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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 80 KB, 600x491, flashcart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
712698 No.712698 [Reply] [Original]

So... flash cart thread? I've seen nothing but collecting originals and emulation, but nothing about flashcarts.

Anyone actually have one? Honestly they seem like the best option. Runs on the original hardware, runs stuff that doesn't do well with emulation, dead simple to get games for. Only thing it can't do is if the original cart had an extra chip or unique hardware feature addition which are generally few and far between.

I'd actually consider picking up flash carts for genesis, SNES, and N64 if they weren't so fucking expensive. Seriously. Why the fuck are all flash carts for any system 100-200$? The parts can't even be 30$.

>> No.712729

>Why the fuck are all flash carts for any system 100-200$?
I know a lot of them are handmade and a pain in the ass to manufacture. It's cheaper to buy the board and use a spare cart as a body.

>> No.712745

>The parts can't even be $30.
Consider the cost of manufacture for a custom designed motherboard. The smaller the batch, the more expensive the production costs, and the demand for these items isn't near enough to justify large (read: 10,000+) orders unless there's significant pre-ordering, which is not a guarantee of sale.

Most (good) flash carts are not designed by companies but individuals who pour a whole lot of time, effort and money into developing a working product. Considering the fact that one flash cart can play literally thousands of games, potentially saving hundreds of dollars and a great amount of storage space in the process, the price range is completely acceptable. Some of the most modern carts have updateable firmwares and near 100% compatibility.

tl;dr most retro flash carts are adequately priced.

>> No.712754

Pricing is fine. Back in the day one game could cost 100+. At any rate retro carts include a myriad of custom chips/thousands of man hours poured into making them. Most of them are handmade. It isn't easy nor quick to make this things. Also there isn't a huge demand/they don't have access to an actual manufacturing plant.

>> No.712759

Recommendations then?

I know /vr/ has an ongoing thread about getting official wiki recommendations what not. Flash carts might be some nice content that's not already done by /v/.

>> No.712760

What is the best SNES flashcart to go with? I want to play games that have english translation patches and that were not released in the NTSC market, ie. terranigma and maybe some hacked games.

I checked one of the websites and found that a certain flash cart could NOT play games with the super FX chip like starfox 2. Is there a master cart that can play everything? Price is not an option as long as its below 250$ CND

>> No.712774

When it comes to flashcarts, krikzz is often considered the cream of the crop. The Everdrive MD supports 99.9% of Genesis/Megadrive games as well as Master System games without needing a Power Base Converter, as well as 32X games (which requires a 32X.) The Everdrive N8 for the Famicom and NES is also fantastic.

>> No.712775

I've heard good things about the SD2SNES.

>> No.712782

SD2SNES is your best bet. While the Super FX chip is not yet supported, the author is working on implementing support.
Sadly, there is not yet a 'master' cart for the SNES.

>> No.712794

So will the implementation of the SFX chip be a hardware thing or can it just be coded into the software so I don't buy the cart then a week later he has a new cart to buy? I doubt I would play any games with the SFX but it's just the fact knowing I can't. The main two games I want to play are Terranigma and Seiken 3(with a friend) which justifies the cost of the cart since buying them each as carts is 60$ a piece.

>> No.712978

>So will the implementation of the SFX chip be a hardware thing or can it just be coded into the software

It'll be coded into the hardware.

Look up what an FPGA is.

You won't have to buy a new cart for it.

You can't buy a cart now either.

>> No.713001

Thanks GoodSNESSS

>> No.713008

>Why the fuck are all flash carts for any system 100-200$? The parts can't even be 30$.

It's not always about parts. It's about labor, it's about electrical engineering, and it's about the time and money investment that went into designing one of these flash carts. It's also about being one of two options on the market. It always amazes me that people think they should be able to buy flash carts for under $100.

I know >>712745 pretty much covered it but I have to say it too, OP. Regardless, flash carts are so fucking cost efficient I can't even believe somebody would scoff at the prices.

>> No.713023

>flash carts are so fucking cost efficient I can't even believe somebody would scoff at the prices.
This. With the rising cost of SNES games, I'd rather just get a flashcart and wait until the prices deflate.

>> No.713036

>Why the fuck are all flash carts for any system 100-200$?

Economy of scale. You know those sub-$20 DS flash carts everyone got accustomed to? That was only possible because cheap Chinese labor made them by the million while simultaneously being in cut-throat competition with each other.

>> No.713105
File: 1.15 MB, 2592x1456, Everdrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this before:

My flashcart. Super Everdrive. Gutted an old baseball game (still have the board, but don't know what to do with it). Made a little sticker and printed it at kinkos... Pretty easy/fun.

>> No.713170

Everdrive64 is great. Getting used to resetting to save takes some time. Lost about 4 hours of Conker's Bad Fur day once ><
stupid jet surfing level

>> No.714391

Well, I mean, they're INGENIOUS.

Before discovering these, I was physically depressed over not starting to collect sooner, seeing how inflated the prices were.

I actually had a dream, where I invented a Sega Genesis cart I could stick an SD card into.
Man was I happy after doing some googling the next day..

Collecting games has been reduced to collecting ancient ROMs to put on display. Sure, I'll still collect games, but as I can already play every game in the world (and then some), It won't be as big of a deal if I can't get the pricetag I want for it.

Welcome to the future!

>> No.714421

Yeah. I was getting ill at the asshats bloating the prices. I just wanna play games man.
I wish suffering upon every one of these "Just bought a stack of games I won't play for $75...HOW'D I DO??" idiots

>> No.717401


I have an EZ4, EMS GB USB 64m, and another EZ4 coming in the mail (don't ask where I got it; not going to mention where cause a shit ton of people will zerg rush the site).

Using the EZ4 for gb/gba/mastersystem/nes and the 64m for shantae/nanoloop. They were both relatively cheap; 30 for the ez4 and 40 for the 64m

>> No.717974

Not to mention most of those DS carts usually died after a year.

>> No.718014
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this is in par with the Powerpack and it's actually cheaper.

If every game was working on this I would but it without thinking.

>> No.718495

any recommendations for shops in Europe?

>> No.718754
File: 15 KB, 300x300, super_ufo_pro_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly thats a good entry level Flash Cartridge.

It will play about 95% of the library the SNES has to offer, including most rom hacks, translations, and imports.

Also nice it has a passthrough if you don't want to slaughter up your system.

Half the cost of a Super Everdrive, and 1/3 of Super Power Pak.

If you want a Tier system for SNES:

>God Tier
>Mid Tier
Super Everdrive w/DSP-1
>Alright Tier
Super Power Pak w/ and w/o DSP-1
Super Everdrive standard
>Ok Tier
Super UFO Pro 8

I got a SUFOP8 for super cheap and honestly Im happy with it. Even has USB input support

>> No.719125

My Everdrive N8 is pretty fucking great, plays all ~350 games I have on it except fucking Karnov because of a gorillian graphical glitches that happen.

>> No.719252

But Karnov fucking sucks, so whatever.

>> No.719259
File: 15 KB, 238x266, DieLinkDie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you.

>> No.720069

Master everdrive
Everdrive MD
Everdrive 64

Soon to receive (Part of a group buy on Amibay)
Super Everdrive
Everdrive N8

I use them for my bi monthly games nights and they are handy little things
Save up more for a Everdrive, got one of them and its a load of crap, it dont do half the stuff it says and to play DSp chip games you have to have the same game plugged in the top.
Super ED the chips can be soldered onto it