking crisp

>> No.7129668

So you basically just download any emulator from retroarch instead of looking it up online?
Is it the same for roms and other stuff like shaders?

>> No.7129672

You download whatever has a core from retroarch itself
You supply the roms yourself like any other emulator
It comes with a shitload of shaders built in for you
It has a handful of games it can play without using emulators, most notably Doom and Quake

>> No.7129679

is this shader here already built in?

>> No.7129695


>> No.7129702

Damn nigga just download the fucking app and see for yourself at this point lol what are you scared of

>> No.7129709


>> No.7129713

sorry bro I should have said program or emulator or frontend or something? kiss my ass bitch

>> No.7130793

Weird self-hating projection there. But it at least explains why you fail to see why you can't just upscale an art style not intended for HD screens. I'm guessing your culture doesn't have anything as sophisticated as the Western and Japanese art these games adapt?

>> No.7130795

t. zoomer

>> No.7130821

A lot of GBA games benefit from desaturation even if it's not the intended look. I wouldn't think it was a hardware limitation but for some reason the artists used really tacky colouring, even aside from the brightness compensation.

>> No.7131697

It's more like choosing to watch your VHS/DVDs "raw" (because fuck autistic tweaking!), stretched to fit your 4K TV, instead of forcing the original ratio or using an old TV.

>> No.7131757

Friendly reminder that using shaders and sitting 10 inches from your display is retarded, you should sit far from the display, like you would if you were playing on a CRT.

>> No.7132250

Friendlier reminder that CRT computer monitors were common up through the late 90s, hence why some people use shaders with DOSBox.

>> No.7132283

CRT monitor shaders, I hope, because TVs and monitors are almost completely different beasts.

>> No.7132295

Not all TVs were even close to the same either, though. My point remains: there are uses for shaders no matter how close or far you are from the display.

>> No.7132320

Fucking abominations, the only filter worth using is bilinear to smooth out the dogshit lowres upscales

>> No.7132345

Hold on I thought this was just like a regular preference and not an autism thing until I saw it brought up in another thread like almost all of these CRT filters look absolutely terrible and while I'm fine with people wanting to use them arguing that "its how they were meant to be played" is retarded, they weren't meant to be emulated on your lcd 4k monitor either and these filters don't change that thats what you're doing. Just but a CRT if you're such a purist

>> No.7132362

Came up with an extremely autistic system for this: no shaders when emulating on computer monitor, NTSC shaders different for best output at the time for respective console when emulating on TV.

>> No.7132378

See >>7126439

I don't care about authenticity and I imagine many people don't. But CRT-style shaders can soften the image to look a lot more natural regardless of what they don't manage to replicate. Just look at the various examples posted in this thread.

>> No.7132394

I've never seen a crt filter that didn't have an overblown red bias, what's the deal with that?

>> No.7132648
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, MW2SHELL 2020-11-26 00-59-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroarch Dosbox is GARBAGE that can't even run 3dfx games right, it has tons of retarded issues, it doesn't even support fucking munt and VMS, it fucks with controllers, and it's built on the oldest ass zombie build of dosbox.

Then set it to OpenGL
and use reshade, the recent builds now comes with Lottes CRT in it by installing all shaders.

Also, use ECE with DBGL, is the best combo for retro PC vidya that you will ever have, also retroarch CRT shaders are garbage because all of them were made for arcade screens in mind, and some old games looks like shit in it.
Also it makes all of the dos GoG libary run better and without 0.74 bugs since it also has better support for it.

>> No.7132662
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, MERCS 2020-11-25 18-36-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and a side point
RetroArch CRT Shaders are nothing but Arcade TV Shaders with no difference from one and another, and some games looks like shit in it.

>> No.7132854

I like using subtle shaders to add some scanlines but lately I found out if I turn the sharpness down all the way on my shitty flatscreen plasma/lcd it actually looks pretty fucking good with no filters.

>> No.7132964

Wait, so, you can use the shaders on ANYTHING that supports them? not just Retroarch?

>> No.7133229

Clean pixels were never seen on actual hardware. It's the most artificial thing.

>> No.7133234

3x integer nearest followed by bilinear. Clear pixels with similar sharpness as you'd get on a high-end CRT, and no problems with non-1:1 pixel aspect or borders.

>> No.7133237

Clear pixels were standard on portables and VGA DOS games (which used line doubling), and available on most consoles with RGB connections, which everybody who cared about quality used.

>> No.7133257

Look like shit
>putting shaders on 6th gen games

>> No.7133608

people backported most of retroarch crt shaders to reshade years ago

>> No.7133610

>being a nigger on a videogame board
thats you

>> No.7133942

I might be retarded, but you are putting a CRT shader on a PC game with no textures. Anyway thanks for the link.
Yes, PC monitors were already very different from TV in the early 90s.
Not really, unfortunately the really good stuff like Royale is not. Good thing there is Lottes' now at least.

