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7132773 No.7132773 [Reply] [Original]

Avid MM fan here, why do a lot of the fans tend to sleep on/not like MM5? It's pretty great, IMO. I daresay it might even be one of if not the best of the NES hexalogy.
What are yalls opinions on MM5?

>> No.7132791

4 5 and 6 just kind of blend together a little bit. Not that they are bad games at all. They are good but somehow don't stand out as much as the rest.

>> No.7132794

5 is great. A really solid entry. My one small complaint is the Rush Coil behavior. Thankfully there's a nice little romhack that stops it from jumping with you if you happen to jump while "overlapping" it.

>> No.7133172

5 is good, but I've noticed a lot of people acting like it's their favorite lately. It's the new contrarian pick for favorite Mega Man game. Used to be 3, then 3 got too popular so it became 4, now 4 is too popular so it's 5, eventually people will get sick of 5 and pretend 6 is their favorite

>> No.7133187

There is not a single bad main Mega Man game. Even 8 is good.

>> No.7133339

At first, it was one of my favorites with 4 but as I played it many times, I think it was one of the weakest of the NES games (just before the first two games). The weapons are kinda bad with only Super Arrow and Gyro Attack which are good (the first one is an utility weapon but it's kinda fun and the second is good only because it's in 5, if it was in 4 or 9, it would suffer from the competition), everything dies from 3 buster shots so you can spam charged shots at everything (at least 4 and 6 have some enemies who have more than 3 HP, in 5 you can count them on one hand), level design for some stages is bland (Stone Man and the Proto Man stages for example), this point renforced by the latter. Also for some reason, the game showers you in lives, more than any other classic Megaman game. It's not a bad Megaman game, but it feels like it was churned out quickly with no real thought about how were the first four and as such, feels one of the weakest Megaman games

>> No.7133353
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I find the stages weak in MM5. They feel flat and usually don't have much interesting going on. The few that have a neat idea, like Gravity Man's stage, just feel underutilized.

>> No.7133375
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I always like to see a new MM thread.
I share the same sentiment with >>7133339. I used to really like 5, but the more I revisited, it the more its flaws really started to show. In particular, I find many of the weapons to be horribly balanced and/or uninteresting. The charge buster definitely brings the games to its knees, so I find myself not using it as often as to make the game a little more challenging.
I do like the stages though (but >>7133353 does have a point with underutilization) and the music is not too bad either. Personally, I think MM5 is sort of a mixed bag for me - some things they did really well, others not so much. My personal favorite in the series is 4 (both NES and GB) since I felt that almost everything about what makes a 'Mega Man' game was done very well.

>> No.7133378

Been awhile since I played it but I remember gameboy MMIV stages being ridiculously long. Was why I thought MMV was the best.

>> No.7133423
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5 is very slow paced with too many gimmick areas like Star Man, Gravity Man and especially Wave Man's stages. Wave Man's level is by far the worst one in the game, probably in all the NES Mega Mans. I barely use the special weapons at all except for Beat and the super arrow. I love how the game looks though, and some of the gimmicks are fun like low gravity and reversed gravity in Star Man and Gravity Man's stages respectively.

I have a soft spot for 8, it was one of the last games I bought for the Saturn back in 1999. JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE

>> No.7133507

MM5 just blends in like others said. 4 already did the double castle gimmick so it was just kind of meh in 5 though, and 4 had better accessories to boot like the balloon, although none have ever came close to the Rush Jet from 3.
It has some awesome robot masters though like Napalm Man and Crystal Man, and some solid stage design for Gravity Man's stage in particular. I'd put it in the middle of the Mega Man games.

>> No.7133707

Is this one with the Mega buster that rapes everything? I liked that.

>> No.7133736

It's a consistent middle of the road experience. Nothing "THAT part" worthy but there wasn't really any high points either. Not a bad game generally speaking but it's one of the weaker games in the series.

>> No.7133853

It's a fun, but flawed Megaman game. The powers are so bad, maybe my least favorite in the entire series. But damn, I love the atmosphere of this game. The music and graphics work in tandem to produce a consistent air of mystery and melancholy that few of the other games achieved. Protoman being the "villain" was peak Saturday morning anime. Love 5.

>> No.7134069

I dunno about that, I think that a lot of people used to love 3 but then realized how flawed it is. IMO, it's the roughest of the classic series. Maybe rivaled by 1.

