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7095441 No.7095441 [Reply] [Original]

Since there isn't a /CRT/ thread, I'm going to post this like a new thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have the following problem:

1.-I have an old CRT TV that I bought recently for 0'50€ (almost $0'60) with only a SCART output.
2. - I also have an old PC with WinXP 32 bits with an NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 with 64 MB as the VGA output.
How Can I connect them?

How Can I connect them?
The first thing I did was to look for a SCART-VGA cable on amazon, eBay, aliexpress but all the results were in vane. Most of the comments didn't recommend its purchase due to be a scam or to be a very bad quality cable.Also, the motherboard doesn't have a PCI-E slot, only an AGP and 3 PCI's. But one of them is used with a Wi-Fi adaptor. So there are only 2 usable slots.

Moreover, the graphic card must be able to output a 15kHz signal, but I don't know if it would or not. I read what this guy from RETRORGB did:


but the links to verify if the GeForce2 could or not to be accepted for the Soft15khz are down or at least, I cannot see them. Could it be due to the website appearance? It seems to not have had a maintenance for a long time.

Anyway, looking on the Internet, I found the guy that made the Soft-15khz soft and at that point I think I've reached my purpose:



It seems that in there, there is all the software I need (Soft-15Khz, Quickres and the possible compatibility of my graphic card being mentioned as "GeForce based adapter").

>> No.7095443


I don't know if all this could solve the first problem, but the second problem still persists. I don't have a single idea of how to manipulate cables, cut or soldering them. So either you can pass me a "detailed step-by-step" guide, or to buy a SCART-VGA cable. That guy recommended an online store, but I'm not from Germany, so It's not use. These are my options right now:




now, my plan is to know if I can solve the first problem, this is, following the RETRORGB guide, and considering the links of the other webs in order to install the necessary software.

Will this work? Did I miss something important?And what are your opinions about the purchase of the adaptor?
Do you recommend anything else?

P.S.: Pic related is my motherboard.

>> No.7095448
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Shit, I forgot it. The motherboard

>> No.7095596

Bumping for interest.

Am burger so I’m clueless when it comes to SCART, but with a machine that old you should be able to find an AGP video card that outputs composite/svideo no problem, and I’d imagine those adapters would be easier to find. If you’re dead set on RGB over SCART then hopefully someone more knowledgeable chimes in.

>> No.7095670

The Geforce 2 is compatible with soft15khz, but there are a few issues. The software only kicks in after the computer has booted, so the post and boot screen are going to be broadcasting in 31hz (this isn't healthy for the tv.) Also the sync signal being sent is likely going to be transmitted as horizontal and vertical separate sync at TTL level voltage (5v). this needs to be combined into a single sync signal (csync) and dropped to 1v 75ohm terminated for a consumer grade tv. Do not buy a vga to scart cable and expect it to work. It won't. They're just cables with different plugs on each end. Such a cable would only work in one direction (if made properly) because there is electrical components required to combine or separate the sync signal depending on the direction of connection, and as far as I'm aware of nobody makes them anymore. Best bet- buy an extron RGB interface 580xi , run your soft vga input into that with sync combiner switch on. From the extron, BNC to scart cable with a 480ohm inline resistor on the sync line. (you can buy these pre made from retro gaming cables.) Still much cheaper and easier to get a cheap VGA crt monitor.

>> No.7095673

Does your GeForce do S-Video or composite video output? Use those instead
Though beware that not all SCART TVs support S-Video but 99.999999% of them do support composite video

>> No.7095713

The cheapest way, if you know how to solder ect. would be to get one of those cheap vga to scart cables/ open up the scart end and disconnect the wires that go to the horizontal and vertical sync input pins of the vga plug (pins 13,14). You would then make up a small sync combiner circuit (there are simple diagrams available on retro rgb), and then have the 480ohm resistor after that and connect that to pin 20 of the scart plug. There's plenty of room in a scart hood to fit the components required. Those cables aren't generally made with quality screened cable, so there is a possibility of slight picture interference.

>> No.7095737
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>Does your GeForce do S-Video or composite video output?

Holy shit, I totally forget those! Would you recommend to buy a SCART S-Video cable? There is a lot on amazon... cheap and with good reviews!

Another possibility would be to buy the SCART/S-Video adaptor and the S-Video with the Audio cable separately.

>> No.7095739

Also, I forgot to mention if your tv doesn't have a way to manually select RGB input through the on screen display, a 1v-3v power source has to be connected to the blanking pin (pin 16) of the scart plug. Pin 9 from the vga will supply 5v, so a 180ohm in-line resistor will be required. If this isn't connected, the tv will most likely be stuck in composite or s-video mode.

>> No.7095763

If your tv scart input does rgb, it probably won't do s-video unless it has 2 scart sockets.S- video wasn't integrated into the scart standard until later on, and as such most need there own socket that covers composite and s-vid whilst the other does RGB and composite.

>> No.7095837

you need a sync-combiner

>> No.7095860

You want something like this




They're easy to make if you can solder, but if you have no experience at all then all the VGA connects will be far too annoying. It's a shitty first soldering project.

Your plan to use Soft15khz and Quickres will work fine. That's what I do on similar Hardware to yours. It's worth doing and looks vastly superior to S-Video off the same Card. It'll give you the best quality picture you can get on your display.

>> No.7097564

a really cheap VGA-to-SCART cable doesn't have a wire going to pin 14/V-sync tho. They tend to only bother with pin 13/H-sync because they're intended for devices that only output C-sync.

>> No.7097918

That site looks dodgy as hell. I mean, it's 2020, we've had crt_emudriver for how many years? No one in good conscience could sell Arcade_VGA cards to the public, and especially not without all the fucking caveats they need (older systems only, inferior to other options, might not work at all with Win7, probably won't work at all with Win10, etc...)

I grant you that in OP's case this is not a bad idea, he's on XP with an ancient GPU. But even then there's half a chance soft15kHz won't work.

>> No.7098047

>with only a SCART output.
Are all youropoors this retarded?

>> No.7098070

Is VGA the only connector? If you had DVI, you would have some good options because DVI is directly compatible with HDMI.

Of course with the age of the card, why not hit ebay for cards that already had SCART or DVI outputs? Might end up cheaper than an adapter.