>> No.7133963

Why only 3x?

>> No.7133968

Why do you fucks arbitrarily stop using shaders for 6th gen? It was 7th where we moved to the high definitions we still have today, just higher scale. Same stupidity as deciding 6th gen isn't "retro".

>> No.7133990

mech 2 fog effects and water worked better in old CRT monitors due to dithering, the 3dfx version upgraded that
without it it still looks fine, also the flat shading and the badges becomes more smoother

in fact, the GBL underwater mission becomes eerie as fuck because of it.

i was looking at NFSU1 and 2 with it using Reshade lottes and Nvidia's anti aliasing
using vanilla textures it looks better and the fonts looks pretty good.

MW and carbon were more advanced.

>> No.7134347

Because you can upscale polygons but not sprites. Of course it does not apply to every game.

>> No.7134639

so, no Analog Shaders like these?


my favorites are Arcade Astro City 15khz, Arcade Soft, Conmmodore RGB, Magazine Shader, Sony PVM.

>> No.7134642

>Why do you fucks arbitrarily stop using shaders for 6th gen?
Because the majority of games that gen were polygonal with more complicated geometry that benefits from just increasing the internal resolution than applying some ass quality filter.
>It was 7th where we moved to the high definitions we still have today
Except that's wrong you dumbfuck. Starting from the Dreamcast we began to see games that were internally rendered and output as progressive scan, and this was true of most Xbox and Gamecube games. Moreover, you had games that could output in 480p on all systems including PS2 which had mostly native field rendered games, with a handful of Xbox and even PS2 games being able to output in 1080i. Scaling the internal resolution with maybe a touch of AA is all that's needed. The only games you'd use your fag shaders on would be the few sprite based games that gen.

Additionally, most 7th gen games, mainly on 360, aren't even natively HD and are barely above the internal resolution of 6th gen games.

>> No.7135296
File: 617 KB, 1408x1056, The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I like using shaders on dolphin, spritework and textures tend to benefit

>> No.7135298
File: 1.32 MB, 1408x1056, The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker shader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135520

You can't use integer scaling for consoles with non square pixel aspect ratio, which is pretty much all of them. Integer scaling is pure autism anyway unless you are using a 800 x 600 LCD screen or something

>> No.7135531

Try yee64 and that's the wrong aspect ratio. SF2 is supposed to be in 4:3 or 5:4 or some shit

>> No.7135540

This is not true anymore most emulators are 99.99999% accurate in the ways that can be perceived and have the same or lower input lag than the real thing.

>> No.7135554
File: 694 KB, 1920x1080, NFSU noShader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not him
Reshade Lottes CRT gives a natural antialiasing for early 6th gen games, and image correction.
also its working with Marty's rtx shader

>> No.7135607
File: 1.45 MB, 1366x768, Zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no shit if you run it at native with no AA. But the upscaling looks better than your first pic.

>> No.7135628
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, NFSU Shader On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my internet died for a few minutes so

>> No.7135647

How do you set up the resolution scaler in Lottes in Reshade?

>> No.7135672


PS1 and below: crisp pixels with a horizontal blending shader that gets rid of checkerboard or striped dithering with a toggle. No scanlines, no fake CRT bullshit, no smudging.

>> No.7135891

yes you can, integer doesn't need to use the screens native res, it uses the native output and scales in stages
240, 480, 720, 960 etc
if you're going by snes it goes 224 448 and so on, completely adjustable to the point where you can go beyond the monitor to the point of overscan, it just looks better when you use integer

>> No.7135894

Sure, which is why I said "I like"
many people just up the internal res, but I don't really like that

>> No.7135904


>> No.7136029

Alright now output it at 4:3 as intended and see what happens

>> No.7136278

What point are you trying to make?
you can still do that it's just pixels aren't integer with some consoles, though as long as you keep the height integer everything mostly looks fine minus the minor stretching from 8:7 to 4:3

>> No.7136334

>You can't use integer scaling for consoles with non square pixel aspect ratio
>Yes you can

My point was that you were wrong

>> No.7136449

I think you misunderstand what integer scaling is
It’s just multiples of the internal resolution

>> No.7136605

you may modify it as you fit, just chose show on reshade's optilons.

default resolution scale is 2

>> No.7136676

PC games is crispy pixels unless you mean the very early PC games which weren't even on DOS.
Half transparent scanlines with bilinear or NTSC filter in KEGA Fusion.
Component filter or whatever it was called.
Either "software mode" for much accuracy( but it looks wrong unless you display the output on a real CRT TV)
OR OpenGL plugin with improved higher-res polygons and filtered 2xSai textures.
I guess I like the LCD filter with SuperGameboy borders, when you play certain games. Otherwise BGB for GB and GBC games. I make all my GB games look green or some weird custom color mix for giggles.