>> No.7134148

I always thought 5 was the easiest barring Wily who's only tedious.

>> No.7134151

6 at least had the world tour gimmick to make it stand out from the others slightly. I honestly couldn't tell you which game most of the Megaman 3-5 bosses came from. (I only very recently realized Snakeman and Toadman were from different games)

>> No.7134154

At least a few smash bros composers like it

>> No.7134268
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People under-rate the later games because
1)They grew up on 1 and 2 and by the time 4 came out they had moved on to the SNES
2)They play the games in order in a marathon and are burned out by 4

I think 4 is the perfect Mega Man game, and its my favorite in the entire series, with X coming in a close second. 5 is good, but suffers from a big problem which is sticking bad music on hard to learn stages. Don't do this, it makes learning the bosses a pain. And, subjectively, I find it has more annoying stages than 4. I recently beat 2, 4, and 5 and I'd put 5 in the middle of those three in terms of how much I enjoyed it, with 4 the most and 2 the least.

>> No.7134372

5 seems like it's always the game in the middle. It came out after 4, and that game continued the seires after Wily's "death" so now everybody thinks Capcom will be making a new MM game every year forever. 4 did't have any radical gameplay changes and 5 plays almost exactly like 4. It's another solid Mega Man title. Mega Man 6 is same but it feels rushed, it was released during the death of the NES and it came out after MMX in America. It stands out as being the last MM on an 8 bit console and there's no "to be continued" ending, it was set up to be the final game in the classic series.

>> No.7134406

You either like 2&3 or 6. 4 is underrated

>> No.7134483

I don't dislike MM5. But a lot of it feels kind of dull. Gravity Man's stage is one of the best in the series, but the rest never stands out at all. It's probably my least favorite of the six, but I still like it.

>> No.7134519
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6 is now liked? It's about time.

>> No.7134530

Played through all the NES games a couple years ago. Never understood why MMV wasn't as loved as others. I think it's one of the better NES MM games.

>> No.7134532

It was my favorite

>> No.7134705

-music is meh
-useless special weapons, napalm bomb sucks, charge kick sucks, the fucking power stone WTF?
-super mega buster is so OP you might as well not even use special weapons most of the time
-established the pattern of every MM final boss being a teleporting UFO
-origin of the lame "Protoman is evil" myth we see in every other form of Megaman-related media (COUGH The Protomen)
-lame robot master ideas, a fucking Thomas the Tank Engine robot master? lol

It's not a terrible game, but I can totally get why it gets the hate it does.

>> No.7134725

What do people enjoy in Mega Man? I finished 1 and I can already feel the loop of robot masters to become tedious. You're basically fishing to find weaknesses (why not just google them?) or worse, get into stages that require weapons you don't have yet.
It feels like partitioned Metroidvania.

>> No.7134735
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MM5 is cool but playing as Protoman

>> No.7134749

5 is my new favorite. 1 and 6 are my second favorites of the NES games. Good taste, OP.

>> No.7134751


>> No.7134753

MM9-type Protoman sucks nasty ass. Why would anyone willingly play as him?

>> No.7135191
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This anon gets it. Mega Man never had a bad or even mediocre game until the X series and even then, I still unironically enjoy X5-X7.

>> No.7135217

Ah, so you too, have an enormous penis?

>> No.7136525

Shit special weapons, overpowered mega buster. Other than that it's pretty fun. Personally, I think 4 gets too much hate. It gets put under 2 and 3 even though it's probably the best of the NES Mega Man games just for that weapon arsenal alone.

>> No.7136725

X5 was awesome
How? His whistle, shield, low shot, charge shot and slide made him more fun than Mega Man if you weren't a scrub who just ate a fuckton of damage everywhere.

>> No.7136919

This. The original MM series might be the most consistent video game series, they all range from good to great.
I used to dislike MM7 because I thought it was going to be like MMX since it was on the SNES.
I replayed it recently and it's pretty good actually.

>> No.7136930

>It feels like partitioned Metroidvania.
Funny, I feel the opposite. Metroidvanias feel like action platformers with dumb puzzles in between the levels.

Assuming 1 is your first Mega Man game, it's agreed to be a lackluster starting point. 4 is probably the easiest to get into and a fan favorite, so give that a try before you write off the series. 11 is by far the best starting point, though. Highly suggest you play that if you can.

