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File: 59 KB, 603x517, CoPDbDEXEAAYPTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102398 No.7102398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom become... this, while other retro series fans aren't nearly as deranged?

>> No.7102407

This is cherry-picking...but you already knew that, nintendork...It truly is amazing how many people on this board like you have yet to realize that everything Nintendo does, Sega does better.
*chuckles softly*
Why are Nintentoddlers allowed on this board? They're a fucking embarrassment and make real mature gamers like me look bad for even occupying the same board as me.

>b-but Nintendo excelled at making platformers!

Bullshit, Nintendo didn't excel at one god damn thing...I take that back, actually...They excel at one thing...Nintendo excels at being for bing bing wahoo babies and manchildren who run away when they see blood because they are immature babyfags...they can't handle a deep, dark, serious game like I can...Sega and Sony had games that reflected the inner darkness of my soul from having two Christmases since my parents were divorced...Nintendo did kiddy shit because nintentoddlers are fucking babies who never had to rough it in high school like real people, like me, who had to deal with bullies and preppy douchebags since they didn't understand my real power...

>> No.7102419
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is cherry-picking...but you already knew that, nintendork...It truly is amazing how many people on this board like you have yet to realize that everything Nintendo does, Sega does better.
>*chuckles softly*
>Why are Nintentoddlers allowed on this board? They're a fucking embarrassment and make real mature gamers like me look bad for even occupying the same board as me.

>> No.7102420

It's ok anon, no one is attacking you. I'm sure OP didn't realise that the autistic guy in the pic was you.

>> No.7102431

Sonicfags have shit taste
They think CD is better than 1 and SA1 better than SA2.
They suck off S3&K because muh lore.

>> No.7102460

overlap with the furries and cross-pollination.

>> No.7102462


clearly bait, lmao. 7/10 anon

>> No.7102463
File: 216 KB, 982x472, moviebob-bob-chipman-book-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overlap with the furries and cross-pollination
This is most likely it. Fandoms like Mario lack the furry aspect and are generally less depraved as a result (there are always outliers such as Moviebob)

>> No.7102472

Christine Chandler is just one person. Pokemon, Smash, Mega Man etc fandoms are all freak shows with tranny speedrunners and porn artists.

>> No.7102476

Have you seen what some Nintendo fans are like?
Houses full of Nintendo stuff. Games, toys, consoles, plushies even fucking cereal and soup cans.
And these people aren't even passionate about the games! Where CWC is busy macing people in defence of Sonic's arm color, your average hardcore Nintendo collector hasn't finished even a single Zelda game.
Besides, every fandom has nutjobs. There's at least a couple cults and a fuckton of suicides inspired by Final Fantasy.

>> No.7102489

The Smash fandom rivals Sonic for the most cringe I will give you that, but CWC is hardly the only deranged weirdo in the Sonic fandom, normal people are in the minority in the Sonic fan community

>> No.7102494

In the 2000s the perfect storm of Sonic Adventure 2 + the Sonic TV show captured an audience of nerdy tweens who started doing fanart/fanfiction of Sonic characters. As we know, tween/teen fanbases are always the more embarrassing and prone to cringe.

When you get exposed to the Sonic fandom at a tender age, you're almost guaranteed to be exposed to furry porn, because Sonic characters are furries, and teens are horny. And the furry community is one of the most deranged, insular, life-devouring subcultures on the internet.

>> No.7102496

>When you get exposed to the Sonic fandom at a tender age, you're almost guaranteed to be exposed to furry porn
This is a good point and one that I never considered. Its a bit troubling though.

>> No.7102504
File: 85 KB, 506x419, dcr8t0o-3be1e80a-74ce-4e80-a15d-2e42e68502c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing special for Sonic though.
Just look at the amount of hardcore porn drawn of Disney characters and Pokemon. They both far outweigh the Sonic fandom in terms of both content and how fucked up they are.

