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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 199 KB, 1280x720, mike-sapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7117298 No.7117298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

mike owns a copy

>> No.7117318

He is also a millionaire.

>> No.7117320

>mike owns a copy

>> No.7117348
File: 927 KB, 1125x866, 9BF24BF5-73C7-40EB-AAB3-821774A373C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too own a copy
& yet somehow i manage
to not act like an annoying unfunny attention whore

>> No.7117358
File: 91 KB, 640x709, 5vyybh8f4f611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did he pay for it though?

>> No.7117364

Nobody gives a fuck except for basement dwelling brokeass zoomers like you.
LOL nope. He sure as fuck isn't. My house is worth more than his entire savings. If any of you dipshits had an actual decent paying career you wouldn't be so impressed with losers on youtube.

>> No.7117714

This post reeks of angy NEET

>> No.7117787

*My bank's house

>> No.7117816

post dick

>> No.7117828


>> No.7117858

>My house is worth more
fucking boomer, the bubble popped years ago.

>> No.7117929
File: 179 KB, 1037x767, ah9ktlia6ee11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7117983

it's probably a bootleg

>> No.7118063
File: 1.96 MB, 3024x3024, 20201126_105459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guaranteed it's a repro

>> No.7118070

>i-it's probably just a repro
Coping to the max.
Mike got a real copy. He even explained how to spot bootlegs and avoid them.

>> No.7118146

Mike? Lol fuck no he's not. Even James net is estimated to only be worth 1mil, and Mike has always been an employee as far as pay goes. They all get even less now that Screenwave takes a chunk. They busted Mikes position in the hierarchy down considerably when they took over and that's why he shills for donations on Twitch now. Mike does well for a bum on his ass playing video games. Hes not even close to a millionaire.

>> No.7118157

There is literally no way that isn't a boot. I can't even remember the last time I saw an actual legit copy of this game.

>> No.7118165

...this game sells for like 500 dollars retard.

Pat Contri owns both a grey and a gold NWC cart and we know he paid under $20,000 for the Gold which is a steal. Also hes not a fucking millionaire either

>> No.7118170

>google it
>multiple copies for sale
nu/vr/ is cancer.

>> No.7118171

500 is millionaire money for nu-vr. This thread is embarrassing.

>> No.7118194
File: 83 KB, 1200x519, 530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn, call me when this make up wearing queer gets an NWC.

>> No.7118213

The fucks so special about it? Looks like a shitty shmup

>> No.7118214

>multiple repros for sale
You're right, nu/vr/ is cancer.

>> No.7118231

>Looks like a shitty shmup
It's mediocre at best. The only reason it has a reputation at all is due to it's "rarity" among collectors.

>> No.7118240

Look real to me, why would they all be fake repros? Some moght be bootlegs but were there like 10 copies made? You're fucking retarded.

>> No.7118253

mike owns a legit copy

>> No.7118256

Because the market for this game has absolutely been flooded with repros, due to the value of the game and the ease with which repros for it can be made. They've only gotten better in the last couple of years. You'd know any of this if you were actually a collector and not just here to be a contrarian kiddo in a Mike shitposting thread.

>> No.7118259

I do collect but not fucking Cringegrafx 16 games, I'm not gay.

Check all the sales that come up from Google and identify them as fakes, Mr. Expert

>> No.7118268

>not fucking Cringegrafx 16 games,
Right, so you'll not be authenticating any copies of this game at all, especially since the only thing you know about Saph boots are from that one website you just found ten minutes ago in Google that's roughly two years out of date and still talking about glossy finishes on inserts.
>Check all the sales that come up from Google and identify them as fakes, Mr. Expert
Nice try, faggot.

>> No.7118270

Nice try? I thought they were all fake. So you're just blowing smoke then? Figures. Mike's not a millionaire and there are much rarer games.

>> No.7118272

They are all fake, especially to someone like you who doesn't know the difference. How about you prove your Google results are all legit, since you're convinced they are?

>> No.7118276

>all this cope
Mike has money, not sure if he's a millo but he's done a lot of money leeching off James' success.
He also owns a legit copy of this shitty game.
Let's stop coping. Mike is a shitty person, but he has money, so what?

>> No.7118284

With a game like this, it's fake until you can actually prove otherwise, much like Sega CD copies of Snatcher.

>> No.7118285

Keep coping.

>> No.7118290

Coping about what? Some second-rate eceleb owning a repro game?