>> No.7136983

Because of the ridiculous backtracking, they rarely have good level design or platforming challenges. I play them from time to time because hardly anyone makes real action-platformers any more. Probably because it is more work and the NPCs who can't handle a one sitting game with replayability instead of a 6 hour + one you'll never replay.

I also disagree on 11. The music sucks and the game is balanced around the retarded slow-mo gimmick, which I hate. I recommend X1 as a starting point. No, it isn't a classic series title, but it is awesome and X's charge move and dash (effectively, as the slide) were originally from the classic series. Then I'd move into the classic series from there.

>> No.7137415

Going back to classic after playing X1 might feel like a downgrade and ruin them for you. Megaman & Bass is a good compromise of Classic and X gameplay. Start with Bass' campaign to learn the levels and boss patterns, then take the training wheels off and go through with Mega. It gets a weird amount of hate but is easily one of the best Megaman games.

>> No.7137523

the shield deflecting is super fun; and in the case of MM5 Protoman isn't as strong as MM so it makes the game more balanced

>> No.7137604

Because 4 and 6 are just better.
MM5 is just forgettable.
Like, all I remember is searching for emblems, a water bike part in Wave Man stage and that charge shot felt better than in 4.
Every other game in series is far less bland overall.

>> No.7137679

MM&B is one of the worst, if not the worst Classic game.

>> No.7137960


>> No.7137971

Looks like a thread for degenerate gacha gamblers. No thanks.

>> No.7138293

>the game is balanced around the retarded slow-mo gimmick, which I hate.
The entire game is beatable without using the speed gear. Get good.

>> No.7138324

Its hard to muster the energy to get good to the tune of really gay trance sounding music with no bass.

>> No.7138327

I dropped that general once it became nothing but gachashit.

>> No.7138347

I’ve played 6 the most, still enjoy a playthru now and again. Great music in some of them and liked the rush mechanics

>> No.7138404

Mega Man 1 didn't sell great and it didn't get big until Mega Man 2. The recommended starting games in this thread are autism. Back in the day Mega Man 2 & 3 were some of the best games to play on nes, and one of those was the first MM game for most people. Starting on 1 is fine but you should try 2 before you write off the entire series. There's no backtracking in 2 or 3 you can't re-enter levels. 4-6 are more of the same and not as innovative, but they did refine the gameplay and removed the janky bits (like MM2's 4th Wily stage boss, the shooting platforms in MM1 were shit and they don't put randomized shit in any of the other games).

>> No.7138635

1 is extremely underrated. It had a good OST, weapon balance and bosses. Everything was useful and even so called "extremely hardcore" boss: Yellow Devil is easily beatable with a small bit of practice.
2 got some bullshit, like bosses immune to everything but one weapon, introduction of E-Tanks making the game way easier, overpowered Metal Blades and really shitty Crash Bombs. Items are basically worse versions of Magnet Beam. Great music though.
3 is just janky. Honestly, 4 was better than it in every way, even if it introduced charge shot, which made stolen weapons borderline obsolete.

>> No.7139029

4 is the only mega man game besides X1 where the stolen weapons have more use than the charge shot.

>> No.7139165

I do not like 5 much, it's my least favorite of the NES MM games. It's dog-piss easy and the boss masters can all be easily beaten with just the mega buster with zero effort. And it's the only MM game with dull music. The whole affair feels like they didn't put much effort into it.

>> No.7139584

I think 4 is the right approach. Charge shot is the best way to dispatch regular enemies. However, I find myself using Pharaoh Shot, Toad Flash, and Skull Barrier constantly, with some niche application of others.
X1. Well, let's just say it was an odd stylistic choice to make Megaman Purple in that game.
Due to lots of positive comments, I'm giving 6 a shot now. I am enjoying the robot master stages much more than 5's, but haven't gotten to the Wily stages. So far in total agreement, it is great. I don't know about the jetpack. While it is awesome, I'm wary of completely changing the way Megaman moves in a mainline title.

>> No.7139824

Disagree hard because X2-3 and X5 exist not to mention the Zero and ZX games for obvious reasons. X6 has the Yammark option as well so even that's a tossup.
Not retro but 9, 10, and 11 definitely have more useful weapons than the default charge buster as well.