>> No.7102508

True, Sonic is hardly the predominant sub-fandom in the furry fandom, but it's a gateway

>> No.7102512

I'll take 7/10.

>> No.7102513
File: 27 KB, 332x421, w33d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic is the marijuana of the furry fandom

>> No.7102516

the average whiney twitter nintendrone is quite literally in the exact boat chris was then. they're just less vocal and transparent about it, on top of not even being creative enough to come up with something like sonichu

>> No.7102521

because 35 year old nintendrone e-celebs still butthurt about the nintendont commercials told their nine year old armies to feel that way about the sonic fandom

>> No.7102526

Do you talk like this unironically IRL?

>> No.7102528
File: 40 KB, 482x413, 8a15b404aa9b94b7464aa6a37318808b0d8157ca34a805a532de1abb2815b6d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that ain't pasta than well done anon.

>> No.7102530
File: 153 KB, 685x849, 1591115935324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to do with the fur.
The Pokemon series also have a lot of degenerate fandom because of it,

>> No.7102534

Do u?

>> No.7102539

>muh incorrect kind of degeneracy
neck yourself anitwitter nintendrones. your fanclub is brimming with lolitards (as well as furfags still lol)

>> No.7102542

I love this

>> No.7102545
File: 39 KB, 300x269, iu-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lost the console wars, and I mean total GAME OVER, empire ANNIHILATED, and this is their cope.

>> No.7102564


>> No.7102572

twitter posts about marrying peach or some pokemon get tens of thousands of twitter upboats. neck yourself double-standard fanbois

>> No.7102586

After seeing what a decade of deriding sonic fans has done for pokemon, mario, smash bros, zelda communities I'm afraid to say nothing is as deranged as nintendo fans.

>> No.7102609

This just look at the Saturn shitposter. Pure widow cope.

>> No.7102617

wait no marrying peach is still too normal for nintendrones. i saw a post about wanting to fuck the bee from mario galaxy that literally had like 100k likes

>> No.7102627

>This is cherry-picking
Sure, there are wacky Mario fans, but the lunacy of the Sonic fandom is pretty well established.
>I'm not gay, but there's something about Sonic's cum...

>> No.7102643

do i need to post some gay as fuck bowser bara porn filled with all kinds of cum before your double-standard ass gets the point

>> No.7103062

Bob is a deranged psycho, but the accompanying text is not that bad, it could even be kinda cute in a different circumstance.

>> No.7103069
File: 44 KB, 847x460, Goofy-disneyscreencaps_com-1634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, pretty much every kid from those time periods were exposed to lots of cartoons like that, yet not everyone became a furry.

>> No.7103078

For every bowser porn you can find, people can probably find thousands upon thousands of sonic porn. It's not a battle you want to get into.
Why are we even having this sort of "who's fandom is worst" shitposting anyway? I noticed there's at least 1 guy who always posts "so this is the power of the mario fandom", in an attempt to make the mario fandom (as broad as it is) somehow seem worse than sonic's...
Here's the thing, you can still be a Sonic fan and not be part of his infamous fandom.
I love the Mega Drive games and that shitty fandom didn't exist back then, therefore I was already a fan before these lunatics and the modern sonic took over.

>> No.7103080

or finding an anthro girl hot isn't a big deal and this big fuss over furries is just millennial identity politics

anthro babes were constantly sold to normies in the 90s and before and literally nobody cared. roxanne is a great example. i have dudebro friends on facebook who've thirsted over her. it only started mattering when coomer nerds started infighting

>> No.7103086

for every sonic porn you can find, people can probably find thousands upon thousands of anitwitter art of pokemon lolis getting fucked by pokemon
>b-but that's muh correct kind of degeneracy
d o u b l e s t a n d a r d

>> No.7103092

Alright, I'll give you Pokemon porn is probably more popular than Sonic at this point, but then you're moving goalposts. It was supposed to be about Mario.
My other points still stand. I don't get why there's this frenzy to make mario fanbase look "as bad as sonic's", in an attempt to what? Both series are great and the shitty side of their fanbases didn't even exist in the 80s/90s anyway.