>> No.7118291

Mike already explained how to spot fake copies of it, he did some research before buying it.
I also think he imported it directly from Japan, where it's less likely someone would sell a bootleg.

>> No.7118297

Yes, you care, evidently.
He owns the legit thing, that's why you're coping.

>> No.7118302

>He owns the legit thing
But he doesn't, though.

>> No.7118321

See? You're still coping.
This isn't NWC, this is a rare game that's still obtainable by people with money. Mike already explained how repros look like and showed that his copy is legit. Cope some more though, I bet you'll reply still saying it's a repro in total shameless denial.
If you're doing this to make me defend Mike, then fuck you, it worked.

>> No.7118336

Not the coping faggot you're talking to, but why does it matter if he owns a game? Owning things doesn't complete anyone as a person unless they have some real issues. Sure, it's neat to have a rare game, but is it really something to get mad about or to be glad about? This is weak b8 at best. It honestly doesn't affect anyone in any meaningful way.

>> No.7118337

Would a CD-R of this game work?
The legit copies must be within a decade of rotting by now. Polymers don't stay stable for long.

>> No.7118338

>I bet you'll reply still saying it's a repro
Yeah, mostly because it is.
>If you're doing this to make me defend Mike, then fuck you, it worked.

>> No.7118346

You should be asking this to the people who are mad about Mike owning a game.
>Yeah, mostly because it is.
Yeah, well, Mike literally explained how to spot a repro and showed that his copy is real, what's your next move?

>> No.7118352

>Yeah, well, Mike literally explained how to spot a repro and showed that his copy is real
In actuality he did neither of those things. You just think he did because you know about as much about this particular collector's market as he does.

Also, because it seems like it needs to be stated again

>> No.7118353

I guess I should be asking them. I don't get the hate or the worship. If you're interested in the game, and like the eceleb, then watch and enjoy. If not, move along lol.

>> No.7118357

If there is one fucker who would actually do an in-depth research just so that he doesn't end up with a fake, that is Mike. Only other coomlector that probably comes close is Pat Contri.

>> No.7118362

>In actuality he did neither of those things
haha ok man, keep dreaming in your coping reality.
they're jealous and full of envy.

>> No.7118369

>If there is one fucker who would actually do an in-depth research just so that he doesn't end up with a fake, that is Mike.
How would you know that?

>> No.7118373

Mike is a crazy fuck.
Having his LJN Video Art modded with RGB output.
Then again he also beat GnG arcade. legit insane.

>> No.7118374

I guess you'll find out if/when you ever decide to seriously start collecting PCE stuff. At any rate, I really think you should come to terms with the fact that you literally have no relationship with Mike Matei whatsoever, and he doesn't really need you defending his esoteric subpar shooter boots on the internet.

>> No.7118378

Used to follow him on twitter. Guy is obsessed with real hardware and genuine items (I respect that, actually), and would often call out people selling repros. He avoids repros like the plague, I think he only owns repros for very specific games, and he's very well aware of it. This game, Sapphire for PC Engine CD-ROM2, he owns the legit thing, he even did a whole video about it.

>> No.7118381

I'm not defending him, I'm calling you out on your bullshit.
>I guess you'll find out if/when you ever decide to seriously start collecting PCE stuff.
Now that you said this, here comes the challenge: Prove that you own a legit copy of this game. Post a time-stamped pic with proof that's real. Until then, don't reply again.

>> No.7118387

Anything to take attention away from the fact that you jumped into a conversation about a topic you, by your own admission, know nothing about just because you felt an e-celebrity that you have an entirely non-existent relationship with was being threatened by evil 4chan troll bullies.

>> No.7118391

>didn't post a time-stamped pic but replied anyway
Thanks for chickening out and proving you're a jealous little bitch of people with money owning stuff.

>> No.7118395

Hes definitely not a millionaire, as someone said before James probably is and thats net, not like he has anything near that is liquid funds. Mike has done well for himself but hes always gotten a small piece of what James has, and even less now that its Screenwave Cinemassacre. He does ok on Twitch I hear.

>> No.7118396

Thanks for proving that a talking head on Youtube is your surrogate for actual friendship.

>> No.7118401
File: 100 KB, 300x275, stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends entire thread trying to downplay how it's totally not a lot of money and there are so many other more rare games
>you're a jealous little bitch of people with money owning stuff

>> No.7118405

Mike definitely does not deserve anything he has and it's all thanks to James (and no, he didn't "co-write" AVGN episodes, Mike can't write for shit as evidenced by his elmo/gadget videos), but the cope some people have, going as far as to claim that all sapphire copies are all fake and that there's no way to get a legit copy of it is just sadder than Mike himself.