>> No.7136679

>Retroarch is GARBAGE
Yeah, stop shilling this shit.

>> No.7137150

Yeah, but how does it work. Does it just divide the monitor's resolution by that number? I get funny results depending on it.

>> No.7137168

set custom resolution 0 to 1 and press enter

>> No.7137180

What config do you use anon ? I've been looking to achieve this kind of effect since a while. My current way of achieving it is a bit too blurry.

>> No.7137408

when I was a little kid and didn't know about monitors I wondered why computer games looked so blocky and ugly when compared to video games on the TV which were so much prettier

>> No.7137483


>> No.7137590

Clean pixels. Shaders give me a headache.

>> No.7137614


Look up sgenpt-mix.slangp, it's on the Libretro shader forums if nothing else

The shader includes checkerboard dithering (setting 1) for Genesis and regular dithering for anything else that has it (mode 2). Single pass, only works at 1x resolution, can add interpolation shaders afterwards. (I just integer scale.)

>> No.7137913

The ironic thing is that no CRT image will ever look that bad unless you

1)are standing really close to it
2) taking a photo of it
3) you have a faulty or really old monitor

If you want a good shader make something that adds a very slight blur, a barely visible mask and maybe some faint scanlines, everything else is good for losing eyesight.

>> No.7137962

I mean you're not supposed to sit 10 inches away from your emulator woth filters either. I emulate from my couch and filters look perfect from that distance

>> No.7138269
File: 643 KB, 1543x1080, e6d8e0e4f2aeef271cab5301cd471847ada7622d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up sgenpt-mix.slangp
>they think this looks good

>> No.7138285

Someone needs to make a toggle .gif for PS2. upscaled vs shader. Because most people here are talking as if screens back then didn't do them justice rather than the artists designing directly for those screens.

>> No.7138290

That's why I prefer subtle shaders. Shit like CRT Royale (though impressive) is too much for me at the distance I play at.

>> No.7138316
File: 50 KB, 1527x1080, Contra3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to tweak it right, though it's not for everyone

>> No.7138321
File: 2.82 MB, 1480x1080, Contra3shader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7138328

>as if screens back then didn't do them justice
They did, but upscaled they are even better.

>> No.7138336

Until there's ways to not break the hud/ui/text when uoscaling 6th gen stuff, I can't say its really worth it IMO. DQVIII upscales aws awful because every single textbox was a mangled mess

>> No.7139083

If you’re talking about ps2, all you need to do is exclude sprites in your bilinnear right filtering, should fix the way huds look

>> No.7139604

>They did, but upscaled they are even better.
One or the other, question dodger. Either SD screen characteristics masked a superior image that we can now finally see clearly, and upscale for our larger screens...or the image was designed for that masking in the first place and anticipated it stylistically, and the more neutral displays we have today omit those elements of style, even upscaled.

>> No.7139631

>anticipated it stylistically
I think this is definitely the case. I think 6th gen stuff does fare much better with standard upscaling than previous generations do, though it also depends on the particular game.

>> No.7139745

The former.
The latter is up to 5th gen and games with a heavy 2D component, see >>7123561.

>> No.7139806

Thanks ! I'll check it

>> No.7140154
File: 3.66 MB, 1794x1344, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World)-201203-121926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it's like I'm really playing on a generic youtube lofi "S e g a a n d C h i l l" mix video

I kind of like it

>> No.7140701

Artists anticipated it being played on an older screen rather than our modern ones.

You fucks will latch onto a single fucking word to twist an entire paragraph to support your idea that 6th gen was made for modern displays.

>> No.7140721

That is higher fidelity than Genesis composite actually is. Real deal has intense color bleeding, especially on reds.

>> No.7140728

Maybe he's playing RGB?

>> No.7140743

>Artists anticipated it being played on an older screen rather than our modern ones
That's what I said.

>> No.7140793

Sensei, I have a question and a request of you:

-What is BFI?

-Can you share your custom shader?

>> No.7140819

The only thing mentioned in your post is that 6th gen works well merely upscaled. And just before that you write "i agree that the anticipated it", as if referring to that modern fidelity.

>> No.7140820

I used to disregard them for many many years. I recently found some really good ones using Retroarch for games 16-bit and before. You should experiment with them, but with the advent of pgxp for things like psx emulation there are becoming new modern solutions

>> No.7140846
File: 3.94 MB, 1915x2140, on vs off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone needs to make a toggle .gif for PS2. upscaled vs shader


On: less sharp edges between objects (look how much faker/2D the mountain looks in the raw image, or the snowboard submerged). Foliage looks fuller. Snow has less contrast between the intentionally shadowed/shaped sections and the majority plain white, so it looks like flat/fake. Window shows more depth. Plane nose looks shaded instead of a blur. Steps look material instead of abstract shapes. HUD overlay less jarring. Nicer tone.

