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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7117791 No.7117791 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to ask you all, did you ever see a single screenshot from a game, or hear the title of a show, and imagined a totally different story than what the game/show was about?

Pic related. I originally saw Chrono Trigger in 2007 issue of Nintendo Power, advertising the DS port. Based off the tiny description and one screenshot, I believed that the story was about a medieval kingdom discovering time travel, and essentially having an "age of exploration", but throughout time. It was an accidental discovery, and I thought in this scene, they would be charging Crono with exploring different eras. Later I had slightly more info, but didn't know about 12,000 B.C., so based on Magus' art, I thought he was a vampire guy from an 1800s industrial time period. I kinda wish that one was true.

Additionally when I heard the name Attack on Titan, I honestly thought it was supposed to be a scifi anime with some colony on the moon of Titan.

How about your stories?

>> No.7117793

>Watch Dogs
>There’s no dogs in sight

Never forget.

>> No.7117794

I always thought Hitman was edgy and very gangsta like, also because of Manhunt.

Same kind of goes for Sonic. Always looked annoying with edgy character and style over substance

now i like both

>> No.7117805

I never did play either of those but they look pretty good.

Been with Sonic since I was born, but in late 2000s I was learning all about the RPG legends of the 16 bit era. I'd like to see a game with the story I imagined too, I bet that'd be fun.

>> No.7118801

I thought Starfox Adventures would be a Starfox game. Silly me. It's just a shitty Ocarina of Time with Starfox for some reason. I loved 64, got all the stupid regular/expert metals, even the near impossible Sector Z one. This was the most disappointing day of my late teenage life.

>> No.7118814

>I originally saw Chrono Trigger in 2007 issue of Nintendo Power, advertising the DS port.
>ds port

Posting in zoomer thread.

>> No.7119041

My mom used to let me rent a game from the video store in town if I cleaned my room every weekend. One weekend my dad was going into town so I told him I wanted Link To The Past. He brought back Pebble Beach Golf Links.

>> No.7119954

Anon, if he was 12 in 2007 he'd be almost 25.

>> No.7120079

I am 25, good guess.

>> No.7120238
File: 120 KB, 1015x1200, 1571540643481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 30+ gen y
>try to go with sub late 20s gen y
>>eeeek pedophile!
>first played an snes game on a ds

They're still zoomers pretty much. DS is not retro after all.

>> No.7120336

Earthbound, I don't remember quite all what I used to think but seeing all the things in Melee made me think te meteor was some sort of portal gate at the top of the hills

Also not Retro but I read in a magazine about the upcoming present day rpg Twewy for ds and I was expecting a turn based american present day like earthbound and got weird japanese action game, I give that one to my brother

>> No.7120506
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>He got called a pedo by two anons a year ago after talking about his age on an anonymous image board and hasn't let it go ever since

>> No.7120676

I always thought metroid was just some lame IP, my first exposure was Samus in SSBM. Had no idea what the game was about but really didn't expect Super Metroid to so incredible when I first played it.

>> No.7120703

Unreal Tournament. I thought it was a fighting game.

>> No.7120736

When I saw Ness for the first time in Melee, I was coming out of the N64 as a kid, and I thought he was supposed to be Jack from Harvest Moon 64. I certainly didn't know what Earthbound was, but I did know Captain Falcon from Fzero due to NP and the anime on 4kids... How that IP got an anime and not metroid or zelda is beyond me.

>> No.7120774

I though the Gameboy wave race was about hovercraft racing in space as a kid

>> No.7120776

>be 6 or something
>see KIRBY'S AVALANCHE on the shelves
>"i love the kirby games! and this time he's on a mountain with avalanches!? MOM BUY THIS PLEEEEEASE"
>get that as my one game for the next few months
>it's a fucking Puyo Puyo reskin

>> No.7120781

I thought that Crusader games by Origin are set in medieval period or some sort of fantasy bullshit world. Imagine how wrong I was once I heard the soundtrack by motherfuckin' Necros...

>> No.7120891

>play the original Dune
>nice atmospheric adventure/exploration game with some battles you send your armies to
>took some liberties but mostly canon with the books
>get Dune 2, expecting more of the same
>it's a RTS
>vaguely based on the Dune universe

>> No.7120894

When I first heard of "tie fighter" I thought it was a 2d fighter game with everyone wearing suits and ties.

>> No.7120901

Lol, when I first heard of "Clay Fighter" I thought it was a 2d fighter game with everyone made of clay.

>> No.7121110

I felt the same when I got Kirby's Dream Course at a garage sale some years ago. I thought, wow these are cool graphics and a unique isometric view... But its just a golfing game.

>> No.7121140


If the PS2 was your first console = zoomer
everything after that? zoomer+

>> No.7121145

>I originally saw Chrono Trigger in 2007 issue of Nintendo Power, advertising the DS port. Based off the tiny description and one screenshot, I believed that the story was about a medieval kingdom discovering time travel, and essentially having an "age of exploration", but throughout time. It was an accidental discovery, and I thought in this scene, they would be charging Crono with exploring different eras. Later I had slightly more info, but didn't know about 12,000 B.C., so based on Magus' art, I thought he was a vampire guy from an 1800s industrial time period. I kinda wish that one was true.
>Additionally when I heard the name Attack on Titan, I honestly thought it was supposed to be a scifi anime with some colony on the moon of Titan.
Both of those sound a lot better than what we got.

>> No.7121924


>> No.7122138

Zoomer means you were born in the 2000s, you retard, you're thinking about millennials.

>> No.7122163
File: 91 KB, 553x635, Baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fully expecting FFT to be more like Jagged Alliance or Heroes of Might & Magic, every TBS game I had played up to that point sans Shining Force had an emphasis on management and territory control.

>> No.7122168

If my first time playing Chrono Trigger was the 2018 PC version then what does that make me?

>> No.7122171
File: 65 KB, 500x500, mggb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought metal gear was a hockey sports game, except the players had guns.
to this day I can't recall why.

>> No.7122445

I 100% thought the same thing about Attack on Titan, typical japanese people making titles in english, often tends to completely misrepresent the product lol
Off the top of my head, I can think of Betrayal at Krondor, which to me sounds far more Sci-Fi than Fantasy, I also remember hearing about Resident Evil for the first time and for years thinking it was a supernatural, haunted house type game

Nice topic btw, it's an oasis amid a desert of coomerposting and autistic bait

For a long time I thought Watch Dogs was a sequel to Sleeping Dogs

>> No.7122449

>wasn't about niggas

>> No.7122764

I didn't imagine elaborate things about games, but I often thought they would be great by looking at images in magazines. I thought Populous was going to be amazing because you could be a god and create and make your own worlds, then it just turned out to be a add land, remove land rng game.

>> No.7124103

I used to think Chrono Trigger was straight up a science fiction game

>> No.7124412

Classic Molyneux

>> No.7124418

what if the ps2 was my first console but I was 15 when I got it?

>> No.7125417


How the Metal Gear series evolved:
First there was Blades of Steel. Then Konami gave the formula a little twist: They changed to another sport, and shifted into the near future, producing the innovative but not especially well-remembered sequel, Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. After that, the series was brought back toward hockey to restore its popular appeal - but the futuristic weaponry remained. And so Metal Gear was born.

>> No.7126694