>> No.7118407

Yeah you don't own the game.
You got me confused with some other fucktard, I'm just spending the entire thread making fun of a jealous bitch

>> No.7118413

>mike-senpai please notice me!
Have you tried going to /r/cinemassacre or /r/thecinemassacretruth yet? He moderates one and obsessively lurks the other. You might be able to whiteknight hard enough to be allowed to join his fanclub over on one of those subs. Or KF, he lurks there pretty hard too.

>> No.7118419

>less likely
Japan had long since been infiltrated with bootlegs

>> No.7118420

Now you're not even talking about Sapphire anymore.
It's so obvious that you're here because Mike triggers you, and Mike owning a rare game triggers you even more
>b-but it's a repro!

>> No.7118423

Sure, but compared to the west? Not even an issue.

>> No.7118427
File: 49 KB, 410x380, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the copefag lol. I'm just worried that if you take anymore of Matei's dick that it's gonna trigger your gag reflex and Mikey's gonna lose that big ten incher forever. If you really want to whiteknight this dude, at least go where he can see you. All I'm trying to say. You might even end up in a new Loco Bandito comic. Wouldn't that just be the highlight of your life?

>> No.7118438

>I'm not the copefag
then why jump into the discussion? I think you are.
I'm not defending Mike, I'm making fun of a fag who feels threatened by Mike owning a fucking game.

>> No.7118446
File: 359 KB, 383x462, check_em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then why jump into the discussion?
Because I saw you giving one of the best gay blowjobs this side of the Mason-Dixon line.
>I'm making fun of a fag who feels threatened by Mike owning a fucking game.
And I'm making fun of a fag who's triggered by some random copefag's opinion about whether or not Big Ten Incher owns a real copy of a vidyagayme.

>> No.7118447
File: 1.90 MB, 288x202, 3485683582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to remind people ITT that you are arguing over some other guy's game.
Why not discuss the game itself?

>> No.7118449

Uh... ok. Copefag is still the one spouting bullshit about Sapphire's bootlegs though, I'm more talking about Sapphire, than I'm talking about Mike, really.
Because some people can't cope with the fact other people own shit

>> No.7118452
File: 165 KB, 1050x370, little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm more talking about Sapphire, than I'm talking about Mike, really.
And I'm more talking about how Mike's dick is in the back of your throat, than I'm talking about copefag, Sapphire, or Mike, really.

>> No.7118453

Whatever homoerotic imagery you want to have in your head, I guess.
This thread is about Sapphire and how a copefag is mad that some e-celeb owns a real copy of it.

>> No.7118457
File: 646 KB, 2048x2048, legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever homoerotic imagery you want to have in your head, I guess.
I'm sure you have that Twitter pic saved. You seem like the type.
>This thread is about Sapphire and how a copefag is mad that some e-celeb owns a real copy of it.
Yes, but I'm here to make fun of you for whiteknighting an internet fagmo that you don't even know. I gave you the advice you needed to go join his fanclub, but you'd rather stay here and get clowned. Fine by me. Turkey's nowhere near ready yet anyway.

>> No.7118460

>I'm sure you have that Twitter pic saved. You seem like the type.
Is this supposed to be a comeback? I'll remind you that you were the one basically typing out detailed homoerotic descriptions a few minutes ago.
The way you're replying, and the way the copefag stopped replying makes me think you're just the copefag, just changed strategies because you were cornered into posting a time-stamped pic of Sapphire, which you don't own.
>Turkey's nowhere near ready yet anyway.
Of course you're a burger. Enjoy the lard, my boy.

>> No.7118462

He's also packing a 10 incher.

>> No.7118469

was the dick pic actually real though? I bet it's a repro dick.

>> No.7118471
File: 34 KB, 550x713, 1579052720722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't envy Mike Matei at all. The guy looks like absolute hell and does nothing but stream video games all day. Plus he's a total autistic manchild so it's no wonder he'd be okay paying hundreds if not a thousand dollars for a copy of a game that's easily emulated.

>> No.7118474
File: 165 KB, 780x1014, weenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this supposed to be a comeback?
>I'll remind you that you were the one basically typing out detailed homoerotic descriptions a few minutes ago.
How do you know I'm not gay?
>The way you're replying, and the way the copefag stopped replying makes me think you're just the copefag, just changed strategies because you were cornered into posting a time-stamped pic of Sapphire, which you don't own.
I think you just really want me to be the copefag, because you feel like you "lost" a pointless internet fight with him. Why else would you keep bringing it up in every post?
>Of course you're a burger.
So are you.