Literally first shader and game I came across, so not cherry-picked or anything.

>> No.7140856

Also, topkek at the "shadows" of the plane in the raw image. I thought they were just random rectangles to make it less plain/uniform at first. Whereas on the top/filtered image, it's obviously shadows of the plane.

>> No.7140992

Early 6th gen games made use of that because of Japan
Mid to late 6th gen everyone was moving fast to Plasma or LCD screens, therefore HD games had to become a thing fast

>> No.7141035

I believe the anon who answered misread the question and he meant that he agreed with option 1.
Senpai, no, what the fuck are you blabbering about?
Aside from the obvious glitch in the shadows, the idea is to use the shader on a native res image.

>> No.7141041

the only emulator I like is Higan and it doesn't have them built in so I've never tried them
I have PVM and real consoles so it doesn't matter

>> No.7141115 [DELETED] 

are there any emulators in the MacOS app store?

>> No.7141469

yeah, it's pointles to use CRT shaders if you'r upping the internal res as the pixels won't line up

>> No.7142062
File: 2.59 MB, 1794x1344, Kirby&#039;s Dream Land 3 (USA)-201204-054737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the sort of three CRT Royale configs I have setup. I tend to switch between them regularly but maybe you'll see one that you like. None of these are really supposed to mimic a specific set, just the general sort of styles I tend to like

This is my sort of middle ground, upper tier consumer look. Not really a PVM but something along the lines of 400 TVL. Noticeable scanlines but not starkly so, with high peak beam brightness and low lows. I probably use this one the most

>> No.7142072
File: 2.95 MB, 1794x1344, Kirby&#039;s Dream Land 3 (USA)-201204-054706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is more standard consumer level. In my experience the spaces between lines on most consumer sets is pretty marginal, and due to halation most white or bother bright segments of the screen have no noticeable spaces between lines at all. so that's what I tried to capture here (look at the two white boxes on the bottom for reference. Now most consumer sets of this caliber probably had dot masks instead of slot masks, but I just don't like the way CRT Royale handles dot masks so I never use it

>> No.7142080
File: 1.47 MB, 1794x1344, Kirby&#039;s Dream Land 3 (USA)-201204-054822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then here's the standard PVM look. This is the one I use the least honestly, mostly because of the brightness loss but also I'm just not a huge fun of massive spaces between scanlines. I find it can look nice on some upper end 2D titles (Neo Geo and 5th gen 2D stuff) and arcade games, but for most console titles I stick with the other 2

>> No.7142087

Nice work. It also helps to maintain higher brightness levels.

>> No.7142169
File: 3.79 MB, 3888x2917, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a VGA monitor, but my monitor doesn't like low scan rates. I upscale to 480p but use a scanline overlay to simulate 240p.

If I played on LCD, I'd prefer raw pixels. Something about shaders just seems off when viewing it through different display technology.

>> No.7142229

Trust your eyes, not learned-reaction. The top image looks better.

>> No.7142286
File: 1.10 MB, 1172x960, Untitled1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7142289
File: 1.05 MB, 1168x956, Shader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7142406

What shader is this?

>> No.7142441


Same as these

>> No.7142465

No, it doesn't. You might like the effect but there is no advantage whatsoever. Look at these >>7142286
there you can see the improvements.

>> No.7142472

The poster on libretro forums combined it with an ugly upscale filter. The original antidither shader is actually pretty nice, even if not perfect. It's way better than existing solutions at the very least. Thanks to the anon that brought it up.

>> No.7142550

Thanks, it looks more 'dotty' than mine, did you make any modifications?

>> No.7142626

No, I agreed that they anticipated displays of the time. But I still think sixth gen games work better upscaled than previous generations do, which is why it's not surprising some people prefer to just up the resolution over using a filter or playing on a CRT.

>> No.7142628

>did you make any modifications?
Not to the shader, no. Make sure to turn on integer scaling though. I run games in fullscreen mode @1920x1080 and my screenshots aren't resized. So as you can see I get black borders on all four sides but in exchange for even pixels. Uneven scaling really messes up shaders that are all about scanlines and such.

>> No.7143723

The textured rather than flat snow by itself is also a big improvement.

>> No.7143735

to be fair you can disable the dithering and making it proper integer fixes the uneven pixels

>> No.7143738

Oh cool, that works well. What do you do about games that are 480i? Turning up the resolution gets rid of that, but it loses some charm.

>> No.7143790

you know on RA you can extend the scaling to overscan right?

>> No.7143791

No, the snow is textured in the upscale as well.

>> No.7144790
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x1120, zelda shader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shader is this?