>> No.7103094

I will jerk off to anything, that does NOT make me a furry.

>> No.7103107

>just millennial identity politics
Nailed it.
These fags believe that putting a label on themselves and having obsessive fixations is the only way to have a personality.

>> No.7103109

Yiff in hell faggot

>> No.7103110

..you're the one insisting the sonic fanbase is worse in the first place? not sure why you expect everyone else to have better faith arguments than you

>> No.7103118
File: 24 KB, 300x605, 2wreq3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if going to hell means getting to fuck tawna i'd be honored

>> No.7103149
File: 58 KB, 512x384, rott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to deal with Furries is MERCILESS EXTERMINATION.

>> No.7103160

[coomer nerd infighting]

>> No.7103179
File: 199 KB, 574x1176, e8c183d1af44a673c2785f1b959ed6f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple generations of furry autism
>Gen 1
Happened near the birth of the World Wide Web. Based on the American cartoons and comics that had OC furry girls for porn and "dark" storylines that attracted fanfic authors.
>Gen 2
This time the autism came from Japan. SEGA began making their own sexy female characters, most notably a grown up Amy Rose with pantsu and Rouge the Bat who was obviously made as a gift to furry porn artists. Shadow the Hedgehog was a dark n edgy numetal Sanic for the 00's generation. Kids were making fanfics and fanart of Sonic X. The golden age of Coldsteel the Hedgeheg OCs.
>current gen
Mostly just coomers and nostalgiafags

>> No.7103184

rouge is normie tier and sally probably would be too if she was ever actually in any of the games

>> No.7103829

the Bubsy fandom is pretty deranged, but it's just one guy and he's pretty cool despite the autism

>> No.7103836

you will never be a womyn

>> No.7103847

I guess "worse" is subjective. Sonic fanbase is certainly more infamous, objectively, though. I mean the whole sonic fandom is a meme, which sucks because classic Sonic fans are very different, but we were outnumbered long ago.

>> No.7103982

Anthropomorphic furry animals plus early-00's anime. It's not hard

>> No.7103990

Uh whats wrong with this?

>> No.7103991

Before SA2 releasing on GameCube: Archie Sonic autism
After: Colliding with the existing Nintendo autism

>> No.7103998
File: 62 KB, 640x480, evil_callie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's commonly thought that the many disney movies featuring animal characters as well as the large number of cartoons featuring animal characters during the 70's to 90's, as well as cartoons in general being less restricted in terms of content. Rescue Rangers and Swatcats was millions of kids' sexual awakenings, they were trained to be furfags since childhood.

>> No.7104004

Posts like this are why I come here

>> No.7104015

Where is the shit taste? I don't see it.

>> No.7104031

How will Nintentoddlers ever recover????

>> No.7104042

this is inaccurate

>has literal kill count

>> No.7104045


The Pokemon and Mario fanbase is plenty depraved. I actually don't know the reason. I think a lot of it is Sonic is a meme.

Plus, just plain old history. Mario games are beloved by critics at large. Sonic less so.

As well as in the early days Furries were treated particularly with disdain.

>> No.7104112

It's an okay pasta, it needs some work, a little dull, it should leave a little more to the imagination too.

>> No.7104214
File: 115 KB, 424x235, LolaBunnySpaceJam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not lola

>> No.7104367

I like that this pasta changes slightly every time I see it. /vr/‘s version of Dullest Franchise/“No!” posting.

>> No.7104405

There was a time when a variant of the "No!" pasta circulated around here, modified to reference Ocarina of Time.

>> No.7104414

It amuses me to think that the majority of the early generation of furfag culture folks who were into the "scene" in the late 80s/early 90s are now in their 50s-70s. Makes me wonder how many are still actively involved. I think that artist, biohazard or something, who draws porn with those white mice, an instance of which was amusingly sold on that public access art auction in the 90s, is still around.