>He's also packing a 10 incher.
That thing was thick and meaty.

>was the dick pic actually real though? I bet it's a repro dick.
Fuck, you might be right. Can we get someone to authenticate that weenie?

>> No.7118479

as if we don't know that

>> No.7118482

tl;dr, copefag.
also no I'm not a burger.

>> No.7118483

He's like any other millennial that has seen hobbies and culture deteriorate into shit.
Plus, playing too much Ghouls n Ghosts.

>> No.7118485

I didn't. Now I feel like a few brain cells of mine were tainted by Mike Matei lore knowledge.

>> No.7118491
File: 52 KB, 850x549, dean_wormer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who makes fun of me is the copefag
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
>also no I'm not a burger.
Nah, you're a burger.

>> No.7118560

>copefag, and also a burger projector
Not surprised at all.
You still don't own the game, and this e-celeb does. Cope!

>> No.7118579
File: 404 KB, 750x750, urethra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if i just wait for a while he'll go away and i can get the last word in
Still had the tab open. Did you have to go talk to family that showed up for the holiday that you totally don't celebrate because you're not a burger? Did mom need help in the kitchen?

>> No.7118607

>projecting his weird internet fight logics onto others
I'm not here to fight or win any argument, I'm here to point out you're jealous of Mike Matei owning a real copy of Sapphire.

>> No.7118612
File: 352 KB, 640x864, nes_ladies_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's terrific. I'm here to point out that you gargle his cock, as I've mentioned previously. How's your Thanksgiving going so far, champ?

>> No.7118618

Yeah you already posted your gay fancition. You being jealous of mike owning the game is real though.

>> No.7118645
File: 61 KB, 959x569, mike matei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There, summarized this faggot for you.

>> No.7118652
File: 951 KB, 1200x800, mike_playing_spectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man trigger people so much by just owning a game?

>> No.7118653
File: 222 KB, 640x553, worldheroes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not done posting my gay fanfic inspired by your undying love for a guy with a ten inch dick that doesn't even know you exist. I'm also sorry about your copefag. I can see that faggot hurt you bad, and it's never going to be the same for you until you can have some sort of weird misguided revenge. Anyway, to cheer you up here's an authentic copy of World Heroes 2 Pro that you and Mike can share.

Seriously though, how'd the turkey turn out? Mine just temped at around 200 so I'm a little worried about it being a touch dry.

>> No.7118656

>doesn't have luigi on the cover

>> No.7118661
File: 9 KB, 768x672, gitgud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luigi's only on the cover in the PAL version, newfag.

>> No.7118667

>i'm not the copefag
>but hey here's more of me coping about mike owning sapphire

>> No.7118670
File: 65 KB, 386x500, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single mention of mike owning sapphire
>but hey here's more of me coping about mike owning sapphire

>> No.7118680

Why do you lie?: >>7118653
>Anyway, to cheer you up here's an authentic copy of World Heroes 2 Pro that you and Mike can share.
You're still posting your theory about Mike's Sapphire copy being a repro. You're bad at pretending to be someone else, copefag. Cope!

>> No.7118682
File: 119 KB, 320x222, sonic1cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get what's so bad about mike matei owning a copy of a literal who game. Who cares? Imagine getting angry about literally nothing.

>> No.7118686
File: 179 KB, 640x905, zelda_ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you off your meds or something? I said literally nothing about Mike or his taste in PC Engine shmups. I don't have any theories about Mike's copy being a repro. Like, at all. That's something that exists in your head because you're convinced I'm some other shitposting troll that had you on the hook earlier in the thread. I really am just here to make fun of you for being a pathetic e-celeb simp.

>> No.7118703

>framed into being the same copefag by obviously still posting about repros and mike
>"n-no it's not me! it was another anon! you're the one who's out of meds!"
I'll ask you now, though: How's your thanksgiving day going, mutt? :)

>> No.7118706
File: 242 KB, 283x750, knuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to be the copefag because you're posting about mike and repros
>it's not because you're making fun of me for getting mad and going on a multi-hour long shitposting spree because some fag suggested my hero owned a fake game
How could anyone possibly argue this flawless logic?
>I'll ask you now, though: How's your thanksgiving day going, mutt? :)
I'm sure it's every bit as good as yours, fellow mutt. :)

>> No.7118709
File: 914 KB, 1087x570, sapphire_mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's madder, who guy who is mad at Mike owning the game, or the guy who's making fun of the guy jealous of Mike?
>fellow mutt
You wish lmao, enjoy the lard.
Also pic related, keep coping!

