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File: 177 KB, 800x1125, 208729-halo-combat-evolved-xbox-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7089990 No.7089990 [Reply] [Original]

>Single handedly ruins FPS genre forever
Nothin personel, boomer

>> No.7090005

Sorry faggot, Jet Set Willy ruined FPS forever. Take your weak ass thread to /an/ where it belongs

>> No.7090320

Sorry faggot, Redneck Rampage ruined FPS forever. Take your schizo ass reply to /x/ where it belongs

>> No.7090431

You do know that there were still FPS games made in the style of Quake and so on during this era and even nowadays right?

>> No.7090775

most of the people who complain about this type of shit don't play anything that doesn't have the brand recognition they're used to like quake or unreal.

>> No.7091118
File: 762 KB, 1000x1000, SQ_NSwitchDS_DOOM1993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't enough to erase my legacy, only strengthen it

>> No.7091528

Halo is a part of the most boomer genre imaginable though - it's an arena shooter. It's far more similar to Quake than it is to what passes for a modern shooter like PUBG, Overwatch, or Destiny. Go ahead and refute this. You can't.

>> No.7091714

Aww get no scoped one to may times?

>> No.7091989

i enjoyed it

>> No.7091998

I never played Halo, my FPS knowledge is Doom, XIII, Quake, Alien vs Predator, and Borderlands. Sell me on it.

>> No.7092010

original game was a pretty good little sci-fi flick

>> No.7092034


Absolutely love Halo CE, love the franchise, yes even that one.

Controls are intuitive
Level design is great
Aesthetics are beautiful
Music is epic
AI is challenging
Plot is kino

Its a perfect storm of great ideas executed extremely well, I became invested in it immediately.

Overall its extremely engaging and most importantly its lots of fun with great split screen campaign co-op and head to head for up to 4 players.

Its a great opener to an amazing epic franchise and I would encourage everybody to play it.

>> No.7092169

>yes even that one.
what does this mean? ODST? halo 5? (halo wars?) i havent been keeping track of which halo game sucks

>> No.7092230

Mainly talking about the Bungie games here, 343 doesn't do it for me:
Has a well-rounded roster of enemies, everything has a role to fill and nothing feels redundant (except may the types of Flood, but that's debatable).
Same goes for weapons, every gun is useful for something, and the difference between human and alien weaponry feels distinctive.
While the two-weapon limit is seen as tired these days, it added a layer of decision-making to Halo that helped it stand out significantly from the sea of console FPS of the time.
Levels are big for the time, and don't suffer the "lock you in a room and send waves of enemies at you" problem many post-Serious Sam shooters do. Until ODST, that is.
The overall design visually and auditorily feels suitably big-budget sci-fi, especially the gorgeous soundtrack, but the developers never get too lost in the sound of their own voices. Ultimately, they think this blockbuster stuff is just as silly as you do. I highly recommend watching the Combat Evolved and Halo 2 developer commentaries on YouTube.
I'm always a bit surprised to see Halo brought up in conversation as being just as awful as the Call of Dutys and the Gears of Wars of the 2000s, given that philosophically it feels much closer to the "arcade shooters" than it does the pseudo-realism of CoD or the popamole cover systems of GoW. I wasn't playing games at the time, so I assume it was just due to popularity backlash?

>> No.7092238

Yes lol

If I had to rank them I would place ODST in top 5, possibly top 3, its a great addendum to Halo2. I love the way it plays out, love the story, love the darker somewhat bleaker ambience, love the fact that its not just about Master Chiefs, a master stroke started in Halo2 with the Arbiter but this time you're an ODST to the exclusion of john-117

I prefer my halo as fps in general so halo wars would rank lower, but given my fondness is still a fun spin on the genre though.

>> No.7092246

Halo should've remained being a Marathon sequel like intended

>> No.7092593

You forgot to mention though that it has the worst gunplay of any fps ever made.

>> No.7092629

Lies sir, tis utter falsehood

>> No.7092690

i've been going through the games again via the MCC and my thoughts so far are basically...

reach = ODST > 3 > 1 > 2

...i haven't gone through the 343 games again since at the time of writing this i'm about halfway through 3 right now but based on what i remember of 4 & 5 would have me place 4 between 3 and 1 while 5 is easily the worst game in the series even if it did have some good things about it.

people like to say halo is the star wars of video games but if that's the case then the bungie games are the OT while the 343 games are the prequels and disney movies.

>> No.7092789

Halo never ruined FPS. Call Of Duty however did.

>> No.7093119

Goldeneye, Half Life, Halo: the holy trinity of cancer that killed the FPS genre.

>> No.7093127

Doomcucks and Quaketrannies still seething lol.

>> No.7093150

Halo CE was basically aliens vs predator with you playing as Robocop (with a holographic waifu in your head) on the side of the humans. The Flood (alien equivalent) shows up later in a plot twist, and then you have another plot twist while you re-thread every other level in the game which have now turned into a hellish all-out war between the three factions, as the stakes are raised and now you have to save the universe.

The controls are good and simple, the level designs have stuff hidden in corners you wouldn't expect to look, the music is great and the visuals too (for the time). It was one of the first major FPS games that used mid-level loading to allow you to play through extremely large maps, and also one of the first with an AI that actually used tactics instead of just bumrushing you in a straight line (especially so on Legendary, which made them actually fire first and more often). The gameplay had you a rechargable shield so you could rambo it for short periods, but you still had to watch for your health and go back a bit for that health kit to survive.

It also had vehicles, weapons, and sheer sound design that made your actions feel REALLY powerful. Grenades caused a chain reaction that could send vehicles flying a thousand feet up, the shotgun was the most powerful shotgun since Doom 2, the pistol was a mini sniper gun, you could use alien weaponry no problem (in fact you had to loot them when you ran out of ammo), and melee attacks all made this SCHWACK sound when you haymakered someone on the back, instantly killing them.

And you could play the campaign in 4 player co-op. It was just a good game. The sequels weren't that good, they made them more casual.

>> No.7093152

satire yeh

>> No.7093187
File: 67 KB, 393x529, awful times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of Duty and Medal of Honor are what was cancerous normalfaggotry.


>> No.7093290

>half life
we all know what happened to you in the fall of 1998.

>> No.7093302

it's comforting to know that despite the pushback on the sci-fi games by codkiddies they still end up being best sellers.

it's unironically the last time the franchise was intresting.

>> No.7093321

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.7093360

Cringe and Quakecuckpilled

>> No.7093361


>> No.7093412

seethe & sneed.

>> No.7093447

Silence /v/edditor.

>> No.7093449

*holy trinity of based that saved the fps genre

>> No.7093810

i'd argue that the genre was already transitioning away from doom & quake clones long before any of the games that memers like >>7093119 are whining about.

and it's not like those games didn't go anywhere they just didn't have the brand recognition you wanted.

>> No.7093817

Are you seriously trying to argue that Mortal Kombat 3 wasn't normafaggotry?

>> No.7093843

>Not Enjoying Comfy FPS Split Screen with a real friend.

And this is why Zoomie will never be happy