>> No.7104416


imagine the smell

>> No.7104465

The furry aspect appeals to children and degenerates, and the knockoff DBZ storyline lends it a false veneer of 'maturity'. This combination makes the Sonic universe attractive to people with severe cases of arrested development who want to want simultaneously remain in childhood while bullshitting themselves into believing they've grown up.

Mario's lack of cohesive lore and reliance on 'stories' that can be expressed in less than 10 words makes it harder to lie to oneself that you're a grown man obsessing over something made for 8 year olds.

Look at the world's most most visibly obsessive Sonic fan, CWC. He's some clusterfuck of developmental issues and probably has a literal mental age of 8. Sonic's veneer of maturity lets him tell himself he's not an overgrown baby.

Now look at the world's most visibly obsessive Mario fan, Moviebob. Total manchild, but atleast he functions and seems to have a grip on reality, no matter how laughable he might otherwise seem. He doesn't need his his 8 year old's fantasy world to have that vaneer maturity because despite obviously being an overgrown kid, he still functions juuuuust well enough to view himself as an adult without needing that crutch.

>> No.7104520

Sonic Autism is a casualty of the Console Wars.
>be a Sega Kid in the USA in the early 90s
>nerdy type who wants to play fantasy games and action games (Sonic)
>mostly Nintendo Kids on the playground, because Nintendo was winning the war
>Nintendo Kids hang together and get to express their love of Nintendo by talking to eachother; prevalence of Nintendo means they talk to a variety of kids who just so happen to have a Nintendo
>Nintendo games serve as a bridge to unite kids who might otherwise not speak to eachother; socializing with different types of kids helps each child to grow and naturally train their social skills
>Nintendo kids develop relatively normally as a result
>other Sega Kids are mostly protojocks who only care about playing football and basketball games when they aren't playing said sports irl, which is what they're doing during recess instead of talking about vidya
>nerdy Sega Kid can't mingle with them or the Nintendo kids due to lack of an icebreaker
>turns fascination inward since he can't share his enjoyment of Sonic games with real life friends in a healthy way that helps him learn to bond with other humans
>starts drawing Sonic art, imagining Sonic stories, wishes he could be in Sonic's world where he would have friends and not be an outcast
>now a teenager
>discovers internet communities
>finds other awkward grownup Sega Kids who had childhoods just like his
>they all share their bizarre Sonic fantasies, art, and stories to resounding approval
>"Hey, I'm not really alone!"
>the rush of this realization causes them to go even deeper, any feelings of shame or doubt about their obsession melt away; what was once maybe a symbol of being an outcast is now a tool of earning acceptance
>before too long they're dressing up like Sonic, RPing Sonic sex with strangers, spending thousands of dollars on obscure Sonic merch, and grooming younger members of the community into sharing dickpics

>> No.7104576

>google sonic cwc
result: certain fat tranny pics

>> No.7104581

>after further googling
is that the infamous chris-chan?

>> No.7104623

Yes, he goes by Christine Chandler now, he's a tranny.

>> No.7104628

hi! sonicologist here.
>They think CD is better than 1
it is
>SA1 better than SA2
it isn't, but theyre both shit
>They suck off S3&K because muh lore.
yes, sonicfags love sonic 3, but it's not because of the lore. it's because the levels are fucking huge compared to 1 and 2's.

>> No.7104689
File: 138 KB, 1289x1080, cyberbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit bait, but pic related being part of the fanbase more than makes up for Chris-chan.

>> No.7104975

I actually kneeled while reading this

>> No.7104993

That's a cumtown shirt.

>> No.7105052

Sega has no RPGs.

>> No.7105067

phantasy star

>> No.7105156

Shining Force

>> No.7105173

I remember seeing this shirt at the beach and being PISSED OFF!!!

>> No.7105212

You've got the cause and effect backwards. Sonic didn't turn these people into this, people like this were drawn to Sonic for a number of reasons.