>> No.7118719
File: 61 KB, 960x716, rdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who guy who is mad
>who guy who
You. You're madder. By a rather large margin. So much so that you've lost the ability to type or even form a coherent thought. Which one of these two options am I supposed to be?

>> No.7118721
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x1314, 1589910330835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fools STILL going on about this?
Not a single fuck talking about Densetsu Sapphire as a game.
Is it even that rare? How many prints were made of it? 10,000? 50,000?

>> No.7118729
File: 34 KB, 297x331, foreskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you fools STILL going on about this?
Absolutely. I have a lolcow on the hook and he's not going anywhere, especially since he thinks I'm some other shitposter who hurt his feefees earlier.
>Not a single fuck talking about Densetsu Sapphire as a game.
What discussion is there to have about this game? It's a subpar shmup. It's alleged rarity is all it has going for it.
>Is it even that rare?
Apparently, but this isn't easily verified. The only mention I can find is old articles mentioning "relatively low" print numbers and, of course, mentions of the rampant counterfeiting. There's probably Japanese info/publications out there that have actual numbers. It came out pretty late in the PCE lifespan, so a guess of under 10k is probably pretty safe.

>> No.7118745

This thread really exploded and I have no idea who Mike is because I'm not an eceleb faggot zoomer like the board claims to hate
>OMG guys Mike owns a game, I wonder what his penis tastes like
This is you, you should feel bad

>> No.7118746

Be nice to crusty justy

>> No.7118753

Under 10K for the PCE is kinda rarish. You'd be lucky is 1/3rd of those still exist in working condition, as they're CDs and those aren't known for durability.
As I said above, disc rot is a huge threat, and paying that kinda money for something that's going to break within the next 20 years or so is foolish IMO.
Does the PCECD accept burnt discs like the Sega CD?

>> No.7118829

Wow, I made a typo. It's almost as if english isn't my first language too... because I'm not a lardy mutt :)
>I swear I'm not the copefag! I'm just here posting for hours just because!
Yeah, you're mad, and Mike's copy is real. Cope.

>> No.7118896
File: 239 KB, 500x448, baited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under 10K for the PCE is kinda rarish.
True, but it's liable to be true in this case. Later PCE releases tended to be under 10k due to no real sales anticipation.
>You'd be lucky is 1/3rd of those still exist in working condition
Which would go a long way to explain it's rarity.

>It's almost as if english isn't my first language too
But it is your first language though. Which is what makes your angry typing even more hilarious.
>and Mike's copy is real.
I don't recall ever suggesting it wasn't. Again, I'm not the poster you desperately want me to be, mutty.

>> No.7118907

Nice, now you finally are backpedaling about mike having a repro. You were literally talking about it when you posted the world heroes 2 bootleg though. Nice try though, copefag, you've been mad the whole muttgiving day

>> No.7118910


>> No.7118921
File: 39 KB, 465x303, actual_legit_rockman_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice, now you finally are backpedaling about mike having a repro.
Can't backpedal from something you never said, or even implied, muttley.
>You were literally talking about it when you posted the world heroes 2 bootleg though.
No, I was literally making fun of you for caring enough about some random nerd claiming your gay hero had a bootleg. Much like I did in every subsequent post, and much like I'm doing in this one right now. Or did you genuinely not realize all of my other cart pics were of bootlegs, too? lol

You really are the gift that keeps on giving, kiddo.


>> No.7118925

I wonder how, going into the future, people are gonna buy disc games with possible rotting going on.
Imagine going to a con or something and buying a multi-disc PS1 JRPG for $100+ and disc-2 has slight rot, stopping you from going through the game.
People are gonna be PISSED when this starts happening.

>> No.7118956

Well, if you're not him, then weird how he literally stopped replying right when you joined.
I don't care about Mike Matei, but it's undeniable that he did his research and actually acquired a legit copy of Sapphire, and for whatever reason, that triggers a copefag.
Mike is also knowledgeable on video games as a whole, and old stuff in general. Mike is an eminency whether you like it or not.

>> No.7118961

who is Mike and why should I care

>> No.7118967
File: 81 KB, 960x657, super_mario_bros_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder how, going into the future, people are gonna buy disc games with possible rotting going on.
They're not. It's that simple. Of course, we're *already* living in a time when bootlegs are being masqueraded as "officially licensed reproductions" and sold as such, so maybe this will be the way going forward when rot finally claims the majority of the copies remaining.

I find it funny that, right now, the "licensed reproduction" of Battletoads is going for $100 while an actual authentic copy goes for, what, around $30 loose at the most? I'd be amazed if a legit copy CIB was even $100. And to make matters worse, that $100 pricetag is from the manufacturer, not a reseller. So I can't wait to see what "totally legit officially licensed reproductions" start selling for when the originals they're copying are no longer available.

This is the future I'm seeing, and it's comedy gold.

>Well, if you're not him
Glad you're finally starting to catch on.
>I don't care about Mike Matei
Oh, obviously not. :)
>Mike is an eminency whether you like it or not.
I don't recall offering my opinion on Mike one way or another, but I certainly wouldn't call him an "enimency" on anything. He's a guy who got lucky and went to college with someone who ended up becoming Youtube famous. Now he streams himself playing video games. He's a cool enough dude, but "eminency" might be a strong word. The fag doesn't even own a copy of SMB 11.

>> No.7118984

He's an admitted asshole and probably the only retro game streamer who isn't a faggot.
He's basically the inspiration for AVGN. James doesn't get anywhere near as mad at games as Mike does irl.
>plays genesis ghouls n ghosts
>gets flame weapon
>comical raeg ensues

>> No.7119013

>Glad you're finally starting to catch on.
Still suspicious, though.
>Oh, obviously not. :)
I really don't.
>I don't recall offering my opinion on Mike one way or another
That's because you have a very bad memory.
>He's a guy who got lucky and went to college with someone who ended up becoming Youtube famous. Now he streams himself playing video games
>He's a cool enough dude
LMAO no, he's embarrassing.

>> No.7119018

How much do the arcade cards needed to play legit Sapphire cost? Are they more than the game itself? And WTF are they, memory expansions?

>> No.7119025
File: 75 KB, 750x920, simp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's because you have a very bad memory.
Really? What's my opinion on Mike then? Other than a healthy lust for his giant ten inch manmeat?
>LMAO no, he's embarrassing.
Which is why you're still here simping for him and explaining to anyone who will listen how knowledgeable he is and how many of his videos you've watched, right? Because you totally don't care about him and he's embarrassing, right?

>> No.7119058

Disgusting homo lmao.
Mike is knowledgeable, but he's still embarrassing. Also, he owns Sapphire for PC Engine and you don't. EoD (End of Discussion)

>> No.7119074
File: 3 KB, 123x125, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck, i can't answer his question
>better go back to parroting the same shit i've been saying for hours again
>also, i better call him a homo, even though he admitted to being a homo 500 posts ago
You weren't supposed to ask the wizard for courage.

>> No.7119092

Stop trying to say Mike has a legit copy of this game, it's obviously a repro, this thread is bad.

>> No.7119095

Yes, Sapphire. The game Mike owns and you don't. Cope. The replying for hours thing goes to you as well, and you're the one who keeps posting homo descriptions.

>> No.7119105
File: 66 KB, 960x720, stank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really back to the copefag thing? I thought you'd finally figured it out.
>The replying for hours thing goes to you as well
There's no way I'm not milking you for every drop you've got, lolcow. At this point I'm hoping you get obsessed enough to pick a tripcode and become the newest KiwiFarms entry. You seem really close.
>and you're the one who keeps posting homo descriptions.
Well, you'll have that with homos.

>> No.7119194

>Are we really back to the copefag thing?
Yeah, tough luck, I can still see through your bullshit. I only said that IF you aren't the same guy but you clearly are. The whole point was that even if you were the same guy, it's too much of a coincidence that you care this much about Mike owning the game.
Mike owns Sapphire, you don't. Cope. Shaba daba doo.

>> No.7119232
File: 5 KB, 256x224, coolstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I still don't care about Mike owning this game. Or Mike in particular. (Exceptions to that thick ten inch slab.) I care about you gargling his balls. Which is to say I'm endlessly amused by it. The only person's bullshit you can't seem to see through is your own. That's some delicious irony.

>> No.7119250


>> No.7119327

Imagine being so egocentric that you need to make a whole video titled "I own the rarest PC Engine game" lmao

>> No.7119352

Better to have an ego than not. Might keep you alive one day.